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When a New Yorker tells you your bill is "mean" it really is

its stunning that they didnt have an idea ready to go.

you dont have to be with hillary but that kind of behavior , given the way the Republicans acted over the last 8 years is surely an unforgivable character flaw.

they will call it democratic obstruction even though they hold majorites in all houses and the presidency

>waah, my safe space is invaded!

....why? is this your safe space?




Good, that bill was garbage anyway. They need to come up with a better one.

Counter-bump, also known as ____






The only reason the GOP has a majority is because they aren't democrats, allegedly. That is their one redeeming quality and main function.

THIS, I stand with rand.

Also Ryan and McConnell have proven their cucktitude and need to be shot behind the shed.


Erhm, no, guess again, sweetie

Sips tea

The only reason the GOP has a majority is because the democratic plan to replace whites hasn't fully matured yet.

I'm cool with this. The best thing that can happen is letting the bill crash.

It's not draconian enough. The next bill will be better. No health care for anyone who didn't vote for Trump.

It's the final solution

I'm not even actually saging



This sperglord can't handle the bant.


Hey assholes how about you just repeal obamacare then draft several small bills that enable the free market to take control. Goddamn even hollywood celebs aren't all this out of touch with what the average person wants

Look at me.

I'm the Hilldawg now, Drumpfkin.

I will gladly give up my health care to ensure that McConnell lives forever

>obamacare forces people to buy health insurance, even if they don't need/want it
>people are surprised that getting rid of obamacare will mean less people insured


The average person is too fucking stupid to know what they want.

I would support Prez T even if he shits on my desks
I would actually love him to do that

fuck (((RyanCare))) we need to deport beaners

You're not even American lol

I would prefer RandCare

Isn't the pre-existing medical thing the big issue?

Without a mandate, young people will drop out of plans. This is problematic because in any type of insurance (car, life, health, home, etc), you need people who don't need the insurance to pay their premiums to offset the cost of those who do need whatever it is that the insurance covers.

And then you get the people who lose the gamble, get huge medical bills and go bankrupt costing the economy in welfare instead of medicare


It's only "problematic" because they're trying to divorce health insurance from the normal risk aversion model that insurance uses, by forcing companies to treat people with shitty health as though they aren't at a higher risk for needing healthcare.

>have shit driving history
>have to pay higher car insurance premiums
>less likely to get insured

>closer to dying
>have to pay higher life insurance premiums
>less likely to get life insurance

The same should happen with healthcare.

That's absurd. Health insurance doesn't work like car insurance. If you file a claim with your car insurance, your rate goes up. When you file a claim with health insurance, your rate stays the same. Not separating risk pools raises the rates for everyone.

Because for all its flaws, Obamacare was a step in the right direction and covered a lot of people. The GOP seems to be wise enough to know that stripping away 20+ million health insurance accounts is a bad move, but of course the dumbfucks of Sup Forums don't get why and only continue to suck billionaire cock.

I support him but that healthcare bill is horrendous


I partly agree with you. If you're a shitty driver, you should pay more in car insurance premiums. Likewise, if you smoke or are a fatfuck, you should also pay more for health insurance premiums. The only thing that should be an exception should be health issues that arise from genetic bad luck.

It only covered half the number of people it aimed to cover and still cost 40% more than was estimated. Health insurance for everyone is a spectacular idea, but it was to be done in a way that is sustainable.

Genetic bad luck still costs money. Life isn't fair.

>Likewise, if you smoke or are a fatfuck, you should also pay more for health insurance premiums.


>wanting the government to provide for you

at least you still got the fence and a butchered ban

healthcare industry has to stop being for-profit
insurance needs to act like insurance, not 3rd party-payer healthcare.

Get the costs under control and introduce plenty of competition between insurance companies.

It's THAT fucking simple.

But we can't do this because parasites have to have their money.

So the people who need healthcare most would be the ones who don't get it, while people who don't need it pay into it? How can one man be this stupid?


>be me
>Separate from military
>no more free health care
>Literally never used it once in 6 years other then when I was forced to do checkups and so my wife could get pussy inspections for birth control
>now forced to spend $1000 a month to ensure me and family to be used once every 3 months for her $200 visit and generic 90 day $100 perscription or I pay half that in niggertax to the Illegal redistribution service
>Because I need to pay $12000 a year when in my 25 years of life I've never had any injury greater than scrapes and bruises and athletes foot
This fucking Jew scam needs to fuck off asap

I don't understand why all the self identified right wingers on this board don't like this bill, it's obviously moving further from socialized medicine. What type of healthcare bill would you want?

>health-care has to stop being for profit
>introduce plenty of competition between insurance companies

You can't have both.

Do Canadian hospitals provide free sudoku while you die on the waiting rooms?

Doesn't mean you force them to get it. Most people will buy insurance in their 30s and 40s any way, and they most likely still won't actually NEED it.

When Best Buy asks me if I wanna pay 10 bucks extra to get a 2 year warranty for the cheap mp3 player I just bought, I tell them fuck no. But I'll still get warranty if I buy a computer or something.

What point are you trying to make? You realize when uninsured people go to the ER with late stage diseases, you are actually paying MORE for their care, right?

You're posting in a slide thread

No. People who are more expensive to insure will have to pay more, and people who are too expensive to insure won't get it. People who don't need it won't have to pay into it.

This is the way it works for pretty much every other form of insurance.

I liked it when Trump was happy with ACA failing on its own.

People will complain whether or not Congress works.

I don't even know why they're keeping so much of Obamacare in their "new healthcare bill" just to appeal to liberals, they won't vote for it no matter what, and you're losing conservatives support at the same time.

But then again, both parties are the same fucking thing and are only there to create the illusion of choice and democracy.

Right, having people go completely bankrupt from breaking their leg is super smart and great for the economy. Dumbass

I didn't realize some tape and a plastic cast would cost me my life savings.

This board isn't "right wingers". It's a bunch of Trumpists retards who need a strong man for President to protect them from phantom mexicans and muslims.

The government shouldn't be involved with healthcare at all

There shouldn't be a replacement just a repeal

Maybe hospitals wouldn't be exponentially increasing prices if they weren't garunteed to be paid by fedgov

They wouldn't go bankrupt. They would've had the opportunity to purchase health insurance prior to breaking their leg. Their premiums may go up though.

Besides, the main problem with our healthcare system is that everything is absurdly expensive. "Universal healthcare" doesn't actually do anything to address this.

Outside the US, breaking a leg would be considerable less expensive:

>next year
>get cancer
>cant get treatment



It's not his healthcare bill. We don't have a king, unlike you, we have this thing called separation of powers. Trump can't do shit about the the healthcare bill.

He is winning on the executive side bigly though
Paris Accord
Travel Ban
Immigration etc

>next year
>get cancer
>get dropped by legal jewery
>dont get dropped
>wait 9 years for your initial consultation ala canada

Hello fellow American.


What are you talking about? No one is voting on anything until after the 4th.

That's good advice.

RandCare is to go back to pre-Obamacare, which is completely unsustainable. What are all these old people in Medicare in assisted living going to move in with their kids?

Rand Paul sucks at politics for a country the size of the US.

At least there's members in congress within the party that things it's retarded too. His first year isn't even over yet, sit down toothpaste

I don't have Obamacare so I don't give a fuck

>Genetic bad luck

Howabout driving on the highway and some dickhead drops a bowling ball off and overpass and fucks you up for life? Or a stray bullet severing your spine while walking home? etc. etc.

Bad luck for health doesn't have to be genetic.

Why the fuck does it cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for them to live in an assisted care home. Literally you can be a millionaire and you'll be broke by the time you die. And don't tell me it truly costs this much. The nurses and help make normal wages. All the kikes at the top make a fucking killing at the tax payer and insurance company expenses because it's a racket. Fuck the CEOs of these fucking insurance companies make 100s of millions of dollars. Why.

The current President is a New Yorker and he called the GOP bill "mean". Did I clear it up for you?

>people who don't need medical procedures need to give me money so I can pay for my medical procedures


I want to see you say "President Trump."

CONgress had 7 years to write a bill to repeal O'Commiecare, but failed.

That's not Trump's fault. That's the GOP.

You're right, Medicare isn't allowed by law to negotiate drug prices.

You can thank Republicans for that. Remember in their perfect country only the rich get the good stuff.