Why are property taxes so fucking high? If I pay cash for a $150,000 home, I have to pay about $4,125 a year in taxes...

Why are property taxes so fucking high? If I pay cash for a $150,000 home, I have to pay about $4,125 a year in taxes. How that even count as ownership?

I might as well continue renting indefinitely as the costs for repair, maintenance, insurance, and utilities end up being about the same. And that's without a mortgage.

if your property taxes are that high, you have to question what kind of a jew-racket state you are living in. Chances are, your state's sales tax is high too.

It's Texas. Sales tax are 8.25%, which I hate as well.

Move to Texas and pay off a house fully. Don't ever pay taxes on it due to homestead act.

Fugg. I'm in Texas and looking forward to house ownership. :(

Owning property is the biggest blue pill. Take the rentpill and become enlightened

can you cite any cases where this worked out for the homeowner?


Also just realize I misinterpret the law, it to prevent creditors from taking your home.

Least you motherfuckers don't need to pay state income tax

In Sweden sales tax is 25%.

Most states have a hefty property tax. I doubt you know anything about that because you're a fucking child.

+all female family members

>tfw renting master race

Made the landlord give the AC a tune up because it wasn't achieving 60 degrees like I like

>Why are property taxes so fucking high?
Because people in government and their friends get rich off it and Jamal needs money.

>If I pay cash for a $150,000 home, I have to pay about $4,125 a year in taxes. How that even count as ownership?
It doesn't at all. Often you can't even put a shed up without needing a permit/tax. At least years ago yeah you paid the kings tax, but they didn't give a fuck if you raised cows, put up a cabin, whatever.

actually what you should be doing is buying investment property. it'[s extremely easy to cover an entirely monthly payment (and then some) with the current rental market. thank god for renties like you

They basically are in lieu of state income taxes.

Colorado has lower property taxes, but they do have state income tax. Fucking shit both ways.

Born in 74, son and own property...I live in Indiana, sales tax is 7% and property taxes are low. My home state operates on a $2 billion surplus and has one of the best credit ratings in the nation...eat shit.

You never own your house in the USA. You're merely renting the land from the government.

Landlords are the biggest cucks.


Make sure you don't leave a basketball on your lawn on the HOA might fine you $2000 property cuck.

It depends where you live. Here in Williamson County most of my estate taxes are fucking school taxes. You're not better off renting if you payed your house off because you could always sell it or just rent it out.

How else are millions of anchor babies supposed to get free school and housing??

I own four houses...
The most expensive is 1.2 million
The least expensive is 320,000

40% of my $ goes to HOA fees and property taxes.
A lot of people think of it as you make more money when you make more money. The reality is that when you make more money you spend a lot of money also... except you have more to spend. If you're broke and living from paycheck to paycheck you got nothing to spend. Hope that made sense.
FYI I sell any property I own when it's older than 10 years. Shit starts breaking down more often and cuts into my profit margin.

In which European/Western countries do you actually own your home/land when you buy it?

>I have to pay about $4,125 a year in taxes. How that even count as ownership?
hehe stupid goyim.

goyim shouldnt be allowed to own land let alone homes.

Home owners association?

>A lot of people think of it as you make more money when you make more money. The reality is that when you make more money you spend a lot of money also... except you have more to spend. If you're broke and living from paycheck to paycheck you got nothing to spend.

>Hope that made sense

No, it doesn't. Learn some proper fucking English, and try again you douche.

>"I sell any property I own when it's older than 10 years shit starts breaking down"
>only owns 4 houses
>thinks this makes him an expert

it seems jewy but it actually stops the jews from buying all the land and turning us all into neo-serfs

it actually enables it.

they have more than enough money to pay for that property tax, its the dirty goyim that end up having a hard time so now property becomes jew owned ONLY.

best option is no property tax at all.

I paid 659k for my house and pay out about 12k a year in taxes.

But if you demand too much they can get pissed off and evict you...

I pay $800 a year in property tax on 40 acres with a 3 bd house and multiple out buildings. Added bonus: zero niggers

WHat does property tax get used for?

isnt the homestead act from like 1849

>made up ridiculously cheap numbers
Nice shilling, or you have some desolate shit plot of land in the middle of the Nevada desert

what state?

Your landlord doesn't get a homestead exemption on his property taxes and he passes the extra costs on to you. Guaranteed you are paying more to rent that house than you would if you bought it.

they're just a general tax apparently.

the jews can use it however they want.

I pay around 3,000 per year on property taxes but I'm on the Gulf of Mexico and a Canal in Florida. Prime location and nice enough house @3.8k sqft.

>city admin (bullshit)

I think something else. They have each line on most property tax statements showing where it goes. Schools are the major cost though.

Poor investment, split that 150 up 4 ways here and have 3 rental homes and 1 house to live in

Usually a big part is used in funding schools.

stop paying rent to the government and learn quickly who really owns that home you bought.

There is no home ownership in Jewmerica USSA, you rent from the government.

If u have low 600 credit you can get approved of lot of shit with only 15-20% down

what the fuck you talking bout

They're trying in my area to add extra bullshit agencies for child welfare including gang low income coverage for parts of the county. We already have a CPS and DCF agency that covers all that shit. TThey want to raise the taxes for this stupid shit.

it doesnt go to any of that shit.

they can CHOOSE to use it for those things but they're not forced to.

property tax is the only thing keeping the wealthy from buying up every square inch and holding it forever

Traditionally at least when I bought my place you generally wanted 20% down on a home. That's how I was raised and taught anyways. Glad I own mine and some others already besides the tax/rent.

That's fucked, we pay council rates, which cover garbage collection, roads,parks and public amenities. Average is $1300 per annum but can be more of you live in high end neighbourhoods. Your property isn't taxed by the state at all, unless it's an investment property, in which case you pay capital gains and gst.

You have no state income tax, meaning you're keeping an extra 4-5% of your income that you would otherwise pay in tax.

they can easily afford it if they want to actually so its not preventing shit by far.

its done to force goyim to sell their land once they cant pay the tax or anything else anymore.

bull fucking shit. it doesn't stop or prevent anything. these are the same people in a communist/socialist system which many parts of the usa are already used as a means to propel themselves as the ruling class and keep that land perpetually.

I agree, but I would call it subletting, or trading the rights to the lease, with other leasors. The government as you said, is the real owner, and will quickly evict you, at their convenience and pleasure.

Do you live in a small town? Cause that's usually a problem from small towns trying to make what little money can that the state doesn't take.

Texas here. My wife and I just got a loan approved on a duplex and will be closing on the 30th.

The other side has a tenant and we are going to live on the vacant side. The rent from the tenant covers the mortgage, I just have to pay taxes and insurgence.

Stop thinking small time OP, become the landlord.

If you're decent with money you want to put as little down as possible (assuming a fixed interest rate) because rates are so damn low you're better off putting the cash in the market. the only reason to put extra cash into paying off your mortgage is if you're about to retire and just like the peace of mind that comes with not having a mortgage.

Not if there's a limit on how many houses you own, directly proportional to the size of your family.

If you're renting, you're still paying the taxes AND more than the cost of the mortgage, dummy, just that you're not getting an itemized breakdown to show for it.

I pay $3500 on a $205k home, and sadly, 2/3 of that goes toward local schools when I see my tax bill. Only about $1k goes to general local services. And still, kids can't fucking read or do sample math.

>My home state operates on a $2 billion surplus

Because your property taxes pay for the neighborhood.

If you want the place to be nice, you need schools and police.

There are places that have no property taxes, but they also don't have much in the way of services that make them nice.

You can put 10-20% down on 4 nice houses with 150-160k, find appreciating locations and start renting 3 out to properly vetted tenant's, if you price everything right you should have your initial down payment investment recovered in 5 years ready to start profiting all the while your property is appreciating daily, the most ideal situation would have the 4th rented out to family or close friends so you can live there for fraction of cost

I got my place in the early 2000's. It's paid off and allowed me to buy more property when the market crashed and we hit the great depression. I bought up quite a few properties and was able to grab more due to the home being free and clear. It also helps if you hit a tight spot or something unplanned and need a large sum home equity loan at a good rate.

>agree we are but serfs paying to live on our plot and home ownership is a giant pain

compare it to a car loan vs a lease. At the end of paying all that money what do you own? nothing or something?

1 neighborhood of 20 houses generates 80 grand a year.

apparently that pays for everything??????

most of that money doesnt come from property taxes dumbass.

>best option is no property tax at all.

Best option would be, everybody gets ONE exemption from property tax, for the one residence they live in. Let the moguls and huge investment cucks pay the property tax on the thousands of properties they own.

>Because your property taxes pay for the neighborhood.
No, you're thinking of an HOA fee, and that's only if your neighborhood has an HOA.

The taxes go to little Tyrone's public school education.

No you fucking stupid faggot you own the land. If you stop paying the government their money which they collect for all the shit they do to make your house dank like water and electric and police and roads then you build up a debt. Coincidentally, they also have the right to size your property to pay your debt if you don't have the money. You getting your property seized is not muh I don't actually own muh land, it's muh I'm too much of a fucking idiot to pay the dues stipulated by the social contract that I implicitly signed by being sheltered and cared for by the state from cradle to grave. And if you have a problem with how they're doing that than you can elect someone else to run the show.

property taxes > sales tax > income tax

>clean water
>clean air
>no niggers
>3 minute emergency response time
>good enough public schools your area doesn't turn to complete shit
Only niggers bitch about taxes.

That would be dope

see Government isn't required to provide those overpriced services that do jack shit.

Air tax, Sun tax, Bathroom tax, Living tax.

Im in California and it is going up to 9.75% in my city. Add an additional 38 cents to each gallon of gas in taxes on top of paying income state tax.

Can't even get a catalytic converter without some carb legal stamp that adds $300 to the federal legal one.

Yes, but if you were to take out mortgages on all the homes you own and put the money in the market, the interest you'd receive would be higher than the interest rate of the mortgages. I'm not saying you should go do that, its obviously its a hell of a lot more risky but if you don't stretch yourself too thin the difference can be substantial. Everything I've seen suggests that index investing gets better returns over the long term anyway.

There are a hell of a lot more than 20 houses in a neighborhood.

If each of those houses had one kid on average (just as many houses with kids that have moved out), that means the combined elementary, middle and high schools have just 20 kids.

Somehow I don't think this is the case. Take a town of 50,000 and divide by 2.5 people per house and you have 20,000 houses. This is 800k.

property tax is the hardest to dodge and best for funding local projects
i dont see how income and sales tax are better

>There are places that have no property taxes

Notice that the sharblue liars often say this, but they never mention where these "places" are. (Because everybody would move their in one day, if they existed, which they don't)

Fuck your precious schools and police Hillary.

Just did my own research, property taxes are what we call council rates, i can't understand why it would pay for schools though. Seems like a really shit way to fund public schools.

How else do you fund public schools? Why would another tax be preferable?

Lol get a load of this statist bootlicker

Kill yourself you fairy cuck liberal, need big government to come wipe your ass and tuck you in at night. You're pathetic. The concept of self-reliance is foreign to you.

That's depressing.

You forgot rain tax I'm sure burgers pay that one too.

it's US government shills trying to keep up the moral, every time there is a thread about cost of living you'll see a bunch of shills flood in and make outrageous claims like they're paying $400 for a 2 bedroom apartment.

This is how you do it OP. Get multi-bedroom house, rent out the spare rooms. They will pay for your mortgage pretty easily.

Holy shit you nailed it nigger, you nailed a shareblue cuck and KEK approves.

Because of prop 13 my house is worth ~$2 million and I pay $1,500 a year
Only reason that keeps me in this shitty state

So Australia doesn't have taxes?

Damn I was gonna tear you apart but I can't deny those digits. Checked.

My god kek says he speaks the truth

Texas here too op. I pay a little over 5k per year in property taxes, and it sucks. Do you have a homestead exemption?

I'm invested in indexes and pretty comfy atm. I'm still building things and would like more. Properties I bought were dirt cheap after the depression hit. Florida was hit bigly. Think we had or have the worst counties with the most foreclosures or something. Anyways great lots and decent houses for 30-80k 3/4 bed 2/3 bath. It was a fire sale.

I think there's a North Carolina/Tennessee border loophole some people use. I think NC doesn't have property tax and TN doesn't have income tax or vice versa. So you work in the state with no income tax and live in the state with no property tax. Pretty sure some companies are located near the border to facilitate this

Between this and paying for health insurance I understand better why US homes are so cheap.

T $350k 5bed detached. $2k/year tax and “””free””” healthcare.

tip tax, fat tax, shit tax, dindu tax
land of the free

Consider what you save in State income tax (which other states gouge out of their sheeples) and perhaps you get a better deal anyway?

Gib back canal you worthless jungle monkey