Why are all civilizations doomed to fall?

Why are all civilizations doomed to fall?

Is it due to a flaw deeply embedded within the structure of all societies, or is it because we are still in the earlier stages of advancement?

The Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians, each renowned as the heralds of early civilization were subjected to decaying passion and subsequent derailing of all their societal practices farther into their life-cycles. These civilizations were only three examples of many more societal collapses throughout all of human history, the Chinese are known to have gone through dynasties like fucking hot-cakes until we ended up with the shaky foundation of the current Chinese government which is also doomed to fail because of one reason or another.

I want to know why we, the apex predator of this planet that maims and slaughters on an industrial scale, cannot hold our pieces together longer than we could've hoped.

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Here you go, ameribro.

It's because humans - especially men - are cancer.

>If it is accepted that peoples, nations, states and civilisations have their youth, maturity and old age on the pattern of the individual human life, in that case, also on the model of the individual, every civilisation must fall and come to an end simply because it grows old. The devising of a biological pattern common to every civilisation then imposes itself upon the intellect—hence the cyclic theories. Somehow it is overlooked that three very old civilisations — Jewish, Brahmin, Chinese—still exist.

On the Plurality of Civilizations by Feliks Koneczny

Nothing lasts forever. Everything dies. Even death itself will die, when the last being capable of conceiving it disappears.


Nice non-argument. I gave you the reason. Human civilization will never last because humans are garbage. And men are the worst humans.

Women get too many rights and men get shat on for being men.

Females don't make society, men do.

No. Men get shat on for wrecking everything, then whining like howler monkeys when anyone tries to fix anything you broke over and over again.

It's the same reason we are the greatest creature to be borne of this planet.

We are greedy and impatient, and bored.

We want more, we want it now. This is what drives invention, but it also creates problems like inequality, and the lower class supporting socialism, despite the fact they know it will ruin the middle/upper classes.

We are also bored, this is why we support things that don't always make the most sense. Like liberals wanting to bring in poor refugees. They think they are fighting a historical battle, they think they are heroes. It's also why we are here fighting to preserve the west and a future for white children. We want something to fight for, and honestly, when a society gets to the point where we are now, where we have nothing to fight for, we create things to fight for and against.

I'll take the bait. I've got time.

Name me one high functioning matriarchal society.

Cause nothing lasts forever, user.

What the fuck are you talking about? Almost all societies are patriarchal.

>Oh yeah, well name one landfill that isn't full of garbage
>Pssh nothing personal kid. Garbage is clearly the best substance.

Liberty leads to decay.

Terrible argument. Doing nothing to refute the point and providing no examples to my question asked.
If almost all societies are patriarchal then do you think that there might be a solid reason for that?

Yeah I know it was. So why'd you use it?

And the reason is because men are cunts who rape and pillage until they control everything.

Witty. I appreciate the bait but I figured I would get some good conversation out of you.
I was wrong, I apologize for wasting both our times.

Prosperity leads to comfort and comfort leads to relaxation which leads to women getting more rights. Then it ends

Because you are afraid of rule by angels and insist that demons are coming for your souls.

This is the future you chose.

Cycles of interplay between the ruling classes, middle class and workers struggling against each other. Balancin economy with wars and inflation. Loss of spirit of the people when the civilization and/or its religion no longer provides reward in life and people no longer believe in an idea bigger than themselves. Corrupt officials and insane leaders.

Fuck off you fucking cunt and go fuck a nigger already

All things are affected by entropy.

>I want to know why we, the apex predator of this planet that maims and slaughters on an industrial scale, cannot hold our pieces together longer than we could've hoped.

because jews+niggers

It's because there is a lot less time between modern civilization and the poo flingin tree swingers we came from.

>Ruin everything
>You ruined it.
>K. We're done with your shit now and moving on without you.

You forgot the wo in women

Oh I see, so women have been in control of society for millennia. Weird. I thought I read history differently.

You should probably go back to the_d

Because human nature is to strive for more and more. There will be a point though in any civ where achieving more and something with a very profound impact on society becomes harder and harder until most people wont see any point in trying. From there we go to liberalising the populus to do whatever the fuck they want and even encouraging them in doing so. This will lead to degenerating effects on many parts of society until a certain peak from where all goes downhill and end in chaos leaving behind mostly rubble and strong people to rebuild and revitalize the people because the weak will perish and not get to pass on their genes. An empire built on competition wont last because at some point competition becomes too hard for the largest portion. Most religions have the right message in showing compassion and striving just for a modest life. Almost no one will truly live by it though and everything will go full circle every time.

>tfw you understand how the ever-moving and self-developing nature of spirit manifests itself throughout history.
>The negative is the engine behind all development.
>history is ultimately the unfolding of human freedom.

>work hard and build house
>white people don't burn my house down
>nigger burns my house down
>house burning down is white people's fault

Also the women keep allowing foreigners to come in and settle after they gain power.. seems to be a pattern ..

that's so fatalistic, user

i'd expect warmer blood from someone living among a million slavic qts

For anyone wanting to read up more on what op is talking about.


Because violence eventually destroys everything it touches. And men in position of power are often violent.

>being this retarded

The nose knows

Then you should lose that virginity.

Because we are slaves to our animal urges, not realizing that mastery of self should come before mastery of nature.
As within, so without.

Civilizations fail because a pelosi eventually comes along, and rewards losers and no-goodniks for their votes.

Oswald Spengler, "The Decline of the West"-- answers the question better than anyone before or since.

Stfu you obscurist piece of shit

>society is successful and creates large abundance
>abundance leads to apathy and a degrading of the values that made the society successful
>after a while things stop working because the people that behaved the way to make society run wel are long dead and the living have long forgotten it
>society collapses and/or is gobbled up by a more successfull society

And then the cycle repeats

I think that tying the cosmic cycles to biology is a misinterpretation of the cosmic cycle idea. I'd say it is better represented in a crude sense by the "good times create weak men" meme

When they start being gay, fucking little boys in the ass and women are sluts they tend to fall.

Tell me why you assume something should be immortal when everything in nature and the observable universe shows the exact opposite time and time again?
Life is death and rebirth. This pattern should be obvious to all.

"I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."

- Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ozymandias

Everything falls at some point, that's how the universe works


I was shitposting, but Hegel's philosophy of history is propably the most accessible portion of his system and highly relevant to this topic.

A civilization isn't truly destroyed, it's sublated. What was true in Roman civilization has been preserved up to this day. This should be obvious in that OP sees the Romans as the "heralds of early civilization"; clearly we still find value in what Rome represented.

Hegel reminds us that although we often like to think that what we imagine to be our true, full potential will be achieved when we overcome what is opposed to us, we do not fully grasp how what we are is also determined by our opposition. Rome might have utterly defeated all of its enemies, but was also changed by doing so, and and in the long run, had to collapse under its own weight. Notions run their course, over time their inner contradictions become more apparent until they have to be overcome. This is still very relevant today. With the end of the cold war, capitalism seemingly triumphed over soviet socialism, and when that happened people like Fukuyama were quick to claim the end of history was at hand. The events of the last few years should make us question that claim.

This. Or at least these are the conclusions I came to as well

Just gonna shill this real quick


Conflicting ideologies?


Jews have destroyed every single great nation that ever existed. They do this because they believe they are entitled to be the sole rulers on earth as god's chosen people. Any time a great civilization arises, they target it for destruction.

Sounds familiar

Everything has an end.

id probably say religion and economic failure. it usually starts with civilizations waging war on one another, over trade,land, or even women.

>Why are all civilizations doomed to fall?

why does everybody die?

same question, same answer

these things move in cycles. we all go full circle

Peter Turchin has some interesting ideas.

to be fair, she isnt completely wrong, but she forgets, there are also kind men, its just those men are weak, and create hard times. The strong men will be back but this time improved. Feminine empathy combined with masculine strong logic.

The trap is the Uebermensch, Nazi Traps are the future of Europe.

Because another civilization fucks up it.

I needed to hear this user.

It's human nature to be unable to learn from history.

This cycle is seen all throughout history. Some nation, some literal nobody nation, by the blessing of God it seems, begins to achieve abundance. Growth. Economic prosperity. They become great and strong.

Then what happens? In their luxuries, the people forsake all morality and discretion, and destroy themselves. They have been so comfortable for so long that they can't imagine anything bad happening to them, so they do more and more to destroy themselves, thinking that nothing bad will happen. Until eventually it's too late, and their fate is sealed. They either collapse completely, or they are conquered by another nation, seemingly blessed by God, that previously had the strength of a water flea.

Entropy. Simple as that.

Also, sand nigger religions are cancer.

to be reborn greater. the fall is purge time.

Read Ecclesiastes. There is a reason the Bible is considered the most red-pilled book. The only nation that will truly last is the Kingdom of God, and all earthly nations should ultimately provide the best environment to prepare human individuals for this Kingdom to come.

Godspeed, user