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Which has more stds?

considering milo's the faggot, him.

jewish lies, she is in possession of a fucking P3.

I know healthcare is expensive so you wouldn't know, but you can get cured of STDs these days

They both have HIV


Women are more premiscuous than gays these days.

Playstation 3.

Gamers don't get std's brah.

They are both trannies.

I hope she turns him down

this whore hasn't changed any of her opinions, she's said as much
she is the same STD ridden whore that she was yesterday, nothing is different
but all these "rightwing" faggots that get erect at the thought of women paying attention to their views are now going to be responsible for giving her a lot of publicity with will result in a lot of money for her
good job

Literally who is this hideous cunt? One of the Kiketube heroes? I'm pretty right wing but the internet celebrities are so fuckin cringey. I usually just ignore them because I can't imagine they're going to tell me anything of substance that I don't already know.

That's not true. I'm a virgin at age 26.

Tits or gtfo, whore

i hear they share a common love for black cock


It's a Jew interviewing a Jew!

>muh e-celeb bullshit
kill yourself

She's a Jewess you know...

Have you watched her videos recently? She literally shits on feminazis and says She has doubts about liberals in general.
She is really quite reasonable. I'm starting to think the Jews are shilling against her now.
You jew shill.

Not surprised at all about the pic, she's a Jewess l

Are they going to have a whore off?

Fuck your e-celebs

Literally the same shit as gamergate with how they all helped each other if you think about it.

>It's a Jew interviewing a Jew!

Making money off you!

Because being a complete kike isn't the most profitable or fashionable thing right now. She doesn't believe anything she says, ever.

raised Mormon you moron

Her face looks like it was stung by bees

She's not a Jew, she's a (former) Mormon you fucking sperg.

It's a meme crossover episode

She still thinks there are more than 2 genders. You'll give her money anyways cuck


>pic related

One of many.


What happened to Laci Green? Did she convert to the right side?

Her pics are before she ate 10 pounds of chocolate?

>if you ever find yourself in agreement with a jew, they are making money off you. Guaranteed.

My dad told me that when I got my first job

I didn't even think that was a thing anymore, gives me hope that all women aren't worthless skanky dick sleeves, good for you.

Except she's jewish

Fuck off with your YT celebrity posting
Milo is an irrelevant faggot and Laci is an attention whore.

>good for you.
I don't feel good about it, but thanks, I guess.

>Female """gamers"""
All the more reason to send her to the gas chambers.

She says she's an ex-mormon but everyone seems to think she's a jewess. Idk if i believe anything about this cunt

They're both attention whores silly user.

>wow I specifically don't do this so that means the vast majority also don't do this

who cares

Only for the vids where she shits on lefties and feminism.
If she gets more views for them she will make more. I don't care what she really believes. Although she really doesn't strike me as being overly dishonest.

oh look, the magapede defending the roastie and calling others shill, what's new, nigger loving whore lover

How do you possibly go from mormon to jew? Seems rare

I guess you are retarded then? Her Mormon parent became atheist and married a jew. Imagine what she had to grow up with.
She seems even more intelligent to me now that she broke out of that delusion on her own.

God I fucking hate nu-Sup Forums

Can you believe these fat ass lards support a jew faggot interviewing a jewess ex feminazi junkie cow that a couple of months was screaming 'fuck white people' and 'there are more than two genders'?

You fucking traitorous normie retards, I fucking hate you

is her her bf, girlfriend or Xir a jew?

She's a crypto Jew now but she's said multiple times her family is Jewish and she's jewish, see


r_thedonald-tier faggots from /ptg/ have ruined pol. /sg/ is the only worthy thread on cuckchan these days


T. Buttblasted MGTOW
>I'll never like someone who disagreed with me once
>especially not a woman
Is this the most asspained demographic on Sup Forums?

This. It's fucking awful

>le "based Jews!"
You'll hang with them.

>NEET neckbeard permavirgins Whiteknighting
In other news, dogs bark.

>ITT: Laci, Milo, Boogie

wtf, fgts? Who cares about them?

Lol I know, literally being pulled by their wallets until they run outta money and then she will be onto the next bandwagon.

look, he called us shills and that didn't work, now mr boomer-lite is calling us mgtow, he's got us now!

This. Jews calling anti-Jewish people "Jew shills", it's laughable

Quads of truth. Fuck off with this e-celeb trash.

Proof? (You're wrong).

Green is more of a Jewish last name than Goldberg or Goldstein. Are you serious, user?

26 is getting up there. Find a nice guy, stay a virgin till marriage

>jew calls me a jew
How ironic. Sorry shill your plan to keep the opposition from uniting won't work here.

>Implying the internet forgives

Just because you come here doesn't mean we are anything like the weak faggot you are.

Step parent.

I'm a permaneet and never even held hands with a guy. I'm not getting married anytime soon. Or ever.

I know the dentist is expensive so you wouldn't know, but you can get cured of gum disease these days

thought you two were the same from flag. what the hell is a permaneet



This. It was probably (((Greenberg))) or (((Greenstein))) in her family history and they dropped the Berg/Stein


How can you call me a weak when you identity as part of some kind of gay amalgam of NEETs and MGTOW
I'm have my own identity I'm not some wee faggot.

Shut up loser. You're just mad you will always be a nobody while these based individuals actually gain fame and fortune from sharing ideas you essentially agree with.

Cucked faggot lmao.


Her face looks like it was stung by bees

Her face looks like it was stung by bees

Jew shill



>sharing ideas
Is that what we're calling kike propaganda now?

You say that like finding an actual nice guy is easy. There are a lot of guys pretending to be or haven't developed an identity yet, neither of those stay nice.

Laci Green retweeted about Milo being a Nazi just a couple months ago. It was something along the lines of "who knew a Nazi would turn out to be someone so awful as a pedophile." There's no way she 180'd this quickly.

>I'm have my own identity I'm not some wee faggot.
snowflake detected

>13 posts
Those are some serious jew shill numbers. Is it that bad for the jews if Laci joins the right? Sorry not everyone believe your lies forever.

Apparently so

a youtube slut can go that low for money easily

I hate jews you like. Anyone who reads the content of my posts will know. Another ad-hom by a Jew, lol

It's really not that difficult. When I say nice guy I mean a guy who aspires to be a genuinely good father and husband. Today it's rare more rare, but just ask the guy if this is what he seeks to accomplish.

I don't believe you, but if you're telling the truth god bless

Literally every post in this thread is a jewish shill, I can tell by the pixels and from seeing quite a few shills in my time


Polspergs unequivocally blown the fuck out

>If I say Jew they will think I'm one of them

>anti SJW ideas are kike propaganda

>"kikes can be white nationalists too goy!"

(((You))) will become extinct within 100 years.

>being this retarded

>one controlled opposition kike interviewing another controlled opposition kike

delet ur Sup Forums account
