Fuck you, you lying piece of shit. Who do you think is responsible for the violence against whites? Who do you think is responsible for the violence against the police? You spread your hate and your lies and you divisiveness to wreck nations, whites and police are assaulted everyday because you spread your lies and hate, fuck, you. Fuck you so much.
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Clap !
>Jewfrey Goldberg
Don't forget Steve Scalise.
While these media cunts are whining about potential threats, they've been inciting violence that has already had real world consequences.
Have they no shame?
>we know they don't
I have a tape I got from my then girlfriend who was an NBC producer of Katie Couric drunk and coked up dancing like an utter whore at their holiday party. It's only 3-4 minutes but she puts on quite a show while everyone around her is totally bug-eyed at her getting her superfreak on.
OK OK, I know we started it with our unfair coverage of Trump, and I know that our hateful rhetoric unfactual narrative against police has directly resulted in deaths, and I know that unhinged leftists have directly targeted republicans, and I know that there's videos on the internet of people attacking trump supporters yelling "fuck trump", and I know we've spread anti-white propaganda and there are videos on the internet kidnapping and torturing white people saying "fuck white people", but seriously what if a journalist hypothetically gets attacked? Then who is to blame?
Do they own a mirror?
This is just a veiled threat. He's saying you know you should but if you do it will hurt Trump
Trump is 100% right, the media is an enemy of the people. The media is a large reason why the left has been victorious over the cultural battle since the 1950s. The media shapes public perception, and public perception gets votes. We must start by reclaiming the media.
Poor little MSM vol. 235787
>speech related
[Antisemetic cheek-pouches intensify]
You tell em
They are like that REALLY ANNOYING drunk ho at a party... who gets rejected by the alpha chad of the venue because even though she's only a 6/10 with hours of makeup and the sluttiest designer apparel $2k could buy.... he laughed at her in front of everyone...
so she mkes up a giant narrative and story about how he wined and dined her... and told her how she was the sexiest piece of gash at the hole event.... and then RAPED HER... (because she is a good gorl and was saving it 4 marriage!!)
no one believes it... but they wont say so because that would make them a
so they say... "yeah m8... Chad must've raped that poor slag!"
THAT is how the (((media))) runs all their stories... and they have the GALL to file them under
rather than
strange days we live in....
>making this coment and not producing the evidence that you are NOT a fucking lying faggot fishing for pathetic (You)'s on a Geriatric Mongolian Macrame forum...
Redpill me on Cronkite.
>(((Jeffrey Goldberg)))
>Redpill me on Cronkite
>def Gerbilist
>not sure if Cronkike tho
Shit's packed away I dumped her 10 years ago. Let me see if I have some snaps from it.
every fucking time
By this metric, the media is responsible for Islamic terrorism and the assassination attempts and rioting pre and post-election
lEFTie needs to become a thing: a Literal Every Fucking Time-ie.