Women Are Pretty Self-Centered

And examples abound.



Feminists destroyed the nuclear family.

>literally 99.99% of the women population

you're no different from the women who date only 6+ feet tall men making 250k/yr.

>read heads
Wtf, I hate the white race now.

>Women are self-centered

My """badass""" feminist sister just had a son and gave it her maiden name, instead of her husband's last name. (My sister's own last name is hyphenated.)

I've been looking for this picture for the past few years after I deleted it. Thanks senpai.

fuck this shit. i'm currently taking my ex to court for full custody of our daughters.

Since we split I wanted our daughters every weekend, and I had them every weekend for the last 4 years until she pulled "muh custody/legal guardian" shit and dropped me to every other weekend.

There are great dads out there, I'm one of them, and feminism is destroying this and every other country that believes rights end where feelings begin.

Suck my fucking dick.

More detail on her bullshit reasoning?

>women into asian culture
what if it's an asian woman though? and why are redheads on the list

>marrying a roastie
You deserve it

so glad I'm marrying a conservative Jewish women who grew up in Israel.

white women have gone to hell thanks to Marxist/Jewish brainwashing.

Hate fuel container just tipped over into this thread.

ahahahahahhahaheeeeeeheeeheheeeehoooohahahaaha ha





stopped reading right there
natural redheads are one of God's greatest creations
fake ones, like all dyers, should be avoided

And this is why I dont like them.



>literally 99.99%
Yeah and why do you think that is


because he's never spent time with any women.


Welcome to Equality sweetcheeks. Hope your life is in order or next step if for him to claim ustody while you will be visiter.

And this is just the beginning. Equality means EQUALITY1


>How do I cheat on him in a nice way
Lol. I wish I could see the discussion in the comments



Well, the femtards wanted equality. They got it.


>single mom

fuck off, whore

>Tfw no gf

I wonder why you're so lonely.

Now THIS is a bucket of red pills, not only this leech is a vapid, entitled cunt, also plays the feminist card.
This should circulate more.

I asked /r/relationships for advice about my gf not wanting to take my last name and that I didn't like it

HOLY SHIT the amount of estorgren and bashing that was thrust upon me made me realize that women are just in general fucking retarded and useless....that being said, just like the normal distribution, there are uber trash women, the average dipshit chick, and the worthwhile women....I found a worthwhile one but god damn I'm never bowing to a woman again



My last gf was 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10
Kinda 1 because her dad was a junkie and kinda 6 because she's dyed her hair so much I didn't know what her natural hair color is.
She also had BPD.
NEVER doing that again

>Oh, and I'm 5'11"

Outside of online memes where everyone is 6'4" and has a 9 inch penis, that's a good height. The fuck is this dude and his wife smoking? I'd love to be at least that tall.

Obvious bait

make it stop



When will they learn

> 25. Women with untreated and unstable mental illnesses

wtf i'm gay now

all I want is a nice traditional girlfriend and this does not help my hope




by the guy who started it all

your image made my blood boil, stupid whore.

mmmmmhmmm hate fuel


Those with red hair are the truest of Aryans


he is talking about dyed redheads

Imagine what kind of a whore you have to be to have sex with 170+ people.

Damn, that pussy must fucking reek.

women and minorities should be suppressed

There's always Asians, I don't have yellow fever but they're pretty much the only bastion of traditional marriage left. Go get yourself a Pinoy like those older well-off guys looking for a non-bitch wife. Sure, most of them will probably be partly in it for the potential of the better life you can provide them, but assuming you find someone compatible they'll love you for more than your wealth potential. In the ideal traditional setting the man is the provider, so long as she ain't a gold digger it's all good.


As women would say to men : toughen up, suck it up and grow up kek


>this thread

I put a paragraph of Thatz so randum babbling in my bio and got the same.


That's nothing, I've known a girl who is only 21 and she's slept with over 300 men. She actually lost count after fucking so many men. I NOPED the fuck outta that short relationship when I figured id just be another notch on her bedpost and the potential myriad of STDs.

Holy shit, my current gf hits none of those points.

I will see her tonight, give her a kiss and say how much I love her.

any arguments against pic related?

>Missing the nigglet kid

Seems she is the idea Jewish woman

>implying men never think about other women
nice double standard

Mega rage fuel coming in


men don't watch porn 24/7


That is the most sexist shit I've ever read in my life.

Anyone capable of writing that lacks empathy for at least half of the entirety of the human race. Good odds on just being a plain psycho.





>Women Are Pretty Self-Centered

This is pretty much the first red pill you swallow when it comes to women.


Thats all for now

Her husband is a cuck

I've come to conclusion that female empathy is different from males. Males put themselves on themselves on the other person's "shoes" and females just put themselves on the other person's situation. They do not think how the other person would think or feel, they think like they would think or feel on that other position.

That's why they have troubles to see injustice men suffer UNTIL something happens to their father, brother, or someone close to them. They give zero fucks about family court until they have a brother and see how he is getting screwed in ass by it.

That's why females are unjust and self-centered. They lack skills truly put themselves in other person's situation as the other person and not themselves.

Here's an example:
They think getting raped by a male is same for woman than for a man. They say "imagine you getting raped in ass by a guy (when you are a guy)", when they should say "Imagine you are a woman and getting overpowered by a man, fucked against your will and getting messed in your head because you might have even enjoyed making it even more mentally devastating."

A friend of mine is married to a girl who grew up in an institution (essentially a religious orphanage - we're in Poland) and so far they seem very happy together. They have two kids with a third on the way.

The silicone pill is the final pill though

struck a nerve, whore?

Jesus christ...
It'd be easier to find a goddamn unicorn on this planet. Everyone has issues, you just have to choose which ones are worth dealing with. Some of these I do agree with, but a couple are just retarded.

Black baby full kek

Having married one and dated several, let me post a warning. Not for novices. Although they are some of God's most stunning creatures, most are batshit crazy.

That should read "shock colors" and not "redheads" then... Natural ginger red is a freaking hot hair color.

why are all these fucking cucks with girls their same age? HAHAHAH

fucking idiots, no wonder their relationships are failing.

Horse girls need added to that list.

Cunt detected.

Who the fuck thinks like this

>That's why females are unjust and self-centered.
also, bad at sports

>coalburning catholic single mother

top kek

Narcissistic cunts who think the world revolves around them.

Fucking casual..