Muslim here, ask me anything.
(please ask serious questions)
Other urls found in this thread:
Did u fast the whole Ramadan?
Nobody cares about you
who is your daddy and what does he do?
Why are you still alive?
Why hasn't Islam gone through any softening, like most other religions?
Also: Is it because it's prime goal is to control dumb people by elites?
damn thats a rare flag
Islam is a religion yeah? Islam is a political ideology? Islam is not a race correct?
I have a muslim co-worker who always says hes muslim etc etc, I make muslim jokes all the time and he gets pissy.
He drinks, smokes, and has a very bad gambling problem (he lost 20k and had to move back in with his parents). He doesn't fast or pray. Why does he call himself a muslim and get butthurt when I make fun of muslims?
Do you believe black magic exists?
>where do you live?
>your (and your family/community if divergent) view on gay rights
>your (and your family/community if divergent) view on women rights
>your (and your family/community if divergent) view on beheading the infidels
How do you feel that we stopped mudslimes from some countries from coming to our nation.
Why do you all want to live in countries where everything is haram?
Which one is you?
>Did u fast the whole Ramadan?
Nope, I always faint.
>what does he do?
My dad is a cop.
>gone through any softening
You mean become a degenerate pile of shit? There is no positive outcome of this so called softening.
>control dumb people by elites?
No it's not, it is to guide people on the correct path but you should know that.
>Islam is a religion yeah
>Islam is not a race correct?
Honestly this seems like his own personal issue and I don't think I can really answer or speak for him.
Yes I do.
>narnia, ethiopia
>boi pucci is best pucci
>women are sub-tier, all are deserving of having their vertical holes sown shut
>beheading is fucking punk rock, and besides islam is alpha as a religion
>go out, buy bitches at the convenience store, blow shit up, shoot guns, make dank videos, etc...
christianity is for betas
>give the other cheek, suck skydaddy's dick
t. former christian orthdox
>>where do you live?
ehhh... I live in a western country
>>your (and your family/community if divergent) view on gay rights
My view is that Islam does not prescribe any punishment for those who are gay and there is no strong evidence for punishing them but it does say that it is a sin and should not be promoted, therefore I believe exactly this; to not punish but nor to promote.
My family is too fucking westernised so they don't really give a shit.
>your (and your family/community if divergent) view on women rights
Women's rights are very important in the holy book and therefore important to me.
>>your (and your family/community if divergent) view on beheading the infidels
This is wrong and not Islamic.
>Yes I do.
How does that work? You make drawings on some papers, put up some candles and speak out a few words?
Like in this video
Prob a mudslime if he don't get the kindergarten cop reference.
You cant fucking fast all day? You faint? Bullshit
So why are Muslims always going on about racism, when Muslims can be from anywhere from any background? Are Muslims just oppression opportunists?
Would you go to the Mid-East and fight the heretics that carry out atrocities in the name of your religion?
Why do you guys always shape you fingers at the camera when you rage against the West? It does appear comical to the viewer.
If Islam becomes the dominant religion in Europe, will you genocide the Jews and enslave the Christcucks that brought you in?
I wouldn't really care and even promote it in some instances, depending on the country.
>How does that work?
To be honest I'm not really sure although my mother has mentioned things about them using your hair or nails or even an image of you to perform black magic. I think she once said something about reading the Quran backwards but again don't take my word for it because I don't know much.
I'm a mudslime because I haven't watched some shitty movie? okay.
Do you live in a western nation?
did you know that there's no praying 5 times a day in quran? no call to prayer? no mosques? did you know that islam was subverted by kikes and cult of umayyad?
Have you ever read a part of the quran and thought to yourself that it sounds a little far-fetched and unrealistic, or do you believe every single word unquestioningly?
Shape = shake
Answer this simple question
NO, you are a mudslime because it's AMERICAN FUCKING CULTURE. We all know wtf that saying is and where it came from. Just like you guys have stuff you say and do things we won't understand, like blowing yourself up and shouting allahu akbar.
You actually believe that a 'being', not visable nor detectable, is going to use a force that he/it can create and thereby change the nature of things in real time?
Like there is suddenly a hole in your heart and you die, or the crops is going bad etc?
do you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
why are you a muslim?
I'm American and have no idea where that term came from
your config is aids, OP
like chicken
well, are you or are you not a mudslime?
also, is it hard for you not to identify with the countless of muslim lives that 'murica is currently taking or do you just not care?
I don't know, WHAT do Christians taste like?
They're just retarded Muslims who are easily bought by the whole Muslim oppression bs and love to play victim.
>Are Muslims just oppression opportunists?
Pretty much, but not all.
No, I'm a pussy I want to die but I don't want to die.
>Why do you guys always shape you fingers
I never shape my fingers but I'm guessing they do it to display strength, power or some shit.
>will you genocide the Jews and enslave the Christcucks
No Islam calls for the protection of other Abrahamic religions and I have no reason to enslave those who are no threat to me, I also support Israel and it would make me a hypocrite to enslave Jews.
you might be an american, but you're an ethnic dindu, hence why you aren't familiar with the basics of being caucasian
get to my level you mug
t. ethiofag who asked the question
also can you post dat exotic middle eastern boipucci per favor?
would you like to see sharia law in europe?
How's the sacks of rice and corn these days?
That's just how muzzies are when they grow up somewhere without sand flying in your ass. Leafland is full of these creatures
what do you say to people who think the quran reads like a third rate knock off of the old testament?
why did muslims pray to petra and not mecca for the first century or so of islam?
What do you think about Hamas?
why has islam been at war with itself and the world for the entirety of its existence?
At what age to goats become sexually mature?
nice skins poorfag
do you ever forget to ask allah for forgiveness after taking a shit?
You have to go back ... to T Spawn
good morning good morning good morning how are you? yaaaaaa. IM A COP YOU IDIOT! IM DETECTIVE JOHN KIMBLE. CUTIE PIE.
Kill yourself
DO you get wet dreams when you have one with a goat involved.
This post could be the most Sup Forums post of the day.
>sounds a little far-fetched and unrealistic
Am I not human? Of course I do although once I have read the passage in context and looked up interpretations of what it means I understand it a bit more, but of course talk of angels seems a little unrealistic but my questioning only allows me to expand my knowledge and therefore probably is a benefit the eyes of God.
> do you believe every single word unquestioningly?
Once it is put into context, yes.
Shouldn't that be obvious? Because my own country is a shit hole.
You should read the reply from the American saying he has no idea what that is and you should also chill out.
grotesque and your acting cringe worthy, please grow up
Yes, I do. If this being is to be God whom is omnipotent then he has full control over this world therefore he can control everything in this world.
I do accept Jesus as my prophet
Hard question my dude and I don't think I can really give you a sufficient answer other than that me being Muslim is God's wishes for me there have been a couple of times when I was extremely close to leaving but there was something that always kept me there.
I am a mudslime and I do care that is why I believe this so called crisis is merely karma.
I got all of my skins statrack :^)
>Yes, I do. If this being is to be God whom is omnipotent then he has full control over this world therefore he can control everything in this world.
So why have he been punishing Muslims since the Ottoman fall? Muslim blood is cheap these days
>You mean become a degenerate pile of shit? There is no positive outcome of this so called softening.
Your religion has given birth to ISIS, al qaeda, boko haram, hezbollah etc but its not degenerate? What's it like to be retarded?
assuming you're an ethnic paki, do you ever think that Islam has disinherited you from the natural religion of you race?
I'm asking about your pic OP, What the fuck kind of viewmodel settings are those? Also why don't you have any skins?
What's your opinion on Russia? Should we become allies to fight degenerate West?
>would you like to see sharia law in europe?
Honestly no
>What do you think about Hamas?
Disgusting barbarians, the reason I support Israel.
At what age to little Filipino girls become sexually mature?
Taking a shit is a sin?
How can an objectively amoral, degenerate man be considered a prophet? Similar to how Marx has no position to espouse economic advice, how does a personal with no spirituality and evil tendencies have a position to espouse spirituality (warring with innocents, slaughtering non-combatants, sexually violating juveniles, homosexual acts with juveniles, etc.)?
Why do you rape goats?
Why do you rape children?
Why do you think you deserve to live?
When will crusaders sever your ugly head from your disgusting body?
>Disgusting barbarians, the reason I support Israel.
What about Hezbollah?
Are you Sunni/Shia or do you consider neither and just Muslim?
Appreciate the answers bro