Welcome to 2020 libtards

Welcome to 2020 libtards

California will be red if Trump somehow passes a national voter ID law.
t. commiefornian

What are the chances of this happening? A voter ID law sounds like something that would cause massive chimpouts. Buildings burnt down, people getting shot in the streets, stores being looted, etc.

The spics would not leave quietly.


Fake and gay.

>texas going blue
Sadly this is actually possible. Spics breed like cockroaches

Knowing my fellow commiefornians, 0 chance. Everyone there is retarded

Checked. I've wondered about this. Can you imagine the looks on MSM faces if that ever happened? We might actually get an on air anchor suicide.

Depends on who he's ruining against.
But it he never builds the wall and doesn't bring back manufacturing jobs like he said, a lot of his supporters won't vote for him; they won't be as enthusiastic about him, which is partially why Clinton lost in 2016.

Actually if he accomplishes the wall and other campaign promises, what else is there for him to do? What would be his campaign platform if he already accomplishes what he set out to do?

If he does achieve all what he set out to do in 4 years.. then people will want him to stay and achieve other goals because they see that he actually does what he says he will do.

make america great again again


Illinois area can only go red if it is devolved. Also CO is lost.

>TX blue
lol. I can't believe you fags keep pushing this retarded narrative.

Space Elevator then manned missions to find obolisks on Phobos moons

NH will go red. Calling it

PA and FL will flip blue in a minor "blue wave". Minnesota will continue its trend toward red and flip.

whoa, made me think

that's a great 2020 slogan user.

Not by 2020, though. Maybe 2024. Assuming the Dems haven't collapsed.

Just wait when whites will be minority.

You are not even American you stupid fuck

FL won't.

When the Left inevitably spits out the "hurr durr he spent time at Mar Largo every weekend", Trump can spin that into loving Florida.

Minnesota, Colorado will stay blue.

In close races, Florida stays Red.

Virginia and Illinois are lost, will always be blue.

With economic growth, even a 100% hostile press and everyone under 28 voting for a Libtard, Trump will easily win the next election.

fixed the map

>(((artist))) unironically believes that was Trump's reaction to winning
Here's a more accurate picture.

Always thinking of the road ahead.

pic is the real 1984 Reagan re-election map. unbelievable, isnt it?

What's in Minnesota?

bring it on

The candidates homestate


1/32th Swedes

All MN needed was 12k votes in the presidential election and it would have turned red user.

that's a lot of brown people m8

That... is a beautiful sight.

Swedes and Somalians.

The map goes almost all Red when the FreeShitArmy and the productive people are all suffering from too much government.

Oldfags remember the Carter years. Crushing taxes, gas lines, business-killing regulations, racial tensions, the US getting laughed at overseas.

It was the same during Obama, but everyone thought things were going great because 99% of the media worshiped the first negro president.

People forget how bad the Dems are. They want "change" which means always higher taxes, fewer jobs and racial tensions.

Hopefully the Trump recovery will last at least 8 years.

Basically all that matters will be whether or not Trump will be able to keep the trust of the people from that midwest that came out to vote for him. He's already going to do better in the suburbs since the stock market is soaring like never before, so if he keeps his blue collar supporters too he might even win Minnesota as well as everywhere else he won in 2016.

Florida will also matter a lot, but Florida always matters.

"The best vision is 20/20"

-Stefan Molyneux

How on earth is that even an issue? How can you possibly vote without ID, I can't even find a metaphor for how stupid that is. And I really do not understand how anyone can be against such a change?

While nothing will be sweeter than election night 2016, this would be a close second, seeing Trump not only win again, but win with an even bigger margin than before. Those salty liberal tears will be delicious.

basically this. Trumps reelection completely depends on whether or not he keeps his promises, which I guess might be good actually, since if he's smart he won't kike out on us.

Really only the Democratic party is against it, because a huge portion of their voter block is made up of illegals. A lot of our media panders to the Democratic party, and a lot of people in our country are controlled by the media, so they've convinced everyone that voter ID laws would be racist.

Ironically, by saying it's racist, you're racist by implying that mexicans and blacks can't get IDs.


At least learn about a country before you post about it.

>But muh red map

Land area =/= population distribution you morons

Electoral college is fake news

Voter ID is racisss


It really makes no fucking sense though. Would it be like telling people that our gypsies can't vote because they are dirt poor and can't afford ID. (That would be if they were actually poor, and actual citizens).

Even then, as you say, it's rather racist to imply that non-whites are all stupid poor people who can't get an ID. And it still makes no sense to let people vote without identifying as citizens. I can't wrap my head around anyone defending this with any valid reasons

Not yet

Why would FL turn blue when it's the favourite retirement place for white seniors?

but we won



Well then, call a constitutional convention and get 3/4ths of the states to agree with you to get it changed.

You're retarded. Hispanics are more red pilled than whites and thus starting to turn away from Democrat. Fucking faggot

I don't believe that this is 50% of the US. In most states, it's not even 50% of the state population (TX, SC, NC, VA, MO, WI, MN, OR, UT, NM, CO, AL, GA, KY, OH, ID).


I'm saying that this whole "red map" "blue map" talk is backed by the thought that land area accounts for more votes. Which is an ignorant thought.

Dude let's be honest here, spics in TX vote D+30. The Hispanic males may be slightly more based (41R to 52D, could get split), but the females vote like gibsmedats.

yeah no.

50% of Commiefornia votes should be counted toward Mexico's next election.

He ran for Senate in Minnesota afterwards and lost, therefore becoming the only person ever to lose an election in every state

best state and best people, all hail texas

>mmmmm mmmmmm,
>hell naw
>*sucks teeth*
>move ova, nina palozi or wuteva yo name iz!
>*rolls eyes*
> when i become da new leader of da democrat pawty, we gunna kill all u whyte bois!
>*snaps fingers*
>*rolls neck*
>*levitates into floating pyramid*
>*flies pyramid to washington*

This joke of a coastal libtard city fringe party is finished. The modern democrat party is effectively a joke and a handful of coastal states and counties haven't gotten the punchline yet.

Good job electing a commie nigger and losing over 1,200 seats of elected offices since 2010 and suffering one of the most embarrassing electoral landslide defeats in history the same day that your media claimed your candidate had a 90% of winning, dems.

I guarantee you no more than 5% of that crowd voted.

Only the ones who vote matter.


>rioting because you got caught
>voter fraud is a non-issue

imagine being this asshurt that you lost

it's over trump...

zo jammer dat die getallen geen fuck uitmaken in de amerikaanse verkiezingen ofniet

(((white))) seniors

Hispanics may be slightly conservative in terms of social policies but love socialism and almost always vote heavily Democrat for gibs.

the best part is they think theyre being sneaky when they make that argument, like everyone cant see through it

Sounds like this is a female problem

A female non-white problem.

>they think trump is jimmy carter
do indios really think all whites look the same

You wish faggot, college student here and trump supporter AND I didn't even vote (but I will vote for him next time!) There are more of us than you would like to accept hahaha

J-Jeb surge?

are you trying to imply that florida is not crawling with retired jews? even normalfags know that, maybe drop out of college

This can't really happen at the federal level.

Dude I'd be surprised if they made it to 2018 at the rate they are going. No platform, the new voting block hates pc fags, corruption is rampant, can't seem to win an election even after and R body slams a reporter, with a law suit that could bankrupt them.

Moving forward you're going to see that change next election.

Hispanics are becoming middle class and we hate ghetto broke bois too.

What is the pink?

I only want castizos in the new republican party tbqh, even that is a stretch. indios will stab us in the back at their earliest convenience. the strength of the right wing in america is that it is racially homogeneous, we dont have the same problems democrats do of fracturing along coalition lines and trying to please every degenerate interest group.

Ok listen here you little shit
>electoral college is biased
>It makes a vote from a rural bumfuck in Wyoming more "valuable" than a citynigger in LA or Chicago
>this is a bad thing
No!!! Not because of any Sup Forums reason but because it enables the voice of the rural people to be heard. It enables the USA to have a diverse (yes DIVERSE) number of people to be heard so that a MINORITY has their interests represented. It prevents a tyranny of the majority, the majority in this case being dems in big cities

I dunno, I've heard that you shouldn't fuck around on Phobos.

Because that's 'murica and they love freedom you fascist communist Nord

Pretty gay of you to think that way.

Doesn't matter tho. After Trump the Libertarian party is coming up.

Voter ID laws are vital... I mean your not in support of Russia's continuing interference in our elections are you?

Plus IL going bankrupt and now Barney Sandals under investigation for fraud

The logic behind it doesn't matter, the dems want votes from browns... so it is racist

>libertarian party
the libertarians were just destroyed by ron fail and all defected to the alt right, amigo. there arent any left, they're all fascists now because they realized the only people who give a fuck about small government and individual liberty are white men. they realized that they cant have what they want outside a white republic. its over for the anti authoritarian right, we fascist now.

The spic birth rate has been dropping like a rock though and immigration keeps going down. Deportations are being revved up too.

>Defending the electoral college

I agree that we should make sure every voter matters but the electoral college doesn't even do that. People that we DON'T EVEN VOTE FOR cast votes for us. And guess what? They don't even HAVE to vote for what their states decided. They can literally change their vote and there's nothing we can do about it. Stop supporting an outdated system. The electoral college needs to be changed.

Take what you've got in the stink and double it.

no, electors would never defect enough to change the result of an election because they'd get whacked. if they didnt defect for BARNOLD BINTHF then theyre not going to in the future

God dammit don't jinx shit. The overconfidence of the libs is what lost them the election. Don't fall in our own trap.

I do think Trump should win in 2020 pretty easily for a few reasons.

>1. Historically, incumbents usually win
>2. The Dems have no good candidates. The presumptive favorites right now (Warren, Harris, Booker) are all batshit insane
>3. Fewer illegal aliens in the country = fewer Democratic voters

Obviously a lot can happen in the next three years, but if Trump is merely adequate, he should be re-elected in a relative landslide.


You think cause your party has survived off a two party game forever they're untouchable?


Religion is wack and so are almost all your stances on policy too.

Everyone will be independent soon and you'll cry "but muhfascism"