Race mixing

Red pill me on why race mixing is bad.
No larping edition.
Edge Lords need not reply
>Pic related

>I've been in a mixed race relationship for a while
>I believe every race has its happy share of idiots that should never breed
>I judge value in people by their intelligence

Other urls found in this thread:


1. Statistically you are much more likely to divorce.
2. Women pick and choose the things from their culture and your culture that benefits them most
3. Your kids won't look like you
4. Your kids will have no cohesive identity

Glad you're on board with eugenics though. Its something we definitely need to bring back.



two words



you play the fucking average.

literally the corner stone of civ.

the reason every woman ins't a slut is cuz we used to fucking stone them, etc.

I don't see how that's an issue¿

It's growing on me. My daughter is with a white guy thankfully and my son is with a really beautiful black girl from Trinidad. She is very different than an American black girl, cute accent, cooks really good food so I'm getting there.

Think about your family line. For generations, it has been white. If this continues in 30 the user family will not even resemble what it is today.

Also look up outbreeding depression if you want some purely biological reasons.

OP. If everyone race mixes, then eventually all the children of this Earth will not be white, they will not be black or Jewish or arab or asian, they will be simply "mixed" children.

If the trend of race mixing continues... it will eventually lead to a future where there are no whites or asians or jews or blacks, just "mixed" people. It will be a genocide that there is no coming back from. Sure, it won't be a hard genocide, but a soft genocide nonetheless: it inherently means that the white race, the jewish race, the asian race, etc... will be no more. They'll be gone forever.

We need to stop race mixing now while the situation is still salvageable to some degree. You need to do your part and be the change that you want to see, or our future will inevitably be one where all the races are gone forever, our human diversity will be gone forever, and the "mixed" will rule.

You must decide for yourself if you want to be like the scumfuck globalists, who's wet dream is a world without borders, a world where race-mixing is the norm, a world of genocide... Often these scumfuck globalists praise diversity, while also praising race-mixing... they are too fucking stupid and retarded to realize that you cannot have both. They can not co-exist.

Or if you are with the nationalists, who have the basic foresight to realize where a world where everyone race-mixes will eventually lead to.

Do you want diversity, or do you want race-mixing, OP? If you side with the globalists and continue to race-mix, I sincerely wish that you kill yourself

I know. That's why it's hard because I want grandchildren that look like us, my son looks just like me, and I would feel bad if they came out looking like Robert De'Niros kids, but I can't be an ass right now. He's young and they will break up when they go to different colleges next year, but still if his next gf is black I have to start mentally preparing for that.

Not quite. The Jews won't mix and Africa is going to outbreed everyone else so you'll end up with Jews and ~85 IQ mulatto peasants. Just smart enough to work, not smart enough to ask questions.

I would never allow any of my kids to date a nigger. I don't care how NAXALT they are, regression to the mean is reality. Mulatto kids will be average mulatto IQ.

you are contributing to the onset of globalism and death of all the races. If everyone race-mixes, all of the children will be like Robert DeNiro's kids, a bunch of mixed raced kids. There will be no diversity, no white and blacks, just mixed.

Standing up to race-mixing and being opposed to it is extremely socially unacceptable and might make you a social pariah... But stopping race-mixing is necessary for preserving our diversity.

You should tell your son to not race-mix.
But to make it more likely for him to take your advice, it should be clear that stopping race-mixing in the name of preserving diversity and the races is the true goal. As opposed to hating race-mixing because you hate niggers.

The jews are not immune from the social avalanche they have started. as shifty and manipulative as they are, they are still humans who are pressured by social norms

And even if you believe they have the hive-mind to only want to breed with each other, its still a moot point. Race-mixing will still inevitably lead to the end of the races

>no identity
>no purity
>playing into the jew's plans

Come on you fucking blue pilled fuck.

I think you should impress upon him the realities of race mixing. I would assume he has the same harmless impression of it that the masses do because that's quite a prevalent lie in today's society. The truth of the matter is that there are a multitude of both physical and psychological health issues that come with it.
It's not fair to your son or his potential wife to keep that knowledge from them to spare their feelings, it's even more unfair to the mixed children they might bring into the world.
You would not be an ass if you were to warn him against this outcome. In my opinion, that makes you nothing short of exceptional as a father. I obviously know nothing about your relationship with your son but if this is something that you think would drive a wedge between you after being brought up, I would say the best course of action is to do it anyway with as much tact as possible and bear the ire with stoicism.

I like to think I would do the same in this situation, but if the happiness of a child of mine and my relationship with him seemed to be at stake, it's hard to know how I would react.

I will say that giving your children the hard truths instead of taking the path of least resistance is what I think of as a Father's greatest duty and burden.

Nobody ever care about "race" except anglos. National identicy is more important.

Go back to Kazakhstan you steppe monkey

I've never read a more retarded and cancerous post

how sheltered can you get? The ignorance required to make such an absurdly incorrect post is mindboggling. Racial awareness and tribalism absolutely permeates every society on this earth you fucking retard. From the japs, koreans, and chinks in asia to the towelheads to the tribes of Africa. From the brits to the germanics to the slavs themselves. Why the fuck do you think Yugoslavia broke up? Its because the peoples of yugoslavia all kept to their own specific ethnicities, croatian/serb/bosniak, etc., rather than subscribe to the pan-slav national identity that Tito was shilling. Why the fuck do you think the Austrian empire was divided up the way it was?

Honestly how did you come to that conclusion? Just die

>racemixing is okay because muh dick

Its exactly the opposite. White people are the only race who have been memed into not caring.

>tfw you see a post so awful that you're overcome with apathetic disappointment at the impenetrable stupidity of so many people and another poster immediately reinvigorates your sense of righteous anger

Every sensible person that cares about the wellbeing of its country cares about race.

Race broughts cultural differences with it after all.

No, he's race mixing in defiance of the things I have said. My daughter took it to heart but he's just being a punk because he's 17 and likes to piss me off. Their relationship will not last, the girl's parents don't even know about it and I assume they would feel just like me.

hehe I know that feel

I always tell myself that we all have to do our little part, or the world will never change

Literally any race mixing with any other race is fine by me unless its with a nigger. Niggers are literal demons sent from the bowels of hell to make life hard for Gods humans. Niggers are subhuman parasites that must be destroyed. #sicklecell

how do i stop being triggered whenever i see a white man with a non-white woman?

How do I stop being triggered whenever I see a non-white man or woman?

Edgy as fuck

It's all about your children's IQ average.

Niggers have an average IQ of 85 and very low impulse control.

Spics have an average IQ of 90 and are very prone to mental illness.

You are destroying your children's future by marrying and breeding with these subhuman. Not to mention furthering Zionist Jew's white genocide agenda.

You can recreate white race even if everyone is mixed.
Just choose two people who have more white genes than average and in a few generations you have it again.

lmao it doesn't work like that

It works for extinct species. You extract it from its close relatives by artificial selection.

For youngfags the rule of the thumb is not to date anyone who will embarrass you. And also don't date anyone who you will embarrass.
Yes the house where thwy where raised is much more important than race

Gene editing of the future will provide whatever color or race, eye color etc.
Gene editing is already here, you're talking about a future that's 100+ years away, people will be able to be whatever they want by then.

Race mixing is not bad only culture is important. As long as your culture, the best culture, is passed and maintained there is no problem.

The thing is....burguers have no culture you see? Since they have no culture, they decided to make this "white" thing something to protect or cherish, instead of culture. Think about it, if you ask a burguer what "white" is, what will he answer? He will say it's european genes, customs, and culture. You see, they hate themselves so much they have to emulate and look up to another culture and people to feel superior. Don't kid yourself, culture is all that matters.

>Incorrect you'll be whatever someone else wants you to be.
>I think the whole gene splicing thing is missing a vital point.
>Once you have everything, whats left to strive for.

That's actually reassuring, makes it seem like just a phase.
I don't think I know a single man who didn't have a rebellious streak against his father during his teens but nearly every one of them has come to respect their fathers' advice during their twenties.
Good on you for trying, and especially for getting through to your daughter. The stubbornness of a rebellious male teen also comes with a measure of mental fortitude that I believe makes them harder to indoctrinate, while women are far more impressionable and in much greater danger of falling prey to such things without a good, strong male influence in their lives.

I know this all too well from how close my sister came to being caught up in some BLM nonsense through college friends before I got a chance to talk to her about it. Not to disparage my father, I have nothing but respect for him, but as an older brother I'm simply perceived by my sister as more approachable and understanding.

It would take a great deal of stupidity, or commitment to rebellion against you (or both) for your son to continue down this path in the face of dissenting advice.
Neither of which are common enough in our people to warrant too much worry.

You're a good dad, user. I wish you and your family the best of luck.

Well, as I understand it. Right now editing is possible before birth, but it will be possible during life. In 100 years, I think it can be done, that's what I've been seeing.

i dont think this needs to be said but it will never be the same, not to mention the situation should never get to the point where you have to rely on techniques like that to *potentially* revive a dead race. besides, if it got to that point, why would anyone even bother. the white's culture would be gone.

I think you're incorrectly assuming the impact that gene-mixing will have on society. itslikely to only be a fringe medical technique that people use, not only because of cost, but because everyone has been drilled to have an extremely negative reaction to eugenics and gene-tampering in general.

Kids will do whatever they feel the best considering how they were raised and their own experience. If you did it right, the next one will be better.

It would be the same if the guys who are doing the selection knows what they want. The genes are there you need but specific expressions of them. Of course it's not desirable but it's possible and probably if you guys ever establish a reich you might want to know about it.

>I think you're incorrectly assuming the impact that gene-mixing will have on society. itslikely to only be a fringe medical technique that people use, not only because of cost, but because everyone has been drilled to have an extremely negative reaction to eugenics and gene-tampering in general.

Fair enough. Though, the way we as humans have been advancing with very little regard to what we are doing, anything can happen. Gene editing for cosmetic purposes doesn't seem too far off, considering guys are getting their dicks cut up and stuffed up their abdomens today.

>culture is all that matters

>have nigger tier IQ but live in a good culture, i.e. a white school in the US
>have shitty test results

>have white tier IQ but live in a bad culture, i.e. ghetto
>still have better test results than the aforementioned nigger-tier IQ person

Huh, its almost as if culture is far from being the only thing that matters.

>.burguers have no culture you see?
Are you dense? We are the cultural center of the world. Our media is exported to all corners of the globe. Its like the joke where one fish asks another fish "how's the water?" The other fish replies, "what the hell is water?"

Just because you are swimming in American culture doesn't mean you should be such a simpleton that you can't even acknowledge it. The world is permeated in American culture, for better or worse.

> He will say it's european genes, customs, and culture. You see, they hate themselves so much they have to emulate and look up to another culture and people to feel superior.
That's what a european will also say when asked what "white" is you fucking retard. Acknowledging a fact of life is completely different from using it as a way to "feel superior." We are superior because we simply are, white countries are the most successful on the planet, we are the most advance of all the races, our superiority speaks for itself. Overall this post is really faggy


listen to this fully and understand

>jews and negro's are not your friends why do you want to breed them?

American "culture" and media that is controlled by (((them))).

You are the scourge of the world as much as sand niggers and crackers that colonized African countries and used mass immigration back then.

Mongrels tend to be butt ugly and have health problems

Yes, everyone passes for those phases. Sooner or later. It builds character.

Women also pass for those phases, but I think it's pretty different

I'm glad you brought up the topic. I may be you some years down the road, that is to say married and really settled into this relationship. And yet, similar questions have been eating away at me for nearly a year now. Been so bad I've even looked into religion as a way to rationalize going forward.

I have only ever seen white people and Jews care about race like this (and I know a lot of non-white people).

Sure, Muslims care a whole lot about religion, but they're happy to have people of other races marry into the faith. And lots of Asian parents don't want their kids to date blacks, but they're fine with them dating whites and don't agonize over preserving the Asian race.

Well i belive that as long its not on a huge scale its fine.

Also, I married a (US-born) Latina and the most flak she got from her family was some distant relative in family's home country saying she should have married a guy from over there so he could immigrate. No one cared about preserving mestizaje or whatever.

Nigger your flag says that's their is a 3/5 chance that you're already a nigger or a spic. No one cares about you, your mixed relationship or anything. Much like that they don't care that I'm a blue eyed blonde ausgod that you will no doubt say yes I actually am too. All lies. Have more mixed kids no one gives a fuck Mr 53%.

>I have only ever seen white people and Jews care about race like this (and I know a lot of non-white people).
Non-white people are incredibly more racist than whites, in general. where do you even live?

>but they're fine with them dating whites and don't agonize over preserving the Asian race.
The vast majority of asian populaces aren't in the situation that white people are in right now. They don't have massive foreign populations streaming into their country and messing with their demographics. Not to mention these asian countries usually have strict immigration policies, especially Japan. They work more towards preserving their internal demographics and ethnicities far moreso than white countries do.

I think your perception of non-white attitudes towards race has been marred by the fact that you probably only know and talk to non-whites who live in majority-white countries. Overall, 0/10 delusional worldview

>No one cared about preserving mestizaje or whatever.
uh.... That's because mestizos, by literal definition, are mixed raced. Mestizo is the term for part-spanish, part-indian descent. They are literal spanish rape babies. You can't worry about having mongrel children when you're already mongrels yourselves

>just dont give a fuck, its what the the kool kids do lmao
>apathy is so "in" my dudes xD
that 53% is going to drop down to 0% if race mixing continues you dumb fuck. have some foresight.

>And yet, similar questions have been eating away at me for nearly a year now
what questions are these even? i'm curious

it's only bad because sexually insecure cowards hate the fact that they have to compete with other races for the opposite gendered member of their own race.

take a black hating white racist male. when he sees a black man with a white woman, his impotent rage flares up. however, when he sees a white man with a black woman, you don't see the same kind of anger.

alternatively, when a white hating black racist male sees a black woman with a white man, he just loves to call her things like 'bed wench' and go after the white man's flaws. however, if you present him with a white woman who is with a black man, all of a sudden he's not so incensed.

these emasculated genetic failures only care insofar as they can't land a mate as it is, as further interracial competition only makes it harder. you can largely disregard them as they are limp dicked, chicken shit chumps.

Don't you think that might have something to do with the fact that whites are the only ones having the existence of their race threatened?
Other races are typically still the majority in their homelands. That is rapidly changing for white countries.

>If everyone race mixes
thats a pretty big fucking IF though. Why is it so readily assumed that the masses of racists, inbreds and supernerds with very limited options would race mix? Especially if numbers were actually noticeably declining, you would see massive social movements encouraging not mixing and people full of pride in keeping the "racial line" going, since it won't just be a fringe group of conspiracy theorists way jumping the gun and being super pre-emptive. For now, a beautiful new HAPA race is coming into existence, the biggest threat could be that they are so super attractive that people won't like the old "races" anymore. In that case, you just loosers asking for handouts in the genetic competition.

Look at national IQ data, read all of Darwin's work.

If you still think race-mixing is a good idea after that then go for it, you'd removing your low-intelligence genes from the gene pool.

really only gringos and 'natives' have such issues with race cus 'muh genetics' and 'teh inferior races'
people will fuck whoever they want to fuck and there's not much you can do to stop that

Nope, I find any kind of race-mixing absolutely vile. I've found it just as vile when I've been in a relationship as when I've been single.

Libertarians are the most impotent limp-wristed faggots out there. Strong dominant men enforce their will on others rather than hiding behind doctrines of non-aggression.

I have had a wife for 13 years. Race mixing is wrong because white people are going to go extinct and we are losing our culture. You can think that every one who hates race mixing is just a Nancy neck beard but that is just you being ignorant.

>thats a pretty big fucking IF though
Not really. Its a world-wide trend that the newer generations of people will be more and more liberal, less conservative, which inherently means more inclined to and tolerant of race-mixing, if not completely entranced with the concept of race-mixing. Not to mention, as more and more people become mixed-race, this inevitably means that everyone's potential spouse will be more likely to be mixed-race. More often than not, people generally get together with people who are available. Race-mixing is already on a sharp rise and it will only continue to rise.

>Why is it so readily assumed that the masses of racists, inbreds and supernerds with very limited options would race mix?
You're fooling yourself if you don't think the general zeitgeist is very progressive. There will of course be fringe holdouts of people, and of course it will take likely a century or even more for race-mixing to truly end the existence of a race, but it's still going to happen.

>Especially if numbers were actually noticeably declining, you would see massive social movements encouraging not mixing and people full of pride in keeping the "racial line" going, since it won't just be a fringe group of conspiracy theorists way jumping the gun and being super pre-emptive
The numbers already ARE noticeably declining. This is already our reality.

>genetically superior

Well you guys marry your cousins so that dose not surprise me.

Your son and his nigger-whore will hang.

notice how quickly the inbred moron is to get triggered by the facts. this low functioning coward does everything he can to run damage control and deny facts.

the impotent rage is very strong with this one.

this one seems to think that role playing on the internet and shifting the goal posts. will somehow refute a fact. his attempt to justify his little point by mentioning his "wife", which is probably the hand that he writes with, has done nothing to refute the point.

his projection of ignorance is also very telling. truly, these mouth breathing idiots are very predictable in their little damage control schemes.

>Non-white people are incredibly more racist than whites, in general. where do you even live?

I'm in the DC metro, and I really don't see non-whites being more racist than whites. And it's not just people I know personally. I'm a lawyer and my white clients who get in law suits with non-whites will often bust out racial epithets when they talk to me about the case. Non-whites never do that, and I've got Arabs suing blacks, Indians suing Chinese, etc.

>Not to mention these asian countries usually have strict immigration policies, especially Japan. They work more towards preserving their internal demographics and ethnicities far moreso than white countries do.
I'll give you that - take a look at Myanmar and what they're doing with the Rohingya and Indian Muslims there. But when they come to Western countries, they tend to fit in and care more about financial success and social status than preserving race boundaries.

But, he isn't wrong.

>some cuck pinwheel flag loving inbred thinks his little input contributed to refuting anything

this is definitely the degree of "intelligence"to be expected from a mentally challenged, puerile brat who thinks it's cool to worship a loser. yawn.

i'm mulatto and i have an IQ of 140. both of my parents have lower. what do you call that?
racial mixing = a world without racism
i am the first of the new world order.

Well yeah, I attribute white racism to 2 things. 1) at least in the Americas, we have a long history of using race as a caste system that puts us at the top of a society included a lot of nonwhites, and 2) that caste system is eroding and nonwhites are a big and growing part of population.

>Race-mixing [..] will only continue to rise.
Why though, if the things you claim are true? If it truly produces disgusting, genetically inferior, less intelligent or psychologically struggling people, then within a few generations these failures would become almost extinct due to barely anyone wanting to breed with them.

We might have socialism but there is not rules ensuring that undeseriables get to reproduce. If all they get is the other offcasts and undesireables then their racial line really isnt going anywhere.

If your precious pure racial lines are really that superior than they will be able to select and breed with only the other best (by your logic, also pure white), at least this is bound to be statistically true, if your theory about muh precious racial purity and genetic superiourity were actually correct.

finally you again ruin your own argument with this statement.
>genetically superior

If they are truly never either of these two then what are you fucking worried about? If your whole racial theory was in fact true, there is no threat to that pure race you consider superior.

tl;dr - if your fears over racial extinction are justified and correct, then your arguments for why this should be prevented are automatically not.

>Non-whites never do that, and I've got Arabs suing blacks, Indians suing Chinese, etc.
It would be absurd to say that just because they don't publicly voice some sort of distaste for people of other races, or at least voice their concerns to you, it does not mean that they don't harbor distaste for people of other races. And to an extent, racism towards other races is a topic that people only discuss with people of the same race. There's some things you only discuss with your in-group. Not to mention, they might not discuss racism with you because whites are known to get in a hissy-fit about racism (I'm assuming you're white?)

>they tend to fit in and care more about financial success and social status than preserving race boundaries.
I think its a trend that the people who tend to immigrate have a tendency to be more liberal and progressive-minded. This is especially true with Muslim immigration, many muslims immigrate to the west to escape their increasingly oppressive Muslim cultures in the middle east. Not to mention as a minority, its a reality that you won't find many other same-race people to be in a relationship with.

>what do you call that?
its either a lie or an outlier. Both change nothing about the big picture, which is what is actually important. lol.

It is a game of averages man, no one is saying everyone from race X is smarter than everyone from race Y, but it is just more likely for certain races to have more intelligent children than others.

100 facts about whites and blacks :


>If it truly produces disgusting, genetically inferior, less intelligent or psychologically struggling people
The less white or asian someone is, the less intelligent they will be, yes. This doesn't mean they'll become emaciated, stunted runts as you try to make it seem.

>We might have socialism but there is not rules ensuring that undeseriables get to reproduce
this is incoherent. most of your post is incoherent and full of incorrect and weird assumptions of what I believe to be true.

>If they are truly never either of these two then what are you fucking worried about?
They aren't going to become down-syndrome-tier ugliness because they are mixed race, obviously. This is all moot anyways since the fact of the matter is that race-mixing is only going to increase, and my personal thoughts towards race-mixed children are irrelevant to people who do want to race mix.

From the perspective of progressives, race-mixed children are just as equal as any other human, and they will act as such. Going back to your original response the rise of race-mixing is not a big IF, it's still a reality. And trying to attack my personal thoughts towards race-mixed children doesn't change that at all. Try again

This is an obvious shill post.
Just look at the repeated use of common terms like "damage control", "projection", "triggered", etc.
Even a cursory glance at the context will reveal that they are being used awkwardly at best, and completely erroneously at worst.
Quite clearly a pathetic attempt at infiltration through mimicry.
No doubt his replies will be similarly devoid of awareness.

>people who disagree with me must have some sort of mental complex that makes them delusional or insane! i have to be right, therefore people who disagree with me are literally insane!
This is you rn

blah blah blah shill, blah blah blah get out of my safe space, blah blah blah i lack the capacity for individual thought. same old bullshit, different directionless retard.

his feelings don't mean shit when it comes to refuting facts; this angers him to a comical degree that is typical of the usual cuckold pinwheel worshiping moron.

>13 posts by this ID

so. much. whining. this one is DEFINITELY worth having a laugh at.

case in point.

>being so desperate for attention from his superiors that he just keeps on bitching and whining for the responses he has an unhealthy obsession with

i'll toss him a free reply, but it doesn't change the fact that he's still too stupid to refute anything. (not that facts can be refuted, but this is still true nonetheless.)

The biggest problem with race mixing is outbreeding depression caused by the breakdown of coadapted gene complexes that have evolved over time in divergent populations. Hybrid vigor does occur, but only in the F1 generation. Hybrid breakdown or outbreeding depression begins to occur in subsequent generations.

In the following link, you'll read that when two populations of boodies (separated for only 10,000 years) were crossed, scientists feared that the offspring would be affected by the breakdown of coadapted gene complexes:

In the next link, you'll read that when two subspecies of lions were crossed, it created retarded offspring:

More links about race mixing:

Think I cherrypicked these? Search "coadapted gene complexes" on Google and see what you find.

ironically, your posts make you seem more detached from reality and good sense than the people you are attacking

notice how the emotional child tries to use big boy words to refute something, yet still manages to fail miserably.

Interesting point you make there.
As a man, I'd try to get as many pussy as possible, while not being cucked. But actually, unless I'm cucked by some beta I wouldn't have that "mate within your own" mentality, but a "guys, mate whoever you can, and don't let any outsider mate"

>he thinks those are big boy words
Oh, sweetie...

I guess this explains alot though

>this continued desperation for some kind of validation

very telling and laughable. this one is quickly becoming boring and predictable, which is a tell tale sign of someone who just HAS to hear himself talk.

>The less white or asian someone is, the less intelligent they will be
haha, lmao, life truly as simple to you, isn't it. By that logic, you, i am assuming you must be somewhat pure white (at least by american standards, rofl), you must be of superior intelligence, yet your lack of reading comprehension and the stuff you write, or rathe the arguments you regurgitate, point to the opposite. You have once again disproven your own argument within your own post. Well done!

>rise of race-mixing is not a big IF, it's still a reality.

That may be but I argued over whether it will CONTINUE to rise, hence leading to an extinction of "pure races". Foolish me trying to get into a discussion with an ameritard. Make sure you keep those precious superior racial genes of yours protected, user, though i suspect you will not be given opportunities to pass them on, taking them to the grave with you - probably by enlisting in some retarded race war and fighting to the death for your cause ; )

Seriously though, why attack those getting sex and having children? Why not target those millions of pure permavirgins or those too autistic and internet scarred to actually produce offspring? Why not do something proactive, like helping your fellow racial purists actually become desireable to the women who don't choose you, instead of just coming off as a angry, bitter and somewhat dim (not to mention desperate) looser - which are all, btw, huge turnoffs to women.

>inb4 the white women should be brainwashed to find undesirables like me attractive - immigration is increasing genetic competition, we should send them all back so me and my looser buddies have a chance again!

>I judge value in people by their intelligence
This part is funny, considering you are a fucking idiot

Awkward mimicry of things beyond single words or phrases such as the more complex concept of ridiculing a perceived obsession with replies. Better, but still just awkward mimicry.

Another more complex tactic but, once again, improperly used. The imprecise ridicule of diction.
Interesting also that this post begins with the word "notice" just as a previous one did and follows the same tone.
I think the limit of this formulaic posting is about to be reached if it hasn't already.

Word salad best salad

>top B8s 2k17

Lads, why reply

>still desperately vying for the attention of his superior

what's particularly funny/pathetic is that this inbred retard thinks i'm actually reading or giving a damn about his inability to cope with his impotent rage.

>haha, lmao, life truly as simple to you, isn't it. By that logic, you, i am assuming you must be somewhat pure white (at least by american standards, rofl), you must be of superior intelligence
Whites and Asians have statistically higher IQ's than the rest of the races. So yes, statistically, I am likely to be smarter than people of other races.

>, yet your lack of reading comprehension
You need to learn proper english my man. You actually didn't write coherent sentences.

>You have once again disproven your own argument within your own post
Even if I was a sub-80 IQ retard, my arguments don't change at all. My own intelligence is irrelevant because my arguments entirely revolve around trends and generalizations rather than specifics. I shouldn't need to tell you this, retard.

>why attack those getting sex and having children
Are you dumb? I believe that race-mixing will inevitably lead to the genocide of races if the tendency to race-mix continues to rise. My reason is abundantly clear. Why do I need to keep repeating myself for you?

>over whether it will CONTINUE to rise
You have stated literally nothing in support of the idea that the trend will stop rising. You just bathered on about my own personal beliefs towards race-mixed children and weird ad-hominems.

Anyways, the rest of your post is more of those weird cringy ad-hominems and memes so come back with a mature response please

>By that logic, you, i am assuming you must be somewhat pure white (at least by american standards, rofl), you must be of superior intelligence
Whether or not you're right about the poster in question, you have made an incorrect leap in logic here.
The very concept of a mean intelligence implies that some will be above average and some will be below, so no individual can be held up as proof or refutation.

Even pic related raped a White bitch to "teach her a lesson" about race mixing.
Get with the fucking current year.

> asks for mature response on Sup Forums

Grade B kek

Also /user/,

Are you merely concerned with IQ reduction soft genocide as a product of race-mixing, or are there other concerns that you share?

Ask a race mixed mexican anything.


I know that, whether or not you comprehend what I'm saying at all, you cannot break your facade and will continue with these ill-conceived posts regardless.

Know that you have given me a white pill today though.
I've seen it said that any infiltrator who delves deep enough will inevitably be drawn to our side, leaving only the inept and ineffectual on the other.
You are a shining example among many others who have solidified this fact in my mind.