#LIBEXIT ... liberals leaving the USA en-masse!!

Why this will work:
1) Liberals are obsessed with travel, and love blowing money travelling places
2) Europe is cucked to all hell already. Let's cleanse the USA
3) Liberals would actually advocate for this. Hell, we could trick them into thinking they came up with it

Send them to Africa nigger.

This one is clever. I like it.

Open your arms Europe! Save these refugees from this savage land.

A lot of libtards were researching on how to move out of the USA when Trump won, so this could work!

>blowing money

OP is a bitter poorfag who will never be able to enjoy other cultures. Very sad. Many such cases.

America is taking #LIBSHIT

Open wide Europe.

Send them to Canada


too brash. you need to make some with white people in hijabs walking around in dubai or some shit


Also, "LibExit" is a bad name. See if you can come up with something better

Liberals have completely stymied Trump's agenda. He will be a failed president, so why should they leave?

This is great. Nicely done.

Lib tout Europe like it's some socialist utopia but stay here for some reason. This might work. Might.

>See if you can come up with something better

Liberals going to Canada is already a thing. They're already fucked anyway. They should go to Canada. Easiest trip to make.

>Also, "LibExit" is a bad name. See if you can come up with something better


I was thinking this, but 50% of Sup Forums posters are Canadian. I can't see Sup Forums getting behind this

If they leave I hope they never come back

Better not have any of those cunts coming here, change it to Germany instead

Travelling is a waste of time and money.
Prove me wrong.

>but 50% of Sup Forums posters are Canadian

Among those are leaftards and those that want to see the world burn. They'll get over it. It's for the best.


>what is cascadia?

seriously OP, lurk more.

how about '#Liberation' ?
can you think of anything better?

Great idea

What like the #Blaxit I saw earlier? Not gonna lie, I'm a bit suspicious of who's behind these threads and what reprucussions they could have for us if they fail.

That being said, I'm cool with it as long as the name changes from #LIBexit to something else. How about #Exodus and comment about how the left is returning to Europe in order to recommune with their true culture and to find true appreciation in their life. To live in a society of "love, not hate".

No one is going to Spain, go back to raping natives and fighting cows

Dude no we're full on cancer, unless your proposing a swap.

> How about #Exodus
Too religious, how about something with Harry Potter or Star Wars?

Then Ok.

As far as traveling in the west:
There is something incredible about seeing ruins of great European cities (I'm talking about ancient ruins, not Paris or London).

I know this is a "we wuz" moment, but looking at what Europe has accomplished is breath taking and inspirational.

Fuck off they might come here, we have enough whiney ass liberal cunts already.

We could always send the Liberals to Liberia

>not using the same color scheme as OP to highlight "lib"

None of them have the money or skills necessary to have a foreign nation want to take them in.

I'd like to see them try considering Canada has a stricter economic-based immigration policy, ironically the same kind the libs are so against America having.

Good point, I was trying to think of a name to draw attention away from the obvious alt-right calling them liberals. I forget the left is anti-Christian in general. I guess it would need to be something the left loves, but idk what the faggots love.

backwards migration to europa

user you fucking genious!

#anewhope or #lebertyawakening

Don't send them to Europe!
That's the main place that needs to be saved.
Send 'em to South Africa, they might get redpilled.
Or die, whichever.

Travel is good for everyone. If you don't travel you become a narrow minded but useful idiot.


please faggots lets do this

keep bumping

>Sending them to Euope

NO! They'd worsen the migrant and Antifa issue.

Send them to Israel.


I 100% support this movement. Where do i donate?

Sounds like a long shot, but a guy can dream.....


South Africa is a good idea, it has mixed races and has aids.

Such a glorious beard on such a weak little faggot.

You already did in the 60s, you sent all your commies, kikes and every other degenerate to Canada. I hope every American woman gets raped to death by niggers while you cucks are forced to watch. Fuck you for destroying my country.

Can you not, you fucking asshole?
We already have enough violent and useless immigrants as is.


send them to places that are already "diverse" like brazil and africa. we dont need more communists in our home land.

So, for the left, we need something that would emphasize them being victims and sympathize with their current situation. They feel probably feel hopeless and oppressed, much like how the rebels did against Vader. In fact, they probably think of themselves as the rebels and Trump as Vader. We need a parallel like that, something everyone is well versed in and can find inspiration in. We have to derive a name from that. Make them feel like they're only leaving temporarily to gain force against the evil, bigoted, corrupt emperor trump and the nazi republic.

Sign here to choose sending them to Israel.


There is a strong likelihood we know (((who))) is behind these posts



Is it Expatriate or really....Ex- patriot? I think the second you vote Democrat you become an Ex-patriot Slime.....so. I think it fits.

You need to put some kind of text on the memes explaining what is, even if it's something like "Liberal Exit" or something.

Once white immigration in the states comes back, Krauts can return to Pennsylvania.

Come Home German Man

Don't use the term Liberal. Conservative "Ol' boomers" use that term. Use progressive instead.




send them to phillipines,
somewhere in asia

Voluntary physical removal. Amazing.

I'm in. Anything to get rid of the liberal cancer in America.

>amish pennzer tanks
so horse drawn bobsleds with bags of gunpowder for ammo?

you're on the right track but remember that we use the word "liberal" as a slur for them and they know that. normies call themselves democrats irl, never liberals. saying "liberal" gives us away like the isms/phobes give shills away. I would say use "progressive" instead but progressivexit doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. DEMEXIT maybe?


this is good. Very good.

Source on that burger? Looks like maybe a Junior Whopper?

OP make your images clean and pc for the older boomer generation that actually have the money to leave and make them go to Canada. I have family in London, no more Americans.

>I'm offering the suggestion of ICELAND being the destination.
>#1 liberal nation
>85% greenie powered
>Isolated Island nation could neutron bomb in future if need be without much repercussions

Post modernist...


think multicultural paradise that is hongkong
or beautiful beaches of phillipines

and dont forget the lefty is laways a loser
but he wants to get laid, and he knows asian chicks are hot, and how hes gonna score in thailand, or indonesia

off to asia, the rising superpower
the great tiger of asia needs the liberals talent and "quiet" maniless

will women will admire him, and business is booming

asia, think asia
asia is perfect
socialists are openly beaten in the streets
wait til he gets a load of how "ethocentric " the chinks are

oh yeah I had a liberal asshole friend in HS who went to teach english in china

came back totally redpilled

Here is the 'LeafIt' version. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Justin Trudeau started sponsoring this shit

Chill out with the >>>canada suggestions, they aren't exactly welcoming everyone. Europe is the goal, get them off of our continent.


You're getting there but it still needs some kind of text explaining what it means.

we don't like americans, get lost. There is a border for a reason fag.

Typo fixes



>convince them they are leaving temporarily
>in actuality they are going to a hell hole and never returning

Hmm, Pro-counter, Pro-bellion, #Progression

Not very good with names here. I like #Leafit though.

Here are some more pictures for you fags to use.


No, you special snowflake retard.

Not your personal army, either.




im gonna have a fuckin seizure
we dont need
or want
any more fuckin commies here

besides its not god for USA longterm anyways
if canada turns into a fuckin brazil you'll be surrounded in a mudslide

send them to asia
they will get laid lots
but they'll also get redpilled

hopefully they will change and come back as fucking men
or get killed

White immigration to the states won't matter when whites get called on as open season by the baboons in your rapidly increasing minority government

fuck you cocksuckers, I can't wait to see you die in the next war, preferably against chinks.

I'm reporting this shit. Fuck you.

Fucking genius. The commies at my uni in my dorm wanted to move to liberal paradises like France and Canada because America is so racist.

I don't need a fucking art critic. If you're so good at it, make some OC and post that shit nigger!

isnt france accepting american refugees or something now

I don't blame you, leaf. I want the scum gone for good, no chance of coming home on the weekends or maintaining dual residencies. Sorry Londonfags et al., your identity is disappearing far faster than anyone could have predicted anyway.

its okay baby don't cry.

THIS 2bh f4m

More then victims, they love to be the weak side, the resistance.

Bamp for justice.

>fuck you cocksuckers, I can't wait to see you die in the next war, preferably against chinks.
>I'm reporting this shit. Fuck you.

No dude

think about

Europe, canada, usa, Oz .... this is the white mans land

we want these fuckers to get a real dose of divershitty

they wont go to africa or mid east, they are not THAT stupid
but south america and/or asia ... yeah they are stupid enough to try
we export human trash to third world
human trash either gets thier shit together and realizes white ethnostates
human trash gets killed
human trash actually like it and breed hapas in asia

its win iwn win

dont cede any of our lands to the libshitz

Tried my best.

US could live 200 years with one mexico, it can live with two.

>enjoy other cultures
wow you must be so enlightened. Please tell us, how many languages do you speak?

> Libs calling themselves Libs
Since fucking when? Let's get a better name down, niggers.

How about #brainDrain? #HeartExpat #Smartfugee?