The moon landing happened, end of story

I've been seeing a lot of anti-moon landing posts on Sup Forums lately which has me slightly worried.

This is not flat earth type stuff, these are serious moon-landing deniers. I don't see how anyone in 2017 can actually believe the arguments against it.
Follow the money. NASA spent billions of dollars to get a man on the moon. It doesn't make any sense why they would spend it all making a stupid film.

Watch this video:

"It would have been harder to fake the moon landing than to actually land on the moon".

The technology to fake it did not exist yet rocketry was in it's prime.

Other urls found in this thread:

>I've been seeing a lot of anti-moon landing posts on Sup Forums lately which has me slightly worried.

Ignore them. They're retarded.

No stars in picture, shadows projecting in random directions consistent with studio lighting, total bullshit photo

elon cuck looking like a clown while nasa was doing manned softlandings and relaunchs from the moon 50 years ago.

Elon cuck wasn't even born.

What bothers me more is space enthusiasts who think asteroid mining is a viable economic activity.

Humans believe whatever they want to, it seems.

I do for the most part, ignore them.

It's just discouraging to see them get so many replies of people that actually agree. Ideas spread, even incorrect ones.

No matter how much evidence I present or any videos debunking the "moon hoax conspiracy" it falls on deaf ears to moon-landing deniers.

I'm just posting this thread in hopes of educating people before the deniers get to them.

Circle where the shadows are inconsistent so that way i know exactly why I should be laughing at you.

>what is contrast
>what is film
>what is exposure time

>This is not flat earth type stuff, these are serious moon-landing deniers
>implying flat earth isn't serious and an actual reality

What's wrong with that belief? We have proven we can make probes land on astral bodies that are flying around at hundreds of meters per second, now all we need to do is land some mining drones on asteroids and start mining away.

Have the drones launch capsules or something that fall down into earth with crews to pick up the material. Yeah it's a lot of work and will take a few decades but even that very hackish concept could work, unless I'm missing some glaring flaw

It is economically viable. Startup costs are absurd which is why it won't happen for some time.

Stop posting this risible dribble. Man has never trespassed LEO and never will unless on a suicide mission. Fuck off back to bitter nerdsville.

>The moon landing happened, end of story.
Or not.

>What's wrong with that belief? We have proven we can make probes land on astral bodies that are flying around at hundreds of meters per second, now all we need to do is land some mining drones on asteroids and start mining away.
Before we actually bring something back from that altitude that weighs more than a few grams? Before we send something up there that weighs more than a few tons?

>Have the drones launch capsules or something that fall down into earth with crews to pick up the material.
>unless I'm missing some glaring flaw
It takes energy to lower the orbital trajectories of the stuff you want to bring back. It in fact takes so much energy to go there, get it, and get back that you quickly spend more money than the resource you are bringing back is worth. The only rocket fuels more efficient than the ones we currently use are stupendously toxic or radioactive, so we can't make it cheaper. Space elevators cannot exist either.

That's that. It's fundamentally a net loss to get resources from space.

>NASA spent billions of dollars to get a man on the moon. It doesn't make any sense why they would spend it all making a stupid film.

What do you do with the obviously faked footage? The multiple light sources? Your problem is you've walked straight into a false dichotomy without any critical thinking, instead you have only scorn and incredulousness for anyone who disagrees.

the REAL red pill comes when you realize that yes substantial portions of footage was faked AND YES we still went to the moon. I don't know why they lied so much and fomented disbelief, I only have assumptions. But first and foremost, any evidence that proves tapes/photographs were altered or are otherwise fake doesn't speak to the authenticity of the space program or it's goals and achievements. It only disqualifies that video or photographic evidence from being used to prove those goals and achievements.

It didn't and I've got some choice information about it courtesy of a retired spook suffering from dementia.

Envious Russian... Fortunately, Putin and most of your leaders were admirable people and had the fortitude and balls to not only recognize that it was real, but congratulate the US.

I don't think the US would have done the same had Russia beaten us there, just my opinion.

Ooga booga bla bla cities, flying cars, space elevators. It's over faggot.

Yeah those things will never happen because civilization is doomed.

They were always visually antipode to any lunar landing, faked many bits of their own successes and were in dire need of grain from the United States to stave off a famine.

>they [The USSR, I assume] did it to obtain grain from the US

Sounds like you've dug an even deeper conspiracy hole.

They were never going to happen because man is physically frail. Turtles and tardigrades are your superiors as far as space lunacy is concerned.

You really think the Russians and Loos wouldn't blow the whistle if we hadn't been there?
Fuck, the Russians even tried to rain on the parade

Did you even read my post? Are you the space sucks thread maker?

nothing to see here

It is done to make men feel powerless before the might of the bureaucracy. The Amerikans canonised a man they assassinated and the Soviets reinforced central planning as more productively efficient. I have almost 6 hours of DAT having everything laid out from A to Z.

Embarrassing to most but not must be a repulsive lonely mess.

>its real because China and Russia didn't deny it
Wow I didn't know such undeniable evidence existed, I guess this makes the holohoax real as well.

>no stars
>how does sunlight work?

It shines from your fat behind....give us the skinny.

since you have given this some thought i ask that you give it a bit more thought OP

have you seen the landing pod. that little cone thing . now picture 3 men inside it. kinda cramped. now accept that there needs to be electrical doodads to allow them to do shit like not suffocate. no microprocessors and 100% hard wired but wires take up space as do switches

now ask yourself how the fuck they have enough oxygen tanks and food and water for 3 men to survive in that little ass pod for even 3 weeks? they dont get to the moon in a day or even 1 week.

now lets talk waste disposal. you eat you shit thats the way the world works. that little ass pod has no room for proper waste management and they cant shit out of the window

your problem is that you think the space inside the pod you cant see that would be used houses all sorts of modern technology. and maybe even flat space. they need to breath they need to eat and they have to do it for about a month

of course an American would want you to think the moon landing happened, don't believe everything your government tells you just because it and you have a hate boner for Russia

Look at the physics from the first video and later videos, somethings off.

I mean, we did land on the moon, but there's a rather valid theory some stuff from the first mission was faked, BUT only due to film getting ruined in the van Allen radiation belts.

They sadly use some of this as "proof" it never happened.

Just like those who think the holocaust didn't happen because we have proof 6 million were not murdered (but realistically close to 2 million were).

Moon landing hoax is LITERALLY anti-white racism. Only niggers and commie jews push this conspiracy theory. They are just ass blasted that white people went to moon without any of thier help.

cant see the stars because of the same reason you can't see the stars during the day; the fucking sun is shining on them. had they landed on the far side some stars would have been visible; but not nearly as many since the moon is so much smaller than the earth so that much more sunlight is enveloping it from the other side.

>I mean, we did land on the moon
Stopped reading.

I am whiter than you will ever be. It is all television casualty folklore.

usually anti-americans push it which is clear because all the hate im getting is from Eurotrash and russkies. none of them have offered any good arguements. just hypotheticals.

I dont think its a matter of anti-white in this case.

Hey faggot why are you replying to me with this?

Your ego froth has mired you in abject confusion.


>Why would criminals take billions of dollars and lie to us

You got me OP. I don't see how anyone could do such a horrible thing.

Once they stopped just mumbling to jangling guitars they were terrible.

>what is budget oversight
>what are public records

you asked me to, presumably because your public education system consists of an old Turkroach that hasn't been paid in 7 years throwing textbooks from 1951 at you.

Did you even read a thing I wrote? I never claimed the landing and space program wasn't real, I claimed the footage was fake.

Maybe fake footage was released to dare russia and china to call bullshit, only to get BTFO by empirical evidence such as soil samples or moon rocks. Maybe they faked it to protect tradecraft and methods. Maybe they faked it to hedge there bets and they didn't want to televise the deaths of the entire team due to unforeseen circumstances in the moment of America pride.

There's a million and one reasons to fake footage, yet you're expected to pull the needle out of the haystack and solve every question that arises should you point out falsehoods elsewhere in the phenomena. It's sad how deeply the powers that be have trained you and the other sheep to self police and protect yourself from actual critical thinking

Most of NASA were all stewbum alcoholics.....that was the easy part as they were all trying to get another pay cheque without being shitcanned. The trickery was all done under the auspices of the then non-cabinet level DOE.

why no stars?

>I've been seeing a lot of anti-moon landing posts on Sup Forums lately which has me slightly worried.
"lately"? This shit has been around for decades. I havent noticed any sort of overall uptick in moon landing tinfoilers on Sup Forums recently, you're probably just experiencing frequency illusion.

Never happened...unlike your lengthy romance with state schools.

Whatever you say Satan.

Denying the moon landing is denial of the technical advancement of the Nazis

so if youre a moon truther then youre a liberal shill

Moon rocks all over Antarctica.....but lard rocks wobbling about the average Ameritard's obtuse gullible melon.

I own a small Hitler watercolour. You can fuck off now.

The telemetry data is proof we went to the moon

Like the full telemetry run through done as an exercise before the grand illusion?

Deniers usually say a probe planted them and cite examples of past Russian and American probes and unmanned modules.

For soviets the main goal of space race wast the moon, but stable satellite network. That's why they start spending much less money on Moon project than military shit like Almaz project and other militarization of space.
Basically orbital nuke platform was soviets' wet dream during that time.
Even N-1 rocket was designed to deliver space station Almaz to orbit, and only second purpose - moon mission.

He isn't talking about the retroreflectors which were unnecessary for successful signal return off the regolith.

The astronauts were all subjected to drugs and MKUltra mind control to convince them they went to the moon. They spent time in a simulator to aid this. It was not possible to send men that distance and back. The lander couldn't even come close to working on Earth. The extreme temperatures, radiation and micrometeorites would have killed them if they could have landed.

Machines can reach the lunar surface but man never has....but this rings a bit hollow to even the sedentary as a "so what".

watch everyone rationlize these simple facts with a number of retarded explanations. The fact is that faking it would've not only been infinitely easier then actually landing on the moon and lifting off from it again, but it would've given all the benefits without any of the hassle as well. Launch rocket, circle the earth a bit, and come back at the scheduled time, and nobody would be the wiser.

Von Braun was a proven liar (liked about when he joined the Nazi part and the SS) and he was also a war criminal. Why not lie for NASA? He claimed it would take several rockets to get to the moon as well as the need for a cave if they got there due to the extreme conditions. He changed his story later on orders from the Deep State.

Lied, not liked. Also, he went to Antarctica to collect meteorites to complete the ruse.

Still not as amusing as the ones who think we're gonna colonize other planets to deal with our ever growing rates of consumption, and be succesful in that endeavor.

>The moon landing happened
it did, there were no humans on board, though. and if there were humans on board, they received lethal doses of gamma radiation within 24 hours.

Anyone on earth could have tracked the orbiting capsule around the earth.

Like say, the fucking soviets.

They would have had SO MUCH political advantage in doing that.

Guess what? They never did, because men were fucking walking on the moon.

Moreover, google "Lunar Laser Ranging experiment". Armstrong and Aldrin put up a fucking miror on the surface of the moon, on which we could shoot a fucking lazer from earth. Guess what? It fucking came back!

Now explain how you can fake this experiment and I'll believe you.

could have been faked with a real unmanned satellite. weird that they managed to lose telemetry backup tapes

>be national hero returning triumphantly to earth after the greatest human achievement
>appear nervous, shifty and fumbling the press conference
>retire from NASA immediately afterwards, never speak about your adventure
>until president clinton flexes his "we gon kil ur family lol" muscle for the 25th anniversary
>still drop redpills in your speech
>"we parrots senpai"
>"pls remove truth's protective layers

I don't see why the moon landing is so hard to believe when the moon is only something like 260,000 miles away. Relatively small distance when dealing with conventional rockets, hilariously small distance on an astronomical level.

I just think people can't understand the math required to achieve a feat like that.

It was seen in Australia. Lunar laser ranging is a red herring because a retroreflector is not necessary and the Soviets deposited a French design there with an unmanned craft. Froth a bit more.

That is the most utterly absurd excuse I have ever heard. Congrats.

So many words and literally nothing of value said. Hidden figures indeed!

Russia had their eye on us the whole time. They would have called us on it.

It isn't that far off from the actual IRL circumstances.

Re-tread fuck off.

anyone fuck nut could've landed a probe there easily and planted a mirror, that doesnt prove a single fucking thing. It also would've been easy to put it on a flight path that was simply out of sight of the soviets. They occupy a fairly narrow band of real estate over the earths total volume.

>not understanding compressed gasses
>not understanding the point of the Service Module, which was primary life support, computation, and power
>not understanding all early spacecraft were derived from ICBM reentry vehicles, and small enough, simple guidance computers for weapons could already handle most of the basic navigational functions

They moon landing happened, but they were forced to never return there, reaserch Apollo 20

Why NASA hasn't been back:

1) somebody lost the map; they can't find the moon anymore...
2) aerospace technology has devolved so much since the 60's that lunar exploration is no longer possible....
3) since the Apollo 11 astronauts only saw darkness and no stars, there's nothing to see there....move along....
4) unlike the Mayflower, NASA wanted to wait at least 50 years for the sake of lunar ecology
5) space travel is elitist interplanetary racism, sexism. homophobia, islamophobia, etc.
6) global warming has increased the temperatures in the radiation belt; the tinfoil space suits might get crinkled and become unfashionable...

>Russia sees us faking the moon landing.
>Let's us win Space Race anyways.

Go back to sleep and stay there. It is better for all of us.

7) Congress didn't see any further use in going if Russia wasn't going to try to keep upping the ante.

fuck off finland jesus christ

Or they never went in the first place. I know its hard to admit when adults lied to you user, like that time you figured out santa wasnt real, but it happens.

You are a shining example of the illiterati. Re-read thread.

nice b8

Whinge more cunt....then take a MIDOL IV drip.


agreed, or worse, nearly all the moonrocks we've gifted to other countries come back as petrified wood. There really is an effort to lead people to the conclusion that we never went to the moon.

lel, moon rocks, how exactly are the other countries supposed to assess the composition of the moon if they've never been there?

I got some moon rocks for you right here

*whips out dick*

Taxpayer education and brilliantly dimwitted parenting...the post.

>NASA spent billions of dollars
They sure did.

So many billionaires; yet not a single one sends a "sputnik" ball with an Hd camera out there.

That's ducking suspicious.

Scared of the truth?

Dropping red pills now: we never stopped going to the join

I meant moon

Your failure to understanding physical phenomena in low-gravity environments and unusual visual phenomena on strange terrain does not concern me. Likewise, you miss the point of the space race: the biggest dick-measuring contest for weapons of mass destruction in human history. The space rocks were just the cherry on top of the most powerful and accurate weapons platforms ever devised.

I'm scared of what your diseased hovel of a room looks like.

billions of dollars and they couldnt even give the flag a shadow.

Of course it happened. Only commies deny it because they're butt hurt not having got there first or at all.