Yet another (((JewTube))) propaganda video is massively unpopular

Are people finally waking up to cultural Marxism? Are we shifting the tide?

Other urls found in this thread:

>All of those fedoras and cucks/faggots in the comment section
Probably not.

Cant dislike cause not at home, can some user pls downvote 2x for me

Are we looking at the same comments?


good times
>over 100k dislikes
Mission accomplished

Whatever small part we play, we mist


Fuck phoneposting

I literally cant be mad because I dont have any more fucks to give
instead of making an issue of this faglords we should be looking at the fucking saracens invading our holy land

This is one of my favorite pass-times other than watching live chimpouts.
Triggering the shit outta these hipster fags is great

wanna put my dick in that crazy

>hahaha Le Hitler amirte guiz3? :3

There's at least six different Hitler accounts circulating Youtube that always get top comment on videos like this.

great job there , turd reich restored by armchair crusaders


Look at the ratio on this video with THAT many views. Any vid with that many views would have been infested with normie and vanilla leftie opinions sometime ago, look at it now.

The fire rises.

I don't think Youtube is a good gauge to see if the opinions of people are being swayed. The viewers of youtube have always been in the middle or even somewhat right leaning.

I don't mean google, just the viewers and a lot of channels.

Just look at how popular anti-SJW videos were compared to SJW videos.

It's like using Tumblr as a gauge to see if the populous was leaning more left.

>Siding with the retards who unironically praise this crap before him
You're not living your life correctly!

Everyone including faggots is tired of enabling rapefugees. OP's vid is just some stupid fag pride video.

>support gay rights
>show the most flamboyant and degenerate gay people they can
Like just say you hate gay people Youtube, it's okay to admit it.

It's just autism

Low effort shilling

I would be interested to see what people actually think instead of a bunch of Sup Forums turds who comment from 10 different youtube troll accounts. Don't post these videos on /pol....I want to see an organic reaction.

>111,000 dislikes
Have we become too powerful Sup Forums?

White nationalist groups hit this already today. You're welcome nupol


Oh yeah that chant:
>What do we do?
>Stand up, fight back
What the hell is that? No one is fighting you, go to some middle eastern country that legalizes throwing gay people off buildings if you want to 'fight back'.

Hey, look, it's a triggered fag.

gallego boludo

That video is only like 100k likes off being on wkipedia for a top 40 disliked video of all time. Could you imagine having a pro-refugee video up there with the likes of Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black?

>audible laughter

No. Pride cancer needs to be shut down no matter what it's for. No one should have to prop you up on a pedestal just because you're a sexual deviant.


The LGBTQ community bitching about oppression. Shocking.


here's your (((You)))


Those comments were there before they werd posted in pol. So theres your organic reaction.

Do yourself but please shut the fuck about it.
Jesus christ. It's this things that really wants me to gas the faggots.

I posted this earlier today and the kike mods deleted the thread.

>cultural Marxism
Doesn't exist.

your anger makes me very happy

Is that Ron Paul in the back

Not sure.

it's forever bemusing, how triggered so-called (((happy))) and (((satisfied))) "hetero-normies" get from LGBTIQWERTIES faggin' out

don't waste your time on these autists -- who've all had the faggot beaten into them by their closet faggot daddies -- they're a lost cause and will sooon be extinct

even their fairy tale compendium says so...