Name one reason why white sharia shouldn't be a thing

Name one reason why white sharia shouldn't be a thing

Because it destroys innovation. Woman not creating problems means men don't problem solve

kek, is this why mudslime hives have remained the same in constant conflict for their entire history?


>white sharia
Sharia is by definition Arab law, every Muslim convert takes on an Arab name and is iblogaed to study Arabic to read the Koran.
A white accepting Islam is literal subjugation and thus cuckoldry of one's own culture, race, nation and heritage
There is one single thing more pathetic in the world than a single mom with a kid- a white Muslim convert

White sharia is not only an oxymoron but the lamest and intellectually weakest memeever pushed by resident larpers and muzzies

Because we have our own versions. Better versions. We don't need sharia. From Christians to European pagans we already have our own versions. We just need to use them.

I don't like the whole burqa/hijab look.
I'd prefer women go back to wearing dresses, bonnets, and aprons.

looks like she is running arch


1. It's an oxymoron
2. It's pure retardation promoted by neckbeards


Well what reason, the sole reason, makes men seek to improve themselves? To attract a mate. It's also a huge problem that women are so easy to give up the pussy and that porn is so easily accessible. On one hand, some cultures promise a wife as young children and must marry her when they are of age (I knew several Indians working here on visas who planned to go home by 30 to marry her after having made some US $$. Not sure the age of said brides.) These men may very well have been exceptions, because they said they didn't want to carry on the family business of fishing or whatever. They said that's generally the only option, to continue the family business. But on the other hand, insanely degenerate western societies deincentivize men from getting ahead, because any skank will eventually fuck them and cling to them despite those men being low quality. Add easy access to porn, and what's the point of going through the motions of a long wooing process, spending money, and working hard when the skank will either leave him before or after marriage then suck more money out of him. There is probably a nice in between in which women are not in the workplace for the most part and will stick by their man and family through thick and thin.

Additionally these western problems don't seem to affect groups like the Amish, Mennonites, and Mormons, because they require traditional Christian living. They would downright disown fags and degenerates, skanks, sex freaks, those who cover themselves with tats, piercings, hair dye, and make up or more than modest make up.

It should be a thing only in America.
If degeneracy disappears in America, whole world will return to being normal aswell.


I couldn't be a muslim what if you woke up at night and your creepy wife was running around with curtains on her head looking like a ghost and shit. Fuck that noise.

pro tip : I can't

what about traps?

Same thing faggot.

rip my sides

I support White Sharia because I perceive it as Kek's Divine Karma. Feminist, queers, leftist atheists, and usury-loving Jew bankers have all forged an alliance with Islam and are demanding Sharia law and Muslim immigrants in Western countries.

Well considering that all four groups would be executed for heresy and apostasy under Sharia, I'm just carrying out Kek's divine will and retribution.

After that mission has been completed, we need to abandon White Sharia and embrace Roman Paterfamilias. It's pretty much the same thing, except given to us by perhaps the greatest civilization Humanity has ever known.

fucking kek
that's why burkas aren't white

White sharia would cause whites to take over the fucking world.
Population would boom and white Jihad
would lead to world conquest.

It's a shame Muhammad was a sand nigger and we got kiked by Rabbi Yeshu

Tbh I don't care what religion or society whites have so long as there are no foreigners or Jews in positions of power/influence of the people and the existence of our people and a future for white children are secured.

-Not Christian

moronic. islam doesnt give a damn about your precious whiteness. if you convert you will just get browned and blacked.


Look at the technological advancement white european christian society has brought.

Now look at any majority muslim shithole.

You choose. Enslaving women is not the answer to putting them back in their place. If capitalism has proven anything it's that slaves work a lot harder when they don't think they're slaves.

sharia but a christian version of it

We just need equal rights.

No alimony bullshit

No divorce-rape on men

No men on prison or preventive detention due to fake rape accusations

Equality under the law