In Brazil we have this little joke about mascunility...

In Brazil we have this little joke about mascunility, if you're a guy but acts like a girl we say: "This coke is fanta" because you are in coke can but you are a fanta soda.
Got it?

So today coke just realased a new can: "THIS COKE IS FANTA, SO WHAT?
we created a special can for those who dont like to be labeled, those who dare prejudices and stand up to be who they are. This coke is pride. This coke is respect. "

>drink coke your whole life
>consume heavy doses of liquid sugar with acid and be physiologic fucked for the rest of your life
>contribute for the extinction of potable water in the world (takes 4L of water to make 1 L of coke)
>see crossovers of two brands of the same company making jokes in favor of degenarcy
>gets alzheimer at 60' because all the sugar and acid you drank
>this if you dont got a heart attack before
>yfw you payed for having demecia and die
>yfw you payed for get fucked in the ass and support leftiest propaganda

Now say with me, thank you Goldenberg-sama.


Sup Forums when will you finaly stop drinking this shit?

No one cares about your autism, faggot.


Why do you drink this shit it's fucking terrible for your health you monkey.

How is such a small interest group so powerful?

It depends how often. Not worse than alcohol

>gets alzheimer at 60'
drop it to 50 and thats ONLY if you survive by 50

Fanta originated in Nazi Germany due to necessity because they were under a trade embargo. If someone is "Fanta" on the inside I'd take it as a compliment, a tribute to the ingenuity of the Nazis.

>went to study away from my family
>1 year without ingesting (((globo))) and other (((media))) propaganda
>come back on vacation
>novelas and fucking everything pandering to faggots and mentally ill degenerates

Jesus Christ. What the fuck is this shit?
This place is living hell.

When they making sopa de macao in a can?

Ahahaha macacos paneleiros que porra é isto

This is some funny shit hue monkey.


They have trillions on their side dude.
They want the watering down of societies because if you're divided into men vs women, gay vs straight, middle class vs poor, black vs white etc. they can laugh all the way to the bank and you can never unite against them.
It's the same reason they are bringing all those shitskins and niggers to Europe. In 20 years they are legal citizens and they will not care who or what rules over them as long as they get their gibs.

>drinking burger brain damage liquid in 2017


There isn't a faggiest way to call someone a fag than this.

So wait, which diabetes juice is homophobe approved? Dr thunder? Electric blue lemonade?

I dont drink it.
I know.

>Tfw speak actual Portuguese and not slurred monkey speech

PTards unironically use paneleiros as an insult

euro fanta is superior
american fanta tastes like dog shit with a hint of

Would you rather I call you a leitão you palhaço gordo do caralho

You sound like a bunch of silly wankers mate

Portuguse IS slurred monkey speech.

>leitão you palhaço gordo do caralho


Portuguese Portuguese sounds awesome but Brazilian Portuguese sounds terrible, like nasally gay drunk Spanish or something.

If I walked around Portugal as called someone a leitão I'd probably get my ass beat. What is with you Brazilian fucks having 0 bad words

>capitalism is not degene-

>leitão you palhaço gordo do caralho
That's elementary school-tier offensive, try harder

Then reclaim/redefine the meaning.
"Fanta on the inside, meinen freunden."
*sieg heil*

Br. BR? br
gib mone pls

We do, actually.
Portuguese people look like children cursing each other.

Capitalism isn't inherently degenerate, but the people pushing this crap certainly are.

wow how fucking gay
fuck that

They did this, paid for this, so you would talk about it and they would get publicity. All things considered I feel like having a coke now. That picture you posted made me remember the feel of an ice cold can resting my hand. Mmmm

It's the most degenerate since it only cares about profit and not the society it serves. You could replace all consumers with monkeys and no one would care as long as they had money and knew how to buy shit.

>proud to speak shitty Spanish
here let me try:
killas yourselfo

The only possible response is to punish these brands.

>calls portuguese shitty spanish
>has the shitty version of english as his language

>be me
>work for coke
>haven't drank a soda since I was a child

I'm surrounded by coke advertisements daily and even I know it's terrible for you

What the hell happened to coke? I used to drink that stuff faster than water, but it tastes like total shit now. That poorfag shasta tastes better than that piss drink now

Stop drinking Coca Cola products.

You grew up user. Your tastes changed.

fraudulent labeling pride?

Its literally the oposite. Whenever I go to America people talk about how my portuguese sounds good compared to the european one. Sounds more smooth and less like some retarded half romance half slavic shit

Keeping in mind of course we have a toon of accents like burgers have midwestern, southern etc

Didn't they switch from real sugar to corn syrup or fructose or whatever?

"Hey, look here homosexuals, we support your cause, now drink our coca-cola!"

Top cringe. Just like that cringey Pepsi advert that tried to bandwagon on the BLM protests.

American English is actually one of the better ones. I can't stand the effeminate posh London accent, it was literally invented by the upper classes.

My fucking God what a shithole you live in

But it will always lead to degeracy in the long run

>"This coke is fanta"

Nation of faggots.

Got it.

Give me some inside info pls

but fanta isn't that bad, is it?
what about sprite? are they promoting degeneracy too?

>drinking a coke right now
>nevertheless I take your point, have dramatically reduced my consumption, and now drink it only occasionally

>half slavic shit
kek I've thought that they were speaking Polish or something until I realized it was Euro Portuguese.

>we have a toon of accents
The only one I can't stand is the really nasally one. Sao Paolo?

>Not drinking Manaos

Already did.

Not even mixed with alcohol. I may drink a litre or two a year.

>What the hell happened to coke? I used to drink that stuff faster than water, but it tastes like total shit now.

As a former fat fuck let me give you the secret:

Your taste buds change.

I drank nothing but sugary soda, 2l a day. Diet soda and water tasted awful, to the point it was hard to get down. But I forced myself to start drinking diet as part of losing weight. It took about 2 months and then my tastebuds changed completely.

Diet was not great, but it was fine. Now sugary drinks tasted like oily molasses. I couldn't stomach it. A year of weening and I can't even drink sugary drinks.

Now I'm drinking more and more water and it's tasting better every day. Now diet soda tastes like shit.

Bonus points: same is true for your diet. If you like fat greasy food in large portions it'll be a fucking pain to switch. If you stick to your guns however, you'll be helped along by the fact that your "favourite foods" stop tasting as good.
The why is not clear, but this is documented. Speculation is that it's your gut flora that changes, and basically the bacteria you have send you signals that make you hungry and make you desire things. If you feed them sugar, you'll want sugar.

So, don't start in the first place. If you're on it, ween yourself and it'll get easier. Good luck.

The same can be said when comparing european portuguese to brazilian portuguese, their language sound like a moronic rant by a bacalhau trader, this user here is totally right

fanta = coke

what does this mean

Why if it isn't the pot calling the kettle black

sprite = coca

Pepsi wins again

Is it true you hues have to dub Portugese television shows and movies into Brazilian Portuguese, because you can't understand their accents?

>In Brazil we have this little joke about mascunility, if you're a guy but acts like a girl we say: "This coke is fanta" because you are in coke can but you are a fanta soda.
>Got it?

no i didnt get it at all


>mixing with alcohol

Fucking animal.

Lol at sodomites claiming they're oppressed when companies guzzle their cum

The American equivalent is you have some sugar in your gas tank.

If you are a male you are suppose to correspond the label, you should be the coke, not a fanta.

How exactly do you "invent" an accent?

I have experienced this several times before, but I never thought it was my tastes changing. Thank you for confirming it, this is very good advice for staying healthy.

Sao Paulo accent looks like they have perpetual cold.

Lmao jesus fucking Christ

>Sao Paolo
Yeah probably, not a fan if it either

why are you almost white?

Interesting how they are testing this in the Brazilian market before the USA.

Anyone who thinks that this virtue signalling isn't all just calculated business strategies is fucking retarded. They have rooms full of focus groups and PR people churning this shit out, how stupid can you be to think that "oh wow the coke can said they celebrate diversity, coke supports my choices!" These idiots are letting these companies cozy up to their identity and are willing to hand them a bunch of money. Is coke promoting LGBT people to management positions? Are they donating money and funds to open up anything that will help LGBT people? No, because it's not nearly as profitable as just putting "we like fags" on every can and watching the money pour in.

"This man is not manly" "This man is fruity, sweet, etc."

>tfw like coke
>coke is run by SJWs and has been for several years

Well Pepsi is also run by SJWs so I guess it doesn't really matter

Thanks Hue Bro

I am never drinking coke again.

Accent development is due to the ecosystem (some pitches travel better in cool/hot air, between some background noises, ...)

This, made a very similar progression. Down 70 pounds since January. I occasionally have a diet coke as a treat, but I switched to Perrier, maybe squirt a little homemade lavender syrup if I want a bit of sugar or something citrus flavored. Soda and beer are the two simplest things to cut out to lose weight and get your taste buds changing.

>This coke is fanta" because you are in coke can but you are a fanta soda.
This is stupid joke desu

>it's not a conspiracy to push unwanted degeneracy, it's just business!
>business run by jews

Kys kike

I'm not a fan of colas myself so I don't drink all that much. I fucking love A&W though.

Paneleiros is the equivalent of calling someone gay in Portugal. Instead of calling someone a fag, they call them paneleiros.


Congrats on losing so much weight.

>Speculation is that it's your gut flora that changes
I've also heard that food is engineered to be addictive through specific combinations of fat, salt, and sugar. Why fast food hamburgers have so much sugar in the buns and sauces.

>Your taste buds change.
I had this experience with, of all things, coffee creamer. I wanted to lose weight so I cut out sugar and switched to black coffee. At first I had to "chase" it with milk because it tasted so bitter, but now I enjoy drinking the strongest, darkest coffee from a French press. Lost the weight, too.

That's kinda funny tbqhwyfmlmdngdng

Never watched Portuguese television but I don't doubt that. We can understand each other without much problem but sometimes I'd rather just speak english with them 2bh kek

Dumbest joke ever

then shoot a hole into it and take a photo of the can
you fight sensationalism with sensationalism

>PTards use paneleiros as an insult
>feed the brazilian SJWs with some made up bullshit that their use of the word is homophobic in nature
>SJWs abandon PT
Sounds good to me

Reminds me of this.
We're a failed experiment. The monarchy was the only thing that held this shit together.
Just nuke us already.

I know. It doesn't sound any less faggy.

>american fanta tastes like dog shit with a hint of

You have to go back, Pedro. Fucking spics can't even type in English.

Pepsi doesn't stand for this shit.

>I've also heard that food is engineered to be addictive through specific combinations of fat, salt, and sugar. Why fast food hamburgers have so much sugar in the buns and sauces.

Ketchup actually from McDonalds is like 5 times as sugary as store bought. If you look up the nutritional info, the bun is BY FAR the worst part, followed by the ketchup. The meat is actually not very caloric, and the other condiments are ok (pickles, mustard, etc). Anyway, cannot into processed white flour, not even once anons.

>The monarchy was the only thing that held this shit together
I always considered monarchy retarded, but things are so shit that a few weeks ago I realized that it could reasonably be quite a great improvement
And since you seem to be way more into monarchy stuff than me, would the monarch call himself a King or an Emperor?

I drink a whiskey and diet coke almost every night. Get at me, huehue faggot.