Why the fuck are you still watching porn?
Didn't you know that it's a piece in the Jewish puzzle to destabilize the west?
Why the fuck are you still watching porn?
Didn't you know that it's a piece in the Jewish puzzle to destabilize the west?
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What about literary erotica?
That's better because it still leaves it up to your imagination and it's nothing compared to what porn offers.
Honestly, I haven't really looked into that at all, I just know how damaging porn can be.
Google it faam
I know but the Jews won this battle long ago. I have jerked off to internet porn almost daily since I was 10 and now I'm 20. I have no clue how to break it it's just something I do at least once a day. Before bed I like to rub one out to some porn. Never had a gf, too scared to talk to the girls on my Tinder and Snapchat contact list, too scared to even talk to my oneitis when she started texting me again. Why? Because I figured I could just jerk it to porn because it's easier, and I do that. And it's ruined me. And I watch more and more degenerate shit to get off. It fucks with your brain and makes you an addict and gives you such a dopamine rush you eventually become numb to it. I can't stop, the kike bastards won.
Stop being a faggot or swap that flag.
How do I defeat the Porn jew
Dude, I was doing it like 3/4 times a day at one point PLUS smoking a shit tonne of weed so my brain was being hit hard with all the pleasures.
That was a year ago and now I've stopped smoking weed as much, I go to the gym, got a good job and have went 9 days without porn and masturbating.
I could barely even talk to girls, the thought of going to work or talking to girls made me anxious. Now it actually pleases me to think about these things and I think about how I can act upon these situations.
You just need to slowly ween yourself off of it. It took me like 2 months to gradually reduce the number of times I'd watch porn and masturbate and then all of a sudden I'm here.
Download some attachments for your browser that can block specific pages and specifically porn. I also blocked images on Google too just in case porn comes up.
Seriously. Start making the change now. You are the conscious decider of your mind and body, don't let your urges win. You're far stronger and a lot more capable than that.
>I can't stop
Why people can't control themselves? just don't do it is that simple
I was a smoker, and I laugh at people that tell me quitting is hard, wtf all you have to do is literally not do it.
Same shit with fat fucks that can't stop gorging soda or shit food. DUDE all you have to do is not doing it.
It's not hard, it doesn't require any skill it's literally that easy, take fucking responsibility of your actions.
I'm happy I'm old enough to have missed the porn free for all. I watch it now, though trying to stop, but when I was a teenager in the 90s it was all about trying to find a vhs or rubbing one out to Parade magazine. It wasn't great. Now basically you're basically what has happened(no disrespect). It's a serious problem. Next sex robotics.