THIS is how you lead
THIS is how you lead
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Lead to where, exactly?
Also, is that shit real? I have a hard time telling because your PM talks like a 15 year old girl.
Canada doesn't accept single males.
Talk about cuck.
>I would rather allow ten million men to enter my wife rather than to turn away one single virgin.
How can Canada support 10 million welfare seeking rapists when they're broke and sold all their gold reserves?
He is a 15 year old girl.
>THIS is how you lead
your country to ruin.
Every fucking time this cuck tweets he has to say the same goddamn thing again in French. You need to get your shit together Leafs, this is unacceptable.
rip canada
which one of is 56% white with a huge black crime problem?
Which one produces nothing except shitty Ubisoft games?
requesting the tweet of him telling people to fuck and cum in his girl.
Nothing on his twitter feed, at least for this year. There was something about remembering the largest terrorist attack in Canadian history on the 23rd, so the OP shot was probably edited to inflame.
Libs are dumb, but Justin's PR team wouldn't let him go highlighting fugees on a terrorist attack remembrance day.
Which one looks upon that and says "now that's what my nation is missing!"?
Hell, at least it's perfectly acceptable to put down rabbid nigs here yourself if necessary.
So your cuck leader would happily accept 10 million refugees, which is about 28 percent of his nation's population? Jesus, and I thought Evropa was cucked
I'd rather go to jail for not paying taxes rather than to fund my enemy
Don't come crying to U.S. looking for help when the Muslim warriors destroy your country like they have Germany, Sweden, Belgium, France, UK, etc, etc, etc.
Bullshit. Doesn't canada have some of the strictest immigration conditions in europe?
Fake tweet but believable
Lead your country into the dumpster
We tried, but daddy Trudope got cucked by Quebec
excused me , I just vomited.
>In Europe
I know your a nigger, but pick one
nvm I found it.
>35,850,000 people
>Accept 10,000,000 refugees
>Now 2/9 Canadians do not speak English or French
>not 6 gorrilion
What a heartless piece of shit
That comment makes no fucking sense. You could say it backward and it means the same thing.
>I would rather allow one single refugee to enter Canada then to turn away ten million refugees.
>which one of is 56% white with a huge black crime problem?
Which one of our leaders literally sucks Muslim cock?
That doesn't make fucking sense. The phrase is all fucked up.
It should "I'd rather let in 10 million refugees and X, than reject a single one"
Trudumb literally basically just fucking said.
"I'd rather let in refugees than not let in refugees."
This fucker was a teacher and literally cannot form a sentence.
Are fake Justin Trudeau tweets the easiest bait images in the history of bait images? I'm guessing it has a 90% success rate, and they are all genuine "FUCKING LEAFS" posts and think it's real.
Thats what i'm saying. It is so retarded of a sentence that im actually mad that people call trump on dumb shit but Trudumb is literally just as bad, if not worse because nobody will correct him.
Northern wall now pls.
The leaves should force Justin to fill his house with them.
sauce up nigger
Ferry to Canada all the mexicans
Which one of us will get jailed for reporting the Muslim problem.
Any info on Trudeaus wife?
>Justin "I'd rather take 10 million Somali cocks in my ass than waste one Somali load on my face" Trudeau
teaches u electing a trannny
Is that real? That has to be a joke right?
You think importing millions of people from a foreign culture that doesn't speak your language and don't agree with your morals and values is a good idea?
Down a dark path.
Literally the downfall of every civilization in history.
I thought leftists were smart.
Reminder that Trump pimped out Justin Trudeau's mother:
>“Wild things happened all the time back then, and nobody thought very much of it. For instance, one day a friend called me at the office and said he needed to set up a date for a certain well-known married woman. This woman was visiting from out of town and was, he said — using a typical swinging-seventies expression — 'really hot.'
>“I had a girlfriend at that time, and so did he, but I knew a guy named Ben who was very worldly-wise. Ben, I was sure, could serve as this woman’s escort and be discreet about it. I called him immediately, and though he said he was tired and had been planning to stay home that night, Ben eventually agreed, as a personal favor to me, to take this woman out.She turned out to be the wife of a man who was then the prime minister of a major country.”
>“I’d heard stories about this lady, but I never thought much of them until that night. We met at the house of the friend who’d phoned me. After we’d all chatted for a while in the living room, the four of us who already knew each other drifted out to the kitchen, leaving Ben and Madame X in the living room to get better acquainted. Which they did. In fact, when we drifted back in, about ten minutes later, she and Ben were involved in an incredibly torrid scene on the couch. I remember standing there and thinking to myself, “well, Donald, you’re not in Queens anymore.”