Why do you defend capitalism if you are poor?

Why do you defend capitalism if you are poor?

I don't know about -ims of any sort, which are all Jewish lies, but our current system, broken as it is, worked out pretty good for me when I was poor.

So I don't see fit to agitate for communism.

Because capitalist countries feed poor socialist countries.

The 1% are Jewish bankers. They need to be taken out.

I defend free market capitalism, something we haven't had my entire life

The image doesn't depict it right.
It's not that the 85 have just a big turkey dinner, they have a tremendous/obscene amount of wealth but the poorest really starve like in the picture.

>0 * 3,500,000,000 = 0

Because I'm the slave owner now.

*cracks the whip*

Yup, that was a DMCA notice.

Want another one?

*cracks the whip again*

That was some military grade ransomware.

You scared yet?

why do you think we should care about a few billion starving Africans, Poos, Chanks, or South Americans?

I'm not starving, are you?

mfw you die
mfw you are reborn as a starving nigger
mfw karma

So starvation is endemic to the last few centuries?

ALL of the progress of civilization is built on the same foundations that empower capitalism. Communism is for the historically illiterate, the spiteful and the lazy.
>How come everything isn't perfect already!?!
This is not a compelling argument for changing horses midstream.

This. Don't ask why there is poverty. Poverty/Destitution is the natural state of man. Ask instead why there is wealth.

Class consciousness encourages people to replace useful ambition with demoralizing envy.

It is almost as if wealthy people pretend to be happy just to keep the system going.

How sad.

because the alternative is everyone is poor

the problem with feeding dependent populations is that youre not helping, youre just artificially inflating its size until you cant feed it anymore, creating an even larger catastrophe.

Which is why you teach a man to fish instead. A literal children's rhyme understands aiding Africa better than the current powers at be.

Poorest 3.5 billion """"""""""""""people"""""""""""""
Might as well count all other primeapes do boost that number too.

So should we globally redistribute wealth so that basically everybody is poor because shitskins can't stop having babies?

Least with capitalism there is the ability to get enough food and the ability to earn it. Unlike Communism where there is no supply to meet demand and no means to outperform others to survive. Capitalism is Darwinism. Communism is genocide.

I agree, the only way to effectively grow a 3rd world society is to manage to infiltrate disguised as an insider.

Then why those 85 people support Democrat and liberal policies/candidates that would hurt them if Republicans are the ones that would line their pockets?

I'm pretty sure the problem with niggers in Africa isnt that they don't know how to obtain food, but that it's impossible to obtain food for their large and quickly growing populations.

The alternative is no longer having a system that concerns itself with wealth distribution but one designed on equal security.

If you are at the bottom, the only way is up.

Where do you see problem?

Because I know that the reason I'm poor is my own fault.

I didnt finish college and I'm lazy so I got the easiest job I coukd find and do the bare minimum amount of work possible.

Its not capitalisms fault, or "the man" or HUHWITE MAYELLS...its my own doing. I put forth the minimum effort and got the minimum results back.

Those 3.5 billion are human waste

On an instinctual level are we programmed to physically feel satisfied from sex as to biologically ensure survival of a species than conscious required routines that ensure survival of one's self?

Sexual reproduction is auto-pilot vs the conscious decision to eat food?

I mean, damn, every time I open an empty fridge I think about sex but not enough to plague an entire continent!


Because when my crypto invesments pay off I'm not going to want to give my riches to you proles

i'm not poor

Because capitalism makes a country like America's "poor" rich in comparison to other shitholes

Take a step back
Having to get a degree in the first place for a job that wont even use that degree is you being oppressed by the military industrial academia complex.

You are right in that that is not necessarily directly capitalisms fault. It is however indirectly capitalisms fault in this case.

Maybe its just capitalism is just a better system than all other tried economy based systems. The issue is corruption dealt by the Central bank and the US not having control of printing money. A private bank is in charge which demands to make more loans so the private bank makes more money and the citizens get poorer. The only time the US was debt free was when Andrew Jackson killed the 2nd round of European bankers trying to create a Central bank in the US, which cause a boom in the economy.

Which currently the only other forum of economy is what the National Socialist (Nazis) did, but that is a theory. And no Socialist or large population wants to do that.
Communism and Anarchy suck and can not last a long time
So wait for the development of cheaper than air energy and the ability to convert matter into anything. That is the only way to make a cashless society is to end scarcity forever. We're a long way from that technology.

Because taxation is extortion to fund bad ideas

Because even though I'm poor, my freezer looks like this thanks to capitalism

The opposite is true. You literally invaded countries for this to be true.

How many of those 85 are Liberal?

So many of them say they'll give away their wealth, while they still get richer and their money is mainly investments.

Why is the rhetoric of capitalism only on a macro scale?

Whenever I'm out an about in the city and I see a lucky penny on the ground, I check rooftops for snipers.


Such as?

name a country and I will reveal how socialists invaded there first

Because socialism is the reason I'm poor.

Why won't the EU erase third world debt?Oh right the west still needs continental sweatshops.

because under capitalism I have the potential to become rich.

>get meme degree
>not usefully applied to non-meme job
>this is oppression

I am in the process of getting a meme degree and even I think this is bs

I'm going to intentionally leave this backdoor here and not tell anyone about it.

We'll call it a keyhole but with a strawcam and a convex lense, I can see everything on the other side.

This is just to make sure your working when I'm paying you and if I catch you slacking, you'll hear me knocking.

t. The Tax Man.

Because communism is a tumor

The poorest American is better off than 60% of the world. Capitalism eliminates poverty, socialism creates it.

Did those 85 people steal the money from the rest of the world?

Why steal it when you can just print it?

Because it's individualistic. I mean yeah the poorest 3.5 billion wich is mostly pajeets Africans and east Asians excluding Japan. And a part of Latin America.

But people like to paint corporations and people who have business as evil like that exact picture, they risk their initial investment and could lose everything but they produce wealth.

Now we say we live in a capitalist society wich promote individualism but yet there's a bunch of social programs any capitalistic country you look at, welfare estate etc.

It's just the better system. That's it

The age old capitalistic question remains; can you make a profit without anyone getting the shit end of the stick?

Sure, why not? If I devote my labor to growing food where there is none or fixing a broken car or whatever, then everybody is better off.

Zero sum game thinking is entirely wrong.

I drew for you to make it simples! see! :)

I guess it does depend on the right man for the right job, now you just gotta figure out a justifiable compensation model.

Because Venezuela, Soviet Union, China, and Cuba

It's my only chance of digging myself out.

Protip: If you have a house, a car, food every day and a job then you aren't poor.
Non-Europeans really lower the standards for what can be considered absolute poverty.

>retards STILL have not tired of posting this utterly retarded statistic

i am in the top 1% of the global population and i have negative wealth thanks to debt. a homeless man who finds a coin on the floor will have more wealth than i currently do

have i blown your mind OP?

As long as we have the government there to intervene into cartels and other things we regard to be illegal, the black market will always prevail anyway. Humans, being social animals, will always try to work out
>you do this for me
>i do this for you
when they're not more busy trying to enslave each other.

Because one day maybe I can be one of those 85 people. /s

No, the problem is they don't know how to grow food. There are large amounts of land suitable for farming in africa, enough to feed every person there, but they are depleted at insane rates, because Africans generally know nothing of crop rotations or fertilizer.

"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."
"Remove religion lol"
-Karl Marx


Advocating for government regulating profit now are we?

Whew lad.

because under capitalism you can change your poor status, under socialism or communism you cant....unless you get lucky and marry into the political ruling class.

No, just for the idea that you can't have a free market without an enforcement arm. Go to a 3rd world country with a broken economy and a broken government but that isn't full mad max.

What will you find? You'll find dedicated market zones with private security and rules to keep it reasonably safe from crime because guess what. Humans need to engage in trade for mutual benefit in order to survive, and humans can't do that at the level of a modern civilization without a shared set of rules and a monopoly on force to enforce them well enough to make the system better than chaos.

Because my Jewish master said so


Government regulated capitalism is just a phase.

A big ol list of do's and don'ts.

I'm not saying that phase is a one shot deal, it can come back under the right guise of social action.

Ancap isn't an ideology, it isn't some God that magically grants you wishes for following his government.

Ancap is a state of existence, a reality, a channel that will never go away and will always be a minimal required human right necessity that every generation is born with and dies with.

Asshats ask why defend capitalism if I'm poor? Keep your hands off my hard earned money and reduce regulations. Watch me start a business. Then watch me climb up the social ladder.
I'll do it anyway, it's just going to take a lot longer and be a lot more difficult than it should be (thanks socialism).
People are throwing their cash at something, your job is to position yourself to catch it.


>Why do you defend capitalism
who said I did?
capitalism =/= free market
Capitalism is libertaranism in disguise, the free market doesn't nessecarily have to end up like that
If you have a trusty goverment who regulates corruption and people earning monopolies and exploiting folk because they have it, the free market works just fine
It's very corruptible though, much like democracy

I hate these anti wealth virtual signalling images like this. Want to know what else 80% of the millionaires in the US are first generation. Ergo they got off their ass and did something to make and keep making money.
Liberals have this ever lasting hate boner for the wealthy and try to force this stereotype that all wealthy people are Big Daddy Warbucks or some 80s cliche of the mean old white rich guy.
Most wealthy people don't live like they have the means.
It's just another way for liberals to divide.

I'm all for the minimum amount of government necessary. But if you're going to say phase one phase two or something then the onus is on you to propose a realistic phase two for what's supposed to be better than what we have now.

Otherwise it's about the same as an academic complaining that true communism hasn't been tried yet because he read a shelf of books on theory.

The Jew thrives in both communism AND capitalism.

>muh republican v democrat
Both parties are Jew controlled.

Maybe not. But a perfectly free market is capitalism.

Because poverty under capitalism is a lot better than poverty under communism.

> capitalists invade socialist countries for food
Dude how deluded are you the only instance of modern mass starvation was Ukraine under soviets.

Why in the fucking fuck would I use my rare candy on my backup pokemon?

Lol. Minimal government is a text-document, and at that point its not a government.


Success isn't finite. That's the funny part about faggot who complain about someone else getting rich. As if by them having money you can't do the same. Which is bullshit.

Out of those 85, 79 are Jewish.

Well that's simply not true.

This. There is a big difference between providing aid for a country and actually helping a country. For example, local food retailers in developing countries would have no way to compete against an aid organisation giving food away for free. Food retailers then close down, meaning fewer local food suppliers. The citizens then become more dependent on aid organisations since there are fewer local food suppliers thus, perpetuating the poverty cycle.

You shouldn't just help people, you should help them help themselves.

I don't
Capitalism is a scam
Socialism and Fascism too

You're being too naive, probably all are Jews, or the others are crypto Jews.

Chinese, Vietnamese, north Koreans, Venezuela....

While I'm copy protecting human rights maybe I should counter-sue companies for infringing on the freedom to consume?


People still can't completely shake off their globalist conditioning.

>keke that's right goy, the rich are just better than you, we deserve our ill-gotten money

"Capitalism" is not even a legitimate concept as it was only ever Mr Marx's strawman that he invented as a way to advance his "solution" of communism.

But that is true of pretty much everyone. 90% of American citizens have a wealth between $0 and -$1,000,000.

I have more wealth than the poorest 50% of Americans combined, because that wreath is probably negative half a trillion dollars and mine in positive.

In the current climate of political volatility and in an environment that, unlike most recorded history, we have the rules in text documents that a huge portion of people can actually read, then I would think this would be just the time to promote your great ideas rather than criticizing objectively good things like mass literacy and mass communication.

>Thinking Marx didn't like free trade

>Why do you defend capitalism if you are poor?
Because capitalism has been the best way to elevate people out of poverty that we as a species have come up with.

In fact, even the poorest person in america would have more wealth than the poorest 50% combined.

i am a poor capitalist. i defend capitalism because i know capitalism gives me the potential to become wealthy one day, by my own merits (and maybe marrying up, let's be real).

The rich thrive in all societies, the poor ONLY thrive under capitalism. Food is so abundant in the US that the government doesn't even measure starvation anymore. It's now "diversity" of food.

Just think what wonderful things could happen if the declaration of independence, hell even the constitution, were editable.

People are entitled to what they earn.