
B-b-but they seized the means of production. Why didn't communism - excuse me - socialism work?

Other urls found in this thread:

>giving free gas to a population that doesn't own cars
>a loaf of bread cost ten million bolivar

Venezuela got wrecked because their main source of income was oil.

All the deep state had to do was manipulate oil prices and voila, chaos.

The USA fucking HATES venezuela and made them pay for not allowing their puppet to rule over the people

They went against the Market and the Market won, as usual.

Not real socialism

Finally someone nails it. I hate socialism as much as the next guy, but this was an orchestrated hit on their economy. (((They))) also meant to hurt Putin but he saw it coming.

Indeed, they wanted to hurt Putin and as usual don't give a fuck if millions of innocent people die

The day the Deep State dies, countries all over the world will be able to prosper.

The third world would not be so shitty if the alphabet soup stopped corrupting other countries and installing puppet masters

Sadly, only the 0.1% of the world benefit from this shit, not the regular people of the first world that are taxed like fucking pigs

It's our fault monkeys can't have the foresight to invest in actual industries and not fucking oil during times of high oil prices?

Venezuela's #1 export was oil, they are part of OPEC you sperm burping burger.

That is not all Venezuela exported, they also have agro...

If it were not for the government that backstabs you, none of this shit would have happened

Including the upcoming shit show that is WW3

The Jewnited States of America and its deep state dildo is the main cause of misery in the world.

You probably are too sleepy from your industrial food to realize that the deep state is now going to do to you what it has done to the rest of the world that can't retaliate with nuclear weapons.

Enjoy the downfall

You forgot your commie flag

look who is talking, the blind herpes blister that is being ursurped by the very jew comunist regime you hate so much.

Wait to see the blue and white slowly vanish from your flag

Your are becoming the USSA and you don't even fucking see it cause you are still under the commie fear brainwash your country so easily implanted in your minds.

mehhh commies, mmeeeehhhh socialism...
If you are too fucking stupid to realize that a text book version of a system is not applicable in the real world and that a country's true backbone is not 100% pure ism...then you are far more stupid than your own mother thinks you are

someone should post the spongebab gif

>I'm totally not a commie guys, but isn't Maduro BASED XD

When Raúl blames muh deep state for the reason his country is a shithole

You make Brazilians look fucking stupid

Go watch 1980s American Jewwood movies and jerk off every time Arnie kills a commie...

All countries are under Jew control, we are all under some form of commie regime baked up to fit with the mindset of the given target population.

Go drink your 2L of Guarana

Wtf I love Maduro now.

Go look at a list of all CIA operations that led to coup d'états.

it is mindbogglingly revealing.
The deep state is now turning on you guys.
Cry me a river when you are on /pol in the next 10 years and complain how the deep state fucked up the USA cause Israel got fed up with you


It has never been really tried

All politicians are pieces of shit.
They only get power cause the elite can bribe them and have them do their bidding.

I have no opinion on Maduro, nor do I give a fuck about who is running Venezuela.

All I am saying is that without outside forces bringing constant chaos to countries that do not support the elite's agenda, the world would not be so fucking miserable.

Funny how every first world country is now becoming third world hell holes?

Because the vampire elite want MORE...

Watch pension funds disappear in the first world

>seized the means of production
>rely only on oil

Really gets the neurons firing.

>OPEC is good and fair

go fuck yourself

The reason they got fucked with the oil is because latin american socialism is kelptocracy in all but name. Chavez cronies robbed PDVZA blind while wrecking production while other businesses were nationalized and incompetent Chavez supporters were given roles in managing them. Needless to say putting clueless crooks in charge of things because they wore a red shirt and clapped for monkey chavez dancing on TV did not lead to economic growth.

kill yourself

the only reason you know about the coup 60 years ago is because the operation gets declassified.

You think once the CIA gets its tentacles into a country, it magically goes back home and stops meddling in a country?

You are fucking stupid

The USA is the perfect example. The tentacles were sunk into the USA when they killed JFK cause he wanted to get rid of the CIA...Today, you are being leeched into the ground and won't recover until the filthy deep state and their henchmen are all destroyed.

CIA operations never quit, they multiply


I never said it was.

OPEC created an oil cartel and set market prices for oil the same way the diamond industry sets the value of diamonds although they are not rare at all.

>Too much ass

My god, you must work for CNN

You have never been to South America, let alone Venezuela but you barf up all the bullshit you heard on TV...congrats, you have been brainwashed

Chavez and Maduro are US enemies. The deep state KNEW they could kill (or could kill) two birds with one stone Russia + Venezuela with rigging of oil prices and deflating the value of crude oil.

The deep state is not as good as they used to be, so while the Ruble took a fucking plunge and Venezuela descended into chaos, the Russian pulled their shit back.

Venezuela was a fortunate casualty for deep state.

100% huebro knows what he's talking about.

What do you do for work user?

I operate a toilet accessory business in Brazil and another business in the US

>Socialist crooks ruin an economy


>It's an american conspiracy to destroy Venezuela because reasons, also Russia.

You are a retarded zika monkey if you believe the latter is more likely.

The truth speak for itself.

Soon enough you will see how the deep state has run its tenticles into the USA since JFK.

These people don't plan in terms of 5-10 years like normal folks, they plan generational they are currently doing full on in the USA at the moment

You think the left movement is not a jew commie like destruction of the USA tailored to the minds of the people...then you are lost

Jews control the money, they therefore control every single country. They tailor the destruction of a country based on the mindset they have implanted.

First install isms...create division...divide and conquer: morons laugh when a country fails, not realizing that yours will eventually come.

Once Israel has bled you dry, you will be dropped like a sack of shit. It is already happening and you are still debating how a certain system is garbage and yours is best

Smoke and mirrors

Socialism doesn't work because mankind is naturally lazy and needs incentives or rewards to be motivated and socialism removes those incentives. Replacing the carrot with the whip! Instead of working to better your life you work to keep from going to jail. You lose all human rights and become property of the state the ultimate slave system ruled by the scientific elite.

Venezuela is going through the same thing we went through in the 90s, minus the war

You're fucking kidding right?
You're entire fucking Government is being investigated for corruption, you have 163 state owned businesses and every one is either poorly run or running on kick backs and heavily subsidized to boot in many cases…
Of course its all going into the pockets of officials and bureaucrats … before you point fingers at other gov's take a look at yourself…

You've been posting a lot in this thread. I'm surprised you've had such a stable internet and power connection

This is the very stupidity that leads to divide and conquer.

isms are textbook theories and do not translate into the real world. No country is 100% pure ism. All countries are a mix and change with time and geopolitical situations.

The 0.1% elite run the show and divide and conquer uneducated morons that spend countless hours discussing how one system is better than the other when in reality, they pull the strings and take over one country at a time.

(((They))) plan takeover in terms of generations, not 5-10 years.

If you don't go along, or if a given coutry has enough ressources to break free, you can be sure the deep state will keep you in check.

Once they are in the country, they take up every level of influence to ensure that they can keep a given country going the direction they need.

This is the very explination ghadaffi gave when he gave his speech at the African summit. If countries stop adapting to fiat currency and take back their ressources, get to sell them at fair price, then it is possible for all countries to live well.

>made billions off oil
>didn't invest into other industry or diversified
>a volatile commodity goes down in price as commodities do, sometimes up sometimes down


top down instead of bottom up

Look up the CIA

Venezeula embraced the free market

Actually, in America that's true

Temer was a CIA asset known as the KING MAKER

The jews control every single aspect of our country. Brazil has a central bank = the control is in the hands of the deep state.

The reason the Brazilian government is under this current situation is because the deep state wanted to stop PT from elevating the poor from misery. Lula did a good job by raising millions out of hell. Then they started operation lava jato to get Dilma and Lula out of power. Temer was set as VP and was sure he could close pandoras drain.

Temer tried to drain only part of the swamp (to benefit deep state) but has been incapable of putting the plug back in.


All politics = banking = central jew banking

We are all on the same boat and should concentrate on the real enemy instead of pretending that a given government is for the people

Ya, the rain stopped, the monkeys were able to go back into the trees and connect the coconuts that drive our internet

>american education
>everyone I don't like is a communist

Not real communism. Duh.

My fellow comrades get it.
Capitalists BTFO.

>Le "Mankind isn't good enough for socialism" meme
Fuck off. Socialism is inherently nihilistic.

Says the Australian who is seeing his economy go down the drain ...cause once again, deep state is fucking with the iron ore prices...

Enjoy your Chinese invasion...cause I am sure your government is so honest that they are not looking to fuck you all over cause they spent your pensions on stupid projects.

Ask the pensioners from Pacific Hydro...they got swindled cause your gov decided to make wind farms here in Brazil and stole so much fucking money from the pensioners. The prez of Pacific Hydro robbed hard working Aussies to the bone.

So now they will get rid of you and bring in the next crop of sheep...the Chinese

Your people are victim of the deep state troll op called renewable energy HAHAHA

You are so obsessed with thinking yourself a genius that you completely bypass the obvious don't you? You call others stupid yet your reasoning is far from sound. You complain about both sides being oblivious to the deep state etc but I see no solutions coming from you. I see excuses for socialism under the bullshit excuse of "the deep state sabotaged our perfect socialist system" Neither you or anyone else you know is actually going to do anything of value. You will talk and talk to hear yourself speak and feel like a big man but you won't get off your ass and solve any problems so just shut up if you are not going to be of any help. I as a capitalist am creating jobs and getting people working to put roofs over their heads and food in their mouths, what are you doing for the world? You are preeching on a Korean paper craft social site.

.....and greedy for power and wealth.

General incompetence and socialism is fueled by theft. Eventually there are no more people left to steal from or there is nothing left to steal. Socialism-lite (what we have in the west) has provided many gibs which will be foisted onto our shoulders and the coming mulattos.

NEIN. They had no more transport ships to sell their oil. No fleet=no sales

So much butthurt in this thread

I don't think myself superior or more intelligent than the rest.

I read between the lines because I don't believe anything that comes from higher up.
I came from nothing and built myself a life by working hard and making investments that I knew would keep me living comfortably.

The biggest lie the governments wants you to believe is that only a genius can make it in this fucked up world.
I am not a genius, I don't look down on people who use conversation instead of stupid meme speak.

I postulate that you are jealous that I am not taken in by all the bullshit. Well friend, despite what people may tell you, you are not stupid. Stop eating the bullshit pie and read between the lines.

We all have a common enemy and unless we unite beyond the stupid memes, divide and conquer will always work to turn the common man against each other.

In that scenario, we are all the fucking losers and they remain in power for one more generation

The manipulation of oil prices to punish Russia had nothing to do with the fall of Venezuela...

it was all about ships!

my lord, I guess all those chinese oil tankers ran out of fuel on the coast, so they could not get the oil back to China

more like anal prolapse fest 2017

You commie idiots please leave the country because some of us want to work hard and get benefits from our creative enginuity and all you entitled slack asses can go form your own socialist dystopian shot hole somewhere else as a matter of fact we should just send you all to Canada and you can have a socialist crap shoot there. Or we might even let you guys just all have the west coats to completely destroy but keep in mind if you try to cross the border back into America you will be treated like an illegal alien.

Hmmm.... Its like your describing current day SA. I wonder how long we'll have till the fall. Were basically socialist to boot.

World oil production is ~80 million barrels per day. Venezuela produces ~2.2 million barrels of shitty low quality oil. Tanking the entire market to hurt Venezuela is cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Because they didn't knew what to do with it.
What they knew was to be a bunch of lying corrupt thieving cunts.

So you are a money changer and not a job creator?

It was to fuck up Russia. When oil prices fell, the Ruble took a dive. Russia eventually recuperated however, Venezuela fell into chaos.

Venezuela was a happy side effect for deep state. It was not the primary target but a great way to take out an enemy the States has always despised.

I heard they are throwing grenades from helicopters

I have a business in Brazil and the USA.

I have over 500 employees in my companies, how many people do you give a salary to?

>You make Brazilians look fucking stupid
no, you do

The US is using this hoax shit to bomb democracy into Venezuela.

They already said they would put boots on the ground. Like in the Philippines, they need an excuse to enter as world police.

a meme to defend your point...

How juvenile...go have another can of Cachaça and let the adults have a real discussion

Don't listen to this fucktard, he's a leftist piece of shit.
Lula, Temer, Dilma, all politicians are a piece of shit in general. Politics involve being dishonest, after all.

However, the other countries have no right to put a finger in our faces and laugh about corruption; our inefficient justice only means our politicians don't care so much about hiding the truth.
You guys should be worried if corruption doesn't show up so much in your own governments, it only means they are good at hiding it.

It's the Americans fault that:

Venezuela backed FARC and ruined relations with its neighbors
Venezuela put opposition leaders in jail
Venezuela banned loads of normal goods, creating an unstoppable black market
Venezuela printed loads of currency
Venezuela nationalised foreign businesses and ruined any sort of investment chances
Venezuela blew their oil money on DEM PROJECTS instead of diversifying their economy
Venezuela shoots protesters in the streets

Got it

How many in the states do you have? And so you actually are creating jobs at least in Brazil but what about capitalism is it that you have a problem with? Since you seem to be benefiting from it.
Because you popped up on here like a fucking douchebag saying my entire line of thinking was stupid so.......what the fuck do you want? Or expect? You now see how hypocrites like you are not helping things?

Indeed, all politics is a shit show, does not matter what country you live.

If people understood this, we could unite as we are the power, not them. They give the illusion of power but we could take them down if we stopped the stupid memes and fighting over who is better and who is more cucked.

The reality is that the elite put their dirty cock in all our businesses and family life, which makes us incapable of creating new businesses that would raise employment and wealth for all, not just for multinational giants.

I have small/medium size companies but I encourage my employees to bring me their business plan. I have invested in at least 10 new businesses in the past 6 years. We are all better for it.

I was told to do this one time while I was under the influence of ayahuasca hahahaha
So far it has worked out very well

Someone please kill this gommie monkey

deep state does not know nationality.

It is a group of elite assholes that sees their little group as the only winners. All of us are but pawns

They chose the USA to be their powerhouse, it was a strategic decision, not a national pride decision.

Venezuela has been fucked with for so many decades it does not make sense.

Your cunt german queen has been using the hard working british people as pawns for GENERATIONS. And now as a reward, you get acid attacks and maniacs being let in...

The police cares about the LGBT, to track the very terrorists that are making your life hell.

Perhaps you are waking up too much and don't have a pension plan, so the next batch of sheep is coming in to replace you before you riot

It must be great being American.

Even with communists ruining all countries, it's all American fault.

My fucking sides. It's too much butthurt.

Stop, macaco, just stop.
And you fucktards, stop feeding the troll.

Venezuela is not socialist.

>Lula did a good job by raising millions out of hell
That is how I know you are retarded

Where are all those millions? We never see them anywhere, all I see is the same misery as before.


Did not Lula did this also?
He lowered the interest rates by the pen
He inflated the bubble
The bubble bursts

You are crazyer than Alex Jones on acid
Get your head out your ass and see beyond the conspiracy theories the "intelectuals" pushed into your head

I wonder if any vuvuzuela anons got killed during this

Of course not, everybody knows socialism has never been acomplished.

Yes the deep state made those people make stupid decisions and its not because brown people want free shit

This but ironically

>we must unite, as we are the power
>hurr durr the elite
Do not pretend to sympathize with me, fucking commie. You embarrass us by defending someone (Lula) that is just another fucking puppet and a thug.
You are just as dishonest as him. And you also come here with the same things he says, stating that the fault of Venezuelans not having fucking toilet paper to wipe their asses is of another country's influence.
Maduro is killing his population while he presents a Salsa program every morning in the radio, and keeps saying that "everything is fine".

We will not allow people like you to turn Brazil into Venezuela.

Isentão de merda, volte para o seu DCE.

Someone please show Brazilian homicide rates between 2002 and 2010. Lula is trully a God.

26 states.

I don't follow a given system, I created my own.

One time I was doing ayahuasca and asked the spirits how I could do my part. It gave me a vision of helping others.

I came up with a plan where in both my companies, I encourage my brightest employees with great ideas to come up with a business plan. I invest in their businesses and give them a means of making a better living. This is beneficial for me, of course, but it brings me so much more than money. It brings my employees a desire to strive and work harder.

Even if I lose an employee, I gain a business partner and they often refer me great people to replace them when they move on.

Everybody wins. Every year I have a huge BBQ and bring my extended family together.

Is this capitalism? maybe a mix of socialism and capitalism??? who the fuck cares. It works, creates new stable businesses and makes shit go round.

Last year I even started paying for classes in financial management, cooking classes, business management and business plan creation.

Holy shit you are the epitomy of autism.

What great debate skills you have...

I know you thought that by blowing all the members of your debate team that you would swallow some of their knowledge...but it did not work

Does this brazilian monkey really think that the "deep state" has a lever which controls the market price for oil worldwide? The price of the most widely traded commodity in the world?


I run a company in Brazil. I saw how many of the families were able to acquire new fridges, stoves and even renovate their homes.
Some of my employees live in poor neighborhoods, I have been to their homes, have BBQs with them...I saw the improvements with my own eyes while you jerked off to anime in your mom's house.

Your generation stays at your parents house until you are 40 and cry that you have no chances in life. I know Lula was just as corrupt as the others, but some of his programs were a little too good for the elite

Go shitpost somewhere else


What do you think motivates the elite?

This seems like it has very obvious answer but I want to know what you think.

All politicians are shitbags and corrupt

But some of the programs Lula put in place did have a positive effect on the low class employees I have working in my company

loving these posts.
it's very refreshing to read impartial red pills from a non-autist

So a hallucinogenic drinking pompus assclown has the nerve to come on here and call my whole line of thinking stupid thinks he knows best for all because the hallucinogens told him it's best.......YOU GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!

National guard and military police have murderer over 80 civilians in the last 50 days. A lot of them students and underage.

>This level of reality projecting.

I never said he was a god, all politicans are corrupt assholes.

However, some of his policies had positive effects on the lower class employees I have at my company. Their lives did improve no matter what you believe Mr Couch Politician

Stop mooching off your parents and do something positive

>runs a company
>defends socialism
Woah you're a walking contradiction.
I just wish you could thrive so much in socialism as well.

Oh wait, you can't

Laughed IRL

Holy shit you are shitposting

Doesn't matter, it shows how fragile they economy was

> But some of the programs Lula put in place did have a positive effect on the low class employees I have working in my company
That's cute.
Did you know that Bolsa Senpaiília and Minha Casa, Minha Vida were not Lula's ideas?

This. Even when Ron Paul was bashing socialism (and I agree with him) he was talking about Venezuela and said something along the lines of "all our eggs in one basket" like nigger gtfo your own Jewish government did this to cripple russia economically by blackmailing their pedophile saudi puppets at OPEC to lower the price per barrel. All saudis need to be shot so oil can go back up to 80-90 and save canada and Venezuela both