Give me one reason you aren't coming home to the future northwest America republic, a region spanning Washington state...

Give me one reason you aren't coming home to the future northwest America republic, a region spanning Washington state, Oregon, Idaho, and western Montana? The northwest front has plans in place to establish a white homeland in the region through migration. Despite the libfags here, there are huge numbers of white nationalists.

What's your excuse, user? Why aren't you preparing your move to the future site of the white man's last stand in America?
Come home, white man.

Other urls found in this thread:

I look a bit Spanish but I'm white. Also I don't like insects. Can I join?

We need all the help we can get. You need to plan your move, and contact the NF at

Because I live on the other side of the country. Rather start something here

It is already too late to start something where you are. The further you are from Washington, and the more white nationalists in one place there are, the better. Northwest migration is the only game in town.

I used to live in the pacNW.

It sucked.

Until you a-bomb all of King county, WA, and all of Portland, OR, you will never be happy.

WA and OR are totally cucked states because of those two metro areas cucking their entire states, respectively.

ID is fine - for now - but you have too many civic nationalist Mormons, and MT is fine - for now, but you have too many CA refugees and you have shitpile towns like Missoula that are trying to become MT's own version of Seattle or Portland...

Sort yourself out first.

I had a lib friend of mine from OK move to Portland just 2 weeks ago, and she absolutely hates it there. Portland is too extreme and insane, even for some libs (she's pretty lib, btw). I wouldn't bother moving to the NW, even if I could encounter Sasquatch and enjoy the wilderness.

Because your flag is gay and you're trying to show up to a drone fight with your bitch ass ARs.

But by all means, thin the heard a bit, traffic annoys me.

Good on you. Might make the move out west once I stockpile some arms and shekels

i plan on it. but i can't go anywhere until grandma kicks the bucket.


ELE seismicity is nothing to be scoffed at.

>google images
>see this

Explain yourselves.

Why are you using the drawings of high school kids as promotional art?


covington's a pussy fat fuck

You guys are so loud and proud there's no fucking way you aren't at bundy-levels of infiltration

Pick an already white area without two giant shitholes to worry about

>I will join your group
>later we will discuss plan about ethnic cleansing
>then I will report you to FBI


I'm paranoid about Yellowstone

I am moving to idaho next june, what would be the best area? I was gonna go to boise but I heard its super liberal now, so i dunno.

east coast best coast

thanks for using half the midwest to fend off the hoards of faggots for you OP..... you faggot.... dont worry, we got it

There's a lot to fix If you want cascadia to be a real thing.

I'm from Portland. I'm going to school in NJ. It's a lot nicer here. Portland will be a failure of a city. It's inhabitants disgust me. I hope the anarchists and commies burn the whole place down. I would never want to raise kids there. I would never want to be in a community like that again. Meth & heroin everywhere.

Same reason they base their entire ideology on fictional novels. They're autistic larpers.

>Why aren't you preparing your move to the future site of the white man's last stand in America?
because i like indian food and i think racial pride is for insecure underachievers, most of whom are mentally inferior.

Oregonfag reporting in

Northwest Homeland Book Series

The Hill of the Ravens - H.A. Covington

A Distant Thunder - H.A. Covington

A Mighty Fortress - H.A. Covington

The Brigade - H.A. Covington

Freedom's Sons - H.A. Covington

Recommended Reading Order
1. The Brigade
2. A Distant Thunder
3. A Mighty Fortress
4. Freedom's Sons
5. The Hill of the Ravens

A Short Introduction to the Northwest Front
This is a short audio introduction to the Northwest Front meant to be sent out to people who contact us as part of their introductory packet. Essentially a brief intro to the Northwest Front along with content from Harold Covington speaks to Conservatives and Why I Say Nigger.

A Short Five Minute Intro to the Northwest Front
A distilled version of the into. Five minutes and to the point. Useful for spreading the message to the uninitiated and those who are attention-span challenged.

The FAQ Episode
This special two hour Radio Free Northwest is a FAQ broadcast, wherein Mr. Covington answers a number of standard questions that come up all the time such as does the Northwest Front advocate violence? Does the Northwest Front preach "hate"? What about small White enclaves instead of a whole new country? Why can't we take back all of America? Are today's White youth really completely useless? and many others...

Why Racism is Right
A no-brainer for anyone racially conscious, but never hurts to reinforce our ideals. Can also be used to help convert muggles that have conflicting feelings about their own racism.

Conservatives and the Northwest Front
Mr. Covington on what makes us different from Conservatives.

Why I Say "Nigger"
Mr. Covington on his use of forbidden language.

The Northwest Front and Class
A shortcast by Mr. Covington on the subject of class divisions within the White Nationalist movement.

The Northwest Front and Class
A shortcast by Mr. Covington on the subject of class divisions within the White Nationalist movement.

Grow Stronger!
Mr. Covington speaks frankly and to the point, to the existing racially conscious community, on the subject of White Character.

Shortstopping and "Standing and Fighting"
Another shortcast from Mr. Covington on people who won't migrate and people who won't migrate all the way.

The Propaganda of the Deed
Mr. Covington on throwing your life away, and why it's a bad idea.

The Charleston Vespers
Mr. Covington speaks about the events in Charleston, and why you DO NOT DO THESE KIND OF THINGS. Includes poetry by the Old Man.

Contra Mundum
Who are the authors of the liberal-left agenda, and what is their purpose?

American Immigration for White Nationalists
Mr. Covington talks to White Nationalists outside of the U.S. about the difficulty of immigration.

White Character
Mr. Covington's canned answer on goat dancers, space madness, and GUBU (Grotesque, Unbelievable, Bizarre and Unprecedented). Basically the bad parts of White Character.

The Revolution Starts Now
The Old Man's Speech from A Distant Thunder.

Let's Talk a Little Treason
Mr. Covington reads one of his "famous" short articles.

Dreaming the Iron Dream
Mr. Covington reads one of his most well known articles, Dreaming The Iron Dream.

HAC Reads Freedom's Sons Prologue
Mr. Covington reads the Prologue to Freedom's Sons, demonstrating his talent as a voice actor, and makes us all wish he would personally make the Northwest Quintet into audiobooks.


>1 post by this ID
Nothing scares the anti-Whites more than the thought of the NWF succeeding.

Hello FBI

What the fuck would you know about the FBI? You're in another fucking country.

Fucking anti-White coward.


Through legal means right?

Surely you wouldn't get a bunch of WN to start a failed breakaway attempt only to be crushed? Would you, Rabbi?
pic related

>Through legal means right?
Do you honestly think the White race can secure its existence legally by voting?

>Surely you wouldn't get a bunch of WN to start a failed breakaway attempt only to be crushed? Would you, Rabbi?
Notice how you don't actually have any argument against the NWF but to scream "honeypot" and "Jew" baselessly?

You can't even offer any evidence to back up your claims. You just post shitty memes.

Go on you coward...go back to voting Republican. They'll surely save the White race, right?

>b...but I don't want to risk anything to save the White race. I might miss South Park!

King County needs to be wipe off the face of this planet before this can succeed.

>King County needs to be wipe off the face of this planet before this can succeed.
Well, what makes you think the anti-Whites and non-Whites would be allowed to remain in power in the NAR?

1.) Yes I do
>ur memes r shit!!!

Dude prove to me you have not been infiltrated like every other single group out there right now. Ya fucking can't buddy.

The rest of us will be focusing on the whole of america. Good luck to you. You're going to really fucking need it.

GO fuck off with your zero resources, zero military presence, zero military plans, zero fiscal backing, praying for a miracle you have just centralized yourselves into one area so that you can be blow off the map and used in jsoc raids.

Here is your plan.

Get thousands of families to move there
Now they are financially isolated with no land rights.
They end up becoming poor white trash because theres no fucking infra there
Some wealthy jew comes in an buys up everything around you.
You were just a useful idiot at this point that didn't see the larger picture.

The second we do this, we will be labeled a terrorist organization and the army will be used to kill us.

Also we will need a fair sized section of the coast so that we can do overseas trading without restrictions from the USA or the united canadian emirates.

NWF is anti-white, not me.

Fuck off KIKE.

>1.) Yes I do
Lmao. Really, how?

Do you see how the media and the libs treat Trump?

How do you imagine they'd react with an avowed pro-White running for office? Not to mention the Republicans would side with the Democrats against any "evil neo nazi racist"

>Dude prove to me you have not been infiltrated
Can't prove a negative. You have to prove they are infiltrated. Which you can't because it's a baseless accusation.

>like every other single group out there right now.
Prove it.

>The rest of us will be focusing on the whole of america.
So how are you going to take control of the entire continental united states? Through voting.

Go on. Tell me.

>The second we do this, we will be labeled a terrorist organization and the army will be used to kill us.
What army will be used to fight when the entire country is on the verge of collapse?

You really think zog will choose the pacific northwest over Israel?

>Also we will need a fair sized section of the coast so that we can do overseas trading without restrictions from the USA or the united canadian emirates.
What is Oregon and Washington?

>NWF is anti-white,
Confirmed for not knowing wtf you're talking about.

>I have pics of nigger porn stars saved on my computer, but I'm not anti-White!

>GO fuck off with your zero resources, zero military presence, zero military plans, zero fiscal backing, praying for a miracle you have just centralized yourselves into one area so that you can be blow off the map and used in jsoc raids.
Obviously you've never even visited the NWF website let alone read any of the books that serve as an FAQ to your statements.

>What army will be used
The united states army.

>What is Oregon and Washington?
What is portland and seatle?
We are not just going to walk away with major cities. You can stop larping at any time.

>I have pics of nigger porn stars saved on my computer, but I'm not anti-White!
wtf I hate white people now

I'm not the one unknowingly trying to convince white people to join a trap.

It will be. Seattle is the metaphorical home of Sodom. I was selected in my infancy and sodomized at age 11 by agents of the underground music industry there. See @Cobains daughter twitter and her 666 mark if you don't believe me. Occult Bands like Nirvana, Juno, Soundgarden, Etc.... Now you know why they killed themselves. Guilt and knowing the end is coming later this year.

It's possible legally
I never said it would work with the current climate

Buddy prepper groups with a few dozen people who are relatively silent can be easily infiltrated- How the fuck do you think your loud movement is going to avoid infiltration? Do you have ex intelligence officers looking into every new recruit? Do you even have the means to detect a personality that has been recently created for the purpose of infiltration?

Every other little group has the worry about the feds but you're somehow immune? How so?
>prove it!
LOL buddy it's your job to prove to others you have the means. YOU belong to the movement. What the fuck could I tell you about you?

We are getting jobs in every aspect of the US economy, military and government.
Why do you think the gains have been this strong. The democrat party has been getting wrecked.
We have been playing reverse Psychology on EVERY demographic and everyone. We are isolating the enemy (which are leftists) again as they were in the 50's.

It is now 1958 and we are turning back the clock on the damage the hippy generation has done to the nation. Stop saluting your false god the swastika and join us normal people that are just trying to take the nation back from the commies.

We have realistic goals by rolling back by increments. We are doing years of damage reversal right now. The Trump victory was not about him but how much we can use soviet era media tactics to our advantage.

You defeat your enemy by meeting it in battle. whatever that battle type that may be.

Not by running.

>The united states army.
Even though
1) the US army can't be used on amurrican soil
2) The US army wouldn't be used because they'd either be a) too busy fighting the rest of the world for Israel or b) couldn't be used because the country is on the verge of collapse
3) the army can't even defeat the terrorists in the middle east.

>What is portland and seatle?
What about them?

>We are not just going to walk away with major cities.
What makes you think the anti-Whites and non-Whites will be given a choice?

>wtf I hate white people now
Yes, I know you do. Why else do you take so much pleasure from having pics of niggers on your computer?

>I'm not the one unknowingly trying to convince white people to join a trap.
Even though you still haven't offered a single piece of evidence proving its a trap.

I'm 2nd in command for one of the battalions in the Idaho Lightfoot Militia.


>Give me one reason you aren't coming home to the future northwest America republic
>coming home
I'm already at home. My family is here and have been here for 2 centuries since they came as settlers from Virginia.

JSOC and drones are enough to wipe out any buildings and inhabitants that have zero resup, only small arms, no marine capability, no air.

Delusional shit

>It's possible legally
No, it's not. The enemy will never allow Whites to vote ourselves freedom from it.

>Buddy prepper groups with a few dozen people who are relatively silent can be easily infiltrated-
So you admit you have no evidence that it is infiltrated you only have baseless speculation?

>How the fuck do you think your loud movement is going to avoid infiltration? Do you have ex intelligence officers looking into every new recruit? Do you even have the means to detect a personality that has been recently created for the purpose of infiltration?
How do you know the NWF doesn't? You don't even know a single thing about it.

>LOL buddy it's your job to prove to others you have the means.
I've already posted the website link and other informational links. Go there and investigate it.

Oh no that's right. You'd rather just vote for Trump.

Oh fuck you are stupid

Boise will fall to the left within the next election cycle or two. We need right wingers to avoid Boise.

Try next door canyon county, far more real Americans and property is far cheaper, also lower property taxes.

because white '''women''' can't compete

Already here.

>We are getting jobs in every aspect of the US economy, military and government.
Who is we? You alt-light cuckservatives that have no problem with faggots and kikes?

>The democrat party has been getting wrecked.
And you think voting republican is the solution?

>Stop saluting your false god the swastika and join us normal people that are just trying to take the nation back from the commies.
Fuck the jewnited states of amurrica. It's lost to the kikes. It's an anti-White nation that can never be taken back.

>We have realistic goals by rolling back by increments.
oh yeah. kekistan and trolling is really realistic goals.

> The Trump victory was not about him but how much we can use soviet era media tactics to our advantage.
Trump is a kike loving cuck that doesn't give a fuck about the survival of the White race.

lmao. A country the size of germany is a small bottled up area?

two reasons:
1) Possibility of Yellowstone caldera eruption.
2) Major cities in pacific northwest are all 100% degenerate leftists and they dominate the politics across much of the region.

>JSOC and drones are enough to wipe out any buildings and inhabitants that have zero resup, only small arms, no marine capability, no air.
So the army is just going to start bombing entire city blocks?

>Oh fuck you are stupid
Said the faggot that thinks he'll be allowed to vote the Jews out of power.

Because you guys say I'm not white :(

>1) Possibility of Yellowstone caldera eruption.
Although it is possible, scientists are not convinced that there will ever be another catastrophic eruption at Yellowstone. Given Yellowstone's past history, the yearly probability of another caldera-forming eruption can be approximated as 1 in 730,000 or 0.00014%. However, this number is based simply on averaging the two intervals between the three major past eruptions at Yellowstone — this is hardly enough to make a critical judgment. This probability is roughly similar to that of a large (1 kilometer) asteroid hitting the Earth. Moreover, catastrophic geologic events are neither regular nor predictable.

>2) Major cities in pacific northwest are all 100% degenerate leftists and they dominate the politics across much of the region.
What makes you think the NWF would vote?

>the only places to live in the Northwest are major cities

When will this meme die?

Doesn't it snow a lot in the Northwest? I fucking hate snow.

The US WILL split up. this is a guaranteed fact. all the factions in this country HATE each other and nothing short of Jesus is going to change that.

>I fucking hate snow.

we dont want you then, non-white.

What's the general consensus on turning on fellow far-right wingers in the middle of a happening if they don't conform to your exact libertarian(etc.) views? What about other groups you've been around? Are they going to go full oathkeeper and create a divide at a very inopportune moment for the right?


I agree they won't but it would be if we wrestled controlled of the government from them, and at that point it might not matter. War is always the final resort.

you keep avoiding the question
You don't have to give a yes or no if you think I am a shill or a fed

Just say-Don't worry we have it under control
Jumping around it and PROOF! PROOF COWARD!!! baseless accusations!!! when my accusations are of an issue that every other group has to go through and you can't give a proper response it makes you look like a shill or underage

There's only two major factions and one is currently in the process of splintering. The democrats have lost virtually all working class white votes already and the other major factions of the party (coastal limousine libs, black dindus, illegal Hispanics, faggots) all hate eachother more than they hate working class whites.

nah, i would prefer that part to be Arcadia.
let the liberals have their country

our militia is a constitutional militia that requires two things of all it's members, a background check and a concealed carry license. This ensures that 99.9% of the members are extremely like-minded.

any cuckery you see coming from groups like this is merely a facade. when the shit hits the fan nearly all of us will go full 14/88, i can testify to that 100%. there's a few boomer holdouts but they will be dealt with quickly.

you just contradicted yourself and admitted there's more than two factions.

also the right is currently splintering, though not nuclear level like the left. the alt right and alt lite is causing quite a ruckus. then you have the tea party, the libertarians, the establishment, etc.
We're ripe for balkanization; and it's getting worse, not better.

>What's your excuse, user?

Cascadia will suck balls because it's going to be filled with endless amounts of shitlibs

portland and seattle (and other small pockets) is hardly all of the northwest. not a big hurdle by any means.

Fuck off nigger, NWF has no future, it is s contingency plan at best. The amount of Californians and shitlibs who have come here because of white flight have poisoned any opportunity for success.

Just because I'm white doesn't mean I'm going to like snow. I grew up in the south... We like it hot down here, and I refuse to live somewhere where it's cold and snowy.

>War is always the final resort.
White revolution is the only solution. The enemy has left us no other choice.

Can you image the reaction if someone tried to pass a law giving White couples a tax break for having 3+ children?
Or can you imagine the reaction if immigration was limited so that 95% of all immigrants had to be White?

The anti-Whites would flip their shit.
You think their reaction to Trump is bad?
Actually enacting pro-White legislation or having a pro-White in office would cause them to go nuclear!

>You don't have to give a yes or no if you think I am a shill or a fed
No, I am not a shill or a fed.
No, the NWF is not a shill or the feds.

Yes, we are taking some risk by interacting with the NWF as we would anything.
Fuck, we take risk posting on Sup Forums.

But is the risk worth it to save the White race?

>Jumping around it and PROOF! PROOF COWARD!!! baseless accusations!!!
They are excuses people use to not only sit on their hands but try to get others to sit on their hands.

If I see undeniable truth that the NWF is a FED-run org, I'll quit supporting them. But in my experience the NWF isn't. In fact, whenever I see other orgs or people go down in flames and see the NWF remain, that tells me it's not a fed org.

Hell, there's nothing illegal about what the NWF is doing. The NWF is an org about telling White people to move to the pacific northwest and form pro-White communities there. And they talk about the eventual race war that will come about to make the NAR a reality.

your digits helps your argument, but im still not convinced.

all white people adapt to the cold extremely quickly, most of the time they can convert within one cold season.

>Fuck off nigger, NWF has no future, it is s contingency plan at best. The amount of Californians and shitlibs who have come here because of white flight have poisoned any opportunity for success.
What? Do you really think those faggots will fight? Or do you think they'll be allowed to have a say in the pro-White government?

Their last bastion of voting block is colleges.
They will rely heavily on gerrymandering and voter scare tactics.
They will maximize everything in 4 years if Trump falls on his face
They will maximize everything in 8 years if Trump DOES NOT fall on his face.
The left will mobilize college student commie morons.
They still obviously think that using antifa will make a difference at the voting booth.
This move^ stinks of their desperation. And it only signals them becoming more violent.

Nearly every city and major town all around the north west is cucked as fuck.

Even small towns like whitefish are shitlib factories and most of the conservatives around here are muh constitution muh guns types. None of them care for unity or folk, they are just xenophobic. Granted I want to give NWF a shot, it's going to be a radical minority among Cascadia seperatism.

>and I refuse to live somewhere where it's cold and snowy.
That sounds like the same excuse niggers give.

>been over 200 years
>followed by dictatorship
Is it time for Barron to assume leadership?

Does he have a Jewish girlfriend yet? He'd be following in the footsteps of all his other siblings by hooking up with a kike.

>yfw you realize none of Trump's grandchildren are White.

I want to move to Idaho but I heard it's really windy

How has the movement been going so far?

>Do you really think those faggots will fight?

It's not about s fight it's about attracting followers, and these types of people will either flee or join us, but they will take so many with them that any kind of numbers we have would be absolutely destroyed by govt forces.

That's not the mention all the purity spiraling that will go on with or without the shitlib influence.

>How has the movement been going so far?
They're slowly getting people to move up there. Much too slowly for the NWF's liking though.

we do have a lot of fucking wind in idaho, especially the southern half. i fucking hate wind, only thing i hate about it here.

But muh wind farms

Should try and get some youtubers to talk about it and interview whoever is leading the movement

>It's not about s fight it's about attracting followers, and these types of people will either flee or join us, but they will take so many with them that any kind of numbers we have would be absolutely destroyed by govt forces.
The government can't even get rid of the sandnigger terrorists. What makes you think they could stand against Whites with the purpose of saving the White race?

I'd highly recommend you read the northwest homeland series of books. they'll help answer any questions or concerns you might have.

NWF and white seperatism in the Pacific Northwest is extremely esoteric even among the growing alt right.

The Northwest in General is very liberal, multicultural, and decadent.

don't need it, we have cheap ass hydro-electric coming out our ears, most of it gets sold to the cucks in seattle. in a SHTF scenario, Idaho and much of the pacnw will be fine on power. and no, EMP is not a threat.

>Should try and get some youtubers to talk about it and interview whoever is leading the movement
The NWF focuses on their weekly podcast, Radio Free Northwest

They do have a youtube channel though

>and interview whoever is leading the movement
Harold Covington is the spokesperson. There isn't a leader of the movement as the whole point of the NWF is to get pro-Whites moving up there.

Far Cry 5 has already spoiled your plot. You lure us all there and then try to get us to join your radical Christian cult. Ain't happening.

See how this guy said they have background checks? That's all you had to say man
That's good to hear. Even staunchest fascist has appreciation for libertarian militias. It really pissed me off to see oaths going full boomer on some memefag- cringe or not. Northeast might be in more dire straits but we'll sure as hell do what we have to if that day comes. Good luck potatobro.
gotcha. No one is saying don't do anything. Action is what drives everything.
just keep your head on a swivel these days. Trust is going to be what holds us all together in bad times.

>The Northwest in General is very liberal

only the cities. i live in the country and most of us in this area are racist as fuck. yes we still say nigger in public with no repercussions.

>The Northwest in General is very liberal, multicultural, and decadent.
It's still one of the whitest places in the country, and when you get out of the major cities is still "conservative"

Again though...not that the non-Whites and anti-Whites would be allowed to remain.