CNN gets owned. Laughter edition

My grin is quite wide.

Maybe this has been put up already fellows but just in case...

CNN be like--...


There have been a thread or two. The lack of attention this is getting is staggering.

ShareBlue is in full blown damage control mode today. If they lose their MUH RUSSIA narrative, they're absolutely fucked.

The video was put up at 10:30pmEST last night. At 11:20pm it had 320 views. At 11am it had 143,000 views. It's now 3pm and it has 520,000 views.

I think it's going quite viral and garnering a lot of attention. Even Trump discreetly tweeted about it. There's been threads about this for 15 hours straight. Keep the fuck up.





wrong screenshot


Cucked News Network inexplicably, eternally, shamelessly BTFO. Also,

>""You win because you know the game and you play it right. Hillary didn't play it right" - CNN

HILLDAWG BTFO How will the kikes ever recover?!?!?!

Youtube is allowing it on the trending page, #12... CNN really is BTFO'd now. It's full on normie exposed!

Nice job Veritas. Cheers!

So basically CNN is the Fox News of the left?

No matter the provider, don't fall for the propaganda. This is also propaganda, you are being duped!

How much winning can one man generate?

it's #1 on mine

Nobody will care about this in a day. Every Trumpkin will watch and jerk off to the video (i imagine this is most upboated on /r/the_donald right now) but liberals will ignore it- nothing will change.


It's #17 for me.



BUMP for JUSTice

But cnn can't ignore it, they have to follow what their advertisers want, sharia blue lost their favourite "reputable source"

#17 for me, at least it was a half hour ago when people said it was #1.

Probably cause I'm in Canada.

#14 now at least

Why does every phone posting faggot on 4chang not know how to plug in their fucking phones?


No a Harvard study shows that Fox stands up to their slogan, fair and balanced.

The whole first page is about this over there.

does anyone in the entire world actually choose which videos to watch based on the trending page?

It has made it to #1 here. 704k views. RIP CNN.

I can't even find those trending videos. Are they blocked, I use ad blockee!!


only to see what the kikes are pushing for the day.

Also veritas is #1 for me, the that smiling kike seth myers talking about the healcare bill