Redpill me about Racism

What makes a human being hate another just because of a difference in skin color? Why are white men so obsessed with racial integrity while brown men actively seek relationships with white women?

I grew up in a school with people from multiple beliefs and races and I was baffled when I realized racism existed.

Who teaches children to be racists and how can we stop that?

Other urls found in this thread:

>What makes a human being hate another just because of a difference in skin color?
Nothing. It's a myth. Almost nobody does this.

The redpill is that racism is a fake talking-point and not a serious problem in society.

Humans inherantly like humans who are more like them. This is what tbey'll teach you in sociology 101. You can also observe this in the real world if you have half a brain cell.

the nigglet is trying to pick the white babies pocket.

Oxytocin Promotes Human Ethnocentrism:

Ethnic Conflicts: Their Biological Roots in Ethnic Nepotism:

What Science Says About Diversity (Part 1):

Genetically Beneficial to Resist Replacement Migration:

Race Mixing:

Race Realism Pastebin:

These two are identical twins

>What makes a human being hate another just because of a difference in skin color?

Skin color doesn't matter. Race does.

>Why are white men so obsessed with racial integrity while brown men actively seek relationships with white women?

That's wrong and shows that you have zero clues. Any man will fuck any woman of any race if she's attractive. Even I would fuck a hot black chick.

Blacks have more racial consciousness than Whites as a whole. They vote and engage in politics almost exclusively for black identity issues. Almost 100% of them vote Democrats because they're "the least anti Black" and give free shit to Blacks.

>I grew up in a school with people from multiple beliefs and races and I was baffled when I realized racism existed.

People with multiple beliefs but everyone was a globalist cuck hum? Fuck your bullshit. You're a privileged liberal urban White faggot and you grew up in your faggot bubble.

I did grow up in a diverse neighbourhood and that's the reason why I'm against multiculturalism because I know it doesn't work in real life.

>Who teaches children to be racists and how can we stop that?

Reality does. If you want people to be less racist, all you have to do is deport all niggers and spics. Then people will be less aware of their inferiority since they're not there anymore.

>just because of a difference in skin color
it's not that and you know it. But I do see how framing the argument like this helps leftists get away with their retardation.

>What makes a human being hate another just because of a difference in skin color?

If you think it is just a matter of skin colour you are a fucking moron and should just go kill yourself.

>Why are white men so obsessed with racial integrity while brown men actively seek relationships with white women?

you just answered your own question

>What makes a human being hate another just because of a difference in skin color?

this isn't how it works mate, you've been had

The entire concept of racism as a bad bad thing is simply a racial attack on white people. That's all you need to know about it.

Source, nigger

Wrong, they're fraternal you fucking dunce

It's not just a difference of skin color.

It's a difference of phenotype, civilized development, temperament, lifespan, culture, etc.

Race is deeper than skin color.

You are full of hate. Your ideas are opposite of what it means to be human. When you die it will be too late to learn your lesson during this life. Remember, the universe does not WANT to punish you, but you WILL learn your lesson.

The difference between subsaharan Africans and Eurasians is more than just superficial skin color.

You can't solve the "black" problem without admitting the differences between races.

What is the answer to the "black" question?
shut up

SAGE THIS NOW BLACKED POSTERS are here we had this thread yesterday

>Tribes compete for resources
>Members of other tribes are a massive threat
>People are therefore adept at recognizing outsiders, looks, speech so forth. Outsiders are feared and mistrusted, and people hate living around them.

Stop it you sound pathetic your basically calling him a heretic.

Black people know they're not great... That's why black guys want to fuck white people.
>I pity them a bit

>newfag detected
God I wish I could still say what you just did honestly. Unfortunately, people are unironically racist around these parts.

>not a single similar feature

>Cultural Marxist detected

STFU. You make me want to buy a fedora, just so I can shove it down your throat and choke you with it.

Its a survival trait.

You don't get to undo millions of years of evolution. We're designed to operate in relatively small families within relatively genetically consistent tribes. Racism exists because we can read each other's genes, and if that doesnt match up, their memes are the only hope. If neither match up, well you've got yourself a nigger/ape/kike etc.

>black people
fuck you

>implying the only difference between races is in skin colour

You're retarded

I grew into being a "racist" after i realized that the narrative being espoused by universities and media alike deems me a "racist" regardless of my beliefs, outlook or personal relationships, purely based on being caucasian. They call it white privilege. Also Fucking Saged.

So god? He does not exist, or in case if he actually exists i have a some bad news for you

East of the volga is nothing but mongoloids. Fuck you.

We never identified as human beings, it is anti evolutionary for seperate evolutionary trees to mingle, which is why first contact with natives and negroes was of war.

If by pity you mean despise, I'm inclined to agree


You sound like a columnist in female psychology magazines. If you're biologically male you should consider testosterone therapy.

>full of hate