Homelessness in first world countries

This is a serious thread, how do you feel about homeless people while your government is bringing hundreds of thousands of low skill people from 3rd world countries? How do you solve this problem?

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I hate the homeless and wouldn't care if they were turned into fertiizer desu

>crazy homeless
>lazy homeless (usually also high-homeless)
>bad luck homeless
Which kind do you want to talk about specifically? They all have different answers. You can't treat crazy the same as lazy.

Here they are 100% gypsies, sandniggers or niggers. Not even 1% is from here.

This, most of them are homeless by choice.

What about the western white youth who can't get jobs and are stuck living with their parents.

Who the absolute titties chooses to be homeless? What kind of braindead, coked out fuckwit do you have to be to think this way? I hope you contract a deadly disease in your asshole.

Our churches and charities generally take care of those who need shelter. The problem is that they don't tolerate open drug use or people posing a danger to themselves or others, so people choose to stay on the streets rather than live up to those high standards.

Two reasonable things seem to help with this problem, or at least push the homeless off onto other cities, are restricting camping in cities, and anti-panhandling laws.

They should go to school and get education then
Or do a paper round / work in a chippy for at least minimum wage
Stop being lazy fucks playing video games

The only exception I have to young people is those who live in the rural country like my friend who now lives in Ireland. Only village is about 30 miles away and there's only a post office. No busses or anything so he can't do fuck all

I wonder who they are takiking about...

"It is also considered a crime in Orlando for panhandlers to make false or untrue statements, or to disguise themselves, to solicit money, and to use money obtained for a claim of a specific purpose (e.g. food) to be spent on anything else (e.g. malt liquor)."

>stuck living with their parents
Kill yourself you fucking retarded faggot nigger.

work camps.

Almost all the homeless here are homeless because they're drug addicts. I have absolutely zero sympathy for the addicts

But if the government said they'd stop importing shitskins and give free housing to the homeless instead id be happy just because of the no shitskins part. I don't like addicts but I DESPISE the fucking third world shitskins we get

I still don't understand why we can't just turn the homeless into petroleum products so they can finally contribute to society.

as if you can't get out of hand and blow your your life away in any country and be left on the streets.

Although this one cool bum told me that he was in NATO forces and when he returned he lost his state housing anyway it was HIS hash we were smoking that day.

They choose to be worthless pieces of trash.... to stay drunk, high and not be a productive member of society. FUCK THEM.

3 kinds of homeless. Drug additcs/drunks,batshit insane,and people down on their luck.

I legit would help somebody down on their luck,but it is hard to tell is you are really helping or getting played.

So I just tell all of them to fuck off.

90% of the homeless are in that state due to mental illnesses. There just isn't any other reason for it when there's so much assistance around, especially in the US

>Who chooses to be homeless?
Lazy fuckheads who would rather lay around drinking fortified wine and camp for free on the street.


Most homeless people in the United States either fall in three categories (or a mix):
1) Mentally ill
2) Drug addict
3) Lifestyle choice

The few who are homeless by some unintended financial calamity that befell them I have the most sympathy towards, and are the most likely to get off the streets and recover. The rest can just fuck off.

We don't really have homeless people

I try to give them money then i can , but this should be also goverment job , homeless people here in cold countries have some struggle when winter is coming

Tfw I've done all of those.

I bet you vote Labour you spastic

This is a serious post, how do you feel about homeless people whilst religions bring in millions of pounds, dollars, whatever each year and never give out to the poor? Yes the pope has a nice gold cross staff or whatever and Mecca is huge but how does that help men, women and children on the streets?

Tell them to stop being homeless. It's not hard to get off the street. There's 2 easy ways. Either lose your pride and ask for help from the programs. Or lose your morals and lie, cheat and steal your way off them.

You chose to be homeless by your inaction to not be homeless.

In most of America about 50% percent of the Homeless are mentally ill and off meds. Yay for Obama care does shit for them. There are also travelers here that either hitch hike or hop freight trains.
I prefer riding trains. Its illegal but you get nothing more than a criminal trespass ticket that a night in jail normally clears up. So I'm about to leave again summers here and its time to move around with no bills and peace of mind totally of grid except a prepaid smartphone under a made up name.
And yea a lot of my friends are junkies. I never injected shit. People are stupid however...If someone is homeless they can get foodstamps here which is plenty to eat on. So those signs saying I'm hungry are BS.Ill hold a piece of cardboard that says "SHOULDA BEEN A STRIPPER" and make about50-100 bucks in a few hours and hit the rails to another town.Works good for an old fat n bald dude

I hate the homeless. Nearly all of them are there because they are addicts. There's only two homeless guys I've ever given money to. One that sang me a song and told me a story about life in old Confederate north Carolina. The other, was a veteran from the Iraq war, showed up on campus one day showed me his scars and VA card and was trying to get money for food, I was more startled and just gave him $20. A bout two years later I was walking around late at night and I saw him walking through campus only he looked clean shaven and we'll dressed. He stopped to thank me and remembered me and was now working at the university physical plant staff. He said that $20 charity got him through a lot of shit mentally.

You're welcome based spooky campus black man.

Well let's make sure there isn't some good salvage before we just go silly on them. Might be some good people out there living amongst the savages.

Dallas bro here, the homeless here are insane and smoke k-2 and become literal zombies. I fucking hate it. The city is spending money on beautification projects everywhere while hundreds of people around the city are visibly homeless and trance out like they're huffing gasoline or some shit.

I almost made awkward eye contact with a homeless person in my city today.

Yeah I feel bad, but I'm not exactly Mr. Moneybags myself so I can't just go and give random people on the street money.

And if anything, I wouldn't give them money. I'd give them food/drink.

and whats a hobo?
is that like the group that pretends to be homeless and begs on the corners for gibmedats?

hobo's travel

someone who travels around what your thinking of is called a oogle white middle class "crusty punks"

Sometimes that mental illness is because of drug abuse. Not that I dont agree.

>create massive welfare state
>have 50% of my paycheck taken from me for social programs

This right here is the decay of mans charity. When the state has supplanted itself as the charity of man one can see the lack of care in men as they walk by such things. People do not want to help the poor, they dont want to donate their time when half their time is spent working for free to supposedly help these people via government. This is why people have grown cold and callous as the welfare state expands. We no longer look at the homeless and think to help, we look at them and think why the fuck am i being taxed so damn hard for if this still happens? Where are the stupid social workers to help him? Its not my place to, the state has taken that responsibility off me.

The social decay caused by the state replacing mans charity has been overlooked and ignored. There is no desire to help at the local school when education funding is in the billions and billions. there is no desire to donate to the church who feeds the homeless when welfare spending is crippling the people.

I don't give homeless people money because I have a hard time rewarding failure.

I'll give them food occasionally though, but only if I'm about to throw it away. When I clean out my fridge of expired stuff I leave it out, just in case someone wants it. Tons of bums around my apartment complex in the Bay Area, which is shitty because I pay a fuck ton to live there, and still have to deal with them stealing my shit and pushing shopping carts around the streets and littering etc. I literally pay $2400 a month for my apartment and still can't keep the riff-raff out. Cities fucking suck. Liberal hell holes, all of them. Crime, drug, gang, nog/bean infested shitholes.

okey dokey.
I find it hard to help homeless people on a personal level, cause it's always in the back of my mind, 'how do I know you actually need this and you're not just being a lazy cunt?"
So have to agree with that there is no fuck all solution to it.

Only 3 categories:
1) mentally ill who by every measure should be locked up and cared for by the state.
2) hardcore drug addicts/alcoholics who are completely incapable of doing the bare minimum to take care of themselves.
3) con artists who aren't even homeless.

For everybody else, in the US at least, there's a large welfare machinery in place to get them section 8 housing, food stamps, and a welfare check.

Should use the homless to fight back.

You know they hired an actor/model to play the "homeless guy" for this stock photo, pretty staged. Funny that they didn't just pay a homeless guy, give him a job for a day and give him some money to "get his life together." Hmmm... really jogs the noggin.

Fuck the homeless. They shit up everything they touch.

feel bad for most of them tbqh. id much rather help a native brit whos fallen on hard times by getting them some food than bringing in thousands of refugees and giving them 500k houses and lots of benefits

They're all disgusting messes and you should be able to get tags for them

Homeless natives are frequently a sign that a country has put something else in front of caring for their own citizens.

Take Washington DC. They basically turned out the contents of the mental hospitals onto the streets decades back, and some of them are still wandering around.

>fallen on hard times

Spending all your benefits gibs on alcohol and lottery tickets sure is the sign of a tough life.

Lack of good mental healthcare is to blame. That's a big reason for homelessness. With GOP wan't to get rid of subsidized healthcare these people don't have any chance left.

>e.g. malt liquor

That is oddly specific.

Homeless people in America are always, always degenerate junkies who dont want to work and just want to get high.

It's not necessarily that they choose to be homeless as much as it is that they choose to STAY homeless.

There are a TON of homeless shelters and resources and programs, especially in big cities (which have huge homeless populations.)

The problem is, those programs/resources have rules. Most (if not all) of them don't allow substance/alcohol use while in the program. They have curfews. They require you to look for a job. Many times you have to do chores or other tasks in order to help the program run.
A lot of homeless people don't want to do this shit, they want to get high and do whatever they want, and all the liberal idiots handing them money on the street corner all day are exactly why they keep doing this.

Every day on my drive home from work I watch a bunch of idiots hand bums a couple bucks while the light is red. These people think they can hand some junkie $2 and it somehow wins them some "good karma" and cleanses them of all the sins they committed that day. It's the same as people who retweet liberal bullshit, it's all virtue signalling and they think it absolves them of being a generally shit person because "I give to the homeless!" No, you don't. All you did was buy someone a beer or their next rock you fucking enabling idiot.

>t. volunteered in a couple different homeless shelters when I had to do community service, and gf works in a low-income advocacy law office and deals with people like this all the time.

>Implying we have a good treatment option for schizophrenia
They're dead weight and having to drag them through their short lives is a violation of my NAP

um yeah, it is

Holy cuck you're a faggot. As a functioning human, when you make a choice, you know there are consequences. It's the same as choosing to be a pedophile. If you fuck a child, you're a pedophile. Non of this muh muh biology, you either fuck children or you don't. When you smoke weed all day, do nothing, and then get thrown out of your house it's your choice to become homeless.

>I smoke weed as well, but I don't fuck myself over with missing work and not getting anything done. However, if one day I'm caught and thrown in jail, it's my fault and my choosing, not the worlds.

It's easily available at gas stations

I feel like its aggrivated by a few things

first off, the costs involved in housing from drug addicts or niggers ends up making housing harder to get for good people : this is a core problem

Beyond that, well... I think we should radically punish drug users / sellers and criminals who are homeless, not with jail, but wish lashings : homeless view jail as a reward as its 3 hots and a cot.

I'm sure one can be one homeless in many combos of ways.
Taking a subsidy house or apartment from a citizen and giving it to a non-citizen seems INSANE...
And ((You))) call ((them)) crazy.

there is only one solution

They really piss me off. The numbers have been growing rapidly in my area and there's help available, they just rather beg for heroin money.

Brighton, by any chance?

Step in front of traffic please

>hey buddy, want me to give you a sandwich? No?
>Would you like to earn some money hauling shit out my garage? No?
>Would you like me to take you to some social services that can get you off the street? No?
Just cash for booze and drugs plz

I did.
The town I lived in had no work. So I asked my dad to drop me off at a mission in a major city to find work. No kids, no pets, nothing holding me back. That was the end of May. I got a job in my first week, and I'll be in my new apartment on July 3'rd.

Fuck the homeless and the immigrants. Fuck 'em all.

The thing is most of our homeless population is either addicted to drugs or mentally ill or both. That said, there are some that are homeless because of actual shitty luck and we should definitely help the ones of those that want to better themselves before we help people who aren't even from America.

I have very nearly been homeless multiple times through no fault of my own; my family are wackos. Fortunately I managed to work hard enough to just scrape out of it. I'm still poor but I work enough to have what I want.

I can't stand homeless people when I see them because there's this magical air of "you owe me" or "you should be doing something" around them. I have absolutely no obligation to give you the time of day; I get that the worst part of being homeless is the loneliness but I don't even greet acquaintances if I don't have to.

Similarly, if I had a shitton of money I would give every homeless person something. However, because I myself am very poor, it would go directly against my philosophy if I gave one homeless person some money and not the next one 2 meters down the road. What made the first one deserve it and not the second one? Chance? Skill? It's all arbitrary. If I ever get rich enough one day, I will gladly help the homeless, but until then, I won't give a single one a single penny. "Physician, heal thyself" comes to mind.

It's pretty shitty. We have cities like Detroit, Chicago, and St Louis that could be cleaned up but instead we send billions in aid to third world dictators who pocket the cash.

Being entitled and thinking you only have to accept work in your field is not society's problem.

There is work to be done: kid's to be taught, pipes to be fixed, cities to be manned, food to be grown. If you train on computers all day then can't find a job in that field it's no one's fault but your own.

It's purposefully specific, it's the national dish of the homeless nigger.

Pretty pissed about it. Unfortunately this will be the norm for the forseeable future.

>that flag
The irony.

Keynes requires printing money.

Printing money requires perpetual growth.

Yeah what's that country with 0% unemployment? Thailand is close.

I actually pity the homeless. Not the Portland/Seattle twenty-something spangers mad at their fathers. I mean the actual homeless. The people too fucking stupid, crazy, or crippled to help themselves. The people that literally cannot function in society.
Getting rid of state hospitals was a fucking travesty.
Junkies, however, can go fucking die under a bridge. Fuck them.

The memes are kind of true, a large number of the homeless are just hustlers and junkies that want to be that way, legit blabbering schizophrenics in actual need of shelter are never homeless for very long.

i thought ops pic was a naked black guy

Where do homeless girls go I want one. Serious question.

fpbp. most panhandlers make more in a day than I make in a fucking month. where's the charity for the father of 4 that just lost his job? no we need to give money to the guy who HAD a good job and family but decided heroin or alcohol was more fun and now wants freebies.

I only see these people on my way to work. I work in construction, and they are standing, abled body, and literate (if they wrote the shitty sign they're holding) which are practically the only requirements to start a career. There's literally no reason to accept living on the side of the street unless you choose to be that way, and I feel no pity towards those people.

Guys with no limbs I feel pity towards but they should have the common sense to go to a homeless shelter. If I had balls (or a conceal carry) then I would just pass out homeless shelter directions to those people and go on my way.

It shouldn't be a thing in the first world but it is there is no way for people to get a small house or apartment and at the very least with that basic furniture and military rations to east and basic soap and toothpaste while the government tries to get them a job and as a legal citizen while putting them through education as well to reintegrate. But ! we dont out corrupt governments give more money to millions of illegals that steal from taxpayers so the solution is to deport all illegals for good and build better borders as well as the please for the homeless, and for the metinaly to far gone ones put them in to hospitals for that off the streets ! & last have fascism/ National socialism to help the majority white race and deport the minorities that ruin the west and then we will never have problems again.

It boggles my mind that cities like seattle and sf allow people to jist camp out in parks and sidewalks. Its really disgusting. Either kick em out or give them somewhere to stay

You will literally be called a bigot for this. Compassion can be just as much a vice as it can a virtue.

Also, why the fuck do poor people flock to cities in expensive libshit states like cali. If you cant afford to live there then dont live there. Find a house in montanna or something, theres plenty of land.


>How do you solve this problem?
Do like they guy in the photo

The last few times I went to the US there's always some entitled "homeless" little shit yelling at people passing by saying they didn't want this life. Then there's a homeless nigger every 50 feet. The south is disgusting.