
Politically speaking, is YouTube featuring these videos a negative thing for society?

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>yfw you don't want people to shove religion down your throat but you show you gay beliefs down ours.

Burn all gays

Hit 'em with the pregnant Anne Frank copypasta


I wanna see this replied to every comment so literally any person who scrolls through the comments section has to see it at least once.

All I care about is having rights like work, housing and food. Stuff every citizen usually has. I don't push my tranny shot down people's throats because I know people don't want to hear it

I can say the same shit when religion is trying to be pushed down people's throats.


When is the last time YouTube featured a video about religion?

Not often but I'm talking about when religious people try to push videos onto people or onto government in order to harm people

Post salty queer tears.

Anyone who doesn't know how to spell shouldn't be considered wife material.

Good if not for the christcuckery. Plenty of reason to oppose degeneracy besides muh biblical grounds

>except jesus christ

Cringe. Can't stand when native English speakers treat English like shit.

Excepting Jesus is the only cure.

Religions has so many faults itself that I see religion as a means to control someone

>she'll never be your wife

>Let them be disease receptacles!
>Let them be proud of having a desire for the same sex!
>Let them be happy in the knowledge they will contribute nothing to society!
>Let them hate themselves!
>Let them be beaten in the streets like the degenerates they are!
>Let them enter the gas chambers!
>Let them be purged from our society!
>Let their deaths usher in a new facist revolution!


>the fucking comments
They obviously didn't learn their lesson last time
Also don't say God hates fags, they'll just use it as ammo, plus God hates faggotry, not fags themselves

All of this fag shit has had the same increase in popularity as atheism. They are connected.

My gender really has nothing to with it because lucky for me I pass and am not oppressed

Which is silly I think.

There are plenty of religious LGBT people

This is what they are promoting. How can people support this disgusting shit?



The epidemic is so high with trans sex workers because finding a stable job as a trans person is difficult so they turn to sex work


You're doing god's work, men.

My statement is 100% correct. Just because a few fags are religious means nothing. That is just because their parents and pastor are a bunch of pussies for not doing something about it. Parents that accept that behavior are just as bad as their children committing the act.

Post links to religious extremist sites in the comments while telling the faggs that the linked websites are actually some pro fag petitions or dating sites or some shit.

we here be-leave in freedom of choice what choice do we have but to resist when Canadians cant call there son son


dislike counter

I find it disgusting that you people are so predjedice against those who are a different sexuality than you. My youngest son is currently going through MtF hormone changes that we specially got for her. Move on from the hate, I mean it's 2017 already.

doesn't look like him, besides he bragged about hooking up with that red-haired qt from hwndu

>this poor bait

This shit it's nothing compared to what they have stored for you.

Capitalism, just enjoy the ride.

> Brave

Using that word to describe people doing something that is popular

Shit like this makes me want to institute Sharia

It's hard for fat people, pregnant women and people who are illiterate to find jobs too but they don't have near that level of HIV rates. That is a pathetic excuse. That attitude is why these faggots will never accept responsibility for their own problems and keep dying.

>nothing you can change

It's brave to be stupid

You like the smell of fresh men's assholes am i right?

I got shadowbanned, didn't I?

>antifags talking about instituting Sharia

kek the irony

raid em, they are deleting dislikes and comments

captcha is 1488 church

Um, don't forget STUNNING.

So brave...


>"We've been taught silence will save us, but it won't"
When the fuck have fags ever been silent?

Likely. The comments I post are visible to me only, but not there when I check on a different browser.

That music is making this ride a trip

>Being gay is brave
Oh come on are you fucking kidding me
Everyone in society panders to these fucking perverts


Fucking gross

So how long do you think it's gonna take for them to disable the like/dislike bar and comments section?

What the fuck is with JennyLover83
I keep seeing him/her post #LGBTQP
>that profile picture
Are they a pedophile?

I'm fucking sick of the word "brave"," just shove it up your ass.

It didn't take long for them to do it last year but that was a pretty large scale deal.

>Thinking women should be literate
What colossal degenerates you westerncucks have become. Revolting.

And nothing of value was lost

>Politically speaking, is YouTube featuring these videos a negative thing for society?
Nah, it's helping us. It's waking people up. Comment sections on these propaganda pushes are becoming increasingly redpilled

They're furiously deleting comments, but they can't keep up. Nice work, goys.

>when you realise sharia will empower yourself

Living in liberal republics keeps getting harder and harder

do we get a thread theme-tune yet ?

It's just like the last time.

>inb4 comments are disabled


>be tranny
>pol wants me dead
>I live a better life than pol

Who cares!These fags gonna die of aids anyways.

Unleash the frogs of war

Unleash the frogs of war

Unleash the frogs of war
Unleash the frogs of war
Unleash the frogs of war
Unleash the frogs of war

Unleash the frogs of war

Unleash the frogs of war
Unleash the frogs of war
Unleash the frogs of war

Thread theme song.


bretty sure we dont wnt you dead we just want you to get the help we think you need in ur opinion

It's funny that they support LGBTWTFBBQ and paedophilia too. Makes you think.
Didn't even bother watching his vid, reported and disliked.

>lying on the internet
How dare you


>that title
Fucking kek, guess you gotta escape the thought police of youtube somehow

>tfw you will never end a pride parade with a fucking grenade.

I did the whole therapy thing years ago and the solution was to transition.

I don't need to lie.
I live a perfectly normal life and have a pretty good paying job. No one knows I'm a tranny :)

>be degenerate
>"I just want to be cool and popular"
>probably has HIV
>most likely to commit suicide

FagTube has always been a sick left wing tool when Google bought them out.

then i pray for you it works and you live a happy life but i still dont understand/agree with it best of luck though

>official antifa
Seems a bit sketchy.

Well done leaf

God didn't make you that way. Hormones and HA from artificial plastics, from meat, and in tap water influences your body .The brain does the rest when society says it's "normal". You're wrong, Oreo Nutella.

>tfw got zucced from posting with all my accounts

>Just because a few fags are religious means nothing
Just because a few fags are atheist means nothing.
They're appropriating our culture too, shitlord.

mfw it just got like 10k likes

I like that the gas chamber meme is becoming mainstream.

No one knows you're a tranny because you aren't

I want the West to collapse so bad. I want to see their miserable decadent existence whipped out in a torrent of blood. I want them to run in horror and despair as all their stupid concerns are washed away by pure, raw violence. I want this degeneracy to end, and I want to stare in their frightened eyes as reality comes knocking at their door.

>Day of the Rake further postponed


>no one has posted the classic yet

But I am a tranny. I just don't look like some big hulking man in a dress with beard shadow and poorly done makeup because I worked my ass off to look and sound female

20k difference and growing.

whats your position on trans competing in sport?

Ok kid
Lying is wrong

Fags and traps will eventually kill themselves because of insanity or will die from AIDS. It's a self correcting problem. The only thing we need to do is make them feel bad about themselves to speed up the process.

Londoners' tax money well spent. Thanks Sadiq.
>Being feminised and pozzed is just PART AND PARCEL of life in a big city.

We've moved on to more advanced forms of psychological warfare. Like posting pornographic fantasies of pregnant teenage Holocaust diarists

Numbers confirm this statement.


mfw his top comment dosent apply to the 1billion muslims and 53 Muslim countrys


missed the get what was comment about?