Project Veritas party thread

New video coming at 12:00 PM EST

Press S to spit on CNN and (((Jeff Zucker's))) grave

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What's this one about?


He can Zuch my dick

yesterdays video has what 2 million +?

is it still top trending? surprised YouTube didn't strike it down.


Also "m-muh editing" is the most hilariously obvious shill tactic the media has against this faggot. It's so pathetic it's cute.


youtube jews know CNN jews are done, they are just shoah'ing them

Let's get this thing started.

It's 12 noon now though.


great things on YouTube lately


He got robbed and shot in the back


Tis noon.

i hope it's stelter


I actually can't believe it. The liberals on Facebook are literally plugging their fucking ears and screaming LALALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU O'KEEFE IS A CRIMINAL

holy moly im all a titter

good video to pass the time with


who ready to /queef for okeefe/ here?

INB4 its a dissapointment like CNNLeaks

that CNN producers don't even admit anything
he just skeptical like a lot other people and it doesn't look like he knows anything at all.

It's kind of sad that you're making a big deal out of a video of a producer saying "Yeah we do things for the money and obviously we don't have anything otherwise we'd have already put it out there"

yes j-just like yesterdays d-disappointment
thanks shareblue

I sadly can believe it. Libshits are masters at LALALALALALa technique. They're new age solipsists so they think they can do this.


I don't see how they're going to top the last video but we'll see.

Ok where is the fucking video? I don't have all day. (I absolutely have all day)

learn IDs

Well when the other half of the political spectrum likes to act like they're high and mighty and morally superior all the time, and then gets btfo by its bias and echo chamber being exposed, it is kind of a big deal

Kill yourself Hillary shill

It will be Van Jones saying the Russia thing is a nothingburger

My current Sup Forums sesh is at like 6 months. I still don't know why so many virgins get caught up in the buzzwords/phrases. What does shareblue even mean? Fucking 15 year olds.. How about you throw some original insults around you dumb nobody?

mark passio is great. I'm happy to see other people posting him here too

>Supervising producer who has worked at CNN for 15 years shits on the Russia narrative and says that the president of CNN is pushing the Russia narrative purely for ratings.
>But he's just from CNN health he has no connection to the Russia investigation
Yeah I'm sure that after working at CNN for 15 years the guy doesn't know how CNN operates and never talks to his colleagues

Remember the Malaysian Airlines flight that went missing? And news outlets (especially CNN) went overboard on covering the subject. You have to be delusional to not have known already that cable news does what it does only for the ratings.

>admits nothing
>literally admits that they have nothing

I guess you're right

i don't think they good at it mayne

>da be loosing big time
day lose more er day

>admitting to being a newfaggot
I believe it is you who is probably 15, shariablue.

Hiding your posts now, bye forever :)

keep crying faggot, your media comrades are going down tonight

Shareblue is a shill operation, as is CTR and JIDF.

All 3 are real and all three are verifiably real.

All 3 are also controlled by George soros or George Soros's subordinates.

Thats not what I said at all, but okay bud.

You don't even realize how ironic it is using the word "echo chamber" as an obvious trump fanboy on Sup Forums

you have to go back


Damn. This kid has nothing in life. I instantly feel better about myself.

See this post fellas? This is a shill and someone guaranteed underage. I can smell the room temperature through the screen. Neck yourself.

i want you to die

What are you saying then, bud? I'm obviously a rural and suburban retard so please enlighten me.

Please let it be don lemon or anderson holy shit.

It's kind of sad when you have a supervising producer of a news agency literally come out and tell you verbatim that they are reporting bullshit and we still have people who defend them.
It like a criminal showing you the crime, recording it in detail, and giving you a video confession and you still can see what he did wrong. This is how brainwashed the left has become.

Fuck me! Keefe has another video?

anonymous sources reports that it's a nothing burger

CNN part 2, but there will be other networks over the coming weeks. Today is going to be a known entity, though.

>The person in the second CNN video: you've all seen him and you know his name! We release under 30 mins.

Kek dont like trump faggot, keep assuming things though

Literally the only good thing coming out of trumps election is liberals getting blown out left and right, republicans reaffirming to everyone they are Israels greatest ally, and the constant sphagetti the MSM is spilling trying to take him down. The machine is unraveling and its fucking hilarious

>current Sup Forums sesh

Why are you guys so triggered? I've been on this site a lot longer than you. The fact is clear in my written syntax, you all just jump the gun and cry newfag because your status on an ANONYMOUS image board means more than your status in real life.

>im a fat virgin with no goals or ambitions

>i am an utter and complete newfaggot: the post
kys yourself famalamasenpai

That would be absolutely amazing.

Nice non argument. What's gonna happen when you move outside of your hugbox and you can't retreat to the defense of calling someone a "shill"?

Does your caregiver type for you because I imagine you're a head swerving around just constantly moaning unintelligibly retard.

>in the kitchen cookin chickens tryin to pay my rent

what did Gucci mean by this?

he has more than another video. he has a whole series plus future series on other media outlets too.

>It's kind of sad that you're making a big deal out of proof that CNN/MSM are trying to scam Americans into believing a false narrative for money and views.

It will be Van Jones, I'm betting on it. I do wish it was Lemon or Anderson

fingers crossed for anderson, even his ass wouldn't be ready for it


How does it feel wasting your life day in day out on your PC? Such an alpha male you are.

Acosta, Cooper, or Blitzr please



They are 20 minutes late.

gib cooper pls

What the fuck is a sesh in this context? Youve only been here for 6mo or youve been pissing in bottles and browsing for 6mo continuously. You have to go back (to reddit)

Digits confirm

>You have never seen a vagina in real life

God, it's great to trigger leftists



There's going to be a big story about mars today to pull attention away from this.
Ignore it.

He is extremely informative. Also found a lot of his sources are interesting as well- just started reading John Coleman's documents.

ThiS iS CNN!

>We release under 30 mins.
>posted 35 mins ago.

Stop doing this, just fucking drop the goods already.

>i've been here 6 months
>i've been here longer than you

Nice bait.


very fake news

he got suicided

Thanks virgin

Same shit as last year. Just upload that shit and post the link when the thing's live and public, James. Fuck.

He gave us blue balls during the election as well. What an alphachad.

It makes me happy that even people who don't like Trump like this user here still respects what he is doing or how he is making the elites go literally insane.

numbers confirm. I'm betting on Anderson because the guy in the last video and Bob Creamer from the Hillary videos were both gay and trying to bang the spy. Though Anderson is a trained spy himself so he might be less susceptible, but the homolust might be too strong.

Gee I wish we could downvote here, don't you?!?

He probably still hasn't learned how to upload videos in advance.

Ducks on the ground

The only difference in the analogy you've provided is that committing a crime is illegal. doing things for ratings is called a tactic (regardless of how low you think it is) and has been known about for years.

Never called you a retard but nice job projecting your insecurities here

So tell me what you believe in, user. Without resorting to attacking current mainstream ideas

Enjoy your (you)s ya whore.

It was a legendary meme war tho...

o keefe is always late just like trump pressers and metokur videos

You still haven't told me what you were saying. I can do this all day nigga, stop deflecting.