Reminder that all "new atheists" are ethnic Jews

Reminder that all "new atheists" are ethnic Jews.

Reminder that anyone who's a fedora in the 21st century is a butthurt Zionist kike.

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they worship the shekel which is technically not a deity

>Hitchens was born in Portsmouth, Hampshire, the elder of two boys.[8][9] His parents, Eric Ernest Hitchens (1909–1987) and Yvonne Jean Hitchens (née Hickman; 1921–1973), met in Scotland when both were serving in the Royal Navy during World War II.[10] Later in life, Hitchens identified as ethnically Jewish—since Judaism is matrilineal and his mother was Jewish.[11][12][13]

>Harris was born on April 9, 1967 in Los Angeles,[11] the son of actor Berkeley Harris and TV producer Susan Harris (née Spivak), who created The Golden Girls.[12] His father came from a Quaker background and his mother is a secular Jew.[13]

>Maher was born in New York City. His father, William Aloysius Maher, Jr.,[1] was a network news editor and radio announcer, and his mother, Julie (Berman) Maher, was a nurse.[2] He was raised in his Irish-American father's Roman Catholic religion. Until his early teens, he was unaware that his mother, whose family was from Hungary,[10] was Jewish.[11][12][13]

No one should give up their God more than the Jews. You can't have a moral Jew that holds to the savagery of the Old Testament.

Hitchens puts blame right where it belongs, on the shoulders of desert dwelling savages.

Sam is right on almost anything else but Israel

Hitchens was an A1 jew and will always be remembered fondly for speaking against islam.

The rest can head to the ovens for all I care.

>Hitchens, a Zionist

reminder that jesus was an anti semite

I thought that was just a meme. Damn

HItchens supported the invasion of Iraq and the bombing of Yugoslavia. He attacked Mother Teresa and Christianity. He was a kike through and through.

What about in Matthew 12:34 when Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees it is written, (NIV)

>You brood of vipers,how can you who are evil say anything good?

>For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.

I would have loved to see Jordan Peterson and Hitchens debate morality and religion, would have been a fascinating discussion.

Don't forget pic related.
Kevin MacDonald tears him a new one in his book.



>berkeley harris
Seems alpha tbqh

Seems fitting to post.

>be watching HBO while making dinner
>be seeing Bill Mahr show
>Bill be talking about how you shouldn't have kids because fuck kids and it's good for the environment.

On the one hand I can't believe what Sup Forums is saying but on the other... it's punching me in the face.

>doesnt want to admit that Trump united hardcore evangelicals and the fedoras.

Your salt is sooo sooo delectable. Never change.

Harris also speaks against Islam

>he worships a man who had his forskin removed and was raised by a cuckold
>nailed to a cross so you could enter skyland
>"king of the jews"

lmao no thanks, lad

I hope this picture is satire

Jesus was a jew.

Christians were tricked into literally worshiping the jew.
To be good goyim. To turn the other cheek to jewish trickery.


Sup Forums doesn't have the balls to read Christian Philosophy to find out if it's true or not

You must be new.

You must be VERY new.

none of what you said disproves whether or not he was a literal jew.

Only that he punished "wicked" jews.
You still worship a jew.

You seem to confuse God (understood as the non-composite ground of being by classical theologians) with God's incarnation (which was a Jewish man).

Fedoras are evenly split left and right I think.

not an argument

jew atheists are just trying to keep the normies out of heaven.

>March for science

They lean left.

>bombing of Yugoslavia
Who cares? Do you have family there or something?
>Mother Teresa
pic related

Worshipping a shitskin Hebrew from the Middle East is probably worse than being an atheist

The Death of God as Nietzsche saw it was really just a rebirth of polytheism. We saw that YHWH was a faggot Jew god for cucks and went back to the old pantheon who were waiting there for us the whole time.

Before any YHWHists respond to me and whine and bitch by referring to their ancient Jew documents, I will ask you to refer to pic related which is the Canaanite Jew god that you think created the planet (because you are an idiot).

That's weird, considering that an overwhelming majority of them vote for liberal policies throughout the world. Just because you "met this one red-pilled atheist who was based AF" and probably a libertarian, doesn't mean that half or even close to that are right wing.

Jesus fucking Christ. You didn't even look it up, you just dismissed it as a meme, it was THAT EASY for you to be fooled by the Jews. You're a fucking moron, get a fucking brain RESEARCH the things people say about Jewd. You're in for a huge fucking surprise...

Red pill is a reference to a movie made by two transexuals. You believe in redpills. Therefore you are a transexual.

That, or you have an iq in the low 80s.

really made me think

This is meant for

if you define fedora as all atheists you're right.

Hitchens went to an old fashioned boarding school and didn't have a bar mitzvah. He is hardly Jewish. He only found out his mum was Jewish after she offed herself in 1974.

Fucking Christ, Hitch was a Jew?

Anyway the le atheists have been extremely unproductive. And with Bill Maher, for many years he so bravely spoke out against religion (sans Judaism of course) leading people towards hedonism and degeneracy, and then when it came down to the n-word he let a bunch of blacks berate and emasculate him in the most condescending and frankly racist ways possible. So he really set things back in both areas. I would be forgiving of the atheism crap if he were at least consistent and stood up for his nigger joke, which was not offensive and was actually quite funny.

No, he just goes with the liberal flow while simultaneously promoting and reinforcing their propaganda. Real fucking scumbag and a perfect example of a lying Jew snake.

bump because its true.

Devon's waifus.

varg will not reover from this


There's no such thing as new atheism. Atheism hasn't changed in 2000 years.

I read Christopher's memoir, Hitchens didn't even know he was a Jew until well into his adulthood. His mother hated the fact that she was Jewish and tried to hide it, she said before she died she was thinking of moving to Israel and he basically made fun of the idea and he openly criticized Israel multiple times. Basically the least jewish jew on earth.
Bible says they made carvings btfo faggot




>Peter Hitchens is Jewish

good stuff

Sam Harris has debated Jews before.

But I'm a full Anglo atheist that wants to gas the Jews

Your a really bad troll