This. So much this
The "white" meme is back.
Mfw God himself anointed Donald Trump. See Mark Taylor
white supremacy is for white trash
fuck 'black lives matter'
if i started a movement of 'white lives matter' i'd be labelled a racist white supremacist
so what's the difference?
y'all just fuckin racist, dude
"White supremacy" isn't a thing. It's what losers and savages call whites existing in their own countries, just wanting to be left alone.
Is Barry Soetoro aka Hussein Obama a Christian?
white supremacy is pretty damn nice. white run countries are top tier. everyone is dying to get into countries controlled by whites.
>"my muslim faith"
Neither of them are, Obama is a Muslim and Trump worships Mammon.
Still stroking the any disagreement with Barack makes you racist meme, huh? 8 years of that bullshit got you Trump, asshole. So fuck you BLM and fuck you OP.
Yes he is, the "Barry is a Muzzie" meme is so stupid because we know exactly what church he went and goes to and it has its own extremist beliefs that he has never came out against.
Trump hasn't spent 8 years shucking and jiving for Islam.
>If you faith doesn't agree with us it's white supremacy
Nigger logic
Obama is celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr and the end of Ramadan in his country, Indonesia under the guise of "vacation".
He's a Muslim.
Neither are God-fearing Christians. One is a Muslim apologist who actively suppressed the rights of Christians.
SeeHe's a Muslim. He was raised in the most populous Muslim country where there is a mosque or institution every 1 kilometer, at least. Beautiful country, but he's a Muslim.
They're both atheists who appreciate the political importance of religion. Grow up.
I don't listen to any of this anymore, because everything they do is for the goal of nigger and general shitskin supremacy. I've never in my life seen a nigger be mistreated, but anywhere niggers are present I've seen them terrorize and brutalize anyone that isn't also a nigger. They also terrorize themselves, but that goes without saying.
The bottom line is this - niggers are evil, and they share the same traits as semites in that they "cry out as they strike you". This is evil, and I will denounce all evil.
And racial realism is for patricians.
Obama was a Muslim. What are you talking about?
the funny thing is that Trump is extremely obviously an atheist (can't even be bothered to pretend to be Christian like even liberal politicians in America do, can't even cite the bible properly, lied about what church he attends)
Neither of them are. Trump's too smart and Obama's too arrogant to be a "God-fearing Christian."
Virtually all progressives are atheists, including Obama.
Best post on Sup Forums.
Really alternates my almonds
im having trouble understanding what the hell that means
can someone "Translate" ?
White supremacy is nothing more than an understanding of history.
They're probably both agnostic, which is fine. At least Trump seems to understand that affirming Christian values is good for society.
Also, it's possible to be a righteous man without being a pious man.
Rare, but possible.
>He is a mud-slime because there are a lot of mudslimes where he comes from
>Even if he has sat in this church cited and has never truly begged off of the beliefs spouted from its pulpit
Yeah, okay faggot. Keep up your stupid conspiracy.
Uhhhhh obama was a fucking muslim. Are you telling every american doesnt know this?
Long pause....hahahahahahhahaaaahahahhahahhahaaahahahahahahaa
Oh my god. American stupidity knows no bounds.
Its why he was never sworn in on the fucking christian bible. Or when he bowed to the saudi king. Holy fuck people. I thought everyone knew this
You sure disproved it with your name calling. Wow!
Not a conspiracy, feel free to stop posting or deal with facts anytime.
The sum of your evidence so far is:
"Well, there are a lot of muzzies where he was born"
The sum of my evidence is: "This is the church where he is a known and registered member and caught no end of hell for being a member but never denounced the church conclusively"
I wonder who is full of shit.
Libya. Obama only used his blackness to pillage and steal like no white man ever could. Because of stupid cult of personality groupies like you.
>i see black and white literally and figuratively
what did he mean by this?
And if I don't care what religion they are and still think Trump was the best janitor available to clean up the shit that Obama flung around?
While I certainly don't think Trump is a Christian, I'm 100% certain Obama wasn't.
White supremacy is a fact not faith
>I wonder who is full of shit.
The user who doesn't know how Muslims operate.
>tfw Trump has been right about so much that you're actually beginning to wonder if Obama really isn't a US citizen by birth
I consider being a "God-fearing Christian" to be a negative thing, and I'd probably be lumped in with the white supremacists.
Can we fucking ban these threads?
Fuck off.
Why shouldn't ALL countries be white countries?
Cool, the first part doesn't apply to me at all.
Why do liberals associate church and state while preaching separation with church and state and can they not be hypocrites about anything?
Only faggots and criminals fear God.
If you do nothing wrong, why fear the consequences?
>Not thinking your mom is better than any other mom
>Not thinking your dog is better than any other dog
>Not thinking your race is better than any other race
I dont believe either of them are God fearing Christians, but I sure as hell know which one will support those values
There's a common liberal thought process which I've always found strange. It goes something like:
>values are subjective
>therefore, you should have no subjective values
It's a complete non-sequitur, and I can't believe it's gotten the traction that it has.
I wish I had something to add, but I don't. This is correct. The only place I've ever seen anyone actually mistreated for not being white is on TV shows and in the movies, where all white men are evil and all shitskins are innocent saints.
That's why I'm a White Separatist. If you want to act like a nigger, that's fine. Just go be a nigger somewhere else.
my religion IS white supremacy
praise asatru, you dirty smelly fucking subhuman nigger
So not only do you lack evidence your argument at this point is that in pursuit of looking like a non-Muslim he joined a radical Christian church instead of a low-key one that would make no waves.
So not only is your conspiracy lacking evidence it is now a-logical let alone illogical.
>ow Muslims operate.
what is Taqiyya?
>1 post by id
Just delete this shit bait thread.
>Uses the spelling that all the crappy Obama conspiracy videos use instead of the singular y spelling that the accepted spelling dictates
But again: Let me draw an analogy in crayon for you:
"So little Barry, you want to run for student president, but no student president has won that wasn't a member of a club. So Barry, what club are you a part of?"
*Obama is part of the muslim brotherhood, and believes this would hurt his chances of winning if revealed. So in the spirit of Taqiya he looks for a club to pretend to be a part of*
*Obama stares around, his eyes passing a poster for the local chess club*
"Oh that is no problem mam! I am part of the KKK!:"
That's about how rediculous your claim amounts to. Joining the church of Jerimiah Wright and being an active member was a signal flare that Fox News ran against Obama for weeks. Why would someone join such a church when the entire idea of Taqiya is to cloak Islamic belief in moderate sheathing that makes you |more| accepted in terms of belief?
The answer is: No one would and that's just one facet of how your conspiracy doesn't add up.
underrated post
>Its why he was never sworn in on the fucking christian bible.
Not only is this a lie: Obama was sworn in on |two| bibles. One belonging to MLK and the other belonging to Lincoln.
So does that make him a Double-Christian now?
>implying that Obama currently is not
Ya done fukt up, Boykin.
> "Boykin"
Jesus Christ. You can't even make this shit up.
I love it when atheist talk about faith
White Supremacy is jewish hatewords to make us not identify with our race. White Identity / White Identitarian, is the correct expression.
>if you don't agree with me you're a white supremacist and that gives me carte blanche to never engage in honest debate with you and also engage in media-approved political violence against you
We dont care what a non-white thinks, or how we measure up to them so it is an irrelevant adjective-noun
>post image of a retard on twitter saying something retarded
>agree with it
>'Sup Forums BTFO!!!!#@!1
>one post by this ID
Stop fucking posting in shit threads like this you dumb shit newfags, you're just as retarded as the twitter post for promoting this shit. None of us give a fuck about your top banter, your ability to prove the retard on twitter incorrect, or your ability to determine who is and isn't a shill.
I think Obama was an atheist but Christian for show. Does that make me a white supremacist?