Catholics degeneracy is destroying the west.
From pope washing refugee feet to him opposing nationalists to the constant boy fucking by Catholics is making me sick.
Why are Catholics such degenerates?
These people need to be purged.
Why are Catholics such boy fuckers?
Catholics are idolatrous pagans
We must prevent any more Catholic temples from being built
Whip any Catholic
And ban catholic publications
Forgot to mention that it was Catholics i.e. Ted Kennedy who opened the immigration flood gates for non Europeans to the US.
Don't insult our based pagan ancestors by comparing them with Catholics. Pagans would have long removed all the Kabob invaders from their homeland.
Catholic priests are boy fucking, Muslim guys are boy fucking and theres no shortage of Jew pedophiles
(I almost typed pesophiles anons Freudian slip?)
I think it says more about Abrahamic religion than anything else.. sexual repression is a hell of a drug
Pagans were homos who should all be hanged
So the Europeans before Christianity i.e. 1000 years ago were all homos? The great Roman empire was all homos? You have been brainwashed to hate your own roots.
A lot were, romans had naked men statues and were fags
> The great Roman empire was all homos?
Lol yeah and the Greeks too
Who doesn't want to fuck young boys though?