Why is New England so superior to rest of the US?

Why is New England so superior to rest of the US?

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Because of Connecticut

Except it's not. It's really not. America is in Dixie. Though the resentment for niggers and muslims in Boston gives me comfort.
t. New Hampshire

we used to be bretty good desu but really Mass and CT have shit the bed hard.

Concentrated Jew power. While it corrupts and destroys, it also gives way to greater economic and technological might.

Just as how a violin with wood that was infected by fungi can have better acoustic qualities.

That's some breddy deep stuff m8 :DDDDD

why is this girl so cute?

Everyone is a pedophile and the accent is disgusting. Plus Jews. Fuck off.

Large eyes indicate high presence of estrogen, as well as a soft round face which resembles a child, and a small nose, which resembles a child as well. Features are also largely symmetrical and hair is dyed to a pale bright color which creates a theme of playfulness, yet also innocence and vulnerability.

I have some news for you

There was an argument for this prior to it being it being overrun by foreigners.

>implying nothern Michigan isn't the best

Where can I find girls like this my age (17-21) that have decent dyed hair and aren't SJW freaks in central MN(shithole i know)? I don't care if they are weeb girls as long as they are fuckable

That's degenerate, find someone you can love that appreciates you and will be loyal to you until death (as long as they are decent enough for you to love). Loyalty, charity, and willpower are far more valuable than shallow looks.

>dyed hair
And into the fucking trash it goes.

>tfw Ive become so jaded that when I read "New England" I thought you were talking about muslims

>implying every girl looks bad with dyed hair

she has to be very cute to begin with, and not all artificial hair colors look shitty, it's not like i want some ugly bright blue or green, it has to be either pale like op's pic or really dark

>New England
user, this is arguably the worst part of the US.

>Racist AF, but not in an honest / memable way. Just low expectations and paternalism
>Morally bankrupt people who fill the void with virtual signaling
>All conformist, meek puritans that police each other with faux moral outrage and passive aggression
>Everyone depressed / miserable
>Shitty weather


Sort yourself out user.

Hit everything except the conformist aspect. Which I disagree, but that's from your own experiences.

Leave central MN. As a former resident, you have far better chances elsewhere. Even in the countryside.

Shhhh quiet

That's not what I'm implying at all, I'm implying that girls with dyed hair belong in the fucking trash because they're trash. Did you try dyeing yours? Maybe it soaked in too far and that's why you're not smelling what I'm selling here.

Western mass is its own state. You can tell because of how much (((Charlie baker))) hates us. >t hampden county, trump country and proud

northern maine (where i work) has a very libertarian streak

my boss during the yearly employee orientation: "i think cocaine should be legal, heroin too, all drugs should be... we serve alcohol and take that responsibility seriously, if you need to go to rehab i'll pay for it"

Worst gun laws in America aside for California. kys

i think you're just autistic and cannot handle people having different preferences when it comes to inserting ones penis into a vagina

>all girls with dyed hair are trash even cute fuckable non sjw ones
source please

because of the drunk irish racists who love to fight

Fuck off paki !
You won't divide us
The whole western world is turning to shit because of you fuckers

i'll admit northern Michigan isnt too bad. Maine is pretty comfy desu. libtards are contained to points south. and like 98% white.

>shit food
>wind burned roasties
worst of all

no thanks.

Caifornia, Washington, Oregon - God tier
Middle West - redneck/hillbilly tier
East Cost - shit tier.

I also kind of have a fetish for it, but they're all trash. Don't waste your time.

Because it's literally located at the highest geographical point in continental US.

I hate pictures photoshopped with with scifi colours to make you think a place looks good

while true its only a matter of time until you're infected as well. the trash has already spread mid way into New Hampshire and the southern portion of Maine as well

The part where they aren't proud of themselves
and thought it would be okay to parade around as something else is the source. Do you dress up in blackface before you leave the house because you don't like your skin?

Trash girls are trash.

>Highest % of Jews in the country


Nah, that's actually what it looks like in Maine. Today we had a small typhoon and it was still this pretty in the afternoon.

Maine has constitutional carry, as does Vermont. New Hampshire is one of the best armed states. Lil Rhodie is pretty good. Massholechusetts and Cuntnectttticunt need a good purging.

Who outside of New England would ever think that?

>california is god tier

This gentleman knows a thing or two, accept commiefornia is shittier east coast liberalism.

just wait till the muzzies and niggers from Detroit move north

> full of jews
> full of irish
> taxes out the ass
> literal taxes on interstate commerce
> family guy is set there

fucking goddamn i hope i never visit, ill stay in dixie thanks bud.

Any other Rhode Islanders here?

CT is basically a corporation. I hate living here.

There is a lot of goths and spooky chicks though, plus lots of good graveyards and hipster spots. It's similar to Salem in a way.

in whose universe is new england superior ? fuck off

No way, I live in CT and have spent a significant amount of time in pretty much every relevant part of NE. I can assure you, with perfect certainty, that New England is fucking overpriced yuppie garbage that survives off its history of once being a worthwhile place.

puerto ricans and dominicans are ruining this state
also the police forces here don't care about even the most simple quality of life problems

What? What makes you think they aren't proud? A lot of girls dye their hair because they get bored of having the same hair color their entire lives and they like to try out different styles and see how they look. Plus it's not like hair-dye is permanent either, they can always just go back to their original color

A girl dye-ing her hair from a boring black to a more interesting temporary light pale pink like op's pic is infinitely better than other forms of body modification and alteration girls do such as tattoos and piercings.

I literally do not see why its bad at all, the only point you've made against it so far is thinking it's a body-image issue which its not. They arent fat or disfigured

New England Wasps were the first liberals that ruined all of the western civilization and the blue collar whites are uncivilized. Fuck New England, fuck the South, Fuck the West Coast.

The Great Plains is the most superior region in the USA!

We sure do love calling everyone a faggot and hating niggers here in Boston.

Boston is a city full of kikes, faggots, and chinks ringed by faggots, hipsters, Niggers, turbo mick garbage, heroin needles, and dirtier chinks. Avoid at all costs.

tfw western Washington.

Because it's almost entirely white

Are you still on about this? Christ, you give way too much of a shit what someone else has in their hair. People who fall for such jewish tricks are pretty much universally degenerate.

I just returned home to California from a trip to New England. I was in MA, CT, and Rhode Island.

New England is a giant shit. On the seventh day the Lord rested, but before that he did, he squatted next to Maine and what came out of him... was New England.

The weather sucks, the traffic is worse, and the roads are Romanian tier.

And just like Old England, the people are ugly inbreds.

I forgot the best part. No one in Boston can drive worth a damn. In LA, people drive aggressively because they have places to be. In Boston, people drive like escaped mental patients with no spacial reasoning.

hole in 1

terrible food options.
worse socioeconomic divide.
flooded with college kids lapping as punk
then going full corporate after grad

your no fun. it really is that beautiful though. no scifi colors here my maplebro.

Those are the 3 worst states in NE. You should have gone to Maine and New Hampshire.

She is yummy

>While it corrupts and destroys, it also gives
>He rapes, but he saves. He rapes...but...he saves


Fuck Jew England and Jew York City

Cotton candy hair.


mass conneticunt and rhode island are the worst states of new england. they should really just go. we dont want them.

NH master race

t. Pussy driver
Maybe you should wear a tampon when you drive in MA

Tell me where I should visit in northern New England.

I haven't been to any of VT, NH, or ME and I need to check them off the list.

It is not.
Yours truly,
Someone who lived in New England 35 years

Literally those three states. You'll be disgusted that the rest of the kikes who claim themselves "New English" are even in the same category.

It would be a lot better if we could get rid of the niggers spics kikes and fags, but you can say that about any area

(((New England)))

a cute

>CT is basically a corporation

Nobody in Mass can drive. When we see Mass plates we refer to them as a "Mass-hole"

Agreed, and I'm from there.
Moved the hell out of there when I could. Now my depressed relatives wished they didn't live there either, but They're too complacent/afraid to move away from what they know...despite complaining all the time about it.
New England is mass Stockholm syndrome.

It's not dipshit.

The answer is always genetics user. NE founding stock are puritans so extremely low crime and good education and health outcomes.

Lived in Oregon, lived in CA. I'm moving to Texas.


this explains a lot then

Yoopers are mostly retarded but the chicks are easy.

why do you have an unhealthy obsession for that girl in OP?

u khhv gay fagit

At least our average state IQ isn't in the double digits like Shitifornia

Okcupid. Seriously, there's either literal fat commies, single moms, or cute weebs there. But good luck finding someone who isn't left leaning.

it's very rational, mate

Someone explain what Im looking at?

Genetic clusters of founding populations in murica

unz . com/jman/the-genetics-of-the-american-nations/

His whole American Nations series is recommended reading

shes beautiful

Because you live in a privileged liberal city and have never seen the rest of the US.

Holy moly. Lots of info there. ty user

From rhode island here and New England sucks. The only good thing is the patriots

>Why is northern New England so superior to rest of the US?
Ftfy. Maine and New Hampshire are king, with our autistic, socialist neighbor Vermont riding off our coattails.
I love it in Maine. We're around 95% white, have lax gun laws, friendly towards whites but treat minorities like shit, our Governor is based, the scenery is beautiful, etc..
Literal white paradise. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.