The Kids are Socialists Because Capitalism is Dickslapping the Planet

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The kids are socialist because thier parents let them be raised by television and literal fraud, scam artist commies like OP's pic have promised them a free life with no work.

There's nothing wrong with socialism as long as you take out the (((Marxism)))

Having no food is way better than throwing away food, you really made me think Boiny.

>Socialism will make abandon dilapidated houses save to live in
>Socialism will make food never expire
>Socialism will bring the dead back to life
>Socialism will stop all war
>Socialism will make it so your kid never dies

He is making false promises. You would be an idiot to trust him.

Explain to me China, Communism, and how they are "dickslapping the planet" more than us.


>thousands freeze to death
>children die of starvation




they misspelled "corruption"

Breadline Sanders has 3 houses

The kids are socialists because they haven't paid taxes yet and think mom and dad are just being stingy with their infinite supply of money.

They pollute three times more than us and consume resources at a much greater rate and consistently lie about the amount of coal they're dealing with. Worked with the UN and the United States chamber of commerce under Reagan,bush sr,and clinton to take our jobs away so Chinese slave laborers could do the work for a dollar an hour. Isn't china capitalist now anyway? They're notorious racists too, yet you commies still hold them as something America should look to like we could replicate said circumstances if you know what I mean.

China isn't socialist mate. They're arguably more capitalist than we are.
But chinas problem is the fact that china has always been a country made up of passive slave-people.

I don't think they are capitalists as they are still ran by the CPC. My point was if capitalism is dickslapping the planet then what exactly do they think communist China is doing to it.

>Socialism will prevent natural biological evolution
Literally what did he mean by this?

I think they are capitalists.

>we throw away food while children die of starvation
Not our children, though. Thanks, capitalism!

What kind of dipshit buys into this crap?

China is socialist, and the Chinese come out on top of every business deal they do with the west. Western business men and politicians do deal with the Chinese with the mindset of were capitalist we will take these gooks to the dry cleaners. The reality is every Chinese business is working for the Chinese state and they are not blindly chasing profit but business deals which benifit the state. They will gladly take a hit financially to gain something the capitalists don't see as relevant.

Indeed but you shouldn't just let your whole sphere become china scumfuck.

No he's right, Capitalism is ruining the world. The wealth should be redistributed. But it should be National Socialism not Marxist Socialism. Socialism that benefits the nation, not the multiracial global world.

>my wife needs bank loans so we can over fund her failing college
Now, that Sanders is under investigation for bank fraud.
>oy banks are bad! Seize the means of production before they jail me.

Every time he opens his mouth he shows how little he actually knows.

Kids are socialists because kids are fucking dumb.

If you disagree, I expect you to start fighting for their right to vote and purchase alcohol. You wont of course, because I'm exactly right.

This old fucks communist rhetoric is pathetic. People so quickly forget all the benefits of capitalism. I can get in my car and drive in any direction for 5 minutes and have anything i want. Literally fucking anything. That's capitalism. But lets throw all that away for FREE SHIT!?!?!?

Reminder that Boiney Sandahs' wife is under investigation for embezzling money.

There is nothing socialist about the way business in china operates.
You're correct that chinese businessmen don't operate under the same rules as western ones though. They take "you get what you pay for" very literally.
If you're getting a bargain from a chinaman then you're being scammed. Only the chinaman doesn't see it as scamming, they see it as you being a dumbfuck cheapskate.

Are you part of the rich 1%?


30K a year is the global 1%

No more like 2.3m annually.

They don't need to think about China because they can always fall back on one of two statements:
>not true communism/true communism has never been tried
>socialism is nothing like communism


Shithole countries tend to have huge populations and bring down the world standard yes.

>tfw slav kids hate socialism with burning passion

>shouldn't let my whole sphere become Chinese
I have absolutley no idea what your on about, china has become rich off of The American consumer, you cunts brought about the Asian century. Your cheap capitalist rulers sold out the American people for larger profit margins supplied by Chinese labour.

There's no kids dying of starvation in the US other than the ones who are neglected by their parents. Most of the homeless are drug addicts or psychologically/mentally fucked up and are incapable of looking after a house even if one was given to them.

How is wasting 40% of our food a bad thing?
It just means we're producing more than we need, the alternative isn't producing exactly the correct amount of food we need, it's producing less than we need.
Also food thrown away can be used as compost and become nutrients in the soil, it's not a fucking pollutant.

Why are commies this retarded?

Asylums really do need to come back. With stricter oversight of course but most of the homeless population is genuinely incapable of functioning in society.

>six empty houses meme
They also include not used/summer homes in that number. I really would like to see Bernie trying to convince owners of that property to give it away to a bunch of niggers. What a wonderful man.

>Why are commies this retarded?
Being a pinko is a state of being THAT retarded already. Commie sympathies are never present without a degree of retardation.

The hard truth.

I have a coworker whose college aged kid recently started work. Kid was shocked when she found out she only gets 60% of her gross pay at a minimum wage job.

All important Chinese companies are state owned corporations, small business can operate seperately from the government but it is still heavily regulated. The Chinese have always been the Jews of Asia, but forced communism has lead them to this point in the current year of national socialist country run by literal slant eyed Jews. Chinese businesses don't have any competition within china, any internal competition is a farce it's all run by the state. On an international level Chinese business produce goods for a fraction of the cost of western products.

>The torpid growth of private investment this year has concerned policymakers as the private sector regularly contributes more than 60 percent of China’s GDP growth and provides over 80 percent of jobs.

>this point in the current year of national socialist country run by literal slant eyed Jews

Yeah, no.

What does my status have to do with socialism being an objectively retarded childhood fantasy?

Same thing with complaining that there's 6 empty houses per homeless person, that just means people live in abundance and there's very few homeless.
And their implied solution isn't to build homeless shelters and put the homeless on a path to becoming productive citizens, no they want to take the houses from people who have "too many" apparently.

Of all the things to complain about, commies complain about abundance. That should tell you all you need to know really.

>Of all the things to complain about, commies complain about abundance. That should tell you all you need to know really.
well said.

Imagine the US became a socialist country. With everything, a planned economy, five-year-plans, workers' councils, only the communist party allowed during elections, and of course a thorough cleansing of some 40 million opponents in the beginning.

How long do you think it would last? Would two decades be enough to sink to Soviet era level? Would the masses rise, storm the Bernie Mausoleum and burn his preserved mummy? Would the storm the White House and set it on fire?

>The kids

They mean the 20 somethings

>How long do you think it would last? Would two decades be enough to sink to Soviet era level?

Well, considering that with that universal healthcare will come, we will file Chapter 11 for whole country in 2 years, since it will cost 3 times our annual tax revenue. Even if we sell Google, Apple, Microsoft and other other corporate giants, we will have money for that only for 1 year.

Private investment in private companies... how much does the state hold in these private companies? Find me those stats.

I think some policies that are somewhat socialistic are tolerable if they are in the control of some more overacrhing ideology and also rigourously checked for conflict with overarching ideology or just stupidity.
Im not good at making examples but i try.
For example if you want to give some goverment subsidised education so your conscripts will be guaranteed better at aiming mortars - form making your nation stronger - nationalism,militarusm etc.
Or you give some support bring down some income inequality so that you wont lose productivity talent etc. because the poorest kids get extra dub because of poor nutrition fetal alcohol syndrome etc. Or the inecuality causes to much strife and wastage and loss in the quality of life even to the richer classes (dont want to drive armored car on the dirt roads surrounded by slums etc.)
But (((socialism))) as a GOAL is something horrible - equality for the sake of equality etc.
Fortunately unachievable - unfortunately still a pipedream of many. A pipedream that causes much suffering when retards try to implement it here and there

Money can be printed. Of course you will eventually have to get used to trillion dollar notes being worth about 20 Cents of today.

>"six empty houses in this country for every homeless"
>Owns 3 houses, a sports car and is under investigation for banking shinanigans
This is why nobody takes socialists seriously

Lol this scrummy old Jew having the nerve to preach anticapitalism when socialism has gotten him multiple new homes in beautiful locations

But that's just hard work and dedication, right? Fucking like rats.

Socialism wont put homeless people into empty houses, it will only make it so houses dont get built.

Reminder that two of those empty houses belong to Bernie Sanders while he's staying in his third home at the lake.

Daily reminder that Jews advocate for Capitalism in Israel and socialism and communism everywhere else.. I wonder why..

>capitalism is why I have a new beach house and own question Ferrari
>Boinie Sunders
Before this election cycle, I respected him for his principles even if I disagree with them. After this election cycle, I realize he's just another hypocritical old fuck who's been sucking the government tit his whole life.

The country would tear itself apart. Probably become a huge global thing. GG if this happens

Guess who closed down all those mental facilities?

Fucking Reagan

I think we should go full Eugenics and turn these people to Ash.

If you want national socialism (the only type of socialism that could theoretically flourish and used a by Hitler) you need a small scale ethnostate with no other minority present where the common goal is to self sacrifice for our people and nation.

Try doing that now, you will be considered literally Hitler for wanting to be with your own people in peace. Thanks to (((their))) brainwashing and muh Holocaust it won't come back until after the large scale race war that will be coming up soon.

the kids (as millenials still view themselves) are socialist for the same reason they consume reboots of 80s and 90s movies and love Harry Potter; they never grew up. they don't want the responsibilities of making sure they get health care, having a family, being accountable for their own actions, handling being exposed to other opinions, being gainfully employed in the modern workplace, and owning and operating a vehicle

their recollection of their parent's working lives don't include their parents worrying about any of that stuff. probably because boomer jobs were all 9-5, low pressure, fully pensioned, high paying and wisely invested. literally 0 percent of jobs now are.

>Homeless people are freezing.
>But we need more refugees!
Liberals are insane.

To be fair, that is what Hitler wanted. But so would I, if I wasn't a mixed mutt

What's the redpill on that?

Upcoming resource wars, go to the range if you're young

Hes right but socialism isnt the answer

A man named Henry George figured out how to fix the inherit inequity in capitalism more than 100 years ago

The solution is something called land value taxation. We replace all taxes with a single tax on the annual economic rent of land



Empty housing is because of socialist practices.

Under free market, you can build anything on your own land, as long as you don't directly impede others. Directly impede means things like pollution or excessive noise, NOT 'the view'. If you want to buy view, you have to buy the entire plot, perhaps along with others.

US in particular has LOTS of empty land. Under free market there would be skyscrapers everywhere in major cities. Due to smaller area taken, transport time for workers would be much faster and cheaper (15 minutes metro instead of a 1h+ commute). There's no reason for land price to be more than a few percent of apartment's price. Right now the opposite is often true.

Housing is so expensive (everywhere) right now because free market has been destroyed by a small group of rentiers creating an artificial scarcity using law and regulations.
This artificial scarcity creates a speculative bubble, leading to empty houses.

Housing is the source of most problems - imagine if 5% of median salary was enough to pay for a comfortable apartment!

Since (((They))) went to such great lengths to silence George i am going to drop some of the best red pill material you will ever see

>Georgeism reconciles common land rights with private tenure, free markets and modern capitalism.

>Those who got the upper hand by securing land tenures would support public services, so wages and commerce and capital formation could go untaxed.

>To pay the taxes, landowners would have to use the land by hiring workers (or selling to owner-operators and owner-residents). This would raise demand for labor; labor, through consumption, would raise demand for final products.

>To pay the workers, landowners would have to produce and sell goods, hereby raising supply and precluding inflation. Needed capital would come to their aid by virtue of its being untaxed. Thus, George would cut the Gordian knot of modern dilemma-bound economics by raising demand, raising supply, raising incentives, improving equity, freeing up the market, supporting government, fostering capital formation, and paying public debts, all in one simple stroke.

>George's proposal enables us to lower taxes on labor without raising taxes on capital. Indeed, it lets us lower taxes on both labor and capital at once, and without reducing public revenues.

Food production is not an inert process. There is the fertilisation (inorganic salts mined or industrially produced and incorporated into the soil), ground preparation (petroleum consumption and exhaust pollution), pesticide spraying (pretty obviously polluting), picking (wasted human labour and associated resources), the shipping (petroleum consumption and exhaust pollution), plastic packaging and environmental stabilisation (air conditioning etc.) of the saleable goods.

A whole heap of resources and man-hours go into food production and the idea that you can balance all of that by making compost out of wasted food is far more retarded than anything any communist has ever said.

>Georgist tax policy reconciles equity and efficiency. Taxing land is progressive because the ownership of land is so highly concentrated among the most wealthy,'8 and because the tax may not be shifted. It is efficient because it is neutral among rival land-use options: the tax is fixed, regardless of land use. This is one favourable point on which many modern economists actually agree, although they keep struggling against it

> Georgist tax policy contains urban sprawl, and its heavy associated costs, without overriding market decisions or consumer preferences, simply by making the market work better. land values are the product of demand for location; they are marked by continuity in space. That shows quite simply that people demand compact settlement and centrality. A well-oiled land market will give it to them.

> Georgist tax policy creates jobs without inflation, and without deficits. "Fiscal stimulus," in the shallow modern usage, is a euphemism for running deficits, often with funny money. George's proposed land tax might be called, rather, "true fiscal stimulus". It stimulates demand for labor by promoting employment; it precludes inflation as the labor produces goods to match the new demand. It precludes deficits because it raises revenue. That is its peculiar reconciliatory genius: it stimulates private work and investment in the very process of raising revenue. It is the only tax of any serious revenue potential that does not bear down on and suppress production and exchange. As I have noted, George's fiscal policy takes two problems and composes them into one solution.

I don't think it would happen. I mean from over a hundred years of socialism that failed in each and every country it was tried out, we have ample evidence that it just doesn't work.

In 1917, you could force it on the Russians, because they as a people were used to be given orders. But in the free world? I think not.

Maybe it would go like in Germany in 1918. A few thousand nuts tried to proclaim a socialist revolutions. They were instantly met with bitter opposition from parts of the army and the burgeoisie. Bloody fights ensued, and in the end, the Socialists lost.

> George's land tax lets a polity attract people and capital en masse, without diluting its resource base. This is by virtue of synergy, the ultimate rationale for Chamber-of-Commerce boosterism. Urban economists like William Alonso have illustrated the power of such synergy by showing that bigger cities have more land value per head than smaller ones. (Land value is the resource base of a city.) Urbanists like Jane Jacobs and Holly Whyte have written on the intimate details of how this works on the streets. Julian Simon (The Ultimate Resource) philosophizes on the power of creative thought generated when people associate freely and closely in large numbers. Henry George made the same points in 1879

>Georgist policies encourage the conservation of ecology and environment while also making jobs, by abating sprawl. It is a matter of focusing human activity on the good lands, thus meeting demands there and relieving the pressure to invade lands that are now wild and marginal for human needs. Sprawl in the urban environment is the kind most publicized, but there is analogous sprawl in agriculture, forestry, mining, recreation and other land uses and industries.
>Georgist policies strengthen public revenues while in the same process promoting economy in government. Anti-governmentalists often identify any tax policy with public extravagance. Georgist tax policy, on the contrary, saves public funds in many ways. By facilitating the creation of jobs it lowers welfare costs, unemployment compensation, doles, aid to families with dependent children and all that. It lowers jail and police costs, and all the enormous private expenditures, precautions, and deprivations now taken to guard against theft and other crime. Idle hands are not just wasted, they steal and destroy

>How do you do fellow anti-capitalists
kys or it will be done for you

There's nothing wrong with socialism as long as the people running stuff aren't corrupt (but they will be and with the authoritarianism that comes with government micromanagement it only gets worse and more restrictive against individuals) and as long as the general population feels enough guilt and faces enough natural hardship (very cold winters everywhere in the country) to shame anyone who doesn't work (niggers don't feel enough guilt and it would be "racist" to shame them into working).

So it can't work in the US.

Bottom line is people don't fucking build houses for nothing. People don't provide the wood, the stone, or the steel for nothing. People don't pave the roads they are delivered on for nothing, nor make the cars that carry them for nothing. Capitalism isn't perfect because people are not perfect, but capitalism lines up more with the nature of Man then anything else and that's why it's been working the 'best' so far.

someone gets it

Tax Land Not Man


Except I didn't say it balances itself out that wasn't the point I was making, only that food is biodegradable and can be re-used as compost, which makes it better than other products who can't be re-used.
Socialist countries while socialism still "worked" overproduced food just the same as capitalism, and they were not any better when it came to pollution, soil depletion etc.
Again the alternative to overproduction is not producing the exact correct amount it's producing less than needed.

That's pure crap. If kids are socialists (as you claim), it's because they're being indoctrinated from pre-school and young, naive, inexperienced people are more easily seduced by idealistic and grandiose sounding fairy tales. (Heh. Fairy tales would be literal nowadays.)

I like Trump but we need Dwight D. Eisenhower to throw these filthy commie scum into prison. It worked pretty well in the 50's.

Neither button, now what.

if you dont think the cost of housing and rentier capitalism are problems you have your head in the sand


thanks for proving my point that you stormniggers are basically just leftists who hate non-whites

Yet the cost of housing is most greatly affected by federal programs that allow renters to not lower prices and instead publicize their losses via welfare.

Socialism is the ideology of the mediocre.

Kids don't understand zoning or unions which is why healthcare is shit, your internet is shit, city jobs are shit (lazy fucks never get fired) so they blame it on capitalism because all they know is a common transaction of shit for cash, they don't understand the nonsense that is government regulations

Being a socialist is the new fedora tipping atheist of 10 years ago

Thats exactly why we need Georgist tax policy not socialism

In case you didn't realize how much damage forced Socialism has done to the US already:

>six empty houses
Six empty houses is also a myth and even if it wasn't it's well within people's right to own property that isn't occupied full time.
>muh 200 species extinct
200 species is a meme, 200 species don't die with an even interval of 200 / day.
>why there is war
I'm sure we would have world peace if only the communists got their way, the communist regimes have such a flawless track-record when it comes to violence and war.
>why our kids are going to die in a water riot
As opposed to starving to death in a gulag or in a line waiting to get your weekly supply of bread, but there is no bread because farm owners were oppressing the populous.
Literally everything in that post is wrong, is there anything more disgusting than a communist trying to indoctrinate the youth with false propaganda?

Nazis are third position their not commies and not faggot nigger importing capitalists.

If you wanna see the actual socialists of the nazi party you'll have to scrap their brains off the pavement and prison cells since a little event called the night of long knives put a stop to them. (Thank god)

>200 species is a meme, 200 species don't die with an even interval of 200 / day.
not to mention most die in 3rd world shitholes where the indigenous population combines modern technology with their practice of "living off the land"

You literally just typed

>How is wasting 40% of our food a bad thing?

And I put it to you that food is valuable and the production of food has wider implications including the use of non-recyclables so it's obviously a fucking bad thing. It's only you that thinks their argument would result in underproduction, when what others are actually suggesting is that better distribution of food to those who need it would mean that it doesn't get wasted at all.

>The Kids are Socialists Because Capitalism is Dickslapping the Planet
No, the kids are socialist because the are young and too stupid to foresee a problem when a conman kike promises them "free" shit in exchange for their rights.

Say, isn't he under investigation for fraud?

allodial land ownership is state granted monopoly and must be destroyed. How is it that as demand

The land belongs to everyone and people who own plots must compensate communities for excluding them from its use

Not confiscation though; we use the government to collect the land rent

Capitalism works. The only way socialism will work is with robotics.

>what others are actually suggesting is that better distribution of food to those who need it would mean that it doesn't get wasted at all.
And how would we magically distribute this 40% of wasted food, which is wasted because IT EXPIRES, to those who need it? Can you point me to a centralized government plot for food distribution that didnt result in starvation for many, if not millions?

We already know that the end game for capitalism is to create a massive socialist global state.

Fuck off false flagger. Hitler would put a bullet in your socialist (((redistribution))) arse