Muslim here, ask me anything.
(please ask serious questions)
Other urls found in this thread:
Did u fast the whole Ramadan?
Nobody cares about you
who is your daddy and what does he do?
Why are you still alive?
Why hasn't Islam gone through any softening, like most other religions?
Also: Is it because it's prime goal is to control dumb people by elites?
damn thats a rare flag
Islam is a religion yeah? Islam is a political ideology? Islam is not a race correct?
I have a muslim co-worker who always says hes muslim etc etc, I make muslim jokes all the time and he gets pissy.
He drinks, smokes, and has a very bad gambling problem (he lost 20k and had to move back in with his parents). He doesn't fast or pray. Why does he call himself a muslim and get butthurt when I make fun of muslims?
Do you believe black magic exists?