What's the most debatable/important historical topic in your country? In Belgium it's WW1...

What's the most debatable/important historical topic in your country? In Belgium it's WW1, becasue our poor cunt was bullied by Germany and we like to white about it a lot WW1 topic usually overshadows WW2 here What about your countries?

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The Great Emu War, youtube.com/watch?v=w9G6WCsfoow , the women in the video pronounces emu wrong and its really goddamn annoying


Latvian partisans, I guess?

Most important is WW1. What most think is debatable is Aboriginals. What actually is debatable is ending the White Australia policy.

WW2 and the 1960 immigration of non white people

I hate you wallonyians I prefer flemish and Germanic Belgians.

what's wrong with them?

btw, really wonder about ur cunt

roman era, renaissance and modern era, 20th century Italy

Who's the seem deem?