Are they fucked or will they shrug it off?
Has the beast been slain?
Their only choice right now is to act like it's nothing.
theyll just deflect and liberals will keep sucking up the bullshit they crave
I see other news agencies rallying to its defense, getting some proCNN hashtag trending. They'll protect their own because they're a hive mind whose industry is in free fall
How can they recover?
Considering the only place I've seen actually mention this story is Sup Forums, I doubt it.
>#1 on trending
Fuck yes
Keep shilling this vid
>is the beast slain?
Soon baby
At what point does this shit become treason or sedition?
Says at the end there will be more video. This was just part 1.
rush played the tape on his show today and big a long segment. michael savage just did a segment on it. hannity will almost certainly talk about it tonight. it's #1 on youtube. the combination of just these is a ridiculous amount of eyes and ears. im assuming reddit just downvotes it and this is what shapes your reality.
Just wait until Trump tweets about it, you know he will
CNN is finished. It happened today. Today is a good day. S
Shrug it off. Look on r/politics, liberals doing complete mental gymnastics. This time they are unable to skew what the producer meant, they are unable to say it's fake, and unable to say it was misinterpreted. So they've taken to saying ''This is actually a good thing for CNN!''. They won't explain why, they just say it's a good thing.
Basically liberals are admitting they know it's fake, they just don't care. Which makes it 100x scarier
This is expected of leftists, as Yuri says, they cannot be saved.
However, this kills any and all credibility CNN still had with independents/normie republicans , and that is good
Nah, they will be fine. There was already tons of evidence of cnn being completely fake news. People ignored it because they only see what they want to see.
God damn, this week is a good week my dudes. Maybe they'll think twice before publishing stupid shit, but I know it won't happen.
They'll do a bunch of releases about how they are making big changes ect, make a minor improvement for a few months then go right back to what they were doing before. Actually...nah...they wont do shit and will double down on the same shit theyve been doing like the rest of the DNC. Remember its the PR wing of the DNC.
This will go down the memory hole unfortunately. McKeef will somehow be framed as a fake again.
CNN is only watched by brainwashed liberals, with their numbers padded by being on in airports ect. They wont lose any viewers, they barely have any, and their viewer numbers are massively inflated. Just like they skewed polls to make conservatives unpopular they do the same with ratings and viewer counts for MSM news.
libel laws protect them
laws are proven to only be applicable to enemies of the deep state and globalists.
I was going to point out Yuri on this as well. Also it won't ruin their credibility, people just forget. Most people don't understand how powerful and dangerous propaganda can be, so they'll just shrug this off. They were just caught staging 'peaceful Muslims' this month, but everyone forgot.
Tucker Carlson "laughing at CNN" segment when?
Every conservative talk show has played OP's clip all day.
What's this S meme
I'm glad I went to /r/The_Donald first. At pol I finally had to use Ctrl+f to find something about this, buried under the mass of bull pervading this board.
Go moderators!
They should be banned from holding any 2020 Presidential debates.
> S to spit on meme
"S" for Suckle their Penor.
Like "F" for Fap to their Memory.
/r/The_Donald? well i have to ask kekistani brother.
Are you addicted to black breeding cuckold white extinction porn like me? I can't even get a boner anymore without thinking about a huge strong black man with a monster cock ravaging a white pussy, filling up her womb with superior African DNA, and breeding the white race out of existence. So hot when black men sexually humiliate weak whytes. All whyte women should be the Black man's sex toy.
Normies will never see this, and if they do they'll shrug it off or half assedly bullshit their way out of it and it will have almost no impact. Happens when (((they))) control your news.
They're already trying to deny this by saying that the producer on tape has never worked on anything trump or russia related.
the MSM monster have several heads, cnn is only one of them, it would be great if they're fucked, but we still have all other networks spreading fake news to deal with
For years people have been predicting the demise of these news organizations. They just pivoted and now cater to leftists who like to pretend they're informed without doing any real work.
Have a you for that MP reference.
depends if whitehouse sues them
The guys works for there health department you guys are reaching for nothing which is expected with that convicted felon O'Keefe.
Back when games gave no fucks about killing you.
Go away CTR. Your organization is just as ineffective in politics as you are in life.
CAPTCHA: Roads. So triggered.
They've got too many brainwashed followers on the left who will follow no matter what happens.
It will drive more centrists our way though.
Nothing will happen as usual with these reveals
I just wonder if any actual CNN viewers will catch wind of this. CNN certainly wont report it, so how will any of its mindless drones know? So far, the only ones who know are the people who already knew they were fake news.
Considering how often trump, congress, and all the other news outlets lie and tell their own narratives I don't really give a fuck.
>since 1980
I don't think so Willis
CNN tries to take down Trump and takes themselves down in the process...
this, if they dont completely ignore it, it will just spread and grow. they do this with multiple stories, wont even fucking speak a word about them.
Rip Inbox! Thanks for the Gold kind stranger!
They can shrug this off. There needs to be more. This was just a manager from their Medical News division, probably pretty low on the totem pole. But Project Veritas is hinting that there IS more, so hopefully the order of the release of information is scheduled to disprove the most likely CNN defense night after night.
This. I've even seen it in a popular Dutch politcal blog.
have you guys seen this? James O'Keef saying he has more on CNN tomorrow!
If they haven't already he'll be fired and then they'll try to cover it up and act like it's nothing.
>We- we'll be fine
They really fucked up this time.
If this wasn't enough to convince retards that CNN is bullshit then nothing is.
So basically the only people that are hearing about it are conservatives that already hate CNN. Liberal and leftists won't hear about it and nothing will change.
It's amazing how Trumptards take a CNN health producer giving his personal opinion on coverage and take it to mean "fake news". There is no suggestion that CNN is fabricating stories or making unproven claims (No major media outlet would claim Trump colluded with Russia). The only thing to be gotten from that video is that CNN considers Russia a hot story and it generates ratings, which every 24 hour news channel does. Focusing on a story has nothing to do with "fake news."
Nevermind the fact that this story is focusing on an actual, active investigation that has been going on for nearly a year, and the majority of the leaks are broken by WaPo and NYTimes, not CNN.
And O'Keefe has a history of bullshitting. If you aren't suspicious about the fact that his video has so many cuts and we don't have full context, you're shilling.
You can still show it to liberals yourself.
>guaranteed replies
Why you faggots choose sides is beyond me. The common folk should hate all media equally at this point in life but you're still sucking CNN's dick.
And he's still a producer who was still in the meeting with the CEO that told them to keep pushing Russia.
Also please provide any proof of Russia interference other than "sources say."
Doesn't matter. Republicans already don't watch it and it won't drive away their Liberal viewers.
I have no liberal friends.
The Cameraman
Captured More
Than Expected
We'll okay. However eventually some liberale will See this and change their Kind. I used to hate Trump.
It's #1 on trending YouTube videos hard to miss
Ignores the part about the story being BULLSHIT
Both. Keep in mind that CNN wasn't the only source pushing the Russia bullshit. It goes to literally every major news outlet. Okeef says he's got more videos for tomorrow so it might go even further.
Expect other outlets to come to their defense knowing full well this implicates them as well.
Expect those other sources to get BTFO too.
And mind
let old media die in peace
Holy shit lmao this is probably the greatest meme asides from Pepe
>hard to miss
Leftists will find a way to miss it.
Alahu BRAAAAPbar
Whitehouse Deputy Secretary urging the press core and all of america to go see it?
During the election it was easy to rally people around a hashtag or reallly turn anything important into something the media has to respond to by shilling it out on social media. Deep state and media have their swift response and now its game over.
If you watched the andrew breitbart doco he taught o'keefe to drop proofs one at a time. This will be death by a thousand cuts
No we are really fine. We will always stay our ground.
>ywn have a thicc isis qt braaap a smelly one in your face
Wow almost word for word from a screen cap of Reddit butthurt... Nice.
Tim Pool did a report on it
It seems we've won this round. Vae Victis.
Spreading on NormieBook. Are you anons doing your part?
I'm old enough to remember this:
They are fucked. They have been pushing this russia shit for 6 months and it comes out its fake?
lol I can imagine every troll on twitter is using this video to trigger leftists.
has any major media talked about this yet? Even fox?
>It's amazing how Trumptards take a CNN health producer giving his personal opinion on coverage and take it to mean "fake news"
*judo flip*
Possibly, but only if we continue to push it. Right now there's basically a complete media blackout about this story. That means we need to spread it through alternate channels.
they should have "died" after they lost the election
gaslighting propagandists will just push out a story saying "everything is fine ratings are up we are ok" and try to retain any idiots dumb enough to believe it.
realize that cnn is literally the cia and not going anywhere anytime soon.
Send it to the Facebook gossip/addict in your life.
>Sup Forums called out the Russian narrative from day 1
>Sup Forums was right again
I hope nothing happens. If you pay attention closely to the small details such as tone of voice and choice of words then it's easy to come to the right conclusion that the person being spied on is joking and being coerced to make it seem he said such terrible things. I for one wont run to judgment from just this. Also didn't this guy fake and doctor pass releases? Lets all just take a deep breath and wait to see if anything else comes out. Maga