Should we have been one country Sup Forums...

Should we have been one country Sup Forums? Would shit have worked better for us if we had stayed together like our forefathers wanted? It certainly seems to have worked for the Americans. Is it too late to do it now? The avantages seem obvious: more land, more resources, more population. What disadvantages would we face though? Right now I can think of organized crime in poor countries like Peru and Bolivia, it would seep into less poor regions and destroy them. Problem is, as we stand right now it's already happening, and I don't see those countries doing anything to stop their trafficking problems.
Anyway, give me your opinion Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:ÑOL_-_FRANCISCO_TOMAS_Y_VALIENTE

You could become a pacific power player, but you guys would have a hard time organizing. Regional differences, and such.

pretty bad demographics
niggers and mestizos in the north and bolivia/paraguay
incas in peru
whites in the south

>not Brazilian

Just nuke everyone north and south of USA

t. 56%

We wouldn't need another Brazil.

It's like 70% if you include Hispanic whites like Ted Cruz

Just a burger's opinion, take it for what its worth

It's a nice idea but there's a shitload of problems. Sure, united by tongue is a huge advantage, but that's about the only way you're united. Various ethnicities, wildly varying geographies, huge distance.

I guess in the modern age the distance and geography problems don't matter so much. It might be doable if it is a very federated/devolved state.

I'm pretty sure Peru's economy has only been increasing the past 15 years ever since Fujimori killed all the leftists and at one point was the fastest growing economy. Also their farmers get plenty of government subsidies just to stop growing coca plants so they starting to develop but progress is slow in those regions. But to be honest it wouldn't work because we talk way too much shit between each other and there is no one common goal between countries other than reducing crime.

Organization would be extremely tough and the distribution of shares would be questioned constantly and would result into conflict. But if it was ever to be done, they would be the largest exporters of copper, coffe beans, and with fertile lands in the Andes countries they could steal USA from Mexico if they end up getting tired of their shit.

This. If you can do it and solve the issues with ethnicity and rivalries, this country would be a major power overnight.

Take Bolivia and Venezuela out and you could have a decent union. The rest of the countries seem to finally be getting their shit together, other than Chile which has had its shit together for decades thanks to El Capitan General.

Only if this could be the national food.

Your continent is shit because its in the South Hemisphere if SA was in the North then it would be relevant because its easily reachable. It doesnt help the subhuman lands are closest to the West either.

Basically only Peru, Chile, Argentina and Brazil matter in this union. Venezuela is on the brink of civil war so there is no point in including them unless every country wants to absorb all their problems. I'm sure they can negotiate a better position with them since their country is about to collapse.

Say what you want but Cuy takes delicious. Reason why they eat them cause their abundant. its equivalent to eating a rabbit it just looks ugly.

Brazil isn't included and shouldn't be because different language, culture, and demaciado niggers

South America is too full of mestizos and niggers to ever accomplish anything, much less unification

Bolivar wanted a United South America, based on the white Republic values of the US, but second the plantation owners could they split up and kept their backwards feudalism economies

He died depressed as fuck

Would be better to just nuke this whole continent.

That looks delicious and tender as hell.

>demaciado niggers

Thats all you had to say.

The empire of Brazil actively fucked up the former Spanish colonies that we're trying to form modern republics.

Paraguay is a shithole today because Brazil invaded and brought all the blacks and pardos with them

The Brazilians were very successful at conquering former Spanish territory, and the Spanish hacienda landlords didn't give a fuck


yeah no gracias



Canada your less white than us.

no thanks. we are just fine without the bad economic choices from every other country in that map

I noticed you highlighted our clay.

You're never going to take them from us, not even if the rest of latin America willing to die for your petty and pointless vendetta.

Considered how the Chilean retail has started to dominate those economies backed up by the AFP funds I think soon they will be our bad economic choices.

They tried a unified Latin America when they broke away from Spain. They just ended up nigging out on eachother far too much to cooperate further, the moment their white leader who led them to independence stopped holding a gun to their heads.

Does not make sense user.
A nation is culture and race.
Borders and map is just what you occupy.


Cisplatina is ours, We must get it back like UK did to Malvinas

They had the same culture, and they could have been the same race if they had just wiped out the Indios instead if breeding with them


UNASUR should just federalize. demographically and economically youre all so similar. exceptions being chile (not socialist) and brasil (portuguese)

As of now I feel it's impossible your very own "leaders"love to be in power too much t give it up.
I wish the same had happened in south america than in america but south american independence was lead by power hungry and greedy people who tree t carve their own power bases not by the liberty ideals of the USA.
Also most off the people who actually knew how to run a couple try fled so you fell for the divide and conquer.
I feel sorry for i would be ver happy to have the Anglo equivalent of a bif brother i could rely on and we could both benefit from each others existance.
Still consider you all my distant cousins though

Hey can you southern hemisphere fags recommend me some books about your continent's history? I've been really curious lately.

No. Niggers from Colombia and Brazil and lesser indios from Chile will be a burden.

You genocided the amerindians. You will get the same treatment. You will get replaced. You are going to get genocided.

America for the amerindians!

Royal Commentaries of The Incas by Garcilaso de la Vega. Talks about Incan economy, culture, etc. It is a very unfair comparison bc this fag is a mestizo who loves the empire and hates Spain for basically killing it, and it reflects on his work. But this is a good start.

Beaner versus beaner. Black beans fighting brown beans fighting white beans.

Portugal were smarter than Spain. So they took more from what they conquered.

But in the long run a multicultural country is a hell on earth. I don't consider USA multicultural. They are a kind of Europe, ruled by British and Germany heritage. The few parts of USA that in fact are multicult are shitholes like Latin America.

Better be small and make things work.

serrano de mrd


I know I'm not Southern Hemisphere, but if you're interested in how race affects nations read La Isla Al Reves (The Backwards Island) by Joaquin Balaguer. Although I'm not sure if you can find it in English.

Lol as if

>unfair comparison
It's not. Events not proven are being investigated and considerated, not accepted yet. Events proven are part of history. Only polcucks aren't able to read something objectively.

Incas were superior to europeans.



They just lived in higher mountains,but that doesn't mean being superior,please...consider killing yur self puto tiraflechas instead of living off welfare and disrespecting that flag

nigga they killed the prettiest grills so we all ugly now.

But I was talking about his specific way of writing the stories. I am sure now there are better books about it, but Garcilaso is better at keeping the reader engaged.


Como ex colono tuyo, concuerdo con tu imagen.

Shut your mouth you pestilent ape, you had to be taught how to bath by the inferior mesoamericans.

Your people are stupid. I have 5 dumb peons working for me. Your country is fucked.

No. You are just a deluded faggot living in the city. I don't understand how you idolatre the gook noses blue eye bitches. They are the first to get fucked by people on parties.

>there are better books
There are a lot of information about the inca empire. Atahualpa and the conquistadores destroyed almost every record and art from the capital and killed the elites, priests and the artisans who could teach their successors about their entire culture and technology. The fucking quipus have been used since Caral culture.

An interesting idea given the latest diplomatic policies between the two countries

the thing with Garcilaso is that his mother was an Incan princess, so he got very opinionated views of the empire, which is visible in his work.

Nigger, you can check the facts. If they aren't verifyied then don't take them too seriously, is it hard to get?

Don't post that proto-humanoid face on your posts. You are shaming your culture.

Why would ANYONE want the USA west coast? Not even the whole states, just the liberal shitholes lining the coast.

ecuador is a crowded over rated shit hole, fuck them too except for the Kechwa in the andes

redpill me what are the latest policies, I"m traveling their in november

No. Paraguay was never in the same group and always wanted to be it's own thing. We must respect the wishes of Paraguay.

And at Most you'd need 5 countries: Chile, Gran-Colombia, Peru-Bolivia, Paraguay, La Plata. Anything else is proto-globalism, unless it was a weak confederation

>Brazil invaded and brought all the blacks and pardos with them
Holy shit american education

Chile is going to the shitter real fast. They have this contrarian streak that means that as other countries start uncucking they'll go full-sjw and commie over there.

Vid related


its not just the distances, it's the natural barriers, aka deserts, andes, forests, etc

Infrastructure would be hard to build

Why not all hispanic world together? It was a dream that never came to be, this common hispanic union. I could go on and on about perfidious Albion and their divide et impera shit. Not to mention Castillian idiosyncrasy and their jacobin ways. It is a pity the Crown of Aragon didnt win the race for hegemony in the reconquista against them (and the black plague that shrunk our pops a lot more than to castilians as we were traders). Our legal system and traditions would had facilitated much more such a true confederacy as a Latin-hispanic union.

Yes, the current arrangement only benefited the local elites.

Thanks for leaving Panama out of this barbarism.

El europeo va a comprar verduras al amerindio. El europeo le habla de Marx y Hegel. El amerindio asiente, cuenta el dinero. El europeo vuelve a la casa, no se baña porque es invierno, quizás habla mal de un neoliberalismo imaginario en Facebook.

El amerindio trabaja hasta las 9 de la noche, cierra la persiana, se caga de risa con la mujer de las pelotudeces que dijo el hombre blanco roñoso del monoambiente. El amerindio duerme feliz, mañana va a señar la Hilux en el concesionario. El amerindio está en armonia, esa armonia que te da el triunfo inevitable.

very accurate, except for the hilux part and shiet

redpill me on why aragon is better than the Cuckdom of Castille

>one country
At least 3, one for Colombia and Venezuela, other for Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Paraguay and other for Argentiina Chile and Uruguay

>peru with ecuador
Those monkeys are useless.

>Would shit have worked better for us if we had stayed together like our forefathers wanted?
Just take a look at Brazil

both looks the same to me

Bájate los humos, sudaquita

>colombia and venezuela
it's colombia, ecuador and panama

Implying they didn't try to join >>>ARgentina

I'm ok with Panama but Ecuador seems more close to Peru, not sure if Paraguay should go with Argentina or Bolivia.....

nope, ecuador is ours
also costa rica

>doing anything together with Bolivia
No fuck you very much.

A fcking joke on Facebook
What a shit country...
At least we are a country...

We should have imprisoned the revolutionaries when we had the chance.

You should do the same things every other region of the world should do: Sterilize everyone with an IQ below 100 and execute all Jews.

>expecting to be spoon fed
if you are so interested this is a good book.

>Would shit have worked better for us if we had stayed together like our forefathers wanted?
Obviously not.

Having more land and resources does not mean your country won't be total shit, my country is proof of that since it is about the same size as the combined spanish countries in your picture.

Face it, the only reason why the english colonies in north america developed is because they were founded by people fleeing europe due to religion persecution instead of being created by people seeking to plunder the land from it's natural resources, get rich and go back to their homeland in europe.

the countries that make sense
Gran-Colombia (1821-1831): Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama
Peru-Bolivia Confederation (1836-1839): Peru and Bolivia
United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata (1810-1831, maybe United States of nowadays, USRP?): Argentina, Uruguay.

Other things that might have happened, if the CSA won the civil war, was the Kingdom of the Andes, centered in Ecuador, which Napoleon III wanted to do before he got btfo in Mexico, and maybe expanding to take parts of peru or colombia, and the Chinchas and Dominican Republic might probably still be Spain

>Just nuke everyone north and south of USA
>stupid burguer does not know that radiation gets dragged by the winds.
Enjoy being surrounded by radioactive winds from the north and south of your country, im sure the water from the great lakes won't get irradiated either...

That's a misattributed quote, you fucktard.


Then who's quote was it, butt pirate?

That's too much territory to govern. You would've ended up like a poorer Russia or Yugoslavia until some really big civil war broke out

Speak english, sub-ape.

>A fcking joke on Facebook

>nope, ecuador is ours
>also costa rica
Keep dreaming
The future belongs to a Salvadoran-led Central American Union

Wouldn't have worked because all of the mongrels. If Spanish conquerors had killed all the natives as they should have then it'd have been posible. Instead we got a bunch of "Latinxs" always whining about their shitty extinct cultures.

The only reason why Argentina did better for a while is because of a great man who figured out that it'd be better to kill those subhumans

Incas were superior to europeans You will go back to europe with those "americans" too.

>mixing Chile and argentina

never gonna happen desu.

>posting cannibalism on Sup Forums

Stop it.

oh fuck
ok we will recognize you if you let us have panama

And you have to go back to your jungle,monkey.
You can go back to Spain or Italia friendo,unlike panchitos