So here in North America, and probably even outside of here, the most common form of interracial relationships are white men and asian women. So then why do we never see this reflected in realistic numbers in media and advertising?
So here in North America, and probably even outside of here...
Other urls found in this thread:
Because Media doesn't reflect reality.
corporations want us dumber, not smarter. The iq difference in asians is like 6 points, the iq difference between whites and niggers is 20.
Here its more common to see latinas getting COLONISED, but i dont really see many asians considering that vietnamese is the third most spoken household language
If advertising was real you'd think that African Americans were 33.3% of the population of the USA and were successful.
What if sex slaves became a thing again
Caucasian and Asian...Notice something similiar in words...Caucasian and Nigger...Get it...
In case anyone is looking for the source of the sauce:
I want to get lost inside of those obliques.
gross desu
>i'm gay desu
>i'm a faggot
you seem strangely defensive...
Do you really find that nasty cunt more attractive then pic related?
302 is clear winner.
When did I say I only like 8% BF women?
kek is that the best you have? maybe you are gay haha
>post more
Because media constantly pushes niggers. Look at dr who:
>black girl
>white girl with black boyfriend
>another white girl with black boyfriend
>current black girl..white boyfriend? Nope. Lesbian.
CONSTANT anti-white hatred pushed in film,music etc. They want to destroy our culture.
That's a man.
>8-9% BF
>that waist:hip ratio
>"a man"
I notice it all the time in ads and more so then niggers. You're just too blind to actually see Asian and just see white skin. Pay attention sheep.
Literally all of globalization social justice nonsense is a scam to get a dumber population. Wikileaks even revealed this in some of their memos. The elite want a populace of IQ 85 mullatos that can be easily controlled.
Contrary to what the media says, the elite is fully aware of racial differences in IQ. Scientific racism was never debunked, simply silenced through (((political correctness))).
Soros and crew know exactly what they are doing. Their end goal is a society of obedient inferior dogs for themselves and their heirs to rule forever.
BMWF is the most common interracial relationship, atleast in terms of birthing mixed children.
she got spinabifida or something? whats up with that posture. she looks part centaur.
statistically, the most common pairing is white/hispanic.
if Trump stops south american immigration, american hispanics will be BLEACHED within 2 generations. then we're looking at a strong white majority again.
This desu
>tfw some Sup Forumstards don't realize that Latinos are on their side
why couldn't they hold that kinda shit when i visited a few years ago
it's a brazil-style arse contest senpai
[citation required]
Asian family life is most similar to Latino family life
Why dont we see this more often
In Canada white guy-Asian girls is pushed HARD but in real life, they haven't gotten it far into media yet.
It makes me fucking sick that beta bitch white guys will dilute the gene pool because Yuki-chan is a fragile subservient cunt who fucks like a dead horse.
[citation required]
One drop rule
No wonder this country is 54% white and dropping
Post your genealogy.
Can I see those memos? I need them for debates and whatnot
someone needs to find her name and nudes
One drop rule never applied to Native American mixture, dumbshit. Even Thomas Jefferson and Madison Grant were OK with some mixing with Native Americans.
White men and Asians in general aren't as useful for a consumer class desu. White women are genetically designed to be a consumer class. Spent tens of thousands of years exercising their gathering instincts and making clothes. It's in the blood. while Cro-Magnon men hunted, fished, made tools, calendars and art. That's why white women can spend 8 fucking hours at a mall looking at literally every worthless piece of shit there, and unironically feel that it was a good way to spend the day.
Meanwhile, white men are patrician NEETs who are already post-ironic.
It would rustle white women's jimmies and have them actually going for somebody their own race for once.
Scientific racism was absolutely debunked.
You can continue to ignore the Flynn effect all you want. It doesn't make it any less scientifically correct.
>white/black at 737,492 according to the James P. Allen 2000 census
Half black children are the most common mixed racial composition . Granted, it doesn't specify the race of the fathers, but given the ratio of BMWF to WMBF, it's obvious what race is popping out all these babies and who is impregnating them. It's likely gone up since eighteen years ago as interracial dating is slowly being viewed as more and more acceptable.
Well yeah. Then your kids can really get toasted on a single beer.
Then eventually, cough syrup.
Then eventually . . .er, gas fumes.
Then dead.
>Scientific racism was absolutely debunked.
Are you actually implying there are no IQ differences between races?
Getting drunk every weekend is kind of degenerate and girls who do that are usually sluts.
Nothing wrong with consuming less alcohol.
Objectively this. Vid related had a European paternal haplogroup and a Native American mitochondrial haplogroup.
you'd figure interracial marriage would rise too since you seem to have access to dating stats what can you tell me about that
No, I am implying that the IQ differences observed betwee races is not caused by racial genetics.
>muh Flynn effect!!!
>muh stereotype threat!!!
>muh culturally biased IQ tests!!!
>muh bad living conditions!!!
>muh structural oppression!!!
How about muh Occam's Razor, shitskins
So what do you make of the fact that people of Uganda and Nigeria have higher IQ's than Americans did in the 1930's.
The average American in the 1930's was as smart as a typical person from Kenya is today.
Occam's razor would just suggest that industrialization increases IQ's by around 20 points. Which is precisely what we see happened to America and Europe, and is currently happening to Africa and India.
I prefer plebs like you to keep your wrong beliefs, racial realism is a patrician thing.
I have a folder with about 400 MB of studies, abstracts and infographs that support racial realism unequivocally, but I won't waste it on you.
Not an argument.
You millenials love your buzzwords, don't you? lmao
You're an Evergreen College graduate
>It's likely gone up since eighteen years ago as interracial dating is slowly being viewed as more and more acceptable.
>implying that Jamal isn't just nutting inside white trash and obese white trash and morbidly obese white trash regularly
>implying dating hasn't been reduced to a postmodern Brave New World tier sterile HPV fest
user I...
>So what do you make of the fact that people of Uganda and Nigeria have higher IQ's than Americans did in the 1930's.
Because Asian Women are sex objects and showing a White Male having one is too much of a "win" to allow to be seen. It implies asian women as being best as well as showing white men being sexual conquistadors and that dives black women and white women into a jealous rage.
WMAF here lol
I'm not here to argument, I'm here to ridicule you without changing your mind.
Ignorance is a commodity. We need people like you.
You a power bottom or what?
You're only putting your own ignorance on display for everyone to see. It's really laughable.
Instead of trying to use evidence to justify your claims, you instead just meme about like a typical SJWcuck
not an argument
1 in 6 Americans are in an interracial marriage, white men and women generally marry out at the same rate and are also the least likely of all races to marry interracially. White women are more likely than any other race of women to be married at 30-34.
BMWF is easily the shittiest interracial pairing, having the highest rates of domestic abuse and divorce. WMBF is significantly better, although still more likely to result in divorce.
WMAF and AMWF are both less likely to result in divorce than monoracial white marriages (30% less likely and 50% less likely respectively). Asian Americans of both genders are more likely to marry white people than non-US raised Asians. 36% of Asian men marry white women and 45% of Asian women marry white men.
Don't care about other combinations as they are either very insignificant or don't involve whites.
Not an argument.
Use evidence to justify this pls
I bet your 400MB of "studies" are all blogs from that ridiculous website known as "human varieties" which has been completely discredited by, you know, actual science.
Why can't you post a citation?
>Implying africans have lower IQs than caucasian mediterranians
lmao just kys you racist piece of shit
I can't be assed, but everything I'm saying is correct anyway.
I push AF hard if you know what I mean
sure thing sweetheart
The average IQ of 1930's America was around 80
The average IQ of Nigeria today is 84. Uganda 84. Kenya 80.
Also not to mention that by canonical racial theory, of the four human "sub-species" Indians are technically caucasian, and still only have an IQ of 82.
Accounting for the fact that the tests changed dramatically over time? Why are you even mentioning so-called "canonical racial theory" as if anyone gives a shit in the age of haplogroups?
Blacks are actually smarter than caucasians.
To the surprise of absolutely no one ever.
Can whites ever recover?
Hey guise! Found the Nigerian intellectual
It's okay to be attracted to masculine women, but don't call other dudes fags.
Yes, the Flynn effect is well documented even accounting for the change of tests over time.
There are way more chink women in nz than chink men due to so many of them getting visas by marrying lonely farmers and betas
Like 8 women for every 5 men or something similar
lolwhut? That's exactly what I said in my previous post, retard. >WMAF and AMWF are both less likely to result in divorce than monoracial white marriages (30% less likely and 50% less likely respectively).
>BMWF having the highest rates of divorce
>don't call other dudes fags
Science is colonized and must fall
>The average IQ of 1930's America was around 80
This isn't written in the link you provided. It was just a bunch of shit about early cognitive development, socio-economic factors and the Flynn effect.
You fell for it.
I knew it i knew it, they learned to create women with curves.
Its over, were fucked, China BTFO the world.
You have to download the pdf
Which one?
Not all native american groups are the same tho. Natives in most the US and in Canada are more closer to Asians and hence smarter. Sorry, but racemixing just doesnt work well, see most of central and south america, im pretty sure people dont want to test it again here.
302 302 302 302
Huh, I'll be. This is pretty interesting.
On a sidenote, I read a book a while back "Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?" Basically, it detailed how the tests people used to measure the intelligence of animals measured were biased towards certain animals over others, since the tests measured skills and capabilities some animals simply never developed out of necessity. The book makes the argument that that does not necessarily mean said animals are any less intelligent, rather, that the means we used to measure their intelligence are flawed.
It's a fine read, I definitely recommend picking it up.
Are you really this retarded?
"Request full text" at the top.
She looks like she's on gear desu. Is that what the article says ?
>this is now a 302-chan thread
>Natives in most the US and in Canada are more closer to Asians and hence smarter.
This isn't true at all, dumbass. Have you met the Natives living on American and Canadian reservations?
There's like 4 different ones asshole. I think you don't want to post it because you know it's about early cognitive development and toddler IQ or some shit of that nature, which is all fucking worthless information.
You said America in the early 20th century, at +90% white had an average IQ of 80. So prove it Kang.
>but don't call other dudes fags.
Where do you think you are fag?
nope, the lower one is what's considered more correct, it sampled a much larger number of couples.
Obviously racism. Against whites & Asians, cause that doesn't fit their narratives. Diversity can only involve black people
I'm an anglo immigrant