2 of 3 swedes will be muslims by 2050


Percentage of Muslims in Sweden by 2050:
In 2000 1 percent, 1 of 100
In 2010 5 percent, 1 of 20
By 2017 12 percent, 1 of 8
By 2020 16 percent, 1 of 6
By 2030 31 percent, 1 of 3
By 2040 50 percent, 1 of 2
By 2050 70 percent, 2 of 3

*thats me on the image, eating at work.

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The Swedish word for road is vag

Sweden is KEKED

Don't see the issue.

shitskin detected

I was in Sweden recently and I honestly dident know it was this bad. After spending about fifteen minutes in Goteborg I started feeling sick to my stomach, the Swedish people are being actively replaced, 2/3 of the people was dark-skinned and the few Swedes I saw looked like they had no purpose or hope in life, they were all either fat, balding or looking like some antifa freak. Swedes, please tell me this is only the case in Goteborg. Since its not even the capital city I dident expect it to be like this, I think that the statistics are faked and that the number of actual foreigners is much higher.

I'm genuinely curious why you dont see that as a problem.

Because he is a Swede

Stockholm is worse. Malmö is game over. Shit is real. I should know, i've lived in all three largest cities in Sweden.

And? I have many muslim friends, they are all very cool guys that aren't even the terrorists you make them up to be, get out of your basement...

just as planned


Be a good swede now and let your muslim friends fuck your wife, sister or daughter.

Swedish civil war by 2025!

in 7 years? hm. sounds kinda prophetic. I like the sound of that.

Would they fight and die for sweden? Would they back you up in a fight if other muslims started shit with you?

If the answer to either of these is no, they're not your friend sven.

Please let this actually happen. Holy fuck that would be fast and funny as fuck.


could also be 100%

No point in arguing with eunuchs like him. He will die together with the muslims when shit hits the fan.


Even if most of them arent terrorist, surveys show that many of them want sharia law or support the terrorists. Why would you want people that increases the chances of violence, rape and crime happening in your country?

Even if there is one terrorist of a million, isent that too many? Isent that reason enough to stop all muslim migration to your country? What do you have to gain.


Extrapolating demographics trends isn't as clear cut as this and that's the only rebuttal you'll get when you mention it to anyone.

The real truth is that we'll cease to function way before we get to 50% muslim. Given how things are now, with some cities essentially lost to the rest of the country at ~30% muslim.. society collapses before that's a national average.

What is your plan Sven? I need guidance.

There is nothing wrong with sharia. It is Conservative and red pilled.

Just wait until they are not. You fucking idiots better get to breeding them into control. Oh wait, they left their women back in the desert.. wonder why...

If every family continued to breed like rabbits, yes. Fortunately most muslims will realize that having kids in sweden is fucking expensive and see their own family trees get strangled by taxes and the feminization of their children. I say... Hang the politicians and save the refugees by deporting them to finland. That really is what I'm most mad about. The god damn efforts our socialist gov will go to to turn us men into ladybois.


We all knew Swedenistan was an inevitability, but what projection numbers are they using? In a first world country, people have less children:





If Sweden becomes stagnant economically, then perhaps Islamic spread would increase (people praying to higher power for things to get better, plus Islam is so progressive). But in 40 years, 2/3 Swedes will be Muslim? I'm not too sure about that. We're just saying they're Islamic, not shitskins.

I understand anecdotes like these >.131661731 may not be too far from the truth, but everything I find seems to lead me to believe Muslims and Islam won't become an issue in the West since they'll modernize and as such their birthrates will crumble.

The article in OP can only be read in English by shitty Google translate, but the writer doesn't cite anything other than an old Pew Research poll and goes from there.

Kind if true, but Muslims will still outbreed you and foreign Muslims will still continue to flood into your country. sweden may not turn 50% Muslim in 20 years, but it will certainly happen in your lifetime.

How can Muslims "modernize" and not be an issue when foreign Muslims flood Sweden and Europe in massive numbers every year?

There is not a country in history in the world that has had a majority muslim population that leaved in peace with the minorities. Even fucking BUDHISTS are exterminated and have to fight tooth and nail with Muslims. You think it will be ok because you all our athiest? At least christians believe in Allah, nothing is more offensive to islam than an athiest. You're country WILL get fucked. Sweden will never be the same, your culture will not exist, by the end of the century Swedish people/culture will be extinct.

Fake news

>In a first world country, people have less children

Why would they have less children when everything is paid and taken care of, and they have literaly nothing better to do?

I am really sorry I lost it, but one German user sent me a photo of the welfare payment list, official stamp and all, for one muslim, his wife and five of their children, and there was, I shit you not, 4590 Euros per month, with months written neatly one under another and that same sum in every bracket.

Enjoy your caliphate faggot
When they impose the jizya I'll be laughing

nice argument
ofc, drunk fights with other muslims many weekends
>muh day of le rope
HAHAHAH nerd loser
most people my dont care about shariah (early 20s), ive talked to some of them about this, and they say they like both democracy and shariah, but dont really care about politics.
Kek, heard of syria and israel? People can live toughether for long time before someone fucks shit up :P

Fake and gay, Avpixlat is worse than Breitbart. They are pro-Israel and don't mind shitskins, they even have sandnigger journalists (though not religious mud so that makes it okay) - "yay for integration!".

Comment sage and hidden btw. Later

Just burn everything to ground and get a fresh start.

Today 2017-06-28 about 30% of the swedish pop. is arab already.

>>muh day of le rope
>HAHAHAH nerd loser

Ok I'll answer you in English instead of my own language so that other people can read. I know you're not Swedish anyway, you're a shitskin living in our country. It might seem to you that the day of the rope is just a meme, but what do you think the political climate will look like post-2018 election? SD will have won. People will be endlessly tired of you fucking savages destroying our home, and sadly it seems that the Swede will not snap until you take away the things he considers his basic and fundamental rights: healthcare ( going to shit because of you niggers) education ( going to shit because of you niggers, housing ( going to hell because of you niggers, you even get to jump ahead in the housing queues) and money ( taxes just keeps getting raised, and raised, and raised in order to support faggotry and kikery).

Well, guess what, Swedes are not inherently passive. Environment can only do so much to change a person, the longer this shit goes on the higher the chances are that Swedes unleash their inner snow-niggers and go full Waffen-SS on you.


50% of population is armed and has military training. There are CCTV cameras everywhere. If you saw the last string of knife attacks, someone always took out a knife, started stabbing people and within ten seconds they were gunned down by someone.
You chose really bad example.


> jump ahead in the housing queues
> housing queues
WTF, Sweden is USSR tier?

Yes it is

>they say they like both democracy and shariah
Muslims lie, faggot.

And democracy is quite the opposite of shariah. They are not compatible.

KYS, Achmed.

Sweden is lost

We had a form of socialism that worked quite well ( because we were so homogenous, high trust) the state doesn't have a monopoly on homes or anything they just provide them for some young people or students, for example. But the niggers get to jump ahead in the queues that you enter at age 18 just so that they can "integrate" better. This is good though, because it redpills alot of young Swedish men when they see that things that should have belonged to them get taken away from them by sand-monkeys.


20 years to wait for an apartment to rent. I have friends over 25 that are still waiting.

Just one word: sabotage.

Dieversity is their strength

Shit like this is just psych-warfare meant to demoralize. Disregard and stay focused on victory.

You're a faggot with no respect for your own civilization or heritage. All your little brownie friends either think this already or will come to understand it with time. Your genes will be wiped off the face of the earth as if you never existed. There will be no more people like you left in the near future & all because you like dick in your ass.

You should probably just kill yourself.

you need to be really fucking stupid to actually have to se this irl, giving away your shit to niggers and watching them nog to actually believe its a bad thing, only a swede can be that motherfucking dense

How did it take so long? Sweden was like 99% blonde and blue eyes 10 years ago.

>Dieversity[sic!] is their strength
It's what makes it all so funny :DDD

That website used to receive funding from Israel, not even joking. Israel has an interest in exaggerating the situation to get their Pro-Israel party into the government.

Sure. I understand if people experience defeatism because of the numbers. Then again, arabs/niggers have 300% more babies than swedes. Already over 12.5% muslims and many more black christians inside the wall. How the fuck to stay focused on victory when you are sitting on the fucking titanic and hear violins playing?

If they cut off the welfare for them they'll mostly disappear, but I suppose they'll never do that as long as there are naive White people to pay them.

Don't worry about it, victory is already assured.

What is the goal of SD once they get the power?

You deserve your fate.

Sweden doesn't really integrate the muzzies they live in ghettos. And with muslims the family controls their women so they're not likely to go to abortion clinics. If they do they risk getting acid thrown into their face.

Picture related was a study the Swedish statistics did. It shows the birthrate for native swedes and people from low HDI countries

I don't think Islam will really take over either, it's a front you're allowed to decry... the bigger problem here is that the demographic of Sweden will resemble that of Turkey.

Integrating Arabs into our society while reducing the inflow of non-working immigrants, as well as leaving the EU.


>most people my dont care about shariah (early 20s), ive talked to some of them about this, and they say they like both democracy and shariah, but dont really care about politics.

Such apathy in the face of extermination. Most of you deserve to just disappear quietly in the night anyway, I suppose.

accept GOD and read the bible

The whole of Mexico and Africa has moved into your country that you are a minority in, you're no the one to talk about apathy, especially with all your guns.

I don't need studies to see where it's going. Not only Sweden; the whole of Europe.

More stats in this picture - immigration to Sweden

Notice there was no continent "Middle East". Maybe they're included into "Asia"?

The lower numbers are live births in Sweden (all ethnicities).

More details on live births in next post

>You should probably just kill yourself.

Seconded. You don't deserve life or your ancestors you pathetic bouncy little Skandi-fuck.

NEEEEEJ!!! SD är kontrollerad opposition och den stora distraktionen? Svensken är fåren som blint promenerar in i slakteriet?!? ångest.

white flight needs to be accompanied by scorched earth policy

keep in mind that when it reaches 50-50, it will be primarily old decrepit swedes and young male muslims
total catastrophe

2 of 3 swedes won't be muslims because 2 out of 3 swedes won't be swedes then

what victory?


Makes me kinda glad i don't live in a low population country, takes longer to be overun.

>posts that while gf is getting cucked downstairs

I've been to Malmo and damn, it's like some parts of Brussels but almost everywhere.

Malmö isn't Sweden

so, for population growth it's not 50% are immigrants and 50% are natives,

it's instead 50% are immigrants, 33% are native, 16% are foreigners born in sweden

also add 28000 refugees

These things happened before I was born you little vapid metro snownigger. And the times they are a-changing.

I've already done my part and still do. You will probably have 1 kid (if any) that grows up to be a faggot.

Why do you post dude with bad quality meat?

HOw many is that out of a hundred?

As a swede myself, i think the sweden democrats might be our only hope desu. They are far from perfect imo but decent enough to restore Sweden to what it should be. The fact that the approval rating is rising for SD lately is a glimmer of hope for us.

Hopefully more people woke up after the last terror attack by that muslim parasite.

Don't give up hope Swedish people.

Its me as i'm writing this post. Wanted to share my day, and my meat.

"two parents born in sweden" does not mean native, mind you

We understand how percentages work. No need for the X of Y explanation.

Feels good to be a small, peaceful ,relatively poor country.
Our rate of innovation is bad but I could give fuck.
All this wealth,innovation being "progressive",highly educated,efficient ,avant garde,etc...And to what end? suicide?
people in these countries(swe/ger) hate themselves,their history and their culture for no reason. wtf is that...

thinking this shit will fly in the south...
Italy is already taking measures by closing ship routes and spain won't take shit either
Greek are based too.

Yes, you are right, 3rd generation immigrants are not accounted in the statistics and further reduce the actual native Swede population.

These are mostly Bosnians for Sweden, though. It will be worse in the future.

The other sven just told me that SD is pro-israel and controlled opposition, created to stun the swedes anger. The swedish democrats will never kick out filthy arabs and niggers. They will instead TRY to integrate them into our society while reducing the inflow of non-working immigrants, as well as leaving the EU.


Anyone know what wall-building Norwegian stock companies to invest in?

Pic related is my sister

The white flight needs to be accompanied by sustained machine gun fire into the flighting whites.

Divide and conquer henrik arnstad, shut up

That's a peasantry look you got going. Why not aim for something more aesthetic?

Pic related.

I'm not defending him. But it's funny coming from you mericans when all of you are immigrants from mostly europe kek

>restore Sweden to what it should be
You need to do a lot of gassing to accomplish this.
~2M to gas as of now.

t. free thinker progressive atheist