If homosexuality is genetic and not a choice, then is pedophilia also genetic? As in, could someone be born a pedophile?

If homosexuality is genetic and not a choice, then is pedophilia also genetic? As in, could someone be born a pedophile?

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Probably. The radical left will start to gently try to normalize it in the coming years. Mark my words.

Which is why we seriously need to figure out conversion therapy.

there are many mental disabilities we will never truly understand user

Probably, but don't you find it interesting that a vast number of homos have a "touchy uncle" story? I don't buy that "we're all born gay" bullshit for a second.

Likewise, most pedos were also priest-touched when they were small.

There's a correlation there for sure.

Homosexuality is a choice you retard.

If it was genetic, gays would not reproduce and go extinct.

Is this so fucking hard to understand

It's maternal and recessive.

Pedophilia is the normal state of men. Little girls are the best, everybody knows it.
It was leftists who demonized it in the first place. Do you think upstanding traditionalists were the ones who forced girls into schools and encouraged delaying marriage?

mu dick

Hmm, that's weird. It says on wikipedia that homosexuality is not a choice. Maybe it's a mistake?

I do think that's quite the difficult debate, because homosexuality has been present since the dawn of man.
Then again, full blown homosexuality was not very common.

Take the greeks for example.
They had orgies from time to time yet still marry and had offspring.
Or the samurai that adopted pupils that fucked from time to time when training even if they were married to women.

I think that homosexuality is mostly a choice. Heck, I do even think that it's not pure coincidence that there are more homosexuals than ever in history.

People would tell you that now is really easy to get out of the closet but I see it the other way.
With many people getting out of the closet even more want to just be part of it.

That's my 2 cents on the matter even though I remain to think that maybe a genetic component is present in their minds.

What exactly is wrong with pedophilia? In some cultures pedophilia is perfectly normal, and we in the west should accept that

How pathetic am I that i recognize which camwhore that is just from that photo.

I have a problem

Who is this semon demon


Youre welcome

It depends what you deem as pedophilia, bud.

To me, when a girl has the first period she should be able to legaly consent, the same as when a kid's balls drop.

Careful, I'm not saying that a 40 year old guy could fuck a 13yo girl who happens to have developed early, age difference does matter to a certain extent.
Not biologically but mentally.


Holy shit, Muahamad is right. 8 year olds for all!


People might also be born as serial killers that doesn't mean we should condone or try and portray it as acceptable.

i literally already answered it

KYS ahmed.

>I'm not a fag guys! Look everyone is doing it!

Typical Sweden

Someone can certainly die a pedophile.
Just hang 'em in public so I can watch.

What did kek mean by this

homosexuality isn't a choice but it's not genetic or innate either

now I will wait for brainlets to try and understand this

Everyone is born a baby and babies can't be paedophiles. I don't think you thought through your question OP.

do you have any statistics to back this up?

True fact: every gay person I know has had a traumatic sexual experience early in life. EVERY SINGLE ONE! and I live in the San Francisco area so it's not like I know 1 gay person.


stop perpetrating the kike terminology sven

pedophilia != hebephilia

of course pedophelia is a mental illness. you think people choose to be attracted to pre-pubescent children?

regardless it's still degenerate and a mental illness and these people should be treated and helped. it shouldn't be a crime to be a pedophile, it should be a crime to commit pedophilia and rape children. however we need to do it to get these people help we should. therapy or whatever.

pedophilia = rape (think about it)
they trying to normalize it

it would e impossible since childhood sexual abuse is massively underreported


Then why choose to be oppressed and have the potential to be killed when you can choose to be straight and live an ez life?

Where is the proof that homosexuality is genetic? All I ever saw was the retarded argument like "gays exist even in societies where there is a death sentence for it, like Middle East". But it's idiotic, because the Middle East is also ridden with goatfuckers, does that mean zoophilia is genetic as well?

just because something is natural doesn't mean its ethical. if you're a pedophile, kill yourself, no one is gonna fucking miss you

>Little girls are best

Ya...no faggot.

Biologically you could make an argument for men enjoying ages 14 at the least. 16 seems far more natural in the grand scheme of things.

The problem is leftists believe a child as young as three years old can understand the intricacies of gender and that's just as fucked up as someone wanting to put their dick or cooch on a 5 year old.

when pedophilia is socially acceptable, men tend to want child brides
it shows that men are inherently pedophiles

>homosexuality is genetic and not a choice


Unless a certain set of genes that exists in straight people make it more likely that they'll have children who end up gay...

If, then yes.

If, then:

Killers are born.

Rapists are born.

Liars, robbers, and so on.

If, then there is no argument against anyone, including "homophobes". "Homophobes" are born, and can not be blamed for their despising of the gay.

The question of born or not is irrelevant and non productive. The question is simply whether or not it is good.

what a dumb logic
those that fucked men while also married were Bi
there isnt more homos today, they are just allowed to be open about it whereas in the past they had to fully hide it

>Homosexuality is a choice

trust me, it's not




>A woman in her twenties tells of a sexual relationship she had with an adult male neighbor from the age of six for at least six years. She writes, “Why should I feel guilty about the wonderful relationship I had with that man … right up until his death?”

>There was a girl who joined my junior school when I was ten who had been in a relationship with a neighbour since she was 8 and at the time told me it was the most special and wonderful thing in her life.

Homosexuality is not a choice but acting on it is a choice.

Same for pedophilia and I would say a number of other disturbs of personality (violent people, murderers, etc).

You can be a homosexual and a pedophile (or have murderer tendencies) and function normally in society as long as you don't do any homosexual or pedophile acts or murder anyone.
The moment you do act on your instincts you get the gas chamber.


Sure, but if that's the explanation you want to go with, we'll have to kill the fags, not rehabilitate them.

It's not entirely genetic and it's not a choice either, it's a combination of genes but mostly the environment they grow up in.

Look up the sissy hypno people as an example. Most of them straight dudes that got a whiff of the coolidge effect in action when watching porn which inhibits an addiction and causes them to do terribly gay and humiliating sexual acts. Addiction does crazy things to the mind in order to get its dopamine fix.

But that's just an extreme example to get a point across, it's mostly environment, which we can't control for shit either, so it's not a choice.

If you disagree you're a fucking nigger that disagrees with fact based science.

Homosexuality is not genetic

It doesn't matter if it's genetic or a choice.

Do we not punish blacks when they become aggressive and kill people because they have the warrior gene?


Actions are to be judged regardless of the cause.


makes me want to move out there and pay the commie tax so I can have a gf like that


To be fair, there aren't many gays in Islamic countries.

by that logic yes, pedophiles WILL use that as an excuse which is why it's dangerous for homosexuality to be considered "born this way"

True, it's more like autism than genetic disorders
Being a lolicon is a choice, the right choice.

It's not
Saying homosexuality is a choice is like saying Ailurophobia or Arachnophobia are choices

Fuck a woman. How fucking hard can it be?

The more I think about this, the more I'm inclined to agree. I suppose there may be some kind of genetic predisposition to it. But from what I've mulled over, it seems to be more of how one is raised, the affect of parental figures, teachers, and perceptions of the opposite gender. I'm sure there are fags that'll flat out disagree, but I think that the influences into creating a homo are very subtle and ingrained at a young age

Does it really matter?

If someone is a threat to society, you remove them. What difference does it make whether they chose it or not.


I'd be ok with the normalization of pedophilia if it was on an actual biological basis

as in, when women become capable of bearing children, after about a year grace period, they can consent.

do you just not find women attractive

I wonder why

Not politically related.

Idk, do some kinky shit and get pegged or something, or, have sex with a guy. It's a choice right?

This research has been making waves lately :


It states that there is a physiological difference between those with pedophilic urges than those without. This research sets a worrying premise, because trends in other personality disorders are showing physiological differences as well. For example researchers CT scanned violent offenders and sociopath's brains and compared them to people without such tendencies, there was clear anatomical differences in the pre frontal cortex (the area of the brain which affects personality).

The interesting part was that this researher scanned his own brain and it showed the signs which allign with violent offenders.

Does this set a precedent where we scan everyone's brain to find out if they are at risk of becoming a risk to society.

With parent's approval, and only under marriage.

That's a big IF, and one that isn't so.

Homosexuality is a perversion plain and simple. It used to be classified as a mental illness. It's actually just perverts looking for another way to get off, constantly doing more and more degrading shit until they get AIDS. Then anything goes, because hey, they already have AIDS so fuck it right?

The definition of degenerate.

Actually it's just a feeling

lol no

God cannot create animals and humans properly

why would I not agree with someone telling me he's actually a kangaroo in a human's body? since god create creatures at day 1 directly flawed, deformed, w/ birthdefect etc?

any man looking telling me hes actually a women i believe him and fuck him accordingly.

also ur puritan hypocrite worship prophets who have 1000s wives + rape war victims + sell and buy sex slaves? WTF are u even trying to lecture us ?

Most faggots didn't have fathers growing up or if they did then their father didn't do their job and influence the child. Fags pick up their gay shit from being around mommy and her friends and listening to them talk about slurping nigger cocks.

That's not true. The reason it's out more today is because we allow it to be. That's why the perversions are getting deeper and deeper everyday, because we're allowing this filth to be spread and openly talked about and accepted.

Back in the day you had an urge and wanted to do something taboo to get more off, so you fucked a dude. Now a days, since we accept that "It's always been like this", now they have all kinds of perversions springing up demanding to be accepted and forced down our throats.

what is illegal sexual intercourse in islam the biggest hypocrite religion in the universe?

isnt it true that moh and his follower fuked captives of war for free?

isnt it true that moh and his followers bought and sold sex slave who got fuked for free as long as they were under their ceiling? (not married, pure sex slaves)

Just stop being a pervert and stop sexualizing everything you see.

How about getting a productive hobby to fill your time instead of strange cocks?

It's your choice if you want to be a disgusting faggot and I don't really mind. But stop this 'born this way' BS. You were born straight, but your environment turned you into a cocksucking faggot. You can always convert to women, it's simply a matter of choice.

Like, user said IF it is not mere proclivity toward certain tendencies, but this is "just the way they are", then rehabilitation doesn't even factor if we also conclude a given action is harmful. You simply have to kill them, or else curtail their liberties that they are in some way in capable of acting upon their nature.

Given the research cited and the amusing footnote, I believe it fair to say that where certain tendencies might exist, they are not an inevitable conclusion. Ergo, it is a choice. Difficult for some. Easy for others. The difficulty of a given choice, however, should not be considered with respect to rendering judgement. Rather, it is all the more reason to reinforce a particular behavior is harmful - that the obviousness of such a poor decision, no matter how difficult, is illuminating even to those nearly blind.

But that's not always consensual though.
I see it more as a violent act than as a urge, the same as with man to woman rape.

> citing Wikipedia
> 2015+2

both the "gay is choice" and "gay is born" arguments are WRONG.

sexuality is subject to fluctuations and external forces

see: Sup Forums, which is known to have turned many men gay

Ya it's called being muslim faggot.

Ask every gayfag you meet.
It would be ridiculous to assume there's empirical evidence to support how many fags were diddled by their Uncle Jim when they were 5.

Nigger you don't know how the brain works at all. That's like telling someone with a gambling addiction to "just stop gambling bro" or someone with alcoholism "Lol just stop drinking", it's the same thing with sexual pleasure for the most part.

You don't choose to become addicted to things, the environment inhibits it via the activation of genes and consistent enough stimulus.


It's not being a homosexual or being a pedophile.. This whole identity shit has got to go.

These are both just temptations and perversions from the people entertaining them due to needing more and more taboo and out there sex acts to get them off. They're basically chasing a high. I'd safely bet my life that people that claim to be pedophiles and homosexuals masturbate at least once a day, if not several times every day.

Having pedophile and homo inclinations doesn't make you one or the other, it simply means that you're entertaining a new way to get a more fulfilling orgasm.

Stop shilling this argument.
You deterministic fags are a disgrace to humanity as a whole.

My point is that it's a choice how you identify. And sexual preferences can change as anyone who has watched a lot of porn will know.

I didn't say you will burn in hell because you are a degenerate. Of course, you probably will, but that was far from my point.

lol ya

checkmate faggot.

pepe wheres your prison uniform


Thanks a lot Marx.
How does it feel to be totally out of touch with reality you Freudian cocksucker?

It is a perversion. All sexual deviance is a choice made by free will.

It's not genetic. It's biological but a fault of early hormonal and psychological development, not DNA dependent.
You aren't born homosexual as you aren't born with a sexuality, you develop it as you grow. That's why gays should be prevented by ensuring kids grow the right way with balanced hormones and proper treatment. Why do you think so many gay men were abused when they were young?

What the hell are you talking about?

I don't see a counterpoint there you fucking cuck lmao.

Think about it. When you first got sexual urges, were you attracted to a 35 year old? No, it was another tween like yourself. It was not a toddler either.

The problem with pedos is they get stuck at that age and never move on. Often due to trauma or just profligate degeneracy.

Single mothers create problems in various phases of youth.
There's evidence to support that a single mother can cause damage to a child during developmental stages.

You're either go full gay or bite the bullet during the process. I honestly believe it's a fetish that got too carried away to a point that it tried to get normalized in the West. I get disgust if my penis was in someone's asshole knowing that it would come out some-what dirty. That's why I just stick to 2D anal and forget the real thing.

>brings up insubstantial claims coming from known leftwing institutions with political motivations and expects me to counter his "argument" with more bullshit
that's not going to happen, fag.
You're a chink in the chain, get over it you delusional psycho.

I've done anal with my gf several times and it came clean.

Men are usually dirty but girls take care of their buttholes.

homosexuality is not genetic. you can absolutely learn homosexuality. therefore homosexual parents should not be able to adopt kids.