Bill Gates didn't allow cell phones until his kids turned 14:
Your Age?
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12, was given to me in case of emergency. Pic related was my first phone, still have it, though don't use it.
Same here. My mother were giving me phone only when I was attending the school trips as a kid. I got 1st legit phone when I was 13 or 14.
What is "age"?
i'm with age user. time is an illusion and you are a bigot.
is that styx?
Got my first Nokia when I was 10
Couldn't do much on it other than play music
got my 1st phone at 13
pic related in 2007
I got one at 15, but I ran up a huge bill talking to some hoe out of state and got it taken away. Got myself one at 18 and been paying $50 bucks for unlimited until now, and im 26. Wait, how is this political?
same as first post
got it at 12, for possible emergency
i got my 3310 at 9
First phone when I was 16
got my first nokia when i was 6
Same but @13
Discussing the ramifications of allowing our youth unrestricted access to borderline or in some cases outright brainwashing media is a very politicized topic.
Kids should not be given phones (unless they're basic call/text old nokia types) until they can afford them on their own as they should know better by then, and honestly the kid might be bullied but they will learn the value of non-conformity and outside thinking while dodging the tumblrite shit of experimentation with gender spectrum or hair dye
I got a phone once I turned 16
Seems like kids in elementary school have them now desu
Got one of these when I was 13. Yes I'm an old fag.
I got my Samsung Galaxy Ace (fucking garbage) at 15.
My little brother got his first one at 13...
Same, and I still have the same number to this day. But the EU cucks are trying their best to ban prepay SIM cards now. Fuck.
22, I didn't really need it earlier. Actually I didn't really need it after either, only about five years later it became a necessity.
Nowadays you may think it's hard to do anything without a cell phone, but it's only because you're too used to the convenience; cell phones weren't really widespread around here until I was in high school, so before that people would just phone each other from home and set up meetings and other stuff in advance.
i see elementary school kids in the stores with iphones while their parents are shopping or talking on their own phone. its degenerate and explains the crisis we will have in about 50 years when these faggots grow up and gain power in society
No, we are not. We are somewhere inbetween.
But this is a green piece of shit though. We are arguing politics with kids these days. Fucking lovely.
My first phone. Better than the 3310, imo
I didn't have a cell phone until I was 25. It was a Galaxy S2.
Yes I'm only 19.
I never really "wanted" a cellphone, but my parents made me take an old flipphone with me when i got my drivers license.
I had an ipod touch since i was 14 though, and was messing with old PALM pda's that i got from the staples recycle bin and soldered new batteries in them since i was 10.
why does he have a really small arm?
Maybe it's because he didn't want his kids to become JEW'd? just a thought..
I got my first phone when i was 13 in 2002, it was a shiity siemens thing. It was just for emergencies. Then i got a 3310 and would talk to my gf for so long it would get hot as fuck ajd you could feel the radiation eminating from it.good times.
morality of a dark age
Get on my level. This phone was considered the best there was at the time when I got it.
And you could use it as an emergentcy self defece weapon too, featuring a hard and pointy antenna, and the phone and battery both being heavy enough to knock someone out.
I remember there being campaign posters saying that you shouldn't carry phones around your neck or in chest pockets, as they can cause heart diseases. Fun times.
nobody had a mobile phone when I was 13, so you're not that old
I got a Nokia brick from my mother when i started secondary school, just in case.
>elementary school kids in the stores with iphones
and niggers don't rob them?
Old fag here.. my first 5110, bought it just to text a promiscuous slut wife when I was 18, never got to hit that ass though.. still afraid to turn it on... might have fucking insane messages on it. Oh yeah, I pimped it out with a chrome faceplate.
First phone when I was 17 and I bought my own.
My parents didn't really believe in buying us shit.
I got a 3330 at 13 or 14 I don't remember. It was 2001/2002.
got my first phone at 20
If I dug through the attic I could find my MicroTac I got when I was 24, I'm so fuckin old............
>I got when I was 24
That doesn't make you *that* old.
I think my old man has one of these somewhere too. A fucking brick.
14 is still too young for a phone in my opinion.
First phone was at 18 and it wasn't even a smart phone.
I see kids with ADHD symptoms and impulse control which in my opinion comes from the nature of the modern day smart phone. Instant gratification in a box.
I got my first cell phone at 10. It was a cheap Tracfone brand one, and I only got enough "airtime" in the off chance I'd need it when I was out and about. I wish I could find the model but (((google))) isn't turning up anything. I think I honestly only used it a handful of times.
my first phone was public phone
At 15. Too soon. If they had held off for another two years I would have studied and got into a good college instead of wasting my time and becoming a worthless NEET. But my persistence to destroy my own future convinced them. At least I know not to give my children these things, if I ever have children.
I bet you're 1989+
How do we stop phone degeneracy going forward?
First smart phone at 5 years old.
Snapchat and Younow accounts by age 7.
Twerking videos on Instagram, twitter and vine by 9.
'Make up' videos and totally nonsexual ASMR from 10 to 18.
Straight to Chaturbate and Twitch from then on out.
This is the fate awaiting all white girls, and everyone is still completely asleep.