Should the government introduce a strict, centralized form of architecture and ban everything that is too modernist or degenerate, even if buildings loose function with this (like in NatSoc Germany or in the Soviet Union during Stalin's rule)?
Architecture Thread
Because I don't think pic related is ok at all.
Btw, who really is an architect here?
No. People should be educated, and good culture should be financed. That way it will happen on its own. Straight-up government mandates don't do shit.
I've only read stories about architect schools.
>First year architect students doing a tour around Budapest and checking out buildings built in different styles
>The last one is a brick covered commiebox
>Well kids, do you like this building?
>That's the problem. Once you finish the university, you will like them.
Yes, they should.
>Straight-up government mandates
So far the government support of modernism looks very effective.
Post-modernism is when a modernist does not want people to fugure out his work is cancer. Picrelated a postmodernist abomination.
The Seven Sisters were built in an architecture style that was forced by the government and now they are among the most iconic buildings of Moscow
No one is teaching the original fathers of modern architecture. Somehow it got cooped by the (((international style))).
This. As much of a liberal hellscape as NYC is, people stood up after seeing places like Penn Station be destroyed; although they were too late to save Penn Station sadly.
fucking commies man
They are rebuilding the Garrison Church in Potsdam which was heavily damaged during WW2 and later demolished by the commie regime.
It is being financed with donations so maybe Sup Forums can help out.
The lefties are vehemently opposed to the reconstruction because a) its a church and b) Hitlers inauguration as chancellor of Germany in 1933 took place in the church.
You can donate here:
But the government is mandating post-modernism, and tearing down traditional structures?
This pic, why? Bombing or something?
>Should the government introduce a strict, centralized form
>strict, centralized
not true, government mandates is how paris was built for example
soviet empire style is based, but it only looks good within XX century. if you compare it to XIX century architecture it will lack beauty
This is how the church looked like before the war.
you know whats worse? commies literally made new part of Belgrade across river in 50's and they built things like pic related
Still plenty of nice buildings standing at least.
>degenerate building
So is it black and steals shit? I think you guys are really pushing it when it comes to these strange mind games you play on this korean knitting board.
One of the good ones.
Don't be sad about what's lost, but celebrate what we have.
absolutely, but it should be based on the building's purpose imo
The domes was damaged in WWII, but it was in repairable condition.
But the commies decided to fuck up the entire castle instead, in the name of renovation, they've smashed ornaments and statues to pieces. Even after 1989, you could find giant statue pieces lying around the castle district.
Numerous buildings were demolished around the castle, and the castle itself was gutted out (even though the luxurious rooms were in good condition, evena fter the bloody siege of 1944-45).
Such style is called Ampir or empire style
There are new buildings in such style. They are beautiful and made from high-quality materials
Is a lot of the netherlands like this?? fuck it seems so comfy
A Nightmare
I got mad just reading that.
these don't look bad at all
Yeah, for how long?
>building next to the Palace of Westminster were demolished in the 90's
Reds should be shot on sight. I can't believe some countries still have a communist party.
>for this
The fucked up roof wants to represent the Victorian era's Gothic chimneys (according to the fuckwit who designed this building)
That's so fucking nice.
And it just shows when you have something that looks good and is old people will look after it to make it better.
Bryter dead than red
Well in the case of most buildings here, they're protected as historical landmarks. Sometimes they're also retrofitted for other purposes such as This used to be the police building but it now houses high end apartments.
Facade that will never be built again.
Is this one of those Chinese towns where they tried to recreate a foreign town and went so over the top it seems like a movie set?
It looks like giant pile of concrete shit
People that live in places like this are pretty lucky.
My hometown has a lot of 19th Century British style buildings but much of it has been replaced.
Actually, that's Socialist Realism (or Stalinism).
It looks similar to Empire style though.
Is it true that Socialist Realism is having a comeback in Russia? I'm talking about pic related.
Architectural PE here. Love these threads. Fuck kikes.
another victim of WWII
Oh, AE911TRUTH.ORG too
Of course, don't want you to have a sense of culture and place, that would be racist.
Government just finances this, and various architectural boards, academia, cultural organizations etc. get the money, it's not exactly strictly government-mandated. If literally every senior architect that has a say in it had decent traditional values, you'd see something else entirely. If government was subverted to only finance bullshit, clearly the entire architectural establishment of a country could band together and lobby against it.
What I was really getting at with government mandates is that they automatically make the opposite of what's mandated subversive and cool and you get the constant push-and-pull between the "establishment" and the "young mavericks" so to speak, which actually does work but only if they're both two sides of the same overarching cultural coin, not when one aims to destroy everything (so again, education).
The Singer Building was also a historical landmark, yet they've demolished it in the 1980s.
what is infuriating is that compared to some of the sharp edged and impossible angle architectural monstrosities being build, a classical buildings with straightforward plans can be made cheaply and easily, further more employ local craftsmen and artists
Look up Cologne Barbarossaplatz before after if you want to rage
Hopefully mods won't deport this thread to the Gulag of Sup Forums aka /bant/
jesus christ, that is beautiful as fuck
Absolutely, I have total respect for the mason craftsmen of old; even small details at the tops of churches you're never likely to see, painstakingly done. Then these days you get things like pic related.
You're only nostalgia about the past because there's nothing good in the present then how about learn to make beautiful glass skyscrapers from the Arab people?
Potsdamer Platz is worse
Cities usually approve/disapprove most building projects based on arbitrary reasons. We just have the wrong people.
>tfw I live here
Here's an interesting tidbit of information on Birmingham. Most of its old buildings were destroyed in the 60's and 70's by a man called Herbert Manzoni. He felt that old buildings were worthless because they kept people thinking about the past. He knocked them all down and replaced them with modernist and brutalist buildings thinking that future generations would thank him.
'I have never been very certain as to the value of tangible links with the past. They are often more sentimental than valuable... As to Birmingham’s buildings, there is little of real worth in our architecture. Its replacement should be an improvement... As for future generations, I think they will be better occupied in applying their thoughts and energies to forging ahead, rather than looking backward.'
> introduce a strict, centralized form of architecture and ban everything
You miss Soviet era much, don't you?
Those buildings are interesting to look at but they aren't appealing or "beautiful".
As far as I know it just narrowly escaped being labeled a landmark; demolition started in 1967.
the thing about that is a skyscraper is a skyscraper wherever you place it, if you could magically re-shuffle skyscrapers around from each cities, people would hardly notice, the things do not belong in countries with architectural traditions, or at least do not belong within a naked eye view around the old towns
Look how futuristic the Al Bidda Tower is. European might have overestimated themselves. Why do you still live in the past, European?
>Glass skyscraper
pick one.
Building on the left looks like a giant condom and building on the right is a big "D"
No, it's Alsace, which used to be part of our country untill the 11th century, but now it's in France.