This is the United States James K. Polk wanted. Why the fuck don't we have it?


Other urls found in this thread:–Nebraska_Act

Because peacock from Skullgirls is OP

>Wanting cuba


Because Polk send the wrong guy.

Second American-Mexican war when.

Why not? American vacation destination and we could have prevented it from going Communist.

Cuba in the 19th century was extremely valuable, US should have acquired it.

Because empire.

Because faggot pussy liberals started crying about how much America was winning and eventually took over everyone's brains

No, we didn't take Mexico, Baja, or Cuba because no one wanted a bunch of dirty epic senators, representatives, and citizens voting in US politics.

Go read some history

This is the best map of the world. Prove me wrong.

(Pro-tip: YOU CAN'T)

Well that's embarrassing

At the time slavery was still legal in the Southern States. Annexing Cuba and a few other islands would have essentially allowed American slave owners to corner the market on sugar cane and other export products. Haiti, as an example, before it was """governed"""" by Free Blacks and Coloureds, was the most lucrative colonial possession of the French monarchy.

manifest destiny us please


new states acquired would have been free states, and the niggers in the south would have been extremely butthurt if ~10 more states were added than historically

That would certainly have made the wall smaller.

That sweet, sweet sugar trade.

Yeah, but it would also have to go over the Sierra Madre. Those mountains are no joke.

Typical Mexinigger, forever mad at the superior colony. Cuba was the heart of the Spanish Empire along with Santo Domingo. It was one of the most profitable Spanish Colonies. Rich in resources and agriculture not to mention a major trade hub. One of the reasons it is such a pity that it turned into a Commie hellhole. Cuba was and always will be infinitely better than lesser Lustria.

I'd be okay with this as long as we glass everything south of Texas.

>Mexican education

Sugar cane, rum, tourism, tobacco, cotton, coconut, position of power to protect the beautiful American waters from Hues and other Amazonian primates like Colombians

That is embarrassing, I just came like three times

We could use the resources from the land there. A nuclear-no-go zone sounds like a good buffer but there's profit to be made lad.

Let's do what England did to Ireland. We tell them we need to fix their shithole before we can allow eased travel.

>They are in debt to us
>we charge them heavy taxes
>essentially slavery
>indentured people
>cheap produce
>wall off S. America at the choke point

No it's because there would have been an imbalance between slave and free states

>Presian empire
At least get the spelling right, god damn it

i feel there would be culture lost from this and im a ukfag who only hears americans refer to different aspects of states, i feel people would still refer to states anyway, as they were

Perfect line for a wall.

Because Polk didn't go for term 2: taco apocalypse

Is Mexico more right wing than most other countries? Acquiring pieces of Mexico and Canada at the same time could keep us balanced politically.

>HURRDURR what is Strategic Geography

This will just give our lily livered liberal friends an excuse to be bleeding hearts though. Rather just 'accidentally' drop several thousand nukes and wipe them out. Maybe create a virus that targets Spanish speakers like in Metal Gear Solid 5.

well, the idea was that it wouldnt be worth annexing all those brown catholics.

pottery etc

we don't have it because Cuba hasn't proven stupid enough to formally invade.

Chapter 3 of Battle Cry of Freedom
Also Nicaraguawas a potential slave state.

Bonus round - is /pol the Know Nothing's of the 21st century? Civil war this generation or next one?

A nano virus in the water and bovine/swine carriers. Triggers high mutation and trigger it's end electronically.

If we're going to bomb, let's avoid nukes. Those liberals won't have room to speak when taco prices drop to .50

Also 54-40 or fight.
Got to edit that map, nigga.

>another non-nation promoting irridentism so they can feel european and dickriding history their own ancestors didnt even take part in