Are the US, Russia, and Israel the new Axis Powers?
Are the US, Russia, and Israel the new Axis Powers?
what a time to be alive
This tells you everything you need to know about Drumpf
Keen to see how people here justify this
They're allies, only losers get labeled Axis Powers.
>Implying Russia, Israel and Japan and China aren't the only other countries that matter.
Because Obama let the world walk over us.
who exactly did this propaganda poll survey? refugees?
Do (((they))) not even realize that they are creating WW2 all over again? Surely this will wake people up.
Lmao no, delusional kikes.
Ask yourself, have you ever met a Russian who doesn't hate Jews? Seriously. Every Russian I've ever met in my life hated Jews more than Arabs do, for some reason.
Russia will never unironically join sides with Israel except maybe as a temporary measure. Putin might decide its in his interest, but Russian people will overwhelmingly always hate the Jews and support Syria/Assad.