explain to me why civilians need access to automatic weapons? you cant. hunting and target shooting are better done with bolt/lever/pump action firearms. its time for sensible gun control here in the states. how many more dylan roofs and supreme gentlemen do we need to witness before something is done?
Repeal the second
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This is bait but you can't buy automatic weapons. Also, dylan roof did nothing wrong
If anything Trump should repeal the automatic ban, nice bait tho fag.
semi-automatics are still automatic, geniuses.
Actually you can, but you'd have to get a class 3 license, and that basically means you're the ATF's bitch whenever they want. Also with the exception of dealer samples no civilian automatic weapon has been produced since 1986.
If you're mentally handicapped, sure.
It's their god given right as an American citizen you filthy cuck.
>you can't buy automatic weapons
dank get, leaf.
You're wrong though. You can get them, you just need to fill out the proper paperwork and pay a fucking fortune.
I don't need both kidneys but I'll be good god damned if I'm gonna give one up to a progressive cucked faggot
Wellll, depends on your definition of a fortune and where your priorities lie....
Gas yourself the reason is so we don't become like Europe and they aren't fucking automatic weapons.
Only certain FFL persons and LEO'S can have automatic weapons.
Saged and reported for being an ignorant retard and spamming off topic
Are you a shill or just retarded? Do you find satisfaction reposting the same shit day after day? How does it feel knowing that shitposting on a Polynesian beanie baby collecting forum is the most exciting thing youll ever do and no one will miss you when you die?
Unless you're on an NFA trust or have an NFA permit you can't buy automatics. Also I have one and I own some. Are you going to take them?
Yeah, I meant in the sense that you can't just go and buy one from a store.
rule 7, kiddo
settle down, cletus. after drumpf is finished you and billybob will hand over your precious ARs like the good little cucks you are.
Nope. Get fucked. You literally can't do anything about it.
Stay mad.
Speaking of shit you can't go and get in a store - do you still see SVT-40's for sale up there???
So is this guy trying to see how hot he can get a gun before shit breaks?
>the bill of needs
Spotted the potato.
Yeah, it's from a channel called Iraqveteran8888, he's done meltdown videos on a bunch of different types. You'd be surprised how well a bog-standard M4 holds up.
Second amendment isn't about hunting it's about tyrannical government, we need the same weapons they have, no this doesn't apply to tanks and shit because tanks can't be used effectively to impose martial law on a city.
If I had the money, I would buy every man, woman & child in america an M2 Browning & a vehicle mounting kit just to piss you off.
>you cant. hunt
If you have the cash and a clean record nothing is beyond your reach if you're determined enough.
Yeah, except our founding fathers wanted responsible, productive, and politically active citizens that could defend themselves from tyranny. They did not want to create a servile state of dependents. If you are against the right of Americans to arm themselves against tyranny, then you are being a terrible citizen.
Check them digits, It must be true.
We don't have access to automatic weapons.
Great, another one of these idiots....
To defend against mobs like these faggots:
You know nothing about open bolt and closed bolt gas-operated rifles. Please get the fuck out.
The sheepdogs of the civilian militia shall continue.
>Being this fucking retarded
I'd tell you turn learn some shit and go to /k/ but fuck off we're full
have you ever played a single video game ever?
I fucking hate Yank's who shit all over their heritage with threads like this what part of "Shall not be Infringed" don't you understand?
open or closed bolt makes no difference. anything that ejects + chambers + fires with single trigger pull is automatic. fucking 2A retards dont know shit about their own manchild hobbies.
>Implying OP's heritage is anything more than 2nd generation immigrant.
>sensible gun control
Yes please, let's rule assault weapon bans unconstitutional. That's sensible.
To kill politicians and their defenders when the Constitution gets thrown out the window. The fear of which has kept the politicians to slowly eroding away our rights instead.
Basically, it kept America around long enough to become a world wide empire.
i somehow doubt that you are you actually this retarded
I hope you volunteer to pick up the guns.
There's a difference between automatic and auto loading shitnigger
Once you're accepted as a citizen the constitution is your heritage
A well regulated Militia, *automatically ignored* being necessary to the security of a free State, *dangling clause or participle; the comma there, makes no sense* the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. *generic statement that helps nothing*
kill yourself and livestream it faggot
I can't wait til I can execute you for treason, and any family member that tried to hide you too!
Sure. That definition fits if you lived at the turn of the century. In the modern day which we fucking live in automatic delineates firing until either the feed system is depleted or the trigger is released. Semi-automatic is on shot per trigger pull. Unironically kys faggot.
Now this is a new kind of leaf, one that we may scrapbook instead of simply rake away. Checked.
Interesting what happened to your vertical fore-penis on your AR?
>after drumpf is finished you and billybob will hand over your precious ARs like the good little cucks you are.
you idiot, we need the ARs to fight drumpf.
It's the same faggot in the "Is blocking traffic as a form of protest an act of terrorism" thread.
Being belligerent is not the same as being intelligent.
and I would vote for you...
Airsoft guns don't count as ARs
>ejects + chambers + fires
Christ, is that really what you think the cycle of operations is?
the /out/ in me is so triggered right now...
Good idea. We need to repeal the automatic weapons ban. Thanks.
No Mk.19? :(
explain why i dont need it, you cant
Niggers, liberals, kikes. These three groups of chaos, and calculating evil, must eventually be exterminated.
>anything that ejects + chambers + fires with single trigger pull is automatic
dumbass, and also open-bolt designs are considered machine guns and NFA regulated as such.
thats right, move the goalpost after getting BTFO drumpfie.
poor bait
Nice flag change libcuck faggot
kek...ya got me.
I am 100% aware this whole thread is bait but here
>explain to me why civilians need access to automatic weapons?
Hang them over the fireplace. Amateur study of military history. Support weapons in militias sword to protect the constitution. To trade in free markets. To earn a living repairing and maintaining them. A billion reasons which are under the US constitution not your right to decide on. As regards the rest of your shite cars are now use in mass killings. Suppose you want to ban garages now?
Your steering wheel must only turn 15% because some lunatic drove a car into a crowd. That is literally your logic OP.
you fucking idiot...we're on the verge of fascism and you want to DISARM the people? I hope you end up in a camp.
There needs to be more www.IDPA.com 5 gun masters. All of them great citizens. I also highly recommend reading Massad Ayoob's work.
To make the US impervious to invasion at the lowest level.
To design better ones to sell. To fire tracer safely into the sky as modern art. When are you banning vehicles that when driven can kill people OP? WHEN?
>sensible gun control
Explain to me why you think that "sensible" gun control is a thing, then I'll tell you why people should have access to automatic weapons.
While my bolt carrier group is one made for full auto, my AR cannot fire fully auto and is still limited to one bullet per squeeze of the trigger.
>explain to me why civilians need access to automatic weapons?
how are you going to fight in the marxist revolution without them, comrade?
High-capacity assault truck of peace? You bring forth good points, all citizens should be required to own a semi-automatic 308 so as to have a chance at stopping vehicular jihad
It's to stop the plastic melting really is what you are trying to say but people who own guns made of steel and wood can still have full auto right?.
Nobody needs a whiney little entitled snowflake either yet here you are.
Hope you get raped by a pack of niggers.
so basically any gun. K fuck off with your Draconian Eu anit gun laws
There's no good answer on either side really
>Pro Gun
We need it for protection against any form of tyranny and criminals with illegal guns!
>Anti Gun
Get them off the streets to limit the amount of mass shootings, background checks do virtually nothing for a new individual who wants to commit a crime!
1) Dylan roof did not have an automatic weapon
2) Civilians need automatic weapons to kill tyrants. Hunting and target shooting are not the purposes for which a militia is assembled.
On both cases you are misrepresenting the facts of reality.
>High-capacity assault truck of peace?
automatic gearboxes in cars make evil spree killers more lethal. Ban them. Ban bleech and amonic because the two together make a lethal gas used in ww1 trenches. Ban hair dyes, nail polish remover, ban streaming video used by radicals. Ban CNC machines and lathes. Ban everything OP. Ban people.
Fuck off, failtroll
Sage goes in all fields.
>anything that ejects + chambers + fires with single trigger pull is automatic.
this may be true according to the media, but it is not true acccording the BATFE.
you're a victim of fake news.
No need to ban all people, just dangerous assault mudslimes.
I'm as pro 2a as they come, but this is just an opinion survey.
While law enforcement officers are at risk and their opinions matter, what matters more is the data.
The data shows that handguns are the biggest murder weapons in the US.
Ban screwdrivers and knives and machetes and antique swords. Ban comic with violence in them. Ban anyone who does not take a mind numbing tranquilizing drug, then ban the drug. If people do not need guns then why do the authorities?
My gun as it is is capable of full auto, it is just illegal to own a fully automatic weapon.
WTF now I hate guns!
>The data shows that handguns are the biggest murder weapons in the US.
You know here in Ireland we had the strictest gun laws in the world and they did not impede terrorists or psychopaths one bit.
>My gun as it is is capable of full auto, it is just illegal to own a fully automatic weapon.
Did its plastic melt?
The only answer needed is the people's right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
What's your take on people who openly sell petrol? It is used in petrol bombs. Ban Petrol.
Ban Ban Ban. Fuck yourself OP. You represent idiocracy
>shall not be infringed
You are the greatest Irishman of all time
alright i cant banter with you faggots all night. telling me to kill myself is not an argument. drawing false equivalences is not an argument. strawmanning is not an argument. adhom is not an argument. youre lucky the NRA exists because if you morons had to represent the 2A community directly you would have lost your guns decades ago.