Lauren Southern Goes Full 14/88

What's her endgame?
(More like 15/89 if you catch my drift)

Why is her latest video just dicksucking the altright fascist cunts?

Why is she doing this?

What do?

Other urls found in this thread:


Check the last thread for a detailed breakdown of this issue, she is lowkey pushing this fucked up agenda

Wtf I love Lauren Southern now

you truly are cancer

She is pushing a fucking agenda to pull the sheeple on her channel towards racism, you dumb scumbag. Identity politics is tearing America apart. You are being a tool of globalism to listen to these people.

Ton Na Tnemugra

shes gone to far

Racial division is cancer. We ought to have slow and steady migration and integration and brotherhood. This idea of "oh muh white europe fug da noneuropeans keepim out" is just adding fuel to the problem.

Wake up. You don't have to be a primitive tribalist collectivist anymore. Just wake up!


Kill yourself.

>I don't care if I get ethnically replaced, aslong as they're doing it legally.

>We ought to have slow and steady migration

I am trying to see myself as more than just my blood/DNA/meat

I may subconsciously see myself as a "White" guy, but really I should see everyone as a fellow human being who matters and who can do amazing things in this life.

Please, let go of your retarded hostility. Open your mind


Think about it...

>We ought to have slow and steady the country they migrated from.
Letting stupid peopole immigrate hurts the country they're immigrating to.

sage and ignore

Based Lauren

>Inb4 impotent rage

You hate her cuz youll never get her, pathetic incels

Stay mad cuckbois

>A leaf roastie has done more for the right wing cause than you'll do in your entire life
You know it's true and it drives you mad , polsperg

letting smart people immigrate hurts the country they are migrating from

whites are the least tribalist race rn. That means that they let tribalist people in who work together against whites.

we dont want your kind here, Sup Forums is shit now because of you redditards

Gene editing will revolutionize that! Idiot!

We can erase the IQ gap soon enough with the amazing technology!

Take the transhumanist pill, Sup Forums !
Try some shrooms and enjoy life

Don't think of yourself as being part of "a tribe" or "a team", just be a proud liberty loving individual.


She is pushing extreme rightwing views, do you understand what that means? You idiots have been convinced it's perfectly normal and nice to be racist and extremist.

Center-right is the only fucking way. Leftwing or far-right GTFO. Center-right supremacy 100%

The true ideology is christian theocracy w/ forced conversion before societal turn to libertarianism once all members are christians, but ok

I don't understand these threads. Is this some kind of a weird reverse psychology technique?

You shills are really evolving huh.

>Gene editing will revolutionize that! Idiot!
>We can erase the IQ gap soon enough with the amazing technology!
ashkenazi jews are the most intelligent group of people in the world, yet they're extremely tribalistic.

Um. For the money. Trumpcuck are huge rubes, they're easy marks as Trump proved.

>liberty loving individual
liberty is good to a certain degree, but there are more important thing than liberty.
Purpose and community for example.

I post frequently and have for over a year. I'm proud of the fact that I'm forming the beachhead of center-right, libertarianism that opposes both SJWs and reverse SJWs (ethnonationalists).

My plain and simply message is:
ALL identity politics is CANCER

Anti-white racism is a problem
You can't fix that problem WITH PRO-WHITE RACISM


>ashkenazi jews are the most intelligent group of people in the world, yet they're extremely tribalistic.
Clearly the tribalism of every group is an issue.

I hate kikes. But remember: NOT ALL JEWS ARE KIKES

just like


You believe in integration and that they won't just replace us and shit up the country like Brazil or south Africa

I suspect it's schizo Moarpheus using a different username larping to be a retarded AnCap that is the IDF of Lauren Southern

>just wake up and embrace my retarded and esoteric ANCAP ideals!!!! Stop being racist!!! You are making things mean!!! :(

>idpol is tearing this country apart
>wypipo stop playing idpol
>everybody else steps up their game
>we lose

You're in this whether you fucking like it or not. Stop bitching about fucking racism.

Has this namefag been around before? Or did he start out by spamming these retarded threads? This does smell like some kind of bizarre psy-op.

>Clearly the tribalism of every group is an issue.
Why don't we organize according to human nature and not according to some "utopic" ideology?
In what sense are you different from communists in that regard?

I am proud of this name and the truth I spread with it, I don't takethis collectivist anti-individual garbage about "don't use ur name" seriously.

My name is part of who I am. I'm proud of this persona.

So far no real arguments against my worldview, just ad hom and hate

1. I don't agree with your assumption that collectivism is the devil
2. lets talk about race realism instead of racism. Race realism is just acknowledging the fact that there are racial differences. So when you say "fight all race realism" you're saying "fight the truth"

how do you guys like this fucking leaf? shes really fucking stupid, shes cute tho.

>I'm soooo much more than my DNA/meat
>I just see everybody as human beings

Wew lad, whats it like having the ideals of a fucking kindergartner?

>open your mind

Thats what I did, I decided diversity fucking sucks and I dont wanna live with non whites. And thats perfectly ok.

So I guess,

>open your mind (only if you agree with me about be a "color blind" tard)

He's OBVIOUSLY trolling retard

I made an argument and your response was

to be honest that's not a strong comeback.

Respond pls :(

We can do gene editing and education, which is actually realistic and futuristic.

Trolls don't usually make the same thread 3-4 times a day. There's some deeper motive here.

You really had me going for a minute there , honestly I feel much better knowing that this is't real

mods, fucking ban this bot already

This guy has been sperging out all over Sup Forums with the same exact memes and the same exact copy pasta all day.

Running into ever thread posting the same exact memes and the same exact wall of texts.



DNA is just a physical material object, we can change it. We are WAAY past the primitive collectivist barbarianism that ethno-nationalists want to revive.

Its o so fucking obvious

You still haven't said why it is worth the effort/risk.

How many people, realistically, do you think are gonna go for designer babies? Seems to me like a lot of people think that "playing god" is immoral as heal. Especially all the shitskin theisists we LOVE to import. You cant even get abortion to be a fucking settled issues, but want "transhumanism"? Fucking kek. Not to mention how fucking expensive it would be.

Like 'A community of Slaves"
no thanks

I have been banned multiple times for spreading my message, and I dn't really give a fuck. I will simply use a prxy or wait it out.

I stand by my basic message and my message never changes. These threads are highlighting the Lauren Southern connection to the need to smash identity politics. Past threads didn't focs on her.

You can't censor me, like it or not.

not as risky as a neo nazi racewar

She's says in that video that she is not a white nationalist though.

Yea you're a sperg that is just shitting up this board.
Every single post you make in every thread is exactly the same with the exact same memes

>DNA is just a physical material object, we can change it.
in the foreseeable future maybe
>We are WAAY past the primitive collectivist barbarianism
"we" being whites and this is killing us right now because all the other who we let into our countries aren't.
Also the atomized societies libertarians dream of will never know the joy and the purpose in life that you feel, when you feel like you belong.

>Every single post you make in every thread is exactly the same with the exact same memes
same memes, same ideas

Yes, I'm a reacher. I'm posting the truth.

Don't you fucking understand? I want to prevent a coming mass conflict/raw race war

>I am trying to see myself as more than just my blood/DNA/meat

Fucking tiresome. Yeah you'll figure it out eventually, just shut the fuck up in the meantime and stop spewing your half-formed thoughts. Anything more than flesh that we are arises from our flesh and is given being by it. You're looking for meaning in opposition to flesh and you won't find any. Honestly it's an honorable quest but please lurk more.

No you're fucking annoying dude and you're shitting up this board hardcore. Go take you're fucking meds you psycho

i disagree.
>there is only complete freedom and slavery
i welcome rules that discourage bad behaviour and encourage preferable behaviour, everything else leads to degeneracy.

Ihave been forming my ideology for well over a year now. I see no reason to give it up.


But by becoming PRO-WHITE RACIST you're taking the bait

TPTB/the globalists WANT racism to increase.

What makes Whites special is that we are NOT just racist like other groups. We need to help them become non-racist as well, or everyone is screwed.

Stop fucking posting this shit Lauren. It's obvious it's you, You dumb coal burning whore

What the fuck ar you on op? She just openly stated she isn't a white nationalist to distance herself from us.

Stop worshiping this stupid cunt anyway. I hate going through the comments its always full of a bunch of thirst orbiter posting stuff like "wow ur so hot i love your tits"
please end yourselves

she lives in Canada, I'm American. Nice try though.

>She just openly stated she isn't a white nationalist to distance herself from us.
That's what she wants you to think, you racist dingus

>Stop worshiping this stupid cunt anyway.
I fucking hate her.

>well over a year now

I'm not asking you to give it up. Keep thinking it through. You'll eventually find the bottom of the rabbit hole. But stop acting like you've found the fucking answer when you're still on the quest.

> I want to prevent a coming mass conflict/raw race war
most people here were libertarians at some point but dropped that idea because they realized that culture is an important part of our life and that it's closely connected to hertiage.

So you're pretty much at a stage we all went through.

Racial division is the only thing keeping the world from falling to Apefrica levels of dinduism.

wtf Morgan Freedman is a fucking ethnonational? headfuck

How can these anons think they are better than niggers when they openly admit that without authoritarian rule they would run amok and terrorize their white neighbors (ie. just like the niggers they claim to hate)

Also you did not state how you plan to rid the world of tribalism?
It's not like our governments aren't trying it and it isn't working. People like to be among similar people, that includes looks, politics, culture, humor etc. and that's something you wont be able to change by some propaganda.

>I want to prevent a coming mass conflict/raw race war

Why contain it? Conflict/raw race war is necessary. For too long the strong have kept the weak alive. Alive long enough to out produce them in number. The people who should have died out are out-voting and immigrating their superiors. They are immigrating to anywhere there is white people, like scavengers the descend upon us from all over the globe. Enough of this bullshit! Race war now!

acknowledging iq differences in races doesn't mean you're an ethnonationalist.

We may need benevolent temporary dictatorship to seriously stamp out ALL identity groups, make people forget the old divisions.

It may take revolution. The end goal must always be stateless capitalism and anarchic separate zones for people to live in AS THEY CHOOSE.

If some small group decides to be racist, fine, but they can't stir up fucking racewar and endanger lives.

it kind of does?

if you're trolling you should take a serious look at your life

He's butthurt about the Lauren orbiters and thinks by emulating them he makes some sort of an impact on them.

>We may need benevolent temporary dictatorship to seriously stamp out ALL identity groups, make people forget the old divisions.
You're making the same mistake the communist made everytime.
People in power don't give up the power voluntarily.

You would be surprised if you talked to dindus! I grew up surrounded by them. They don't really believe in equality. They know whites and blacks living in the same place is a one sided relationship. They just know they would be screwed without whites so they play the game for all it's worth.

Are the two ponytails the female equivalent of the hitler youth?

I believe that statism and collectivism is SO ingrained in the world that we may just need to destroy it all and rebuild, kind of?

I am one of those people who kind of hoped Trump WOULD actually go full dictator and fix America.

AnCap libertarianism CAN work, but not in today's climate.

I don't see how anything I say is wrong or funny

I hate her for betraying her principles and flirting with the extreme collectivist right. We need to stamp out all collectivist tribal identitarian BS.

BTW I unsubbed in protest and never regretted it.

please fucking off yourself, swine.

dude, she was praising JARED FUCKING TAYLOR in her more recrntly made vid. You idiot. Her agenda is clear.

She has a huge center-right audience and she's trying to herd them LIKE SHEEP into the extreme White identity shit. It's a seriously worrying sitution.

I'm trying to stop the entire pro-Trump right from being hijacked by the fucking "muh white race is dying muh identity yo" people.

I don't know who this girl is but i hope your right!

>dude, she was praising JARED FUCKING TAYLOR in her more recrntly made vid.

youre such a sperg she just said he has a reasoned position which he clearly does. cant you recognize that some people you disagree with make some sense or at least arent just ebil and wrong ? I know its hard for a spergy freak some caps lock unironically but at least try

Lauren clearly is taking an ''overwatch'' stance, where she just comment and analyse, not a side per say.

who use caps lock *

>She has a huge center-right audience and she's trying to herd them LIKE SHEEP into the extreme White identity shit. It's a seriously worrying sitution.

>implying that's a bad thing

good for her. i personally think disgruntled whities deserve a voice. fucking ancaps need to burn.

>youre such a sperg she just said he has a reasoned position which he clearly does


Your race is the only identity you have that is rooted in reality. You've just replaced that socially unacceptable identity with abstract concepts that were just made up, like that ancapistan identity flag.

You're not even white and you support fucking white nationalism... wow....

>I don't see how anything I say is wrong or funny
most of the things you say isn't well thought out. you want to rebuild society to something it has never been and knowingly disregard human nature. You want a dictator to assume total power but then after finishing his job just give it back to the people. You want to genetically reengineer humans so that your theory might be implementable.
Meanwhile us ethnonationalists have proof that our system works and all that seperates us from it is resettling a few millions and in the case of the us maybe fracture the country.

And when you achieved all that you will still not have a community. People with a sense of belonging. It will be an atomized country, just like the whites of modern day america who find solace in consumerism.

>Unironically agrees that dictatorship is the solution

...AND we're boned

I applaud you guy, you're doing an excellent job on redpilling the normies by highlighting how at the roots similiar ancapism is to communism and other idealogies based on abstractions

I said it might be, retard, I DON'T KNOW

I'm just asking questions.

Be openminded. You pitiful racists are so primitive.

Don't know why you are so worried. Jared Taylor isn't even hardcore. Check out Dr. William Luther Peirce or Dr. Kai Murros, now those are some Boss OGs right there!

fuck you spineless faggot

Well, Marxism can be interpreted through a fucking anarchist lens, but I'm NOT Anarcho-Communist so you're fucking wrong.


not going down ur rabbit hole man

Wow, a whole year! What are your favorite subreddits fellow pede?


This is the reality...

/thread. Anyone who argues against this is an edgy 14 yo minarchist or a kike shill

this is fucking insane!

I might make a subreddit at some point, def a blog.

I'm NOTashamed of using this name-tag. I am individualist. I'm not part of your anti-individual herd mentality.

Why are you so afraid of conflict?
You're literally trying the bend reality to avoid it.

She wants a black cock to satisfy her... that's all she needs a pick from u lot is depressing.

>this is fucking insane!

Really? Check this out!

her 'endgame' is to get you drooling retards shekels.

THIS. All white nationalist women are ugly as fuck. Buncha thin lipped meth head looking bitches with raspy voices from years of chain smoking and liquor swilling. Either that or they just look like derpy jewesses.

nice bait, senpai

What's wrong with pushing the fascist agenda? I thought ancaps and natsocs were friends forever?