Why are boomers obsessed with dumb things?

>pic related

She's been dead for 20 years!!

probably since their children were her age, and because absurd amounts of media coverage

I wish I had a daughter so I can browse rule34 of her favorite cartoon character with.

That girl looks alright, I've seen cuter.

>starts jon benet thread

Yeah but it's not like she's the only child to ever go missing. Kids go missing all the time.

so who did it?

The family dog.

Who's better, Maddie or Jonbenet?


Good thing there's nothing more relevant in our lives than a 20 year old murder case.


>dead for 20 years
Umm no sweetie, Katy Perry is still a chart topping success

>She's been dead for 20 years!!

And unlike you will, she didn't die a virgin.

Top kek.

they are from Asia, learn to geography, gay amerifat

>this butt pirate calling anyone else gay
listen here faggot, they are moose limbs and those cucks are so cucked they have to mutter "asian" in their quiet cuck babble so as to not cause anymore of the moose limbs to blow up

>drad for 20 years
Katy perry is still alive, at least for now.

The autistic brother bashed her over the head then the family covered it up.

who the hell is this bint? I somehow missed this

That's katheryn hudson aka katy perry before the faked death and mkultra

You missed nothing

checked. Maddie is a qt.

give me sauce schnell

>She's been dead for 20 years
← this poor bastard's been dead 2000 years
What's your point?