Quick question Sup Forums (No troll edition)

Why/Do you think India is relevant in world politics?

Will it become better or worse in future?

Whom do you hate more Chinks or Pajeet?

pls poo on me

wanna be frendzzz???

sharukhannne makes my jimmies wet. pls respond


Is what lovecraft wrote about india true?
That its subhuman population exploded before the aryans could establish a caste system and now ia the worlds biggest toilef

I thought we already were

you are a conquered nation.

your country will become like the west better in terms of wealth but also degenerate like the west

definitely i hate chinks more

his Indian not a German

>Do you think India is relevant in world politics?

>Will it become better or worse in future?
While it seems like the only way to go is up, India consistently surprises.

>Whom do you hate more Chinks or Pajeet?
hello dis is stebe from microsopt, you hab a birus on your computah

You're right.
>hello dis is stebe from microsopt, you hab a birus on your computah
Is that true or just an exaggerated meme?