Atheists unironically believe this

>atheists unironically believe this

wew lad

It's literally WE WUZ ideology


>inb4 not apes just ape-like

Other urls found in this thread:

So how do you suppose the human race came to into existence?

No retarded answers please.

They were created equal. Get your daughter to marry a nigger now.

Utawarerumono in real life

An intelligent God created us.

Evolution cannot explain consciousness. It can't explain a lot of things, but consciousness in particular is huge.

We have this thread every day.



Fuck this is gold

>white supremacist flag

like poetry

don't you have some all-white gay bathhouse to attend?

The godhead exploded into all things without a plan and humans arose by chance

>"There's no way that animals gradually evolved to create millions of different species"
>"Clearly God just came down and said lickity split and created every biological life form that we now know"

>Theists actually believe this

Dna... Wew


>implying we can wrap our heads around evolution as we know it

We've gone from high standards of all-white societies in the West to this multikulti bullshit in less than 30 years.
And you think dinosaurs evolving into birds in a MILLION years is impossible?

>human cultural values are equivalent to genetic mutations

wew lad

Whites will evolve into brown mulattos by the next century because too many people are scared to do anything besides online comments and videos.

Preach brother. We wuz in gods image n shit.


by interbreeding yes

that's really stretching the definition of evolution.

members of the same species interbreeding is not so.

Are you retarded? That is exactly what micro evolution is.

>humans breeding with humans is proof that humans evolved from non-humans

really activates the almonds

>to create millions of different species
If there is a deity that is capable of creating anything ex nihilo...He is capable of creating anything ex nihilo. If he created matter-energy, it is no stretch that He created life.

The idea that all life diverged from a single original life form into the diversity we have today is pretty much implausible given that it demands an increase in informational complexity over time that we can neither observe nor model, even over hundreds of millions of years.

However, we do observe a good bit of rearrangement, mixing, and augmentation of existing genetic information that leads to speciation and sometimes novel phenotypes. The problem is that these changes are still confined below an informational "glass ceiling" if you will.

The problem with discussing evolution is that very few people know enough about the innumerable hypotheses, models, and speculations that compose the totality of the evolutionary theory to intelligently parse the parts that are susceptible to scientific inquiry versus those which are not. Moreover, those who have the objectivity to make this distinction are often suppressed in the name of the status quo.

In terms of theism, the ratio of theists in the sciences at large (at least in the USA) is pretty much reflective of the total population. Science has nothing to do with theism. The metaphysical is, by its very essence, inaccessible to scientific investigation. However, the notions of energy, time, consciousness, and many other things we presume to be true are also fundamentally inaccessible to scientific inquiry. Science is not a source of all knowledge nor all truth. It is a source of some knowledge about some things--namely natural, tangible phenomena. Moreover said inquiry is limited by the the accessibility of potential data. Only an omniscient mind could produce perfectly valid and accurate scientific results. So humility is always needed.

And not all Christians adhere to the same view of how everything came together. There is nothing about the Bible that is incompatible with our current body of scientific knowledge. Only unnecessarily narrow interpretations of it.

Here is a really insightful talk on the matter.

>American education

And a really good debate on the matter of theism in light of scientific advances.

>good debate
pick one

amateur shit, check kent hovind if you want some actual evolution ass ripping

Lennox deals with the philosophical underpinnings of the argument, which I think is far more productive in opening constructive, intelligent dialogue on the matter. I also think Hovind seriously discredited his intellectual credibility through his personal choices, so I choose to distance myself from him.

Evolution isn't the issue that really needs to be "ass ripped." It is the philosophical naturalistic imperative that has been insidiously thrust upon the masses by the powers that be.

A really good book to address this issue is

This thred almost every day. How hard is it for burgers to understand elementary school education?

You make this bait thread everyday, lad.

Speaking of ass ripping, didn't Hovind go to jail?

Evolution is just a THEORY that means to prove something you must do an experiment to prove it you can't do an experiment on evolution because it will last centuries and it will be right or wrong so you can't just prove that evolution is real thing get over it people you can never ever prove it so that is why i think that evolution and darvinism another new false religion .

>Speaking of ass ripping, didn't Hovind go to jail?


You don't seem to understand what a scientific theory is. A scientific theory is one backed up evidence and experiments. Gravity is also "just a THEORY"

Also sweet buttery Christ, learn to use punctuation.

what, education like "you can change your biological sex" or "homosexuality is natural and healthy" ?

fuck off nordcuck

Well, a theory is more specifically a conglomeration of hypotheses and models that have a central theme. These individual parts may have varying levels of evidence or no evidence at all. This is why the conversation becomes so sticky because the amount of equivocating (intentional or unintentional) that is done when using the word "evolution" is overwhelming.

Gravity is a LAW, not a theory. A law is merely a definition for a consistently observed natural phenomenon. There are theories as to what gravity IS, but our understanding of gravity is a law.


further, you can test gravity yourself at any time. The same cannot be said of evolution


>atheists think humans descend from this

From climate change
We have to keep it going to honor the Old Gods


Whites are Nordic aliens/hybrid with indigenous earthlings
Asians mutants of Whites
Blacks are pure Earthlings
Aboriginals are indigenous Earthlings + another alien species

>You make this bait thread everyday, lad.
>w-why do people REPOST BAIT REEEE
welcome to your first week on Sup Forums.

Indeed, at least all the components. There are components that are supported (and strongly so), but they largely fall within what some people colloquially refer to as "microevolution."

Gravity is a law because it is taken as a natural axiom.

Again sage? saw this yesterday, what is podesta molesta saying in the closed hearing? sage!?

The real false religion is actually naturalistic scientism. Evolution, even if it were absolutely as factual as it is speculated, would do nothing to contradict theism--and Christian theism specifically.

hot off the press

if you actually believe this nonsense I feel sorry for you.