how accurate is this, Sup Forums?
How accurate is this, Sup Forums?
100% if you replace tumblristas with redditors
support free speech since when ??
calls your evidence invalid ?? could it be that actually it is ?
dosent like called stormfag ?? waht if are u calling some ancaps nazis what did you expect
I doubt this thread will get many responses. Although I do agree with the graphic.
How could someone "suppress" your opinion, there's no voting system here and all you can do is reply.
How about this one?
stormfag detected
It should probably also mention how all the whiny beta MGTOW fags here cry about how terrible women are for how they treat men, while saying shit about women that would get you ostracized 100 years ago
1 true
2 not true
3 not true m8 they were not kangs tho
4 no idea
5 not true its jews
6 true
7 not true
8 true
Pretty damn accurate. Both sides also use whataboutisms constantly.
close but no cigar
5-6 similar shill threads popped up in about 10 minutes what's up with that?
>you see i am no nazi, i am merely larping a sci-fi fascist
stormweenies OUT
'not real communism' but... ' "not real communism" '
They'll just ignore you or call you a faggot when you shit all over them. This is no place for logic. The proper way to use this board is to just sit back and watch a bunch of fucking retards argue policy.
hahhahaa pretty much u forgot fantasy
Go back, reddit.
Point 5. I accept that you have a different opinion - that's what makes it wrong.
>Will suppress different opinions once they dominate a thread/board
This is not true at all. If anything its the opposite. Threads with different opinions often get the most replies.
I only use ad hominem as a little icing on my argument.
"Argument argument argument argument, how do you not understand this you absolute leaf?"
I call people jews or kikes because it is understood here that that means they are pushing the mainstream narrative.
There are no rules on this board about not being allowed to post unpopular opinions, only people telling you why you're wrong. We hate things like hate speech laws (actual rules)
I don't often bring up my own evidence but argue about the implications of others evidence. I guess this is actually a flaw of mine.
We constantly talk about differing opinions. You know how we have marxism generals, fascist generals, libertarian generals, etc?
This one is true for a lot of Sup Forumslacks, but I know most of us are cringing everytime we see one of us act like a tumblrite.
make another response to this one
>will suppress different opinions
There is no down vote here. Go back to plebbit.
Hypocrisy is human nature, sorry. Fools will always contradict themselves, and there are fools in both the left and the right.