Its coming
August 12
where's the swastika?
Yeah where is it? This rally is about white power after all.
ooh, subtle
american vanguard and TWP are both national socialist organizations
Up your ass
Mossad duke university professor RAN BAR-ON will be there protesting
>Anarcho Capitalist
>Alongside Fascists
Fuck off bootlicker.
Just cringy LARPers
The founder of Anticom is an underage czech kid
The leader of IE is a literal street thug
Spencer is an FBI plant
And vanguard America is just fat socialists
>anarcho capitalists
thats clearly the anti-com flag you dumb nigger
Quit shilling your shitty stickers
Be there for our monuments, for our history and for our future.
Richard Spencer
Baked Alaska
Augustus Invictus
Jason Kessler
Matt Heimbach
Dr. Michael Hill
Pax Dickinson
with music by Paddy Tarleton
you are basically a larper if you dont show up. This will be the biggest fight ever. the real deal. Charlottesville is going to be nuts. The town is a antifa leftist shitden and will be importing every antifa chapter in the country to come fight
None of them are actually right wing though...
had to google the flag dude. This is the only image that popped up
>The biggest fight ever
How So? Do you expect some war to magically pop up? Even antifa have calmed down.
Go read up on who runs the town. Wes bellamy
If people were allowed to be good neighbors, they would voluntarily become good neighbors. Fascist societal organization is natural.
If you think that Fascist worldviews are incompatible with AnCap ideals you are either foolish are have ill will towards whites.
whats happening aug 12?
o rly
nevermind i didnt see the text in the pic
Literally the only thing he stands for that these groups dont is being anti white, which means if you expect anything then you just want to instigate a race war like every 15 year old that ruined this website does.
that alt right logo is pure cancer.
Not worthy of a proto-fascist movement.
The largest event of the year. the entire alt right including the alt light (if their parents allow them to go) will be there.
They all believe in high taxes and government control, so they might as well be communists
inb4 Gavin disavows
>leaders of major Proud Boy chapters are actually WN but Gavin doesn't know
>implying all of these groups aren't full of underages
>high taxes and government control
So america 70 years ago?
Full on Autistic shit right here. I get that you think your gay little gathering won't turn into a full-on riot but I guarantee you some bumblefuck rednecks and Black Panther types are going to show up with actual guns and all you're gonna be is temporary cover.
Proudboys are going to go regardless of what gavin says.
faggot redditor detected.
>not being a Hoppean remover
>Fagsden poster doesn't believe in organized demonstrations as a show of strength
Your coats looking might red there, good English.
Fly the swastika fags. Nothing says socialist white power like nazi germany.
Well it was a war time economy so yeah
But the war ended so the taxes went down.
>advertises alt right
>calls others redditors
No they didnt. Taxes didnt go down until kennedy dipshit.
white america was build on "socialism". which really is just another word for "paying taxes and getting a return"
The alt right flag with the fasces is better imo
There's an earlier KKK rally on July 8th that I'd like to see what all the fuss is about.
Aug 12 rally is by a separate, alt-right group. Depend on how the first rally goes, I might see the second.
AC= AnCaps
SN=Southern Nationalists
NS=National Socialists
AR=Alt Right
AC is anticom
L is libertarian
AC= AntiCom
L= Libertarian
Wear helmet's white button up shirts or white polo shirts and beige khaki's if you got them.
>White America was built on socialism
Hello Bernie
Gotcha. Why would Libertarians be represented by a Roman standard?
Those KKK people are not going to have the numbers. They will be eaten alive by VA nogs.
We are almost 99% sure the KKK rally is set up by feds.
Nathan is cool. Reserved, calm and careful but a great speaker and he isn't afraid to fight, as you've seen.
I was right next to him in Berkeley and his crew didn't just keep up front, they WERE the front line.
What Identity Evropa have done in less than a year is extremely impressive and you will be seeing a lot more from them, bigger and better.
You'll still be sitting at your computer doing nothing when that happens.
Kek, they had that sticker on their website for a whole 2 days before they took it down. You people are just being profited off of like the government bootlickers you are.
It was. Americans didnt start paying taxes in 1990.
The interstate system was created with good old fashion big government. Just like the space program
L would be Legionnaires, or LARP
>What identity Europa has done in a year
Like what?
How do you know?
I don't quite understand how people think the roman republic was libertarian, they were more fascist than anything. I know the term fascism was invented in the late 18th century but they were obviously heavily influenced by the roman republic and the empire. The certainly didn't value liberty all that much.
Ex-army libertarian nationalists use this
>VA nogs in numbers that will do anything
Pick one
they went from 12 people to over 600
No, it was built off a huge build up of resources that the states had after ww2
Where's this heading friendos
I want an ethnostate as much as the next guy but I'm not so sure about the kind of fucked up shit that would have to be done (balkanization and long term Syria style civil war) to get one...
you didnt see the anti hate rally after the alt right one? the place is crawling with niggers
Putting together a huge network of people spanning all 50 states, for one thing. I wont go into details but they're behind the scenes of a LOT of alt-right things and things you don't even know are connected to the alt-right yet.
no it was literally just built using money collected by taxpayers. drop the autism
Wear your khaki's
fucking miniscule, in the age of internet you can't even break 4 digits
>factories everywhere
>millions of vets needing jobs
>huge reserves from war
Rly maeks me tink
>in the age of internet
name a larger nationalist movement in the united states
Here is the video from the "anti-hate" rally in Charlottesville the day after.
>I'm not going into details
Because there are none.
Not a lot of people willing to put their face to these ideas yet, and IE is primarily interested in activists
Pretty much every group on OP's picture
>somehow factories just existing produced a giant interstate system
No see what happened was people paid extremely high taxes and the money from those taxes were allocated by the government and designated to build a interstate system
don't bother argue with dumb fucking retards like him. let him larp and fantasize on Sup Forums for the rest of his life.
Commander Rockwell had a bit over 400 men by his side.
IE is the largest by far if you dont count the kekistanis
damn, i wish i was in america...
>people paid high taxes
No, wealthy businessmen saw opportunity to spread, and the government just lagged behind to tax them.
dont they have nordfront in denmark?
A.C., the alt right and SPQR are larger.
This. Change it.
>also save the white race. I love you bastards the most.
stop revising history to fit your libertarian worldview cupcake
People paid extremely high taxes and they got a massive highway system ordered by the president
:) cool
Yeah, sure. But that is heavily looked down upon. I also don't have a white shirt. I only got a black one, and a few striped.
I wouldn't put the "alt-right" in with those other groups since the alt-right is the overarching movement to all those other groups.
Also no vetting process. Anybody can "join" the alt-right.
Red tie with black slacks and white shirt.
>for me at least.
think twice before going there
ya that sucks dude sorry to hear about that. Its hard enough coming out as far right in america , can only imagine what its like in euroland
That's kekistan not alt-right those people are absolute faggots alt-right is just a catchy label that bands us all together whether we like it or not, which is honestly for the better
wearing a tie to an event where there could be a shitlib chimpout isnt a good idea.
The shitty white and blue flag on the head of the snake literally says "Alt Right" and has a ugly AR.
It's pretty terrible desu.
Kekistani gets the rope too.
Here's the new official flier
Delet this.
He's a millenial