‘US afford to do it’

Warren Buffett: Single Payer Is ‘the Best System’ for America

A single-payer program is "the best system for US" Buffett said Monday


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Amerilards can't possibly fathom the awesomeness of single payer healthcare. I pay $25 USD a month and less than $5 per visit: everything from GP to dental.

I guess it's your own fault for having an obese culture, in which congrats for implementing your social darwanist institution to kill off the unhealthy and poor

Tell me when you start paying for NATO support and implement single payer on a continent-wide basis.

How can anyone argue against publically funded health care? It works in so many other nations, like Canada and Japan.

What USA has is a system where insurance companies act as middle men. These companies have executives that make hundreds of millions a year and they are for profit. They drive up costs. Pubically funded health care cuts these people out, and replaces them with moderately paid public servants. Projects are that it would save the USA and tax payers 5 trillion dollars over 10 years. It would save companies and individuals money since health-care doesn't have to be provided by companies anymore. It is a much more efficient system.

The people that have made the most money off of a capitalist system have no issues forcing everyone else to pay into a socialist one. They don't want competition, I suppose.

To answer your question, there is a concerted effort by American health insurance companies to keep things the way they are. They make billions every year by commoditizing the nation's wellbeing.

Oh, and they're trying to get a foothold in the UK and dismantle the NHS, too. Good luck fending them off.


I'm not paying for your fucking healthcare, fuck off.

>people that have made the most money off of a capitalist system
The concept goes back to at least 1970, when the conservative Heritage Foundation proposed an individual mandate as an alternative to single-payer health care.[118] It was championed for a time by conservative economists and Republican senators as a market-based approach to healthcare

The 1993 Republican alternative, introduced by Senator John Chafee as the Health Equity and Access Reform Today Act, contained a "universal coverage" requirement with a penalty for noncompliance—an individual mandate—as well as subsidies to be used in state-based 'purchasing groups'.[124] Advocates for the 1993 bill included prominent Republicans such as Senators Orrin Hatch, Chuck Grassley, Bob Bennett and Kit Bond

After the 2016 election of Donald Trump as U.S. President, Heritage Foundation played a major role in shaping his transition team

they started obamacare


>The idea of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) originated with Heritage Fellow and CNP member, Richard Allen

CFR-affiliated foundations include: The Carnegie Foundation, The Ford Foundation, The Heritage Foundation, and the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, among others.
spingola.com/funding fathers.htm


>How can anyone argue against publically funded health care?


Who pays for healthcare now?

Who pays for it under single-payer? Everybody.

What's the difference? Instead of everybody having to negotiate separately with a multi-trillion dollar international banking, insurance and healthcare industry, a collective entity makes those negotiations. It's the union approach... and it means we no longer pay 1000X the prices everyone else pays.

The idea that the yanks have a free market in healthcare is dodgy claim also you guys have more regulations written than we do. Prime example of corporatism.

a homeless blonde swedish gal is being beaten up by a somali. blonde swedish gal pleas for your help. you demand the blonde swedish gal to pay you and suck your dick.

Is demanding payment and dick sucking for this morally bad?

Dr Ron Paul talks about his work at free hospitals and how everything worked great.

r. Paul replied:

"I practiced medicine before we had monopolies at hospital. And the churches took care of them. We never turned anybody away from the hospital. The reason the cost is so high is It becomes a special interest, it cow-tows to the insurance companies and then the drug companies."


Did you know that before 1973 it was illegal in the US to profit off of health care. The Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 passed by Nixon changed everything

>the law Nixon mandated also included clauses that encouraged medical providers to not CURE afflictions, but to PROLONG them by only treating the symptoms. There’s no money to be made in CURING sickness.

Is the health insurance business a racket? Yes, literally. And this is why the shameless pandering to robber baron corporations posing as “health providers” is such an egregious … and obvious … tactic to do nothing more than plump up insurance company profits.

the downfall of the American health insurance system falls squarely on the shoulders of former President Richard M. Nixon.

In 1973, Nixon did a personal favor for his friend and campaign financier, Edgar Kaiser, then president and chairman of Kaiser-Permanente. Nixon signed into law, the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973, in which medical insurance agencies, hospitals, clinics and even doctors, could begin functioning as for-profit business entities instead of the service organizations they were intended to be

Can we go ahead and stop doing that now btw? Look at how other countries treat us for not being socialists like them. They act like a bunch of ungrateful feminists. I say let's take their national defense away and see what happens.

due to vested deep state corporate interests any attempt at universal, affordable healthcare in burgerland is sabotaged and destroyed

many states have passed laws for single-payer and all failed to implement the laws due to the deep state

>Massachusetts passed a universal healthcare program in 1986, but deep state sabotage resulted in its repeal before the legislation could be enacted

>New York State has been attempting passage of the New York Health Act, which would establish a statewide single-payer health plan, since 1992. The New York Health Act passed the Assembly three times: once in 1992 and again in 2015 and 2016, but did not advance through the Senate after referrals to the Health Committee.

>California attempted passage of a single-payer bill as early as 1994,[62] and the first successful passages of legislation through the California State Legislature, SB 840 or "The California Universal Healthcare Act" (authored by Sheila Kuehl), occurred in 2006 and again in 2008.[63] Both times, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed the bill

In 2009, the Hawaii state legislature passed a single-payer healthcare bill that was vetoed by Republican Governor Linda Lingle. While the veto was overridden by the legislature, the bill was not implemented

>Vermont canceled its plan for single-payer health care

>The Minnesota Health Act passed to establish a statewide single-payer health plan but was

I agree. Education, healthcare, infrastructure, and access to justice (courts/police etc.) are basic tenants of society. I fully support a single payer system despite having many libertarian views on other issues.

What country? You're paying higher taxes.

Well maybe not you, but working people.

Americans are the least compassionate people in the world (like Egg Foo Youngs). I want you to understand this.
In America there is an extreme disdain for anyone determined to have a poor "work ethic". You can be any color, religion, gender, whatever but if people think you're a "hard worker" they'll put up with your shit and generally like you.

What's important is that "work ethic" really has nothing to do with your work. It has to do with how miserable your work makes you.
If you have a job but you're happy with it and don't feel overworked, most of the conservative base so against socialized medicine would say you just don't work hard enough. You have to actually make yourself miserable for it to be acceptable.
If you look forward to said work, you're probably actually just lazy and a communist that doesn't do "real work". You should "get a real job" like the rest of them.

People aren't against socialized medicine here, they're against anyone else being happier than they are because we're taught to be good little wage slaves from birth.
This is the real American Dream. Work yourself to death so you can look down on everyone else enjoying the better life you provided them. It's cultural and I don't think Europeans can really understand it without living and working here outside of major cities.

If by 'you guys' mean Czechs, then yes, the reason why I am against universal healthcare and I am warning burgers against is because I know that it will fail, because I saw it failed twice, once during communism, and the second time during our market capitalism, even though we are homogenous nation and our unemployment is under 4%.

At the b eginning it will look fine, but using salami method, tiniest pieces of it will be stripped away, and before you realize it you won't pick up your pills because the extra payment is too high, you are going to work with extremely high fewer, and you are paying shitload for private doctors even thought they cut 20% of my paycheck every month for the 'Freeeeeeeee healthcare, it is Hyuuuuuman right'.

>slavs fuck everything up
I can obviously only speak from personal experience within the UK, but every time I have needed medical help its been amazing. Top notch. I simply can't understand the logic behind risking home foreclosure over a medical problem. Your insurer is going to try their best to not help you. They are literally paid more to reject more requests for medical payment to civilians. I support trump and capitalism, but the U.K. just does it best. It's not perfect, no. We need to stop immigration and were half way there, but paying tax to cover all and any medical problem is in itself the best type of insurance, I don't care that I sometimes pay for other people's medicine, because my insurance is that I may one day need it... And when I do I want be losing my home or becoming bankrupt like americucks

I can. Under a publicly funded system wait times are enormous, and simple things like MRI's take forever to get because the operators are civil servants. Waiting for 6 months for a brain scan when you are wondering if you have a brain tumour is shit.

public services in capitalist countries are deliberate disasters so people spend more for private services.

compare public dilapidated transport in US (NYC subway) with Europe or Asia (London/Paris subway)

the public services are deliberately sabotaged to replace them with "efficient" privatized profit machines.

if the EU does not transform the US (ie make it a socialist member state) the EU will become the US, with all the charms of privatization and capitalism.
right now the latter is succeeding.

"A global consulting powerhouse based in NYC,

"Private consultancy firms have been central to the coalition government’s plans to carve up the National Health Service (NHS). One service they provide is supposed “consultation” processes, which end up concocting a financial case for the closure and privatisation of swathes of the NHS and handing it over to their clients in the private sector. They reap rich rewards themselves for services rendered.
A particular favourite in the coalition government’s designs is the United States-based global management consulting firm McKinsey & Company, Inc."

"In Duff McDonald's comprehensive new history of the consultancy firm McKinsey, also tantalisingly called The Firm, there is no such messy reckoning for the company at the heart of the story, nor any criminality. McKinsey plainly isn't the mafia, but a central question is nevertheless posed by Mr McDonald's book: how do these guys keep getting away with it?

McKinsey's fingerprints can be found at the scene of some of the most spectacular corporate and financial debacles of recent decades. The energy-trading firm Enron was the creation of Jeff Skilling, a proud McKinsey consultant of 21 years. But this wasn't guilt by association. Enron, under Mr Skilling, was paying McKinsey $10m (£6m) a year for advice. McKinsey fully endorsed the dubious accounting methods that caused the company to implode in 2001.

The consultancy also advised virtually all of the Wall Street banks in the unprecedented credit boom of the past decade. Its consultants, as Mr McDonald chronicles, actively promoted the securitisation of mortgage assets, the practice that poisoned the global financial system and precipitated the 2008 credit meltdown.

The firm also encouraged the banks to fund their balance sheets with debt, driving down their equity safety buffers in order to juice profits.

Just make it single payer and be done with it. Raise long-term capital gains rates on the highest tax bracket. Technically they already pay an additional 3.8% on net investment income but it should be higher.

the absolute least a state should do for it's citizens including you is take care of your wellbeing
if it can't even do that then it's just a useless bureocratic mechanism build to feed parasites out of your hard earned money through tax

the only reason burgers say this is because they are parroting their owner- Rockefeller

before Nixon/Rockefeller, US had free nonprofit healthcare. it was un-American to pay for healhcare for-profit


Japan doesn't have a standard single-payer healthcare system.


Paul advocates a free market based system and a return to house calls for doctors. The local approach.

Don't use him to further your shitty 90s post collapse soviet union after though abortion of a ideology you leftist scum


I really hate images that can't spell

Some countries other than us contribute to NATO too, Donald.

burn warren alive!! publicly!

auto de fete

>I guess it's your own fault for having an obese culture, in which congrats for implementing your social darwanist institution to kill off the unhealthy and poor
it is, and we're fixing it by NOT having single payer, see how that works?

I don't want to pay for some boomers third heart transplant. I take good care of my health and my medical costs are low, but I have to pay for obese smokers to escape the consequences of their lifestyles? Fuck off and die. Pay for your own health.

>le cancer survival rates meme
That's basically the only thing US healthcare has above European/OECD healthcare. Virtually everything else is way below other developed countries.

You already do you tremendous faggot! How do you think insurance works? Ffs paying insurance pays for other's healthcare plus the insurance company employee's salaries.