I help and need ideas for helping my daughter(she's only 14), Sup Forums...

I help and need ideas for helping my daughter(she's only 14), Sup Forums. Does it sound like AntiFa tactics are being used on her or other's like them?

She broke down last night to me. Brighton(her first name), told me she thinks she might be Bisexual and/or a Lesbian now. She's a really good girl for her age very Conservative, Modest, Religious and she also only wants White Children when Married.

I got her to talk with me a bit more coming here to the doctor's. Two of her "friends" convinced her to sneak out two weeks ago and go to a Party with them. They got her drunk and then convinced(forced) her to let them "play with and explore" her. I'm worried she isn't tell me everything and that she was raped by them. She told driving here to that doctor's, her 'friends' took photographs and videos of her in compromising ways during all of that. They've been making her do more sick lesbian shit with them and forcing her to use drugs. I'm taking her to the Sheriff's after this.

I just can't take her to our Preacher for help since it'd end up gossip all around our small Southern Town(less than 800 people). Bright, said she's been having dreams/fantasies/feeling attracted/other stuff to that 'friend' now and one of her other female friends from their Private School. I don't allow Bright to date, at all, and she doesn't want to date or lose her virginity until Marriage.

Sidenote: I am also Brighton's Uncle, but she's been calling me her Daddy, since she was a baby. I took her, her twin sister and their 15-Month old baby sister into my home and adopted them. Their Mother died in a car crash five months ago and Brighton and her sister were hurt pretty badly. Their 'Father' has never been around and left my sister, when they only four months old. I was the only Family willing to take them in and the only one that would formally adopt them. I've had the Family Court strip their Father of any parental right and I've gotten a restraining on him for all of the girls.

Cool story bro

My oldest children living me told me earlier, she's becoming more withdrawn and only hanging out with those girls. My oldest son(19) also texted me saying he found dime bags of oxycontin, several other drugs and used bags of drugs in her room. I told him to go look through the room for me, while we're at doctors. He has her diary/journal too, taking pictures for me. I haven't heard of anything like this happening around her. Fags, dykes and commie's are certainly not welcomed around these parts.

Post pics of her feet

Nice work user, I see the creative writing degree has paid its dividends.

>helping my daughter
>i'm her uncle

I'm not playing around. Her Father was involved in Political Activism for the DNC and associated groups back in the 90's and early 00's. I assume he hasn't changed her ways. It is not really a secret either that I volunteered with the Trump Campaign here before the election.

Take the foot fetish shit to /s/. Last picture I have of Her Mother.

I adopted the girls since their Mother was killed in a car accident on I-15. I wasn't going to let any of those girls go into CPS or Foster Care.

On the off chance you aren't fake, sounds like you're taking good steps so far. What you need to do as well is firmly tell her that her friends took advantage of her and manipulated her into it, guilt her back over to your side

It's definitely not something to fuck around with. I adopted to protect her from the same things that would happen to her in Foster Care. I've been trying that line today slowly. I'm hoping the doctor can help a bit too since Bright's never had an 'exam' before. I told her that those only for sexual active teenage girls or to also check for signs of sexual assault. It clicked with something for her. She wants to go home now but I'm keeping her from leaving the room.

"Corrective rape" is used in many parts of the world to cure women of lesbianism. Why not give it a try?

Give her a zap

Just have an honest talk with her and tell her that it was her first sexual experience, so it makes sense her brain would be confused and think that it enjoys women - in reality, she was just reacting in the natural way to feeling those feelings for the first time with someone. She keeps thinking about them because of the sensations and because shes in a stage of her life where shes very susceptible to that, she isnt attracted to them because theyre women.

She's never shown signs of homosexuality before meeting those girls and her Mother talked about all of that stuff with her plenty. I'm thinking about having one of my sister's call her tonight. She hasn't had a Mother figure in a while.

I'm hoping it wasn't penetrative. She's far too young and had delayed puberty. She's where a 12-13 year old would be growth wise in all areas. That could probably cause serious damage/scaring. I know this doctor very well(used to date her in high school) and she'll record what Bright says for me, regarding sexuality and sexual activity. I called ahead and talked to her this Morning.


>told me she thinks she might be Bisexual and/or a Lesbian now
I skimmed through but gave up after noticing so many extraneous facts and figures. Can you summarize your screed in 20 words or less, I'm studying for an exam and your post is giving me PTSD.

Even if she is it would be impossible to reach that conclusion through an experience like that. Adolescents know their sexuality slowly, not through a fierce exposure like that. She probably felt new sensations which she cant compute so she thought those emotions were this love and attraction thing everyone talks about

I'm worried her 'friends' might be taking advantage of Brighton sexually or have raped her. They've been blackmailing her with nude pictures they've took of her at a party. Now they're making her do other sexual things with them(the 'friends'). She's even turned to drugs(oxycodone/oxycontin and others) because of what's going on or they're making her take drugs to get attached to them.

Fucking kek, sorry OP I feel for you but this was funny

you are in the wrong place, user. I'm not sure, but either the police or reddit are the ones that can help you.

And first and foremost tell her that those girls violated her and hurt her. Make that completely clear if you haven't already.

Either you just have bad grammar or English isn't your first language.

You might want to get the police involved.

First off, find a new preacher. It is their moral duty to keep severe personal issues quiet and respect your privacy, just like a doctor. Praying for you though

I'm taking her to the Sheriff's Office after this to make an official report. The doctor's also giving me the record of the medical exam done to her for the Sheriffs.

I have already made it clear, they've hurt her.

I only take the kids to that one because it's small, in town and all of their friends go. I hate that Preacher too. It's a Woman Preacher too. There's a church 35 minutes from here. I could try with the kids.

She needs to have a positive female role model and a good boyfriend to get her mind straight.

I grew up speaking a dialect of Niederalemannisch but I haven't spoken it since High School.

She's been hanging out with my sons friends more and more, but they're between 16 and 18 Years Old and they're too old for her to date. She doesn't seem to care about boys her age. There's a few of them in her Sunday School. I'm going to call one of my sister's tonight and let them have a talk.

>but they're between 16 and 18 Years Old
Assuming that she is 14-15 she it should be OK so long as boundaries are set (which should be manageable so long as your son has the balls to call out his friends if they do anything wrong), if she is only 13 or less though then you should look for closer in age.

She's 14 but she had delayed puberty until I've been having her treated for it. Her body's still catching up and everything's in a state like she's only 12 or 13(growth wise). My boys are very protective of her and her sister. They've been letting her to keep away from those girls. I'll have a talk with them and her. I've already had rules set for her and her sister(no sex or dating until 18). She wants to save herself for Marriage too. I might ease up on the dating part.

No dating period until 18 in this case is not a smart idea. The imprinting that this experience has had on her is leaving her on a path towards sexual confusion. I'm all for virgin until marriage and that can still happen, but you should let her and her sister date responsibly.

Go back to REEEEddit you fucking whore
coming here, looking for sympathy, you aren't going to find shit.
fuck you, fuck your daughter
just fucking shoot yourself

I'll talk to them and let them start dating a bit. I just didn't want them being taken advantage of us, anymore. Their "Father" abused them and their Mother whenever he was around, I stopped that quickly when I found out. Her sister's completely healthy for being 14 and she's already into boys, a bit too much. She has calmed down a bit. It's why I put the dating rule in place. I grew up in a home not strict enough and had my first son when I was 16. He's 18 now. Brighton's the one of my children, nieces or nephews that's had this happen to her and become sexual confused. She's a bit too innocent/naive too. Her and her sister were sheltered by their Mother. I've stopped sheltering them so much. It's why I let them go to that party.

Reddit's cancer and too full of idiots and libshits. I'm not looking for either empathy or sympathy. Only ideas and solutions I haven't thought about yet.


Shit, sorry user.

Not much I can do but bump.

I grew up in an Anabapist Community and speaking a dialect of Niederalemannisch(Low Alemannic German). Too much pacifism was around. I'm slowly learning and catching up. I'm Southern Baptist now.

Treat her compassionately. She is just young and going through sexual phases, we all do and some of us end up in some strange spectrums in the process. Just be a strong father-figure to her and she will follow suit.

She was scared about coming to me when it happened. I've put aside my personal feelings only for her. I'm pretty strict but try not to be overwhelming. I told my children that live with my ex-wife to stay with their Mother this Summer. So, I could help Brighton, her sister and their baby sister get settled down. I went through pretty strange phases but never ended up addicted to oxycodone or in a homosexual relationship. Brighton told the doctor she's taking up to 30mg a day now to cope and treat her pain. She's only been on it for two weeks. She's got an addictive personality. I left the room so the exam could begin.

Good luck to you with this bump

Thank you, good sir. Bright has some internal trauma, but she's mostly got external and what looks to be self-harm cuts on her stomach and thighs. The doctor gave me mental health recommendations for teens.

Friend, you need to get her enrolled in a new school away from her current friends. OxyContin isn't anything to play with, especially at 14. After visiting the doctor and police, you need to start monitoring any social media she is on. She could also benefit from some counseling. I hope you have caught this before it gets worse.
Dad of three daughters here.

>They've been blackmailing her with nude pictures they've took of her at a party.
Get the police involved.

This user has the right of it. Opiates are the fucking devil and you have to stay clear of the people you were using with. You definitely need to seek out some sort of counseling and discuss the best way to transition her to a new school as soon as possible. These little cunts are going to try and guilt/bully her back in to this behavior. The opiate thing should be concern number one, that's a faster path to a ruined life than anything else going on.

Thirding this.

To be clear, I mean to get her away from the people she's using with or make her feel the need to use.

I'm home schooling her right now, but I let her go out to keep social and be around what I thought were her friends. I got a referral to a Teen Addiction Center and a referral to Mental health services. The doctor recommended that I keep letting her take what the dose she does until we can get in with the addiction center. I'm going to control what she takes so she doesn't go into 'cold turkey' withdrawals. The rest're going down the toilet after that. She's only got jewtube I've got that restricted for her and her sister. I'm taking her to the Sheriff's Office now. There's a Detective waiting for us. Bright is really nervous about having to talk with them. I keep telling her I'll be in there with her.

>coming to Sup Forums for parenting advice

My son said there's apparently an AntiFa "youth wing" popping up in the State. I was\am afraid they're trying to target Brighton. The whole town knows I volunteered for Trump's Campaign and the RNC during September to November. I don't know what tactics they use to recruit.. I agree they're the devil. One of my sister's a therapist and trauma counselor for abused teens, but I never took it seriously until now. She's going to be the one Brighton calls later. They've texted(the cunts) her 24 times since we were in the doctors office. I took her phone to give to the Sheriffs.

This really sounds like a police matter to me, so I'm glad you're going to talk to them. Brighton should know that what was done to her was very, very wrong and an extremely serious matter. She should also know that it's not her fault and that she should not feel guilty.

I don't know if I believe that sexuality is a choice, but I do believe that an immature child could be confused under these circumstances. Very sad all around.

The biggest deal is definitely the opiates. That shit is both addictive and deadly. Therapy might help later with the molestation bit, but it certainly wouldn't help with an overdose.

she's going to be BLACKED soon. only a matter of time now. you cant do shit about it white boy

I hate to say it, but woman preacher is part of the problem. Sorry brother

Fuck you he is trying to be a father, I know that is foreign to your not culture, but it is why we succeed and you are on your moms computer and never met your dad

Go to the police. Take her to youth group, YoungLife whatever, get her help.

out of 7 billion people on this planet why have i seen a photo of these two a hundred times?

i can smell your newports and soul glo from here

Get them out of that school. Send them to a religious school. Take her to a conservative Christian therapist. If you let her go down that path get innocence will be forever lost.

take this fake gay shit to rebbit, saged

>Raise a daughter
>Raise her in a religion renowned for being cucks and pro-nonwhite
>Doesn't homeschool her
>Doesn't pull her out of school after an incident like this
You deserve this and more than likely your little girl is a dirty South that wasn't forced into any of this but now has remorse over it and is crying to you for sympathy
You're a shit father and you deserve everything you're going to get
This is why most white people at this point shouldn't be allowed to have kids
You cunts should be forced to take classes and go through several years of training since you wuite clearly can't raise a child properly
This race doesn't deserve Trump's kindness

My doctor friend talked to her a little about the guilt off the record(as a family friend) as a female and got her to agree to therapy. I'm going to have a long talk to her about everything once we're done at the Sheriffs. I think it'll take therapy to help her guilt fully. She thinks she's committed a very serious sin. It's one of the thing the 'friends' told her while blackmailing her. It could be where the feeling/thought of being bi/lesbian's coming from too. I'm calling the addiction first thing in the morning. The doctor said to keep her on the 30mg and no more until we get in for a session and they give her the drugs to help treat the addiction. The doctor gave me an autoinjector of a drug like 'narcan' and told me all the signs of overdose. I think she's too young to remember her Father molesting her, but I'll get the therapist to treat that too.

90% of preachers are scumbags, you're completely wrong
Being the town gossip has been part of the job description since America started in the 1500's
Ffs they take handouts to survive instead of having actual jobs

In cases like these the other girls involved, may have also suffered abuse prior to meeting your daughter.

The primary flag being overly sexualised behavior and primarily the use of drugs and video/ picturesto enforce and reinforce behavior.

If the ussue continues to grow and you find no help in the form of police or other services, you should probablu take steps to move to another town or city.

I've said that I home school her several times. I let socialize out of my home because I know home schooling could hurt social skills. I don't know if I could afford the Private Christian School that's close to where we live for both Brighton and her sister. The tuition's $36,000 a year per high school age student. I'll have to call about financial aid. I only make $74,000 a year being a horse trainer.

>Implying we aren't better than literally every other website out there for help in pretty much everything
I don't think you understand the scope of Sup Forums very well user

I hadn't read the rest of the thread my bad
Just homeschool her mate, it really isn't that hard and the whole social skills issue is a crock of shit
Her entire generation are shit and the less of them she interacts with the better
You can easily teach her and her siblings how to properly act around people and how to properly read social situations
You NEED to go to the parents of those other two girls and confront them, threaten legal action if you ever catch their little whores around her again.
There's a lot you can do as a home school parent that btfod everything state and local schools do
And the best part is for the last hundred years the government has understood this and allowed it with only large tests needed to legally advance in schooling to higher levels without needing to go to school.
You make plenty to support them and yourself and the internet and library has everything you will ever need to know to teach these kids properly

Good luck. Also, I second that user who said to get her a good boyfriend, a male influence of her age can be very helpful, making her feel cherished and protected. Don't worry if he is 1 or 2 years older than her, especially if they are known to the family (your sons)

>Supremacy flag
>I took her, her twin sister and their 15-Month old baby sister into my home and adopted them


good on you. government has no fucking clue what theyre doing when dealing with families. I would go to the sheriff, also talk about things with Bright, but dont pry. Probably very traumatizing for her. And i dont know about your religion, but in catholicism conversations with priests and such are strictly confidential. would be a really dick move to start gossip

Yeah, breaking the confessional seal is a big fucking deal in Catholicism. That shit doesn't fly with us.

>name a girl Brighton
>surprised when she's a fag

OP didn't name her mate
Read the thread

I don't know if those girls have been sexually abused or not. I'll have my oldest son find out what he can. He's known by most of the towns kids. It'd be weird for me to be asking about that. I can't just drop my horse training business to move. I'd have to retain my farm property and then a new property possibly in another County.

I'm going to contact an attorney in the City about the two girls and their Parents, and how to proceed with that. I'm going to get a restraining order placed on them, but I'm worried about those nude pictures of actually getting out. My sons have said the 'crew' they hang out with has done this before. Isn't those girls having those pictures of Brighton and possibly other's possession of child pornography? I'm hoping the Sheriffs can get them and destroy all of them. I've been looking better private christian homeschooling programs online. One's only $12,000 per year for all of my children, and it's online along with field trips if they want to meet other children locally in the program.

I'll let Bright start dating once the other issues are sorted out especially the drug addiction.

They're my nieces and my Family's only been in the US since 1910. They came from the Kingdom of Bavaria with other Anabaptist's and only Married into other German-speaking Families.

We're at the Sheriffs now. They've got a female Detective speaking with while I listen to them. Bright's already crying talking what happened, but they don't want me in there "influencing" her. I'm out here letting other Detectives go there her phone and medical report. The doctor put a sealed rape kit in for them. No offense, I'm worried a Catholic Priest would abuse her or my other children.

Every fucking girl on the planet is bisexual. The female sexuality does not operate the same way as men's. For them it's about the experience, not so much the body parts involved. Your daughter is fine and just experimenting with carpet like every girl does today.

some stereotypes never go away... whatever. i would just let the cops do their thing and get a report afterwards. completely avoid cps/dcf/all that bullshit if you can. theyre all assholes, had to deal with them when my mother was quitting alcohol. bunch of pricks who think they now everything



She is confused op.
She thinks masturbation is same as sexual orientation. Rest is irrelevant. Touching, but irrelevant.
Yes, leftists are coming for Her.
Go fast.
Move in another town, a small one, conservative. No smartphone. No TV, no internet. Tell her you are broke.
Do it fucking now.

Think user.
Your precious daughter or sheckels ?
If you believe in God, this id the question that He will ask you.
I am an atheist. If i was you, i would be already on the move. If He exists and you do nuffin, you deserve hell.
I lost my sister like that...

sounds like moving her to fucking north korea to me. total isolation will never do any good, just break contact with the old town if resorting to moving is unavoidable. which should be last resort

I'll let Bright speak to a Catholic Priest if she wishes. I've never even been a Catholic Church. She hasn't either. I brought her bible in so she'd have something to comfort her. She's scared to say anything that could be a sin. I had to go to Family Court against CPS to get full custody. They tried to take Bright's and her sister's baby sister from me, saying I "couldn't" raise a baby on my own as a single Father.

Sorry, but isolation has merits

Is rediscovering nature and wildlife is north korea ?
Is being cut from the neverending filth of our society is north korea ?
Is working with your hands, building a family north korea ?

No wonder you harbor the ancap flag...

A nonsensical 2000 year old book will surely comfort her in this dire time.

What I would do is kidnap and torture her blackmailers then release them and make sure they know that if they go near her again they'd die, but then again thats just me.


>isolation has merits
No. It does not.

You teach your children to learn how to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions about life, and hope they're smart enough to make the right decisions for themselves in the greater society.

Forcing religion down her throat on a hilltop out in the country won't fucking help her. The only thing it does is stroke your disgusting fetishism for "pure" women. It's seriously akin to masturbation and you should be ashamed.

best to let her do as she wishes in this case. i would recommend taking her to whatever sect she follows but if she wants to speak to a catholic i dont see a problem
.a hippie AND a poet, jeez. im not saying dont go outside but no connection beyond 5 miles is a bit ridiculous.

Total fail user.

Guess what ?

Hardcore logic atheist here. Try again.

Ancap, definition of brain failure...

Is there any way to obtain a record of website urls she could have connected to? Pornography and bad influences on youtube can do it. She's also under strong hormonal influences that could be confusing her.

"im an atheist, so my logic is automatically superior" and it looks pretty stupid when youre calling someone a retard and forget to to reply to them

There's no proof here. It's not real. No sane parent would come to Sup Forums for parenting advice. Use your brains.

The girls that abused Bright used a dildo or something like that on her. She has some internal damage and scarring. She doesn't believe in masturbation and she doesn't do it either. I'd know if she did from my other daughters telling me. That was her first sexual experience of any kind(that she remembers). I almost killed their Father for molesting her and her sister. They were almost three when I ran him out of the State. I'm only going to let her say the farm for a bit. My son's friends said they'll come spend time with her. He's talking with them, but he's not telling them too much they don't already know. The two cunts've gossiped about her ever since the problem. I already in a 100% White town that's extremely Conservative and somewhat 'close knit'.

She's was Southern Methodist from birth. They're very much pacifists too. I'm taking them to a Southern Baptist Church now and they like it much more. Bright's asked me if she could visit a Catholic Church and Synagogue(I said no to the kikegogue) before. I've been bringing her update on niggers, spics and kikes. She's even more scared because of the cunts is a spic and likely has gang affiliations. They're the only Mexican here and they're going to run one once the rest of the town learns what's been going on.

I have the restriction set on youtube and she doesn't do anything with pornography. I'll check her laptop to see if she's got a Twitter or Facebook behind my back.

since the party

Sup Forums is the only Conservative website I trust with Parenting ideas. I'm only selecting the very useful ones and changing those around to fit my Parenting style.

kek. fucking jews. i would keep it on the down-low if possible to protect her reputation. and let her do what she wants in regard to church as long as its christian, at least i would

>no masturbation
>no boys
>wonders why she gets involved with lesbians

You're going about this all wrong, OP. Hook her up with a nice, white boy. A good dicking will sort her out.

>Sup Forums
Who let you have children? No wonder she ended up a lesbo druggie. The world is fucked.

>Facebook and Twitter "behind my back"
>Trusting Sup Forums with parenting
>Awkwardly capitalizing certain words
Either this is an elaborate troll or you're so fucking stupid you really need to have your children taken away from you. I hope to god you're just a troll.

That's fucking terrible. Some sort of legal consequences need to ensue. :(

don't force rules on her you retard. she's already traumatized because she just fucking lost her only parent. she needs to relax but she also needs to stay away from those degenerate kids. take it to the police if there's blackmailing or go beat them up and tell them you'll kill them and their family if they keep this shit up

protect her from degeneracy but don't act like a retarded islamist father. she can drink alcohol or smoke some weed and have a good hearted bf

Pull your head out of your ass. There are a lot more parents here than you would think. Not everyone is a suicidal "more empathy than brains" tard that wants to leave their children in a fucked world and state

>I brought her bible in so she'd have something to comfort her.

For what I can tell, you are doing a very good job as a parent, just remember, a book, will not help her overcome this situation, a religious text even more so. A fiction book may help her retreat in her own world for some time, though.

From what I got from your other posts, religion is an important part of your culture, and that's fine. But the help she needs right now is not in the Bible, but in the support of people around her. She is a young teen, and peer pressure is very real, get togheter as a family and try to do totally unrelated bonding stuff togheter. I dunno, being a huge nerd I would try a D&D campaign, speaking from experience it has helped many of my friends during times of depression, loneliness or family trouble. But that's just my opinion, if you prefer stuff as camping or hiking, go for them!

a mix of both, she needs a very strong support system but if religion helps her, dont exclude it

sorry meant for op

a fucking stupid made up book written by kikes in rome won't help her. she needs to relax. she needs to be loved. she must feel safe under op's wings (without being oppressive) and she must never feel alone

I'm not letting anyone in the town find out about the synogogue request. I'm sure the town knows she was raped. Those girls go to the same Church as us. It's the only church in town. I'll take her to the city and let visit different Christian domination Churches.

I've already said English isn't my first language. The Anabapist community I grew up in only spoke Niederalemannisch and Boarisch.

I'll let her look for other books when we get home. I've bought them all e-book readers and restricted them to teen and young adult acceptable books only. I'm trying to support Bright and her sister as much as possible. I'll see if anyone of my other kids want to come for the rest of the Summer. I've already told them what happened and they're all worried.

Brighton's the one that doesn't want to masturbate.I don't force my children to do anything sexually and let them discover it on their own. I'm going to let her start dating. There's a boy that's 16 that likes her. He's the son of one of the Town Police Officers.

>I'll talk to them and let them start dating a bit.
Yep, please do this. I didn't start dating until almost 21 and it's off-putting to partners if you don't know what you're doing or what is acceptable (hard to find the line between cute and clingy for some people, or what is expected of you).
Make sure you vet the boys gently (just meet them and talk to them casually for a few minutes when they start actually dating- don't have to grill or threaten them). Brighton will know you care about her safety but you won't be intruding.
Let her know she's welcome to hang out with guys and you'd like her to be discerning after her last brush with peer pressure. You want her to not be afraid of males, but to know what to look for. Hopefully someone from school/church or one of your son's younger friends/acquaintances from school.
Also don't push it too hard if she's not into guys yet, dating someone you've just been friends with for a while can be a good idea, especially if she's already comfortable talking with them. Maybe let her have a little more internet freedom as well so she's not quite as naive, but always enforce good values and behavior.
Good luck to you both.