ITT: We pretend that we were born between the mid-40s and the early 60's
The hell do ya mean about the forties, buddy? Of course I want cigarettes on that burger see, what do you think I am, I look like I'm married?
Just call them and ask for a job you fucking pussy, at your age I bought a house and three cars with hookers for ten dollars now fuck off and check your white privilege
Bought a house for £500, now worth 5.5 million, which was nice.
the problem with your generation is you just need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps
when i was your age...
boy it sure was hard work stumling out of highschool half drunk into my first job where i was able to pay off a home at 25 with two kids a wife and a car payment. kids these days are so entitled wanting a job that covers basic amenities with their fancy college degrees
boomer holocaust when?
I DON'T EVER WON'T TE SEE ANOTHER DEM-O-RAT COMMENTING ON MY OIST EVERY AGAIN. It;s traitoers like tou that ake m3 proud that this god blessed counrty has a stron leader in president donald J Trump. Never forget 9/11 amen!
Israel is America's greatest ally!
y'see the problem with your generation is that...
when I was your age...
I love all races and creeds, why don't you user?
I didn't raise you this way! this is a feminist household!
I can't believe you would say all black people are stupid... mumble mumble... its true... mumble mumble... but I still can't believe it...
all boomers are faggots and cowards who deserve the sword. I was present for a huge display of boomer faggotry the other day, so huge I had to intervene. anyone wanna here it?
do you have to ask?
out with it niggerfaggot
You have my attention
What do you mean you cant get a job ? just go in look the interviewer in the eyes and give him a firm handshake. Kids today are so lazy the factory hired me right out of high - AAHHH I CANT DO THIS FUCK BOOMERS SOOO MUCH
>muh pension
Boomer af fampai
>not posting the full one
Israel is our greatest ally son, and jews are infact gods chosen people
>was present for a huge display of boomer faggotry the other day, so huge I had to intervene. anyone wanna here it?
Yep, and proud of my life.
>just speaking for myself.
>ITT Sup Forums in THE 1900s
>he thinks saging is a down vote
Why bother saging? Just fucking ignore the thread all together
Why don't you like immigrants? Don't you know your grandmother was an immigrant from Switzerland? And your other grandmother was an immigrant from Germany? The Mexican people are extremely hard working buckaroo. When I was your age I was fighting for civil rights and against racism, and you want to go out and vote for trump?
>wealthier than boomer parents by the time I'm 30
>Dad asks how the heck I've got so much money
>Well dad I don't have two snowmobiles, two jet skis, a boat, and a tricked out Harley.
>No you can't have my money but I will take care of you when you retire
>Don't worry son I'll have Social Security and my Illinois State pension.
of course we want to hear it
get a job
stop being lazy
have kids
knock on doors
buy a house
stop being depressed
It's not that hard
>the jews get a pass on things because they're God's chosen people
actual statement from my dad
who else here just can get enough of wars in the middle east?
We should be bombing Iran before they nuke Israel.
There was a lovely woman who came to do a reading of Maya Angelou at the library today. Just superbly eloquent. She was African American and really quite intelligent!
>muh house is an asset.
>y'see the problem with your generation is that...
>when I was your age...
>I love all races and creeds, why don't you user?
>I didn't raise you this way! this is a feminist household!
>I can't believe you would say all black people are stupid... mumble mumble... its true... mumble mumble... but I still can't believe it...
This is literally my Mom who was born in the 60s.
if young people cared about getting a job as much as they did the newest iPhone they wouldn't have any problems.
the only one who understand esoteric boomerposting
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yeah i sure do love me some african americans! have you ever heard of jimmy hendrix, hes better than all this new 'music'? my church has been working with african american inner city communities, its really great. we have young black boys over to my daughters room all the time now. the pastor said itll help us love god, he also said we need to bomb all anti semites. i love baby jesus, y'all.
What's that son, fast food is unhealthy? You're just being paranoid. Brb I gotta go pick up my anticholesterol and antidiabetic pills at the drugstore.
What's that son, xenoestrogens lol ? Balding and manboobs are fine and I still can get hard with viagra.
What's that son, alcohol is a poison? Then why is it legal, and DIABOLIC WEED isn't uh? Fucking hippie loser, there's nothing wrong with having a shit ton of visceral fat and making people uncomfortable with fuckwit humor.
What's that son, you think college is going to indoctrinate you ? You need a "base" in life son, don't mind the fact that you can learn all you want on your own, they gotta tell you what to think!