America after the Chinese debt crisis
America after the Chinese debt crisis
>clearly not from america
Good. The natural order of things will return to the planet when the US is no longer in charge.
The people in the US right now will finally focus inwards and think of their community and their region.
I live 2,799 miles from Washington DC. I understand why our founding fathers wanted to break free from the chains of Great Britain.
Nah, m8. Michigan would be our own country and completely take control of the Great Lakes.
I'm treading all over you, lil peepee cuck boy
Wisconsin and Michigan both under GOP control, voted Trump. Puts us in People's republic?!?!?
Grab Chicago and Madison make them their own state.
Wall off Detroit to Canada.
The Great lakes National libertarian socialist republic will dominate the 5 lakes. Weekly Coastal raids on Leafland are mandatory.
We'd seriously just bomb their harbors and let them starve and kill each other if it came down to it.
At least I would.
>midwest republic
>excludes 90% of the midwest
This is the true
>Minnesota not in the people's republic
Lmao are you even from here ?
It isn't that bad a map actually considering.
Texas would join the Confederacy.
>Christian Union
>includes Utah
Pick one faggot.
They could always just re-legalized killing Mormons again. From the look of that map, it doesn't seem like the Federal Government could do anything about it if they even still existed.
Why do you think most of Appalachia would stay with the Jews that caused it in the first place?
>Chinese debt crisis
what is this new mysterious crisis no one ever heard of?
Because he's a foreigner who only knows about the US from what he's learned on Sup Forums and has no idea of the cultural complexities of various US regions.
america balkanizing is borderline impossible at this point. if it were to happen its impossible to say how it would crumble. this is my best guess.
>taking Sup Forums so seriously that you get legitimately butthurt over an obvious joke map
Wew lad
Leave your fucking house.
No butthurt. Just giving an honest answer. I figured I'd let my little sperg monster out for a quick stroll.
What you first have to keep in mind when you are drawing maps is where people live.
Second, you have to know where people generally travel to on a day to day basis.
Third, you have to know where they spend their money.
>"People's Republic of America" consists of two states that flipped for Trump
Check em'
>autism maps
why are there /lines/ instead of regions? Are they, where people don't cross?
just correcting the record for what real new england would look like
y'all confirmed for never being further north than boston if you lump masscucks with the rest of us
What a shitty map. Crappy rehash, typical Chinese fucks.
That is the map from
Those are economic boundaries where cash generally does not cross. If cash does not generally cross it, the people do not as well, leading to separate cultures and norms.
Yer retarded mate
States would secceed until the only part of the USA left is DC
Also PA needs coastline, time to anschluss Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, and New York
WV bros, wanna join in?
>All three of those states went blue in 2016
Face it, you're all cucks.
I remember Where's George. Nice result!
Enjoy your (((red))) one state with restrictive laws and big government.
We'll keep on with permitless carry in all three states, optional insurance, low taxes, overwhelmingly white populations, near-zero violent crime, and plenty of nature.
>the absurd fantasy of a brainwashed mainlander manboy, hated by all
Why are you replying, newfags?
for real
>not Hispania
pick one
When the EBT goes away, the dark armies of Detroit will spill forth across the lands, leaving Michigan devoid of life.