What's the most debatable/important historical topic in your country? In Belgium it's WW1, becasue our poor cunt was bullied by Germany and we like to white about it a lot WW1 topic usually overshadows WW2 here What about your countries?
What's the most debatable/important historical topic in your country? In Belgium it's WW1...
Lucas Johnson
Other urls found in this thread:
Camden Nelson
The Great Emu War, youtube.com
Justin Torres
Adrian Jenkins
Latvian partisans, I guess?
Nathaniel Baker
Most important is WW1. What most think is debatable is Aboriginals. What actually is debatable is ending the White Australia policy.
Landon Wood
WW2 and the 1960 immigration of non white people
Jordan King
I hate you wallonyians I prefer flemish and Germanic Belgians.
Charles Harris
what's wrong with them?
btw, really wonder about ur cunt
Brayden Bailey
roman era, renaissance and modern era, 20th century Italy
Gavin Barnes
Who's the seem deem?